
3814 lines
132 KiB

// expresses order in the URL as well as type
const param_types = {
// settings
"eye-gaze-mode": "bool",
"vertical-color-box-mode": "bool",
"speech-recognition-mode": "bool",
// sessions
"local": "string",
"session": "string",
"load": "string",
const exclusive_params = [
function get_all_url_params() {
const params = {};
location.hash.replace(/^#/, "").split(/,/).forEach((param_decl) => {
// colon is used in param value for URLs so split(":") isn't good enough
const colon_index = param_decl.indexOf(":");
if (colon_index === -1) {
// boolean value, implicitly true because it's in the URL
const param_name = param_decl;
params[param_name] = true;
} else {
const param_name = param_decl.slice(0, colon_index);
const param_value = param_decl.slice(colon_index + 1);
params[param_name] = decodeURIComponent(param_value);
for (const [param_name, param_type] of Object.entries(param_types)) {
if (param_type === "bool" && !params[param_name]) {
params[param_name] = false;
return params;
function get_url_param(param_name) {
return get_all_url_params()[param_name];
function change_url_param(param_name, value, { replace_history_state = false } = {}) {
change_some_url_params({ [param_name]: value }, { replace_history_state });
function change_some_url_params(updates, { replace_history_state = false } = {}) {
for (const exclusive_param of exclusive_params) {
if (updates[exclusive_param]) {
exclusive_params.forEach((param) => {
if (param !== exclusive_param) {
updates[param] = null; // must be enumerated (for Object.assign) but falsy, to get removed from the URL
set_all_url_params(Object.assign({}, get_all_url_params(), updates), { replace_history_state });
function set_all_url_params(params, { replace_history_state = false } = {}) {
let new_hash = "";
for (const [param_name, param_type] of Object.entries(param_types)) {
if (params[param_name]) {
if (new_hash.length) {
new_hash += ",";
new_hash += encodeURIComponent(param_name);
if (param_type !== "bool") {
new_hash += ":" + encodeURIComponent(params[param_name]);
// Note: gets rid of query string (?) portion of the URL
// This is desired for upgrading backwards compatibility URLs;
// may not be desired for future cases.
const new_url = `${location.origin}${location.pathname}#${new_hash}`;
try {
// can fail when running from file: protocol
if (replace_history_state) {
history.replaceState(null, document.title, new_url);
} else {
history.pushState(null, document.title, new_url);
} catch (error) {
location.hash = new_hash;
function update_magnified_canvas_size() {
$canvas.css("width", main_canvas.width * magnification);
$canvas.css("height", main_canvas.height * magnification);
function update_canvas_rect() {
canvas_bounding_client_rect = main_canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
let helper_layer_update_queued;
let info_for_updating_pointer; // for updating the brush preview when the mouse stays in the same place,
// but its coordinates in the document change due to scrolling or browser zooming (handled with scroll and resize events)
function update_helper_layer(e) {
// e should be passed for pointer events, but not scroll or resize events
// e may be a synthetic event without clientX/Y, so ignore that (using isFinite)
// e may also be a timestamp from requestAnimationFrame callback; ignore that
if (e && isFinite(e.clientX)) {
info_for_updating_pointer = { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY, devicePixelRatio };
if (helper_layer_update_queued) {
// window.console && console.log("update_helper_layer - nah, already queued");
} else {
// window.console && console.log("update_helper_layer");
helper_layer_update_queued = true;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
helper_layer_update_queued = false;
function update_helper_layer_immediately() {
// window.console && console.log("Update helper layer NOW");
if (info_for_updating_pointer) {
const rescale = info_for_updating_pointer.devicePixelRatio / devicePixelRatio;
info_for_updating_pointer.clientX *= rescale;
info_for_updating_pointer.clientY *= rescale;
info_for_updating_pointer.devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio;
pointer = to_canvas_coords(info_for_updating_pointer);
const scale = magnification * window.devicePixelRatio;
if (!helper_layer) {
helper_layer = new OnCanvasHelperLayer(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height, false, scale);
const margin = 15;
const viewport_x = Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification - margin, 0));
// Nevermind, canvas, isn't aligned to the right in RTL layout!
// const viewport_x =
// get_direction() === "rtl" ?
// // Note: $canvas_area.scrollLeft() can return negative numbers for RTL layout
// Math.floor(Math.max(($canvas_area.scrollLeft() - $canvas_area.innerWidth()) / magnification + canvas.width - margin, 0)) :
// Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification - margin, 0));
const viewport_y = Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollTop() / magnification - margin, 0));
const viewport_x2 = Math.floor(Math.min(viewport_x + $canvas_area.width() / magnification + margin * 2, main_canvas.width));
const viewport_y2 = Math.floor(Math.min(viewport_y + $canvas_area.height() / magnification + margin * 2, main_canvas.height));
const viewport_width = viewport_x2 - viewport_x;
const viewport_height = viewport_y2 - viewport_y;
const resolution_width = viewport_width * scale;
const resolution_height = viewport_height * scale;
if (
helper_layer.canvas.width !== resolution_width ||
helper_layer.canvas.height !== resolution_height
) {
helper_layer.canvas.width = resolution_width;
helper_layer.canvas.height = resolution_height;
helper_layer.width = viewport_width;
helper_layer.height = viewport_height;
helper_layer.x = viewport_x;
helper_layer.y = viewport_y;
render_canvas_view(helper_layer.canvas, scale, viewport_x, viewport_y, true);
if (thumbnail_canvas && $thumbnail_window.is(":visible")) {
// The thumbnail can be bigger or smaller than the viewport, depending on the magnification and thumbnail window size.
// So can the document.
// Ideally it should show the very corner if scrolled all the way to the corner,
// so that you can get a thumbnail of any location just by scrolling.
// But it's impossible if the thumbnail is smaller than the viewport. You have to resize the thumbnail window in that case.
// (And if the document is smaller than the viewport, there's no scrolling to indicate where you want to get a thumbnail of.)
// It gets clipped to the top left portion of the viewport if the thumbnail is too small.
// This works except for if there's a selection, it affects the scrollable area, and it shouldn't affect this calculation.
// const scroll_width = $canvas_area[0].scrollWidth - $canvas_area[0].clientWidth;
// const scroll_height = $canvas_area[0].scrollHeight - $canvas_area[0].clientHeight;
// These padding terms are negligible in comparison to the margin reserved for canvas handles,
// which I'm not accounting for (except for clamping below).
const padding_left = parseFloat($canvas_area.css("padding-left"));
const padding_top = parseFloat($canvas_area.css("padding-top"));
const scroll_width = main_canvas.clientWidth + padding_left - $canvas_area[0].clientWidth;
const scroll_height = main_canvas.clientHeight + padding_top - $canvas_area[0].clientHeight;
// Don't divide by less than one, or the thumbnail with disappear off to the top/left (or completely for NaN).
let scroll_x_fraction = $canvas_area[0].scrollLeft / Math.max(1, scroll_width);
let scroll_y_fraction = $canvas_area[0].scrollTop / Math.max(1, scroll_height);
// If the canvas is larger than the document view, but not by much, and you scroll to the bottom or right,
// the margin for the canvas handles can lead to the thumbnail being cut off or even showing
// just blank space without this clamping (due to the not quite accurate scrollable area calculation).
scroll_x_fraction = Math.min(scroll_x_fraction, 1);
scroll_y_fraction = Math.min(scroll_y_fraction, 1);
let viewport_x = Math.floor(Math.max(scroll_x_fraction * (main_canvas.width - thumbnail_canvas.width), 0));
let viewport_y = Math.floor(Math.max(scroll_y_fraction * (main_canvas.height - thumbnail_canvas.height), 0));
render_canvas_view(thumbnail_canvas, 1, viewport_x, viewport_y, false); // devicePixelRatio?
function render_canvas_view(hcanvas, scale, viewport_x, viewport_y, is_helper_layer) {
const grid_visible = show_grid && magnification >= 4 && (window.devicePixelRatio * magnification) >= 4 && is_helper_layer;
const hctx = hcanvas.ctx;
hctx.clearRect(0, 0, hcanvas.width, hcanvas.height);
if (!is_helper_layer) {
// Draw the actual document canvas (for the thumbnail)
// (For the main canvas view, the helper layer is separate from (and overlaid on top of) the document canvas)
hctx.drawImage(main_canvas, viewport_x, viewport_y, hcanvas.width, hcanvas.height, 0, 0, hcanvas.width, hcanvas.height);
var tools_to_preview = [...selected_tools];
// Don't preview tools while dragging components/component windows
// (The magnifier preview is especially confusing looking together with the component preview!)
if ($("body").hasClass("dragging") && !pointer_active) {
// tools_to_preview.length = 0;
// Curve and Polygon tools have a persistent state over multiple gestures,
// which is, as of writing, part of the "tool preview"; it's ugly,
// but at least they don't have ALSO a brush like preview, right?
// so we can just allow those thru
tools_to_preview = tools_to_preview.filter((tool) =>
tool.id === TOOL_CURVE ||
tool.id === TOOL_POLYGON
// the select box previews draw the document canvas onto the preview canvas
// so they have something to invert within the preview canvas
// but this means they block out anything earlier
// NOTE: sort Select after Free-Form Select,
// Brush after Eraser, as they are from the toolbar ordering
tools_to_preview.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.selectBox && !b.selectBox) {
return -1;
if (!a.selectBox && b.selectBox) {
return 1;
return 0;
// two select box previews would just invert and cancel each other out
// so only render one if there's one or more
var select_box_index = tools_to_preview.findIndex((tool) => tool.selectBox);
if (select_box_index >= 0) {
tools_to_preview = tools_to_preview.filter((tool, index) => !tool.selectBox || index == select_box_index);
tools_to_preview.forEach((tool) => {
if (tool.drawPreviewUnderGrid && pointer && pointers.length < 2) {
tool.drawPreviewUnderGrid(hctx, pointer.x, pointer.y, grid_visible, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y);
if (selection) {
hctx.scale(scale, scale);
hctx.translate(-viewport_x, -viewport_y);
hctx.drawImage(selection.canvas, selection.x, selection.y);
if (!is_helper_layer && !selection.dragging) {
// Draw the selection outline (for the thumbnail)
// (The main canvas view has the OnCanvasSelection object which has its own outline)
draw_selection_box(hctx, selection.x, selection.y, selection.width, selection.height, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y);
if (textbox) {
hctx.scale(scale, scale);
hctx.translate(-viewport_x, -viewport_y);
hctx.drawImage(textbox.canvas, textbox.x, textbox.y);
if (!is_helper_layer && !textbox.dragging) {
// Draw the textbox outline (for the thumbnail)
// (The main canvas view has the OnCanvasTextBox object which has its own outline)
draw_selection_box(hctx, textbox.x, textbox.y, textbox.width, textbox.height, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y);
if (grid_visible) {
draw_grid(hctx, scale);
tools_to_preview.forEach((tool) => {
if (tool.drawPreviewAboveGrid && pointer && pointers.length < 2) {
tool.drawPreviewAboveGrid(hctx, pointer.x, pointer.y, grid_visible, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y);
function update_disable_aa() {
const dots_per_canvas_px = window.devicePixelRatio * magnification;
const round = Math.floor(dots_per_canvas_px) === dots_per_canvas_px;
$canvas_area.toggleClass("disable-aa-for-things-at-main-canvas-scale", dots_per_canvas_px >= 3 || round);
function set_magnification(new_scale, anchor_point) {
// anchor_point is optional, and uses canvas coordinates;
// the default is the top-left of the $canvas_area viewport
// How this works is, you imagine "what if it was zoomed, where would the anchor point be?"
// Then to make it end up where it started, you simply shift the viewport by the difference.
// And actually you don't have to "imagine" zooming, you can just do the zoom.
anchor_point = anchor_point ?? {
x: $canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification,
y: $canvas_area.scrollTop() / magnification,
const anchor_on_page = from_canvas_coords(anchor_point);
magnification = new_scale;
if (new_scale !== 1) {
return_to_magnification = new_scale;
update_magnified_canvas_size(); // also updates canvas_bounding_client_rect used by from_canvas_coords()
const anchor_after_zoom = from_canvas_coords(anchor_point);
// Note: scrollBy() not scrollTo()
left: anchor_after_zoom.clientX - anchor_on_page.clientX,
top: anchor_after_zoom.clientY - anchor_on_page.clientY,
behavior: "instant",
$G.triggerHandler("resize"); // updates handles & grid
$G.trigger("option-changed"); // updates options area
$G.trigger("magnification-changed"); // updates custom zoom window
let $custom_zoom_window;
let dev_custom_zoom = false;
try {
dev_custom_zoom = localStorage.dev_custom_zoom === "true";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (error) { }
if (dev_custom_zoom) {
$(() => {
left: 80,
top: 50,
opacity: 0.5,
function show_custom_zoom_window() {
if ($custom_zoom_window) {
const $w = new $DialogWindow(localize("Custom Zoom"));
$custom_zoom_window = $w;
$w.$main.append(`<div class='current-zoom'>${localize("Current zoom:")} <bdi>${magnification * 100}%</bdi></div>`);
// update when zoom changes
$G.on("magnification-changed", () => {
$w.$main.find(".current-zoom bdi").text(`${magnification * 100}%`);
const $fieldset = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main);
<legend>${localize("Zoom to")}</legend>
<div class="fieldset-body">
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-1" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+1 1" value="1"/><label for="zoom-option-1">${display_hotkey("&100%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-2" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+2 2" value="2"/><label for="zoom-option-2">${display_hotkey("&200%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-4" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+4 4" value="4"/><label for="zoom-option-4">${display_hotkey("&400%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-6" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+6 6" value="6"/><label for="zoom-option-6">${display_hotkey("&600%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-8" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+8 8" value="8"/><label for="zoom-option-8">${display_hotkey("&800%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-really-custom" value="really-custom"/><label for="zoom-option-really-custom"><input type="number" min="10" max="1000" name="really-custom-zoom-input" class="inset-deep no-spinner" value=""/>%</label>
let is_custom = true;
$fieldset.find("input[type=radio]").get().forEach((el) => {
if (parseFloat(el.value) === magnification) {
el.checked = true;
is_custom = false;
const $really_custom_radio_option = $fieldset.find("input[value='really-custom']");
const $really_custom_input = $fieldset.find("input[name='really-custom-zoom-input']");
$really_custom_input.closest("label").on("click", (event) => {
$really_custom_radio_option.prop("checked", true);
// If the user clicks on the input, let it get focus naturally, placing the caret where you click.
// If the user clicks outside it on the label, focus the input and select the text.
if ($(event.target).closest("input").length === 0) {
// Why does focusing this input programmatically not lead to the input
// being focused ultimately after the click?
// I'm working around this by using requestAnimationFrame (setTimeout would lead to a flicker).
// What am I working around, though? Is it my os-gui.js library? It has code to focus the
// last focused control in a window. I didn't see that code in the debugger, but I could've missed it.
// Debugging without time travel is hard. Maybe I should attack this problem with time travel, using replay.io.
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Maybe this would all be a little simpler if I made the label point to the input.
// I want the label to have a larger click target, but maybe I can do that with CSS.
if (is_custom) {
$really_custom_input.val(magnification * 100);
$really_custom_radio_option.prop("checked", true);
$really_custom_radio_option.on("keydown", (event) => {
if (event.key.match(/^[0-9.]$/)) {
// Can't set number input to invalid number "." or even "0.",
// but if we don't prevent the default keydown behavior of typing the letter,
// we can actually change the focus before the letter is typed!
// $really_custom_input.val(event.key === "." ? "0." : event.key);
// $really_custom_input.focus(); // should move caret to end
// event.preventDefault();
// If you tab to the number input and type, it should select the radio button
// so that your input is actually used.
$really_custom_input.on("input", (event) => {
$really_custom_radio_option.prop("checked", true);
$fieldset.find("label").css({ display: "block" });
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
let option_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='custom-zoom-radio']:checked").val();
let mag;
if (option_val === "really-custom") {
option_val = $really_custom_input.val();
if (`${option_val}`.match(/\dx$/)) { // ...you can't actually type an x; oh well...
mag = parseFloat(option_val);
} else if (`${option_val}`.match(/\d%?$/)) {
mag = parseFloat(option_val) / 100;
if (isNaN(mag)) {
} else {
mag = parseFloat(option_val);
}, { type: "submit" });
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
function toggle_grid() {
show_grid = !show_grid;
// $G.trigger("option-changed");
function toggle_thumbnail() {
show_thumbnail = !show_thumbnail;
if (!show_thumbnail) {
} else {
if (!thumbnail_canvas) {
thumbnail_canvas = make_canvas(108, 92);
thumbnail_canvas.style.width = "100%";
thumbnail_canvas.style.height = "100%";
if (!$thumbnail_window) {
$thumbnail_window = new $Window({
title: localize("Thumbnail"),
toolWindow: true,
resizable: true,
innerWidth: thumbnail_canvas.width + 4, // @TODO: should the border of $content be included in the definition of innerWidth/Height?
innerHeight: thumbnail_canvas.height + 4,
minInnerWidth: 52 + 4,
minInnerHeight: 36 + 4,
minOuterWidth: 0, // @FIXME: this shouldn't be needed
minOuterHeight: 0, // @FIXME: this shouldn't be needed
$thumbnail_window.$content.css({ marginTop: "1px" }); // @TODO: should this (or equivalent on titlebar) be for all windows?
$thumbnail_window.maximize = () => { }; // @TODO: disable maximize with an option
new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
const entry = entries[0];
let width, height;
if ("devicePixelContentBoxSize" in entry) {
// console.log("devicePixelContentBoxSize", entry.devicePixelContentBoxSize);
// Firefox seems to support this, although I can't find any documentation that says it should
// I can't find an implementation bug or anything.
// So I had to disable this case to test the fallback case (in Firefox 94.0)
width = entry.devicePixelContentBoxSize[0].inlineSize;
height = entry.devicePixelContentBoxSize[0].blockSize;
} else if ("contentBoxSize" in entry) {
// console.log("contentBoxSize", entry.contentBoxSize);
// round() seems to line up with what Firefox does for device pixel alignment, which is great.
// In Chrome it's blurry at some zoom levels with round(), ceil(), or floor(), but it (documentedly) supports devicePixelContentBoxSize.
width = Math.round(entry.contentBoxSize[0].inlineSize * devicePixelRatio);
height = Math.round(entry.contentBoxSize[0].blockSize * devicePixelRatio);
} else {
// Safari on iPad doesn't support either of the above as of iOS 15.0.2
width = Math.round(entry.contentRect.width * devicePixelRatio);
height = Math.round(entry.contentRect.height * devicePixelRatio);
if (width && height) { // If it's hidden, and then shown, it gets a width and height of 0 briefly on iOS. (This would give IndexSizeError in drawImage.)
thumbnail_canvas.width = width;
thumbnail_canvas.height = height;
update_helper_layer_immediately(); // updates thumbnail (but also unnecessarily the helper layer)
}).observe(thumbnail_canvas, { box: ['device-pixel-content-box'] });
$thumbnail_window.on("close", (e) => {
show_thumbnail = false;
// Currently the thumbnail updates with the helper layer. But it's not part of the helper layer, so this is a bit of a misnomer for now.
function reset_selected_colors() {
selected_colors = {
foreground: "#000000",
background: "#ffffff",
ternary: "",
function reset_file() {
system_file_handle = null;
file_name = localize("untitled");
file_format = "image/png";
saved = true;
function reset_canvas_and_history() {
undos.length = 0;
redos.length = 0;
current_history_node = root_history_node = make_history_node({
name: localize("New"),
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_blank.png"),
history_node_to_cancel_to = null;
main_canvas.width = Math.max(1, my_canvas_width);
main_canvas.height = Math.max(1, my_canvas_height);
main_ctx.fillStyle = selected_colors.background;
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
current_history_node.image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
function make_history_node({
parent = null,
futures = [],
timestamp = Date.now(),
soft = false,
image_data = null,
selection_image_data = null,
text_tool_font = null,
icon = null,
}) {
return {
function update_title() {
document.title = `${file_name} - ${is_pride_month ? "June Solidarity " : ""}${localize("Paint")}`;
if (is_pride_month) {
$("link[rel~='icon']").attr("href", "./images/icons/gay-es-paint-16x16-light-outline.png");
if (window.setRepresentedFilename) {
window.setRepresentedFilename(system_file_handle ?? "");
if (window.setDocumentEdited) {
function get_uris(text) {
// parse text/uri-list
// get lines, discarding comments
const lines = text.split(/[\n\r]+/).filter(line => line[0] !== "#" && line);
// discard text with too many lines (likely pasted HTML or something) - may want to revisit this
if (lines.length > 15) {
return [];
// parse URLs, discarding anything that parses as a relative URL
const uris = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// Relative URLs will throw when no base URL is passed to the URL constructor.
try {
const url = new URL(lines[i]);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (e) { }
return uris;
async function load_image_from_uri(uri) {
// Cases to consider:
// - data URI
// - blob URI
// - blob URI from another domain
// - file URI
// - http URI
// - https URI
// - unsupported protocol, e.g. "ftp://example.com/image.png"
// - invalid URI
// - no protocol specified, e.g. "example.com/image.png"
// --> We can fix these up!
// - The user may be just trying to paste text, not an image.
// - non-CORS-enabled URI
// --> Use a CORS proxy! :)
// - In electron, using a CORS proxy 1. is silly, 2. maybe isn't working.
// --> Either proxy requests to the main process,
// or configure headers in the main process to make requests work.
// Probably the latter. @TODO
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51254618/how-do-you-handle-cors-in-an-electron-app
// - invalid image / unsupported image format
// - image is no longer available on the live web
// --> try loading from WayBack Machine :)
// - often swathes of URLs are redirected to a new site, and do not give a 404.
// --> make sure the flow of fallbacks accounts for this, and doesn't just see it as an unsupported file format.
// - localhost URI, e.g. "" or "http://localhost/"
// --> Don't try to proxy these, as it will just fail.
// - Some domain extensions are reserved, e.g. .localdomain (how official is this?)
// - There can also be arbitrary hostnames mapped to local servers, which we can't test for
// - already a proxy URI, e.g. "https://cors.bridged.cc/https://example.com/image.png"
// - file already downloaded
// --> maybe should cache downloads? maybe HTTP caching is good enough? maybe uncommon enough that it doesn't matter.
// - Pasting (Edit > Paste or Ctrl+V) vs Opening (drag & drop, File > Open, Ctrl+O, or File > Load From URL)
// --> make wording generic or specific to the context
const is_blob_uri = uri.match(/^blob:/i);
const is_download = !uri.match(/^(blob|data|file):/i);
const is_localhost = uri.match(/^(http|https):\/\/((127\.0\.0\.1|localhost)|.*(\.(local|localdomain|domain|lan|home|host|corp|invalid)))\b/i);
if (is_blob_uri && uri.indexOf(`blob:${location.origin}`) === -1) {
const error = new Error("can't load blob: URI from another domain");
error.code = "cross-origin-blob-uri";
throw error;
const uris_to_try = (is_download && !is_localhost) ? [
// work around CORS headers not sent by whatever server
// if the image isn't available on the live web, see if it's archived
] : [uri];
const fails = [];
for (let index_to_try = 0; index_to_try < uris_to_try.length; index_to_try += 1) {
const uri_to_try = uris_to_try[index_to_try];
try {
if (is_download) {
$status_text.text("Downloading picture...");
const show_progress = ({ loaded, total }) => {
if (is_download) {
$status_text.text(`Downloading picture... (${Math.round(loaded / total * 100)}%)`);
if (is_download) {
console.log(`Try loading image from URI (${index_to_try + 1}/${uris_to_try.length}): "${uri_to_try}"`);
const original_response = await fetch(uri_to_try);
let response_to_read = original_response;
if (!original_response.ok) {
fails.push({ status: original_response.status, statusText: original_response.statusText, url: uri_to_try });
if (!original_response.body) {
if (is_download) {
console.log("ReadableStream not yet supported in this browser. Progress won't be shown for image requests.");
} else {
// to access headers, server must send CORS header "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: content-encoding, content-length x-file-size"
// server must send custom x-file-size header if gzip or other content-encoding is used
const contentEncoding = original_response.headers.get("content-encoding");
const contentLength = original_response.headers.get(contentEncoding ? "x-file-size" : "content-length");
if (contentLength === null) {
if (is_download) {
console.log("Response size header unavailable. Progress won't be shown for this image request.");
} else {
const total = parseInt(contentLength, 10);
let loaded = 0;
response_to_read = new Response(
new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
const reader = original_response.body.getReader();
function read() {
reader.read().then(({ done, value }) => {
if (done) {
loaded += value.byteLength;
show_progress({ loaded, total })
}).catch(error => {
const blob = await response_to_read.blob();
if (is_download) {
console.log("Download complete.");
$status_text.text("Download complete.");
// @TODO: use headers to detect HTML, since a doctype is not guaranteed
// @TODO: fall back to WayBack Machine still for decode errors,
// since a website might start redirecting swathes of URLs regardless of what they originally pointed to,
// at which point they would likely point to a web page instead of an image.
// (But still show an error about it not being an image, if WayBack also fails.)
const info = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
read_image_file(blob, (error, info) => {
if (error) {
} else {
return info;
} catch (error) {
fails.push({ url: uri_to_try, error });
if (is_download) {
$status_text.text("Failed to download picture.");
const error = new Error(`failed to fetch image from any of ${uris_to_try.length} URI(s):\n ${fails.map((fail) =>
(fail.statusText ? `${fail.status} ${fail.statusText} ` : "") + fail.url + (fail.error ? `\n ${fail.error}` : "")
).join("\n ")}`);
error.code = "access-failure";
error.fails = fails;
throw error;
function open_from_image_info(info, callback, canceled, into_existing_session, from_session_load) {
are_you_sure(({ canvas_modified_while_loading } = {}) => {
if (!into_existing_session) {
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave old session
reset_canvas_and_history(); // (with newly reset colors)
main_ctx.copy(info.image || info.image_data);
transparency = has_any_transparency(main_ctx);
current_history_node.name = localize("Open");
current_history_node.image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
current_history_node.icon = get_help_folder_icon("p_open.png");
if (canvas_modified_while_loading || !from_session_load) {
// normally we don't want to autosave if we're loading a session,
// as this is redundant, but if the user has modified the canvas while loading a session,
// right now how it works is the session would be overwritten, so if you reloaded, it'd be lost,
// so we'd better save it.
// (and we want to save if this is a new session being initialized with an image)
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
if (info.source_blob instanceof File) {
file_name = info.source_blob.name;
// file.path is available in Electron (see https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/file-object#file-object)
system_file_handle = info.source_blob.path;
if (info.source_file_handle) {
system_file_handle = info.source_file_handle;
saved = true;
callback && callback();
}, canceled, from_session_load);
// Note: This function is part of the API.
function open_from_file(file, source_file_handle) {
// The browser isn't very smart about MIME types.
// It seems to look at the file extension, but not the actual file contents.
// This is particularly problematic for files with no extension, where file.type gives an empty string.
// And the File Access API currently doesn't let us automatically append a file extension,
// so the user is likely to end up with files with no extension.
// It's better to look at the file content to determine file type.
// We do this for image files in read_image_file, and palette files in AnyPalette.js.
if (file.name.match(/\.theme(pack)?$/i)) {
file.text().then(load_theme_from_text, (error) => {
show_error_message(localize("Paint cannot open this file."), error);
// Try loading as an image file first, then as a palette file, but show a combined error message if both fail.
read_image_file(file, (as_image_error, image_info) => {
if (as_image_error) {
AnyPalette.loadPalette(file, (as_palette_error, new_palette) => {
if (as_palette_error) {
show_file_format_errors({ as_image_error, as_palette_error });
palette = new_palette.map((color) => color.toString());
window.console && console.log(`Loaded palette: ${palette.map(() => `%câ–ˆ`).join("")}`, ...palette.map((color) => `color: ${color};`));
image_info.source_file_handle = source_file_handle
function apply_file_format_and_palette_info(info) {
file_format = info.file_format;
if (!enable_palette_loading_from_indexed_images) {
if (info.palette) {
window.console && console.log(`Loaded palette from image file: ${info.palette.map(() => `%câ–ˆ`).join("")}`, ...info.palette.map((color) => `color: ${color};`));
palette = info.palette;
selected_colors.foreground = palette[0];
selected_colors.background = palette.length === 14 * 2 ? palette[14] : palette[1]; // first in second row for default sized palette, else second color (debatable behavior; should it find a dark and a light color?)
} else if (monochrome && !info.monochrome) {
palette = default_palette;
monochrome = info.monochrome;
function load_theme_from_text(fileText) {
var cssProperties = parseThemeFileString(fileText);
if (!cssProperties) {
show_error_message(localize("Paint cannot open this file."));
applyCSSProperties(cssProperties, { recurseIntoIframes: true });
window.themeCSSProperties = cssProperties;
function file_new() {
are_you_sure(() => {
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave old session
reset_canvas_and_history(); // (with newly reset colors)
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
async function file_open() {
const { file, fileHandle } = await systemHooks.showOpenFileDialog({ formats: image_formats })
open_from_file(file, fileHandle);
let $file_load_from_url_window;
function file_load_from_url() {
if ($file_load_from_url_window) {
const $w = new $DialogWindow().addClass("horizontal-buttons");
$file_load_from_url_window = $w;
$w.title("Load from URL");
// @TODO: URL validation (input has to be in a form (and we don't want the form to submit))
<div style='padding: 10px;'>
<label style="display: block; margin-bottom: 5px;" for="url-input">Paste or type the web address of an image:</label>
<input type="url" required value="" id="url-input" class="inset-deep" style="width: 300px;"/></label>
const $input = $w.$main.find("#url-input");
// $w.$Button("Load", () => {
$w.$Button(localize("Open"), () => {
const uris = get_uris($input.val());
if (uris.length > 0) {
// @TODO: retry loading if same URL entered
// actually, make it change the hash only after loading successfully
// (but still load from the hash when necessary)
// make sure it doesn't overwrite the old session before switching
change_url_param("load", uris[0]);
} else {
show_error_message("Invalid URL. It must include a protocol (https:// or http://)");
}, { type: "submit" });
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
// Native FS API / File Access API allows you to overwrite files, but people are not used to it.
// So we ask them to confirm it the first time.
let acknowledged_overwrite_capability = false;
const confirmed_overwrite_key = "jspaint confirmed overwrite capable";
try {
acknowledged_overwrite_capability = localStorage[confirmed_overwrite_key] === "true";
} catch (error) {
// no localStorage
// In the year 2033, people will be more used to it, right?
// This will be known as the "Y2T bug"
acknowledged_overwrite_capability = Date.now() >= 2000000000000;
async function confirm_overwrite_capability() {
if (acknowledged_overwrite_capability) {
return true;
const { $window, promise } = showMessageBox({
messageHTML: `
<p>JS Paint can now save over existing files.</p>
<p>Do you want to overwrite the file?</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="do-not-ask-me-again-checkbox"/>
<label for="do-not-ask-me-again-checkbox">Don't ask me again</label>
buttons: [
{ label: localize("Yes"), value: "overwrite", default: true },
{ label: localize("Cancel"), value: "cancel" },
const result = await promise;
if (result === "overwrite") {
acknowledged_overwrite_capability = $window.$content.find("#do-not-ask-me-again-checkbox").prop("checked");
try {
localStorage[confirmed_overwrite_key] = acknowledged_overwrite_capability;
} catch (error) {
// no localStorage... @TODO: don't show the checkbox in this case
return true;
return false;
function file_save(maybe_saved_callback = () => { }, update_from_saved = true) {
// store and use file handle at this point in time, to avoid race conditions
const save_file_handle = system_file_handle;
if (!save_file_handle || file_name.match(/\.(svg|pdf)$/i)) {
return file_save_as(maybe_saved_callback, update_from_saved);
write_image_file(main_canvas, file_format, async (blob) => {
await systemHooks.writeBlobToHandle(save_file_handle, blob);
if (update_from_saved) {
function print_zebra() {
write_image_file(main_canvas, 'image/png', (blob) => {
fetch(`print?printer=zebra`, {
method: 'POST',
body: blob,
}).then(response => {
function file_save_as(maybe_saved_callback = () => { }, update_from_saved = true) {
dialogTitle: localize("Save As"),
formats: image_formats,
defaultFileName: file_name,
defaultPath: typeof system_file_handle === "string" ? system_file_handle : null,
defaultFileFormatID: file_format,
getBlob: (new_file_type) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
write_image_file(main_canvas, new_file_type, (blob) => {
savedCallbackUnreliable: ({ newFileName, newFileFormatID, newFileHandle, newBlob }) => {
saved = true;
system_file_handle = newFileHandle;
file_name = newFileName;
file_format = newFileFormatID;
if (update_from_saved) {
function are_you_sure(action, canceled, from_session_load) {
if (saved) {
} else if (from_session_load) {
message: localize("You've modified the document while an existing document was loading.\nSave the new document?", file_name),
buttons: [
// label: localize("Save"),
label: localize("Yes"),
value: "save",
default: true,
// label: "Discard",
label: localize("No"),
value: "discard",
// @TODO: not closable with Escape or close button
}).then((result) => {
if (result === "save") {
file_save(() => {
}, false);
} else if (result === "discard") {
action({ canvas_modified_while_loading: true });
} else {
// should not ideally happen
// but prefer to preserve the previous document,
// as the user has only (probably) as small window to make changes while loading,
// whereas there could be any amount of work put into the document being loaded.
// @TODO: could show dialog again, but making it un-cancelable would be better.
} else {
message: localize("Save changes to %1?", file_name),
buttons: [
// label: localize("Save"),
label: localize("Yes"),
value: "save",
default: true,
// label: "Discard",
label: localize("No"),
value: "discard",
label: localize("Cancel"),
value: "cancel",
}).then((result) => {
if (result === "save") {
file_save(() => {
}, false);
} else if (result === "discard") {
} else {
function please_enter_a_number() {
// title: "Invalid Value",
message: localize("Please enter a number."),
// Note: This function is part of the API.
function show_error_message(message, error) {
// Test global error handling resiliency by enabling one or both of these:
// Promise.reject(new Error("EMIT EMIT EMIT"));
// throw new Error("EMIT EMIT EMIT");
// It should fall back to an alert.
// EMIT stands for "Error Message Itself Test".
const { $message } = showMessageBox({
iconID: "error",
// windowOptions: {
// innerWidth: 600,
// },
// $message.css("max-width", "600px");
if (error) {
const $details = $("<details><summary><span>Details</span></summary></details>")
// Chrome includes the error message in the error.stack string, whereas Firefox doesn't.
// Also note that there can be Exception objects that don't have a message (empty string) but a name,
// for instance Exception { message: "", name: "NS_ERROR_FAILURE", ... } for out of memory when resizing the canvas too large in Firefox.
// Chrome just lets you bring the system to a grating halt by trying to grab too much memory.
// Firefox does too sometimes.
let error_string = error.stack;
if (!error_string) {
error_string = error.toString();
} else if (error.message && error_string.indexOf(error.message) === -1) {
error_string = `${error.toString()}\n\n${error_string}`;
} else if (error.name && error_string.indexOf(error.name) === -1) {
error_string = `${error.name}\n\n${error_string}`;
background: "white",
color: "#333",
// background: "#A00",
// color: "white",
fontFamily: "monospace",
width: "500px",
maxWidth: "100%",
overflow: "auto",
if (error) {
window.console?.error?.(message, error);
} else {
// @TODO: close are_you_sure windows and these Error windows when switching sessions
// because it can get pretty confusing
function show_resource_load_error_message(error) {
const { $window, $message } = showMessageBox({});
const firefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1;
// @TODO: copy & paste vs download & open, more specific guidance
if (error.code === "cross-origin-blob-uri") {
<p>Can't load image from address starting with "blob:".</p>
${firefox ?
`<p>Try "Copy Image" instead of "Copy Image Location".</p>` :
`<p>Try "Copy image" instead of "Copy image address".</p>`
} else if (error.code === "html-not-image") {
<p>Address points to a web page, not an image file.</p>
<p>Try copying and pasting an image instead of a URL.</p>
} else if (error.code === "decoding-failure") {
<p>Address doesn't point to an image file of a supported format.</p>
<p>Try copying and pasting an image instead of a URL.</p>
} else if (error.code === "access-failure") {
if (navigator.onLine) {
<p>Failed to download image.</p>
<p>Try copying and pasting an image instead of a URL.</p>
if (error.fails) {
$("<ul>").append(error.fails.map(({ status, statusText, url }) =>
$("<li>").text(url).prepend($("<b>").text(`${status || ""} ${statusText || "Failed"} `))
} else {
<p>Failed to download image.</p>
<p>You're offline. Connect to the internet and try again.</p>
<p>Or copy and paste an image instead of a URL, if possible.</p>
} else {
<p>Failed to load image from URL.</p>
<p>Check your browser's devtools for details.</p>
$message.css({ maxWidth: "500px" });
$window.center(); // after adding content
function show_file_format_errors({ as_image_error, as_palette_error }) {
let html = `
<p>${localize("Paint cannot open this file.")}</p>
if (as_image_error) {
// TODO: handle weird errors, only show invalid format error if that's what happened
html += `
<summary>${localize("Bitmap Image")}</summary>
<p>${localize("This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported.")}</p>
var entity_map = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#39;',
'/': '&#x2F;',
'`': '&#x60;',
'=': '&#x3D;',
const escape_html = (string) => String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=/]/g, (s) => entity_map[s]);
const uppercase_first = (string) => string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
const only_palette_error = as_palette_error && !as_image_error; // update me if there are more error types
if (as_palette_error) {
let details = "";
if (as_palette_error.errors) {
details = `<ul dir="ltr">${as_palette_error.errors.map((error) => {
const format = error.__PATCHED_LIB_TO_ADD_THIS__format;
if (format && error.error) {
return `<li><b>${escape_html(`${format.name}`)}</b>: ${escape_html(uppercase_first(error.error.message))}</li>`;
// Fallback for unknown errors
return `<li>${escape_html(error.message || error)}</li>`;
} else {
// Fallback for unknown errors
details = `<p>${escape_html(as_palette_error.message || as_palette_error)}</p>`;
html += `
<summary>${only_palette_error ? "Details" : localize("Palette|*.pal|").split("|")[0]}</summary>
<p>${localize("Unexpected file format.")}</p>
messageHTML: html,
let $about_paint_window;
const $about_paint_content = $("#about-paint");
let $news_window;
const $this_version_news = $("#news");
let $latest_news = $this_version_news;
// not included directly in the HTML as a simple way of not showing it if it's loaded with fetch
// (...not sure how to phrase this clearly and concisely...)
// "Showing the news as of this version of JS Paint. For the latest, see <a href='https://jspaint.app'>jspaint.app</a>"
if (location.origin !== "https://jspaint.app") {
$("<p>For the latest news, visit <a href='https://jspaint.app'>jspaint.app</a></p>")
.css({ padding: "8px 15px" })
function show_about_paint() {
if ($about_paint_window) {
$about_paint_window = $Window({
title: localize("About Paint"),
resizable: false,
maximizeButton: false,
minimizeButton: false,
$about_paint_window.addClass("about-paint squish");
if (is_pride_month) {
$("#paint-32x32").attr("src", "./images/icons/gay-es-paint-32x32-light-outline.png");
$about_paint_window.$content.append($about_paint_content.show()).css({ padding: "15px" });
$("#failed-to-check-if-outdated").attr("hidden", "hidden");
$("#outdated").attr("hidden", "hidden");
$about_paint_window.center(); // @XXX - but it helps tho
$about_paint_window.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
.attr("id", "close-about-paint")
float: "right",
marginBottom: "10px",
$("#refresh-to-update").on("click", (event) => {
are_you_sure(() => {
$("#view-project-news").on("click", () => {
const url =
// ".";
// "test-news-newer.html";
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((text) => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/html");
$latest_news = $(htmlDoc).find("#news");
const $latest_entries = $latest_news.find(".news-entry");
const $this_version_entries = $this_version_news.find(".news-entry");
if (!$latest_entries.length) {
$latest_news = $this_version_news;
throw new Error(`No news found at fetched site (${url})`);
function entries_contains_update($entries, id) {
return $entries.get().some((el_from_this_version) =>
id === el_from_this_version.id
// @TODO: visibly mark entries that overlap
const entries_newer_than_this_version =
$latest_entries.get().filter((el_from_latest) =>
!entries_contains_update($this_version_entries, el_from_latest.id)
const entries_new_in_this_version = // i.e. in development, when updating the news
$this_version_entries.get().filter((el_from_latest) =>
!entries_contains_update($latest_entries, el_from_latest.id)
if (entries_newer_than_this_version.length > 0) {
} else if (entries_new_in_this_version.length > 0) {
$latest_news = $this_version_news; // show this version's news for development
$("#checking-for-updates").attr("hidden", "hidden");
}).catch((exception) => {
$("#checking-for-updates").attr("hidden", "hidden");
window.console && console.log("Couldn't check for updates.", exception);
function exit_fullscreen_if_ios() {
if ($("body").hasClass("ios")) {
try {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
} catch (error) {
// not important, just trying to prevent broken fullscreen after refresh
// (:fullscreen and document.fullscreenElement stops working because it's not "requested by the page" anymore)
// (the fullscreen styling is not generally obtrusive, but it is obtrusive when it DOESN'T work)
// alternatives:
// - detect reload-while-fullscreen by storing a timestamp on unload when fullscreen,
// and apply the fullscreen class if timestamp is within a few seconds during load.
// - This doesn't have an answer for detecting leaving fullscreen,
// and if it keeps thinking it's fullscreen, it'll keep storing the timestamp, and get stuck.
// Unless it only stores the timestamp if it knows it's fullscreen? (i.e. page-requested fullscreen)
// Then it would only work for one reload.
// So ideally it would have the below anyway, in which case this would be unnecessary.
// - detect fullscreen state without fullscreen API, using viewport size
// - If this is possible, why don't browsers just expose this information in the fullscreen API? :(
// - iPad resets the zoom level when going fullscreen, and then when reloading,
// the zoom level is reset to the user-set zoom level.
// Safari doesn't update devicePixelRatio based on the zoom level,
// and doesn't support ResizeObserver for device pixels.
// It does support https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Visual_Viewport_API
// though, so maybe something can be done with that.
// - prompt to add to homescreen
// show_about_paint(); // for testing
function update_css_classes_for_conditional_messages() {
$(".on-dev-host, .on-third-party-host, .on-official-host").hide();
if (location.hostname.match(/localhost| {
} else if (location.hostname.match(/jspaint.app/)) {
} else {
$(".navigator-online, .navigator-offline").hide();
if (navigator.onLine) {
} else {
function show_news() {
if ($news_window) {
$news_window = $Window({
title: "Project News",
maximizeButton: false,
minimizeButton: false,
resizable: false,
$news_window.addClass("news-window squish");
// const $latest_entries = $latest_news.find(".news-entry");
// const latest_entry = $latest_entries[$latest_entries.length - 1];
// window.console && console.log("LATEST MEWS:", $latest_news);
// window.console && console.log("LATEST ENTRY:", latest_entry);
const $latest_news_style = $latest_news.find("style");
$latest_news.append($latest_news_style); // in case $this_version_news is $latest_news
$news_window.center(); // @XXX - but it helps tho
$latest_news.attr("tabIndex", "-1").focus();
// @TODO: DRY between these functions and open_from_* functions further?
function paste_image_from_file(blob) {
read_image_file(blob, (error, info) => {
if (error) {
show_file_format_errors({ as_image_error: error });
paste(info.image || make_canvas(info.image_data));
// Edit > Paste From
async function choose_file_to_paste() {
const { file } = await systemHooks.showOpenFileDialog({ formats: image_formats });
if (file.type.match(/^image|application\/pdf/)) {
show_error_message(localize("This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported."));
function paste(img_or_canvas) {
if (img_or_canvas.width > main_canvas.width || img_or_canvas.height > main_canvas.height) {
message: localize("The image in the clipboard is larger than the bitmap.") + "\n" +
localize("Would you like the bitmap enlarged?"),
iconID: "question",
windowOptions: {
icons: {
16: "images/windows-16x16.png",
32: "images/windows-32x32.png",
buttons: [
// label: "Enlarge",
label: localize("Yes"),
value: "enlarge",
default: true,
// label: "Crop",
label: localize("No"),
value: "crop",
label: localize("Cancel"),
value: "cancel",
}).then((result) => {
if (result === "enlarge") {
// The resize gets its own undoable, as in mspaint
Math.max(main_canvas.width, img_or_canvas.width),
Math.max(main_canvas.height, img_or_canvas.height),
name: "Enlarge Canvas For Paste",
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_stretch_both.png"),
} else if (result === "crop") {
} else {
function do_the_paste() {
const x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification));
const y = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(($canvas_area.scrollTop()) / magnification));
// Nevermind, canvas, isn't aligned to the right in RTL layout!
// let x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification));
// if (get_direction() === "rtl") {
// // magic number 8 is a guess, I guess based on the scrollbar width which shows on the left in RTL layout
// // x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(($canvas_area.innerWidth() - canvas.width + $canvas_area.scrollLeft() + 8) / magnification));
// const scrollbar_width = $canvas_area[0].offsetWidth - $canvas_area[0].clientWidth; // maybe??
// console.log("scrollbar_width", scrollbar_width);
// x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((-$canvas_area.innerWidth() + $canvas_area.scrollLeft() + scrollbar_width) / magnification + canvas.width));
// }
name: localize("Paste"),
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_paste.png"),
soft: true,
}, () => {
selection = new OnCanvasSelection(x, y, img_or_canvas.width, img_or_canvas.height, img_or_canvas);
function render_history_as_gif() {
const $win = $DialogWindow();
$win.title("Rendering GIF");
const $output = $win.$main;
const $progress = $(E("progress")).appendTo($output).addClass("inset-deep");
const $progress_percent = $(E("span")).appendTo($output).css({
width: "2.3em",
display: "inline-block",
textAlign: "center",
$win.$main.css({ padding: 5 });
const $cancel = $win.$Button('Cancel', () => {
try {
const width = main_canvas.width;
const height = main_canvas.height;
const gif = new GIF({
//workers: Math.min(5, Math.floor(undos.length/50)+1),
workerScript: "lib/gif.js/gif.worker.js",
$win.on('close', () => {
gif.on("progress", p => {
$progress_percent.text(`${~~(p * 100)}%`);
gif.on("finished", blob => {
$win.title("Rendered GIF");
const blob_url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
src: blob_url,
display: "block", // prevent margin below due to inline display (vertical-align can also be used)
overflow: "auto",
maxHeight: "70vh",
maxWidth: "70vw",
$win.on("close", () => {
// revoking on image load(+error) breaks right click > "Save image as" and "Open image in new tab"
$win.$Button("Upload to Imgur", () => {
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
$win.$Button(localize("Save"), () => {
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
const suggested_file_name = `${file_name.replace(/\.(bmp|dib|a?png|gif|jpe?g|jpe|jfif|tiff?|webp|raw)$/i, "")} history.gif`;
dialogTitle: localize("Save As"), // localize("Save Animation As"),
getBlob: () => blob,
defaultFileName: suggested_file_name,
defaultPath: typeof system_file_handle === "string" ? `${system_file_handle.replace(/[/\\][^/\\]*/, "")}/${suggested_file_name}` : null,
defaultFileFormatID: "image/gif",
formats: [{
formatID: "image/gif",
mimeType: "image/gif",
name: localize("Animated GIF (*.gif)").replace(/\s+\([^(]+$/, ""),
nameWithExtensions: localize("Animated GIF (*.gif)"),
extensions: ["gif"],
const gif_canvas = make_canvas(width, height);
const frame_history_nodes = [...undos, current_history_node];
for (const frame_history_node of frame_history_nodes) {
gif_canvas.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, gif_canvas.width, gif_canvas.height);
gif_canvas.ctx.putImageData(frame_history_node.image_data, 0, 0);
if (frame_history_node.selection_image_data) {
const selection_canvas = make_canvas(frame_history_node.selection_image_data);
gif_canvas.ctx.drawImage(selection_canvas, frame_history_node.selection_x, frame_history_node.selection_y);
gif.addFrame(gif_canvas, { delay: 200, copy: true });
} catch (err) {
show_error_message("Failed to render GIF.", err);
function go_to_history_node(target_history_node, canceling, discard_document_state) {
const from_history_node = current_history_node;
if (!target_history_node.image_data) {
if (!canceling) {
show_error_message("History entry has no image data.");
window.console && console.log("Target history entry has no image data:", target_history_node);
/* For performance (especially with two finger panning), I'm disabling this safety check that preserves certain document states in the history.
const current_image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
if (!current_history_node.image_data || !image_data_match(current_history_node.image_data, current_image_data, 5)) {
window.console && console.log("Canvas image data changed outside of undoable", current_history_node, "current_history_node.image_data:", current_history_node.image_data, "document's current image data:", current_image_data);
undoable({name: "Unknown [go_to_history_node]", use_loose_canvas_changes: true}, ()=> {});
current_history_node = target_history_node;
if (!canceling) {
saved = false;
if (target_history_node.selection_image_data) {
if (selection) {
// @TODO maybe: could store whether a selection is from Free-Form Select
// so it selects Free-Form Select when you jump to e.g. Move Selection
// (or could traverse history to figure it out)
if (target_history_node.name === localize("Free-Form Select")) {
} else {
selection = new OnCanvasSelection(
if (target_history_node.textbox_text != null) {
if (textbox) {
// @# text_tool_font =
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(target_history_node.text_tool_font)) {
text_tool_font[k] = v;
selected_colors.foreground = target_history_node.foreground_color;
selected_colors.background = target_history_node.background_color;
tool_transparent_mode = target_history_node.tool_transparent_mode;
textbox = new OnCanvasTextBox(
const ancestors_of_target = get_history_ancestors(target_history_node);
undos = [...ancestors_of_target];
const old_history_path =
redos.length > 0 ?
[redos[0], ...get_history_ancestors(redos[0])] :
[from_history_node, ...get_history_ancestors(from_history_node)];
// window.console && console.log("target_history_node:", target_history_node);
// window.console && console.log("ancestors_of_target:", ancestors_of_target);
// window.console && console.log("old_history_path:", old_history_path);
redos.length = 0;
let latest_node = target_history_node;
while (latest_node.futures.length > 0) {
const futures = [...latest_node.futures];
futures.sort((a, b) => {
if (old_history_path.indexOf(a) > -1) {
return -1;
if (old_history_path.indexOf(b) > -1) {
return +1;
return 0;
latest_node = futures[0];
// window.console && console.log("new undos:", undos);
// window.console && console.log("new redos:", redos);
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
// Note: This function is part of the API.
function undoable({ name, icon, use_loose_canvas_changes, soft }, callback) {
if (!use_loose_canvas_changes) {
/* For performance (especially with two finger panning), I'm disabling this safety check that preserves certain document states in the history.
const current_image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
if (!current_history_node.image_data || !image_data_match(current_history_node.image_data, current_image_data, 5)) {
window.console && console.log("Canvas image data changed outside of undoable", current_history_node, "current_history_node.image_data:", current_history_node.image_data, "document's current image data:", current_image_data);
undoable({name: "Unknown [undoable]", use_loose_canvas_changes: true}, ()=> {});
saved = false;
const before_callback_history_node = current_history_node;
callback && callback();
if (current_history_node !== before_callback_history_node) {
show_error_message(`History node switched during undoable callback for ${name}. This shouldn't happen.`);
window.console && console.log(`History node switched during undoable callback for ${name}, from`, before_callback_history_node, "to", current_history_node);
const image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
redos.length = 0;
const new_history_node = make_history_node({
selection_image_data: selection && selection.canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, selection.canvas.width, selection.canvas.height),
selection_x: selection && selection.x,
selection_y: selection && selection.y,
textbox_text: textbox && textbox.$editor.val(),
textbox_x: textbox && textbox.x,
textbox_y: textbox && textbox.y,
textbox_width: textbox && textbox.width,
textbox_height: textbox && textbox.height,
text_tool_font: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(text_tool_font)),
foreground_color: selected_colors.foreground,
background_color: selected_colors.background,
ternary_color: selected_colors.ternary,
parent: current_history_node,
current_history_node = new_history_node;
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
function make_or_update_undoable(undoable_meta, undoable_action) {
if (current_history_node.futures.length === 0 && undoable_meta.match(current_history_node)) {
current_history_node.image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
current_history_node.selection_image_data = selection && selection.canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, selection.canvas.width, selection.canvas.height);
current_history_node.selection_x = selection && selection.x;
current_history_node.selection_y = selection && selection.y;
if (undoable_meta.update_name) {
current_history_node.name = undoable_meta.name;
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
} else {
undoable(undoable_meta, undoable_action);
function undo() {
if (undos.length < 1) { return false; }
let target_history_node = undos.pop();
while (target_history_node.soft && undos.length) {
target_history_node = undos.pop();
return true;
// @TODO: use Clippy.js instead for potentially annoying tips
let $document_history_prompt_window;
function redo() {
if (redos.length < 1) {
if ($document_history_prompt_window) {
if (!$document_history_window || $document_history_window.closed) {
$document_history_prompt_window = showMessageBox({
title: "Redo",
messageHTML: `To view all branches of the history tree, click <b>Edit > History</b>.`,
iconID: "info",
return false;
let target_history_node = redos.pop();
while (target_history_node.soft && redos.length) {
target_history_node = redos.pop();
return true;
function get_history_ancestors(node) {
const ancestors = [];
for (node = node.parent; node; node = node.parent) {
return ancestors;
let $document_history_window;
// setTimeout(show_document_history, 100);
function show_document_history() {
if ($document_history_prompt_window) {
if ($document_history_window) {
const $w = $document_history_window = new $Window({
title: "Document History",
resizable: false,
maximizeButton: false,
minimizeButton: false,
// $w.prependTo("body").css({position: ""});
$w.addClass("history-window squish");
<select id="history-view-mode" class="inset-deep">
<option value="linear">Linear timeline</option>
<option value="tree">Tree</option>
<div class="history-view" tabIndex="0"></div>
const $history_view = $w.$content.find(".history-view");
let previous_scroll_position = 0;
let rendered_$entries = [];
let current_$entry;
let $mode_select = $w.$content.find("#history-view-mode");
margin: "10px",
let mode = $mode_select.val();
$mode_select.on("change", () => {
mode = $mode_select.val();
function render_tree_from_node(node) {
const $entry = $(`
<div class="history-entry">
<div class="history-entry-icon-area"></div>
<div class="history-entry-name"></div>
// $entry.find(".history-entry-name").text((node.name || "Unknown") + (node.soft ? " (soft)" : ""));
$entry.find(".history-entry-name").text((node.name || "Unknown") + (node === root_history_node ? " (Start of History)" : ""));
if (mode === "tree") {
let dist_to_root = 0;
for (let ancestor = node.parent; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor.parent) {
marginInlineStart: `${dist_to_root * 8}px`,
if (node === current_history_node) {
current_$entry = $entry;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// scrollIntoView causes <html> to scroll when the window is partially offscreen,
// despite overflow: hidden on html and body, so it's not an option.
$history_view[0].scrollTop =
$entry[0].offsetTop - $history_view[0].clientHeight + $entry.outerHeight()
} else {
const history_ancestors = get_history_ancestors(current_history_node);
if (history_ancestors.indexOf(node) > -1) {
for (const sub_node of node.futures) {
$entry.on("click", () => {
$entry.history_node = node;
const render_tree = () => {
previous_scroll_position = $history_view.scrollTop();
rendered_$entries = [];
if (mode === "linear") {
rendered_$entries.sort(($a, $b) => {
if ($a.history_node.timestamp < $b.history_node.timestamp) {
return -1;
if ($b.history_node.timestamp < $a.history_node.timestamp) {
return +1;
return 0;
} else {
rendered_$entries.forEach(($entry) => {
// This is different from Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Shift+Z because it goes over all branches of the history tree, chronologically,
// not just one branch.
const go_by = (index_delta) => {
const from_index = rendered_$entries.indexOf(current_$entry);
const to_index = from_index + index_delta;
if (rendered_$entries[to_index]) {
$history_view.on("keydown", (event) => {
if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) {
if (event.key === "ArrowDown" || event.key === "Down") {
} else if (event.key === "ArrowUp" || event.key === "Up") {
$G.on("history-update", render_tree);
$w.on("close", () => {
$G.off("history-update", render_tree);
function cancel(going_to_history_node, discard_document_state) {
// Note: this function should be idempotent.
// `cancel(); cancel();` should do the same thing as `cancel();`
if (!history_node_to_cancel_to) {
// For two finger panning, I want to prevent history nodes from being created,
// for performance, and to avoid cluttering the history.
// (And also so if you undo and then pan, you can still redo (without accessing the nonlinear history window).)
// Most tools create undoables on pointerup, in which case we can prevent them from being created,
// but Fill tool creates on pointerdown, so we need to delete a history node in that case.
// Select tool can create multiple undoables before being cancelled (for moving/resizing/inverting/smearing),
// but only the last should be discarded due to panning. (All of them should be undone you hit Esc. But not deleted.)
const history_node_to_discard = (
discard_document_state &&
current_history_node.parent && // can't discard the root node
current_history_node !== history_node_to_cancel_to && // can't discard what will be the active node
current_history_node.futures.length === 0 // prevent discarding whole branches of history if you go back in history and then pan / hit Esc
) ? current_history_node : null;
// console.log("history_node_to_discard", history_node_to_discard, "current_history_node", current_history_node, "history_node_to_cancel_to", history_node_to_cancel_to);
// history_node_to_cancel_to = history_node_to_cancel_to || current_history_node;
$G.triggerHandler("pointerup", ["canceling", discard_document_state]);
for (const selected_tool of selected_tools) {
selected_tool.cancel && selected_tool.cancel();
if (!going_to_history_node) {
// Note: this will revert any changes from other users in multi-user sessions
// which isn't good, but there's no real conflict resolution in multi-user mode anyways
go_to_history_node(history_node_to_cancel_to, true);
if (history_node_to_discard) {
const index = history_node_to_discard.parent.futures.indexOf(history_node_to_discard);
if (index === -1) {
show_error_message("History node not found. Please report this bug.");
console.log("history_node_to_discard", history_node_to_discard);
console.log("current_history_node", current_history_node);
console.log("history_node_to_discard.parent", history_node_to_discard.parent);
} else {
history_node_to_discard.parent.futures.splice(index, 1);
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view (don't want you to be able to click on the excised node)
// (@TODO: prevent duplicate update, here vs go_to_history_node)
history_node_to_cancel_to = null;
function meld_selection_into_canvas(going_to_history_node) {
selection = null;
if (!going_to_history_node) {
name: "Deselect",
icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)),
use_loose_canvas_changes: true, // HACK; @TODO: make OnCanvasSelection not change the canvas outside undoable, same rules as tools
}, () => { });
function meld_textbox_into_canvas(going_to_history_node) {
const text = textbox.$editor.val();
if (text && !going_to_history_node) {
name: localize("Text"),
icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_TEXT)),
soft: true,
}, () => { });
name: "Finish Text",
icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_TEXT)),
}, () => {
main_ctx.drawImage(textbox.canvas, textbox.x, textbox.y);
textbox = null;
} else {
textbox = null;
function deselect(going_to_history_node) {
if (selection) {
if (textbox) {
for (const selected_tool of selected_tools) {
selected_tool.end && selected_tool.end(main_ctx);
function delete_selection(meta = {}) {
if (selection) {
name: meta.name || localize("Clear Selection"), //"Delete", (I feel like "Clear Selection" is unclear, could mean "Deselect")
icon: meta.icon || get_help_folder_icon("p_delete.png"),
// soft: @TODO: conditionally soft?,
}, () => {
selection = null;
function select_all() {
name: localize("Select All"),
icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)),
soft: true,
}, () => {
selection = new OnCanvasSelection(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
const ctrlOrCmd = /(Mac|iPhone|iPod|iPad)/i.test(navigator.platform) ? "⌘" : "Ctrl";
const recommendationForClipboardAccess = `Please use the keyboard: ${ctrlOrCmd}+C to copy, ${ctrlOrCmd}+X to cut, ${ctrlOrCmd}+V to paste. If keyboard is not an option, try using Chrome version 76 or higher.`;
function try_exec_command(commandId) {
if (document.queryCommandEnabled(commandId)) { // not a reliable source for whether it'll work, if I recall
if (!navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox") || commandId === "paste") {
return show_error_message(`That ${commandId} probably didn't work. ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
} else {
return show_error_message(`Cannot perform ${commandId}. ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
function getSelectionText() {
let text = "";
const activeEl = document.activeElement;
const activeElTagName = activeEl ? activeEl.tagName.toLowerCase() : null;
if (
(activeElTagName == "textarea") || (
activeElTagName == "input" &&
) &&
(typeof activeEl.selectionStart == "number")
) {
text = activeEl.value.slice(activeEl.selectionStart, activeEl.selectionEnd);
} else if (window.getSelection) {
text = window.getSelection().toString();
return text;
function edit_copy(execCommandFallback) {
const text = getSelectionText();
if (text.length > 0) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.writeText) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
return try_exec_command("copy");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
} else if (selection && selection.canvas) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.write) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
return try_exec_command("copy");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
selection.canvas.toBlob(blob => {
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
new ClipboardItem(Object.defineProperty({}, blob.type, {
value: blob,
enumerable: true,
]).then(() => {
window.console && console.log("Copied image to the clipboard.");
}, error => {
show_error_message("Failed to copy to the Clipboard.", error);
function edit_cut(execCommandFallback) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.write) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
return try_exec_command("cut");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
name: localize("Cut"),
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_cut.png"),
async function edit_paste(execCommandFallback) {
if (
document.activeElement instanceof HTMLInputElement ||
document.activeElement instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement
) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.readText) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
return try_exec_command("paste");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
const clipboardText = await navigator.clipboard.readText();
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, clipboardText);
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.read) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
return try_exec_command("paste");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
try {
const clipboardItems = await navigator.clipboard.read();
const blob = await clipboardItems[0].getType("image/png");
} catch (error) {
if (error.name === "NotFoundError") {
try {
const clipboardText = await navigator.clipboard.readText();
if (clipboardText) {
const uris = get_uris(clipboardText);
if (uris.length > 0) {
load_image_from_uri(uris[0]).then((info) => {
paste(info.image || make_canvas(info.image_data));
}, (error) => {
} else {
// @TODO: should I just make a textbox instead?
show_error_message("The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint.");
} else {
show_error_message("The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint.");
} catch (error) {
show_error_message(localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!"), error);
} else {
show_error_message(localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!"), error);
function image_invert_colors() {
name: localize("Invert Colors"),
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_invert.png"),
}, (original_canvas, original_ctx, new_canvas, new_ctx) => {
const monochrome_info = monochrome && detect_monochrome(original_ctx);
if (monochrome && monochrome_info.isMonochrome) {
invert_monochrome(original_ctx, new_ctx, monochrome_info);
} else {
invert_rgb(original_ctx, new_ctx);
function clear() {
name: localize("Clear Image"),
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_blank.png"),
}, () => {
saved = false;
if (transparency) {
main_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
} else {
main_ctx.fillStyle = selected_colors.background;
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
let cleanup_bitmap_view = () => { };
function view_bitmap() {
bitmap_view_div = document.createElement("div");
bitmap_view_div.classList.add("bitmap-view", "inset-deep");
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
position: "fixed",
top: "0",
left: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
zIndex: "9999",
background: "var(--Background)",
if (bitmap_view_div.requestFullscreen) { bitmap_view_div.requestFullscreen(); }
else if (bitmap_view_div.webkitRequestFullscreen) { bitmap_view_div.webkitRequestFullscreen(); }
let blob_url;
let got_fullscreen = false;
let iid = setInterval(() => {
// In Chrome, if the page is already fullscreen, and you requestFullscreen,
// hitting Esc will change document.fullscreenElement without triggering the fullscreenchange event!
// It doesn't trigger a keydown either.
if (document.fullscreenElement === bitmap_view_div || document.webkitFullscreenElement === bitmap_view_div) {
got_fullscreen = true;
} else if (got_fullscreen) {
}, 100);
cleanup_bitmap_view = () => {
document.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", onFullscreenChange, { once: true });
document.removeEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", onFullscreenChange, { once: true });
document.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown);
// If you have e.g. the Help window open,
// and right click to close the View Bitmap, with the mouse over the window,
// this needs a delay to cancel the context menu.
setTimeout(() => {
document.removeEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu);
}, 100);
if (document.fullscreenElement === bitmap_view_div || document.webkitFullscreenElement === bitmap_view_div) {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
document.exitFullscreen(); // avoid warning in Firefox
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
cleanup_bitmap_view = () => { };
document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", onFullscreenChange, { once: true });
document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", onFullscreenChange, { once: true });
document.addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
document.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown);
document.addEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu);
function onFullscreenChange() {
if (document.fullscreenElement !== bitmap_view_div && document.webkitFullscreenElement !== bitmap_view_div) {
let repeating_f = false;
function onKeyDown(event) {
// console.log(event.key, event.repeat);
repeating_f = repeating_f || event.repeat && (event.key === "f" || event.key === "F");
if (event.repeat) { return; }
if (repeating_f && (event.key === "f" || event.key === "F")) {
repeating_f = false;
return; // Chrome sends an F keydown with repeat=false if you release Ctrl before F, while repeating.
// This is a slightly overkill, and slightly overzealous workaround (can ignore one normal F before handling F as exit)
// Prevent also toggling View Bitmap on while toggling off, with Ctrl+F+F.
// That is, if you hold Ctrl and press F twice, the second F should close View Bitmap and not reopen it immediately.
// This relies on the keydown handler handling event.defaultPrevented (or isDefaultPrevented() if it's using jQuery)
// Note: in mspaint, Esc is the only key that DOESN'T close the bitmap view,
// but it also doesn't do anything else — other than changing the cursor. Stupid.
function onMouseDown(event) {
// Note: in mspaint, only left click exits View Bitmap mode.
// Right click can show a useless context menu.
function onContextMenu(event) {
cleanup_bitmap_view(); // not needed
// @TODO: include selection in the bitmap
// I believe mspaint uses a similar code path to the Thumbnail,
// considering that if you right click on the image in View Bitmap mode,
// it shows the silly "Thumbnail" context menu item.
// (It also shows the selection, in a meaningless place, similar to the Thumbnail's bugs)
main_canvas.toBlob(blob => {
blob_url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = blob_url;
}, "image/png");
function get_tool_by_id(id) {
for (let i = 0; i < tools.length; i++) {
if (tools[i].id == id) {
return tools[i];
for (let i = 0; i < extra_tools.length; i++) {
if (extra_tools[i].id == id) {
return extra_tools[i];
// hacky but whatever
// this whole "multiple tools" thing is hacky for now
function select_tools(tools) {
for (let i = 0; i < tools.length; i++) {
select_tool(tools[i], i > 0);
function select_tool(tool, toggle) {
if (!(selected_tools.length === 1 && selected_tool.deselect)) {
return_to_tools = [...selected_tools];
if (toggle) {
const index = selected_tools.indexOf(tool);
if (index === -1) {
selected_tools.sort((a, b) => {
if (tools.indexOf(a) < tools.indexOf(b)) {
return -1;
if (tools.indexOf(a) > tools.indexOf(b)) {
return +1;
return 0;
} else {
selected_tools.splice(index, 1);
if (selected_tools.length > 0) {
selected_tool = selected_tools[selected_tools.length - 1];
} else {
selected_tool = default_tool;
selected_tools = [selected_tool];
} else {
selected_tool = tool;
selected_tools = [tool];
if (tool.preload) {
// $toolbox2.update_selected_tool();
function has_any_transparency(ctx) {
// @TODO Optimization: Assume JPEGs and some other file types are opaque.
// Raster file formats that SUPPORT transparency include GIF, PNG, BMP and TIFF
// (Yes, even BMPs support transparency!)
const id = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
for (let i = 0, l = id.data.length; i < l; i += 4) {
// I've seen firefox give [ 254, 254, 254, 254 ] for get_rgba_from_color("#fff")
// or other values
if (id.data[i + 3] < 253) {
return true;
return false;
function detect_monochrome(ctx) {
// Note: Brave browser, and DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials browser extension
// implement a privacy technique known as "farbling", which breaks this code.
// (I've implemented workarounds in many places, but not here yet.)
// This function currently returns the set of one or two colors if applicable,
// and things outside would need to be changed to handle a "near-monochrome" state.
const id = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
const pixelArray = new Uint32Array(id.data.buffer); // to access as whole pixels (for greater efficiency & simplicity)
// Note: values in pixelArray may be different on big endian vs little endian machines.
// Use id.data, which is guaranteed to be in RGBA order, for getting color information.
// Only use the Uint32Array for comparing pixel equality (faster than comparing each color component).
const colorUint32s = [];
const colorRGBAs = [];
let anyTransparency = false;
for (let i = 0, len = pixelArray.length; i < len; i += 1) {
// @TODO: should this threshold not mirror has_any_transparency?
// seems to have different notions of "any transparency"
// has_any_transparency is "has any pixels not fully opaque"
// detect_monochrome's anyTransparency means "has any pixels fully transparent"
if (id.data[i * 4 + 3] > 1) {
if (!colorUint32s.includes(pixelArray[i])) {
if (colorUint32s.length < 2) {
colorRGBAs.push(id.data.slice(i * 4, (i + 1) * 4));
} else {
return { isMonochrome: false };
} else {
anyTransparency = true;
return {
isMonochrome: true,
presentNonTransparentRGBAs: colorRGBAs,
presentNonTransparentUint32s: colorUint32s,
monochromeWithTransparency: anyTransparency,
function make_monochrome_pattern(lightness, rgba1 = [0, 0, 0, 255], rgba2 = [255, 255, 255, 255]) {
const dither_threshold_table = Array.from({ length: 64 }, (_undefined, p) => {
const q = p ^ (p >> 3);
return (
((p & 4) >> 2) | ((q & 4) >> 1) |
((p & 2) << 1) | ((q & 2) << 2) |
((p & 1) << 4) | ((q & 1) << 5)
) / 64;
const pattern_canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const pattern_ctx = pattern_canvas.getContext("2d");
pattern_canvas.width = 8;
pattern_canvas.height = 8;
const pattern_image_data = main_ctx.createImageData(pattern_canvas.width, pattern_canvas.height);
for (let x = 0; x < pattern_canvas.width; x += 1) {
for (let y = 0; y < pattern_canvas.height; y += 1) {
const map_value = dither_threshold_table[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)];
const px_white = lightness > map_value;
const index = ((y * pattern_image_data.width) + x) * 4;
pattern_image_data.data[index + 0] = px_white ? rgba2[0] : rgba1[0];
pattern_image_data.data[index + 1] = px_white ? rgba2[1] : rgba1[1];
pattern_image_data.data[index + 2] = px_white ? rgba2[2] : rgba1[2];
pattern_image_data.data[index + 3] = (px_white ? rgba2[3] : rgba1[3]) ?? 255; // handling also 3-length arrays (RGB)
pattern_ctx.putImageData(pattern_image_data, 0, 0);
return main_ctx.createPattern(pattern_canvas, "repeat");
function make_monochrome_palette(rgba1 = [0, 0, 0, 255], rgba2 = [255, 255, 255, 255]) {
const palette = [];
const n_colors_per_row = 14;
const n_colors = n_colors_per_row * 2;
for (let i = 0; i < n_colors_per_row; i++) {
let lightness = i / n_colors;
palette.push(make_monochrome_pattern(lightness, rgba1, rgba2));
for (let i = 0; i < n_colors_per_row; i++) {
let lightness = 1 - i / n_colors;
palette.push(make_monochrome_pattern(lightness, rgba1, rgba2));
return palette;
function make_stripe_pattern(reverse, colors, stripe_size = 4) {
const rgba_colors = colors.map(get_rgba_from_color);
const pattern_canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const pattern_ctx = pattern_canvas.getContext("2d");
pattern_canvas.width = colors.length * stripe_size;
pattern_canvas.height = colors.length * stripe_size;
const pattern_image_data = main_ctx.createImageData(pattern_canvas.width, pattern_canvas.height);
for (let x = 0; x < pattern_canvas.width; x += 1) {
for (let y = 0; y < pattern_canvas.height; y += 1) {
const pixel_index = ((y * pattern_image_data.width) + x) * 4;
// +1000 to avoid remainder on negative numbers
const pos = reverse ? (x - y) : (x + y);
const color_index = Math.floor((pos + 1000) / stripe_size) % colors.length;
const rgba = rgba_colors[color_index];
pattern_image_data.data[pixel_index + 0] = rgba[0];
pattern_image_data.data[pixel_index + 1] = rgba[1];
pattern_image_data.data[pixel_index + 2] = rgba[2];
pattern_image_data.data[pixel_index + 3] = rgba[3];
pattern_ctx.putImageData(pattern_image_data, 0, 0);
return main_ctx.createPattern(pattern_canvas, "repeat");
function switch_to_polychrome_palette() {
function make_opaque() {
name: "Make Opaque",
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_make_opaque.png"),
}, () => {
main_ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop";
main_ctx.fillStyle = selected_colors.background;
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
// in case the selected background color is transparent/translucent
main_ctx.fillStyle = "white";
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
function resize_canvas_without_saving_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta = {}) {
const new_width = Math.max(1, unclamped_width);
const new_height = Math.max(1, unclamped_height);
if (main_canvas.width !== new_width || main_canvas.height !== new_height) {
name: undoable_meta.name || "Resize Canvas",
icon: undoable_meta.icon || get_help_folder_icon("p_stretch_both.png"),
}, () => {
try {
const image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, new_width, new_height);
main_canvas.width = new_width;
main_canvas.height = new_height;
if (!transparency) {
main_ctx.fillStyle = selected_colors.background;
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
const temp_canvas = make_canvas(image_data);
main_ctx.drawImage(temp_canvas, 0, 0);
} catch (exception) {
if (exception.name === "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") {
// or localize("There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation.")
show_error_message(localize("Insufficient memory to perform operation."), exception);
} else {
show_error_message(localize("An unknown error has occurred."), exception);
// @TODO: undo and clean up undoable
// maybe even keep Attributes dialog open if that's what's triggering the resize
function resize_canvas_and_save_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta = {}) {
resize_canvas_without_saving_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta);
width: main_canvas.width,
height: main_canvas.height,
}, (/*error*/) => {
// oh well
function image_attributes() {
if (image_attributes.$window) {
const $w = image_attributes.$window = new $DialogWindow(localize("Attributes"));
const $main = $w.$main;
// Information
const table = {
[localize("File last saved:")]: localize("Not Available"), // @TODO: make available?
[localize("Size on disk:")]: localize("Not Available"), // @TODO: make available?
[localize("Resolution:")]: "72 x 72 dots per inch", // if localizing this, remove "direction" setting below
const $table = $(E("table")).appendTo($main);
for (const k in table) {
const $tr = $(E("tr")).appendTo($table);
const $key = $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(k);
const $value = $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(table[k]);
if (table[k].indexOf("72") !== -1) {
$value.css("direction", "ltr");
// Dimensions
const unit_sizes_in_px = { px: 1, in: 72, cm: 28.3465 };
let current_unit = image_attributes.unit = image_attributes.unit || "px";
let width_in_px = main_canvas.width;
let height_in_px = main_canvas.height;
const $width_label = $(E("label")).appendTo($main).html(display_hotkey(localize("&Width:")));
const $height_label = $(E("label")).appendTo($main).html(display_hotkey(localize("&Height:")));
const $width = $(E("input")).attr({ type: "number", min: 1, "aria-keyshortcuts": "Alt+W W W" }).addClass("no-spinner inset-deep").appendTo($width_label);
const $height = $(E("input")).attr({ type: "number", min: 1, "aria-keyshortcuts": "Alt+H H H" }).addClass("no-spinner inset-deep").appendTo($height_label);
.css({ width: "40px" })
.on("change keyup keydown keypress pointerdown pointermove paste drop", () => {
width_in_px = $width.val() * unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit];
height_in_px = $height.val() * unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit];
// Fieldsets
const $units = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`
<div class="fieldset-body">
<input type="radio" name="units" id="unit-in" value="in" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+I I"><label for="unit-in">${display_hotkey(localize("&Inches"))}</label>
<input type="radio" name="units" id="unit-cm" value="cm" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+M M"><label for="unit-cm">${display_hotkey(localize("C&m"))}</label>
<input type="radio" name="units" id="unit-px" value="px" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+P P"><label for="unit-px">${display_hotkey(localize("&Pixels"))}</label>
$units.find(`[value=${current_unit}]`).attr({ checked: true });
$units.on("change", () => {
const new_unit = $units.find(":checked").val();
$width.val(width_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[new_unit]);
$height.val(height_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[new_unit]);
current_unit = new_unit;
const $colors = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`
<div class="fieldset-body">
<input type="radio" name="colors" id="attribute-monochrome" value="monochrome" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+B B"><label for="attribute-monochrome">${display_hotkey(localize("&Black and white"))}</label>
<input type="radio" name="colors" id="attribute-polychrome" value="polychrome" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+L L"><label for="attribute-polychrome">${display_hotkey(localize("Co&lors"))}</label>
$colors.find(`[value=${monochrome ? "monochrome" : "polychrome"}]`).attr({ checked: true });
const $transparency = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`
<div class="fieldset-body">
<input type="radio" name="transparency" id="attribute-transparent" value="transparent"><label for="attribute-transparent">${localize("Transparent")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="transparency" id="attribute-opaque" value="opaque"><label for="attribute-opaque">${localize("Opaque")}</label>
$transparency.find(`[value=${transparency ? "transparent" : "opaque"}]`).attr({ checked: true });
// Buttons on the right
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
const transparency_option = $transparency.find(":checked").val();
const colors_option = $colors.find(":checked").val();
const unit = $units.find(":checked").val();
const was_monochrome = monochrome;
let monochrome_info;
image_attributes.unit = unit;
transparency = (transparency_option == "transparent");
monochrome = (colors_option == "monochrome");
if (monochrome != was_monochrome) {
if (selection) {
// want to detect monochrome based on selection + canvas
// simplest way to do that is to meld them together
monochrome_info = detect_monochrome(main_ctx);
if (monochrome) {
if (monochrome_info.isMonochrome && monochrome_info.presentNonTransparentRGBAs.length === 2) {
palette = make_monochrome_palette(...monochrome_info.presentNonTransparentRGBAs);
} else {
palette = monochrome_palette;
} else {
palette = polychrome_palette;
selected_colors.foreground = palette[0];
selected_colors.background = palette[14]; // first in second row
selected_colors.ternary = "";
const unit_to_px = unit_sizes_in_px[unit];
const width = $width.val() * unit_to_px;
const height = $height.val() * unit_to_px;
resize_canvas_and_save_dimensions(~~width, ~~height);
if (!transparency && has_any_transparency(main_ctx)) {
// 1. Must be after canvas resize to avoid weird undoable interaction and such.
// 2. Check that monochrome option changed, same as above.
// a) for monochrome_info variable to be available
// b) Consider the case where color is introduced to the canvas while in monochrome mode.
// We only want to show this dialog if it would also change the palette (above), never leave you on an outdated palette.
// c) And it's nice to be able to change other options without worrying about it trying to convert the document to monochrome.
if (monochrome != was_monochrome) {
if (monochrome && !monochrome_info.isMonochrome) {
}, { type: "submit" });
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
// Parsing HTML with jQuery; $Button takes text (not HTML) or Node/DocumentFragment
$w.$Button($.parseHTML(display_hotkey(localize("&Default")))[0], () => {
width_in_px = default_canvas_width;
height_in_px = default_canvas_height;
$width.val(width_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]);
$height.val(height_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]);
}).attr("aria-keyshortcuts", "Alt+D D");
// Default focus
// Reposition the window
function show_convert_to_black_and_white() {
const $w = new $DialogWindow("Convert to Black and White");
$w.$main.append("<fieldset><legend>Threshold:</legend><input type='range' min='0' max='1' step='0.01' value='0.5'></fieldset>");
const $slider = $w.$main.find("input[type='range']");
const original_canvas = make_canvas(main_canvas);
let threshold;
const update_threshold = () => {
name: "Make Monochrome",
match: (history_node) => history_node.name === "Make Monochrome",
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_monochrome.png"),
}, () => {
threshold = $slider.val();
threshold_black_and_white(main_ctx, threshold);
$slider.on("input", debounce(update_threshold, 100));
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
}, { type: "submit" }).focus();
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
if (current_history_node.name === "Make Monochrome") {
} else {
name: "Cancel Make Monochrome",
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_color.png"),
}, () => {
function image_flip_and_rotate() {
const $w = new $DialogWindow(localize("Flip and Rotate"));
const $fieldset = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main);
<legend>${localize("Flip or rotate")}</legend>
<div class="radio-wrapper">
/><label for="flip-horizontal">${display_hotkey(localize("&Flip horizontal"))}</label>
<div class="radio-wrapper">
/><label for="flip-vertical">${display_hotkey(localize("Flip &vertical"))}</label>
<div class="radio-wrapper">
/><label for="rotate-by-angle">${display_hotkey(localize("&Rotate by angle"))}</label>
const $rotate_by_angle = $(E("div")).appendTo($fieldset);
for (const label_with_hotkey of [
]) {
const degrees = parseInt(remove_hotkey(label_with_hotkey), 10);
<div class="radio-wrapper">
<div class="radio-wrapper">
class="no-spinner inset-deep"
style="width: 50px"
<label for="custom-degrees">${localize("Degrees")}</label>
$rotate_by_angle.find("#rotate-90").attr({ checked: true });
// Disabling inputs makes them not even receive mouse events,
// and so pointer-events: none is needed to respond to events on the parent.
$rotate_by_angle.find("input").attr({ disabled: true });
$fieldset.find("input").on("change", () => {
const action = $fieldset.find("input[name='flip-or-rotate']:checked").val();
disabled: action !== "rotate-by-angle"
$rotate_by_angle.find(".radio-wrapper").on("click", (e) => {
// Select "Rotate by angle" and enable subfields
$fieldset.find("input[value='rotate-by-angle']").prop("checked", true);
const $wrapper = $(e.target).closest(".radio-wrapper");
// Focus the numerical input if this field has one
const num_input = $wrapper.find("input[type='number']")[0];
if (num_input) {
// Select the radio for this field
$wrapper.find("input[type='radio']").prop("checked", true);
$fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-arbitrary-angle']").on("input", () => {
$fieldset.find("input[value='rotate-by-angle']").prop("checked", true);
$fieldset.find("input[value='arbitrary']").prop("checked", true);
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
const action = $fieldset.find("input[name='flip-or-rotate']:checked").val();
switch (action) {
case "flip-horizontal":
case "flip-vertical":
case "rotate-by-angle": {
let angle_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-angle']:checked").val();
if (angle_val === "arbitrary") {
angle_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-arbitrary-angle']").val();
const angle_deg = parseFloat(angle_val);
const angle = angle_deg / 360 * TAU;
if (isNaN(angle)) {
}, { type: "submit" });
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
function image_stretch_and_skew() {
const $w = new $DialogWindow(localize("Stretch and Skew"));
const $fieldset_stretch = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main);
const $fieldset_skew = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main);
const $RowInput = ($table, img_src, label_with_hotkey, default_value, label_unit, min, max) => {
const $tr = $(E("tr")).appendTo($table);
const $img = $(E("img")).attr({
src: `images/transforms/${img_src}.png`,
width: 32,
height: 32,
marginRight: "20px"
const input_id = ("input" + Math.random() + Math.random()).replace(/\./, "");
const $input = $(E("input")).attr({
type: "number",
value: default_value,
id: input_id,
"aria-keyshortcuts": `Alt+${get_hotkey(label_with_hotkey).toUpperCase()}`,
width: "40px"
}).addClass("no-spinner inset-deep");
$(E("td")).appendTo($tr).append($(E("label")).html(display_hotkey(label_with_hotkey)).attr("for", input_id));
return $input;
const stretch_x = $RowInput($fieldset_stretch.find("table"), "stretch-x", localize("&Horizontal:"), 100, "%", 1, 5000);
const stretch_y = $RowInput($fieldset_stretch.find("table"), "stretch-y", localize("&Vertical:"), 100, "%", 1, 5000);
const skew_x = $RowInput($fieldset_skew.find("table"), "skew-x", localize("H&orizontal:"), 0, localize("Degrees"), -90, 90);
const skew_y = $RowInput($fieldset_skew.find("table"), "skew-y", localize("V&ertical:"), 0, localize("Degrees"), -90, 90);
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
const x_scale = parseFloat(stretch_x.val()) / 100;
const y_scale = parseFloat(stretch_y.val()) / 100;
const h_skew = parseFloat(skew_x.val()) / 360 * TAU;
const v_skew = parseFloat(skew_y.val()) / 360 * TAU;
if (isNaN(x_scale) || isNaN(y_scale) || isNaN(h_skew) || isNaN(v_skew)) {
try {
stretch_and_skew(x_scale, y_scale, h_skew, v_skew);
} catch (exception) {
if (exception.name === "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") {
// or localize("There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation.")
show_error_message(localize("Insufficient memory to perform operation."), exception);
} else {
show_error_message(localize("An unknown error has occurred."), exception);
// @TODO: undo and clean up undoable
}, { type: "submit" });
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
function handle_keyshortcuts($container) {
// This function implements shortcuts defined with aria-keyshortcuts.
// It also modifies aria-keyshortcuts to remove shortcuts that don't
// contain a modifier (other than shift) when an input field is focused,
// in order to avoid conflicts with typing.
// It stores the original aria-keyshortcuts (indefinitely), so if aria-keyshortcuts
// is ever to be modified at runtime (externally), the code here may need to be changed.
$container.on("keydown", (event) => {
const $targets = $container.find("[aria-keyshortcuts]");
for (let shortcut_target of $targets) {
const shortcuts = $(shortcut_target).attr("aria-keyshortcuts").split(" ");
for (const shortcut of shortcuts) {
// TODO: should we use code instead of key? need examples
if (
!!shortcut.match(/Alt\+/i) === event.altKey &&
!!shortcut.match(/Ctrl\+/i) === event.ctrlKey &&
!!shortcut.match(/Meta\+/i) === event.metaKey &&
!!shortcut.match(/Shift\+/i) === event.shiftKey &&
shortcut.split("+").pop().toUpperCase() === event.key.toUpperCase()
) {
if (shortcut_target.disabled) {
shortcut_target = shortcut_target.closest(".radio-wrapper");
// Prevent keyboard shortcuts from interfering with typing in text fields.
// Rather than conditionally handling the shortcut, I'm conditionally removing it,
// because _theoretically_ it's better for assistive technology to know that the shortcut isn't available.
// (Theoretically I should also remove aria-keyshortcuts when the window isn't focused...)
$container.on("focusin focusout", (event) => {
if ($(event.target).is('textarea, input:not([type="checkbox"]):not([type="radio"]):not([type="button"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="reset"]):not([type="image"]):not([type="file"]):not([type="color"]):not([type="range"])')) {
for (const control of $container.find("[aria-keyshortcuts]")) {
control._original_aria_keyshortcuts = control._original_aria_keyshortcuts ?? control.getAttribute("aria-keyshortcuts");
// Remove shortcuts without modifiers.
.split(" ")
.filter((shortcut) => shortcut.match(/(Alt|Ctrl|Meta)\+/i))
.join(" ")
} else {
// Restore shortcuts.
for (const control of $container.find("[aria-keyshortcuts]")) {
if (control._original_aria_keyshortcuts) {
control.setAttribute("aria-keyshortcuts", control._original_aria_keyshortcuts);
function save_as_prompt({
dialogTitle = localize("Save As"),
defaultFileName = "",
promptForName = true,
}) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const $w = new $DialogWindow(dialogTitle);
// This is needed to prevent the keyboard from closing when you tap the file name input! in FF mobile
// @TODO: Investigate this in os-gui.js; is it literally just the browser default behavior to focus a div with tabindex that's the parent of an input?
// That'd be crazy, right?
$w.$content.attr("tabIndex", null);
// @TODO: hotkeys (N, T, S, Enter, Esc)
if (promptForName) {
File name:
<input type="text" class="file-name inset-deep"/>
Save as type:
<select class="file-type-select inset-deep"></select>
const $file_type = $w.$main.find(".file-type-select");
const $file_name = $w.$main.find(".file-name");
for (const format of formats) {
if (promptForName) {
const get_selected_format = () => {
const selected_format_id = $file_type.val();
for (const format of formats) {
if (format.formatID === selected_format_id) {
return format;
// Select file type when typing file name
const select_file_type_from_file_name = () => {
const extension_match = (promptForName ? $file_name.val() : defaultFileName).match(/\.([\w\d]+)$/);
if (extension_match) {
const selected_format = get_selected_format();
const matched_ext = extension_match[1].toLowerCase();
if (selected_format && selected_format.extensions.includes(matched_ext)) {
// File extension already matches selected file type.
// Don't select a different file type with the same extension.
for (const format of formats) {
if (format.extensions.includes(matched_ext)) {
if (promptForName) {
$file_name.on("input", select_file_type_from_file_name);
if (defaultFileFormatID && formats.some((format) => format.formatID === defaultFileFormatID)) {
} else {
// Change file extension when selecting file type
// allowing non-default extension like .dib vs .bmp, .jpg vs .jpeg to stay
const update_extension_from_file_type = (add_extension_if_absent) => {
if (!promptForName) {
let file_name = $file_name.val();
const selected_format = get_selected_format();
if (!selected_format) {
const extensions_for_type = selected_format.extensions;
const primary_extension_for_type = extensions_for_type[0];
// This way of removing the file extension doesn't scale very well! But I don't want to delete text the user wanted like in case of a version number...
const without_extension = file_name.replace(/\.(\w{1,3}|apng|jpeg|jfif|tiff|webp|psppalette|sketchpalette|gimp|colors|scss|sass|less|styl|html|theme|themepack)$/i, "");
const extension_present = without_extension !== file_name;
const extension = file_name.slice(without_extension.length + 1).toLowerCase(); // without dot
if (
(add_extension_if_absent || extension_present) &&
extensions_for_type.indexOf(extension) === -1
) {
file_name = `${without_extension}.${primary_extension_for_type}`;
$file_type.on("change", () => {
// and initially
const $save = $w.$Button(localize("Save"), () => {
newFileName: promptForName ? $file_name.val() : defaultFileName,
newFileFormatID: $file_type.val(),
}, { type: "submit" });
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
// For mobile devices with on-screen keyboards, move the window to the top
if (window.innerWidth < 500 || window.innerHeight < 700) {
$w.css({ top: 20 });
if (promptForName) {
} else {
// $file_type.focus(); // most of the time you don't want to change the type from PNG
function write_image_file(canvas, mime_type, blob_callback) {
const bmp_match = mime_type.match(/^image\/(?:x-)?bmp\s*(?:-(\d+)bpp)?/);
if (bmp_match) {
const file_content = encodeBMP(canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height), parseInt(bmp_match[1] || "24", 10));
const blob = new Blob([file_content]);
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
} else if (mime_type === "image/png") {
// UPNG.js gives better compressed PNGs than the built-in browser PNG encoder
// In fact you can use it as a minifier! http://upng.photopea.com/
const image_data = canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const array_buffer = UPNG.encode([image_data.data.buffer], image_data.width, image_data.height);
const blob = new Blob([array_buffer]);
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
} else if (mime_type === "image/tiff") {
const image_data = canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const metadata = {
t305: ["jspaint (UTIF.js)"],
const array_buffer = UTIF.encodeImage(image_data.data.buffer, image_data.width, image_data.height, metadata);
const blob = new Blob([array_buffer]);
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
} else {
canvas.toBlob(blob => {
// Note: could check blob.type (mime type) instead
const png_magic_bytes = [0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A];
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
}, png_magic_bytes, mime_type === "image/png");
}, mime_type);
function read_image_file(blob, callback) {
// @TODO: handle SVG (might need to keep track of source URL, for relative resources)
// @TODO: read palette from GIF files
let file_format;
let palette;
let monochrome = false;
blob.arrayBuffer().then((arrayBuffer) => {
// Helpers:
// "GIF".split("").map(c=>"0x"+c.charCodeAt(0).toString("16")).join(", ")
// [0x47, 0x49, 0x46].map(c=>String.fromCharCode(c)).join("")
const magics = {
png: [0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A],
bmp: [0x42, 0x4D], // "BM" in ASCII
jpeg: [0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF],
gif: [0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38], // "GIF8" in ASCII, fully either "GIF87a" or "GIF89a"
webp: [0x57, 0x45, 0x42, 0x50], // "WEBP" in ASCII
tiff_be: [0x4D, 0x4D, 0x0, 0x2A],
tiff_le: [0x49, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x0],
ico: [0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00],
cur: [0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00],
icns: [0x69, 0x63, 0x6e, 0x73], // "icns" in ASCII
const file_bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
let detected_type_id;
for (const [type_id, magic_bytes] of Object.entries(magics)) {
const magic_found = magic_bytes.every((byte, index) => byte === file_bytes[index]);
if (magic_found) {
detected_type_id = type_id;
if (!detected_type_id) {
if (String.fromCharCode(...file_bytes.slice(0, 1024)).includes("%PDF")) {
detected_type_id = "pdf";
if (detected_type_id === "bmp") {
const { colorTable, bitsPerPixel, imageData } = decodeBMP(arrayBuffer);
file_format = bitsPerPixel === 24 ? "image/bmp" : `image/bmp;bpp=${bitsPerPixel}`;
if (colorTable.length >= 2) {
if (colorTable.length === 2) {
palette = make_monochrome_palette(...colorTable.map((color) => [color.r, color.g, color.b, 255]));
monochrome = true;
} else {
palette = colorTable.map((color) => `rgb(${color.r}, ${color.g}, ${color.b})`);
monochrome = false;
// if (bitsPerPixel !== 32 && bitsPerPixel !== 16) {
// for (let i = 3; i < imageData.data.length; i += 4) {
// imageData.data[i] = 255;
// }
// }
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image_data: imageData, source_blob: blob });
} else if (detected_type_id === "png") {
const decoded = UPNG.decode(arrayBuffer);
const rgba = UPNG.toRGBA8(decoded)[0];
const { width, height, tabs, ctype } = decoded;
// If it's a palettized PNG, load the palette for the Colors box.
// Note: PLTE (palette) chunk must be present for palettized PNGs,
// but can also be present as a recommended set of colors in true-color mode.
// tRNs (transparency) chunk can provide alpha data associated with each color in the PLTE chunk.
// It may contain as many transparency entries as there are palette entries, or as few as one.
// tRNS chunk can also be used to specify a single color to be considered fully transparent in true-color mode.
if (tabs.PLTE && tabs.PLTE.length >= 3 * 2 && ctype === 3 /* palettized */) {
if (tabs.PLTE.length === 3 * 2) {
palette = make_monochrome_palette(
[...tabs.PLTE.slice(0, 3), tabs.tRNS?.[0] ?? 255],
[...tabs.PLTE.slice(3, 6), tabs.tRNS?.[1] ?? 255]
monochrome = true;
} else {
palette = new Array(tabs.PLTE.length / 3);
for (let i = 0; i < palette.length; i++) {
if (tabs.tRNS && tabs.tRNS.length >= i + 1) {
palette[i] = `rgba(${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 0]}, ${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 1]}, ${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 2]}, ${tabs.tRNS[i] / 255})`;
} else {
palette[i] = `rgb(${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 0]}, ${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 1]}, ${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 2]})`;
monochrome = false;
file_format = "image/png";
const image_data = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(rgba), width, height);
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image_data, source_blob: blob });
} else if (detected_type_id === "tiff_be" || detected_type_id === "tiff_le") {
// IFDs = image file directories
// VSNs = ???
// This code is based on UTIF.bufferToURI
var ifds = UTIF.decode(arrayBuffer);
var vsns = ifds, ma = 0, page = vsns[0];
if (ifds[0].subIFD) {
vsns = vsns.concat(ifds[0].subIFD);
for (var i = 0; i < vsns.length; i++) {
var img = vsns[i];
if (img["t258"] == null || img["t258"].length < 3) continue;
var ar = img["t256"] * img["t257"];
if (ar > ma) { ma = ar; page = img; }
UTIF.decodeImage(arrayBuffer, page, ifds);
var rgba = UTIF.toRGBA8(page);
var image_data = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(rgba.buffer), page.width, page.height);
file_format = "image/tiff";
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image_data, source_blob: blob });
} else if (detected_type_id === "pdf") {
file_format = "application/pdf";
const pdfjs = window['pdfjs-dist/build/pdf'];
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = 'lib/pdf.js/build/pdf.worker.js';
const file_bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
const loadingTask = pdfjs.getDocument({
data: file_bytes,
cMapUrl: "lib/pdf.js/web/cmaps/",
cMapPacked: true,
loadingTask.promise.then((pdf) => {
console.log('PDF loaded');
// Fetch the first page
// TODO: maybe concatenate all pages into one image?
var pageNumber = 1;
pdf.getPage(pageNumber).then((page) => {
console.log('Page loaded');
var scale = 1.5;
var viewport = page.getViewport({ scale });
// Prepare canvas using PDF page dimensions
var canvas = make_canvas(viewport.width, viewport.height);
// Render PDF page into canvas context
var renderContext = {
canvasContext: canvas.ctx,
var renderTask = page.render(renderContext);
renderTask.promise.then(() => {
console.log('Page rendered');
const image_data = canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image_data, source_blob: blob });
}, (reason) => {
callback(new Error(`Failed to load PDF. ${reason}`));
} else {
monochrome = false;
file_format = {
// bmp: "image/bmp",
png: "image/png",
webp: "image/webp",
jpeg: "image/jpeg",
gif: "image/gif",
tiff_be: "image/tiff",
tiff_le: "image/tiff", // can also be image/x-canon-cr2 etc.
ico: "image/x-icon",
cur: "image/x-win-bitmap",
icns: "image/icns",
}[detected_type_id] || blob.type;
const blob_uri = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const img = new Image();
// img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
const handle_decode_fail = () => {
blob.text().then((file_text) => {
const error = new Error("failed to decode blob as an image");
error.code = file_text.match(/^\s*<!doctype\s+html/i) ? "html-not-image" : "decoding-failure";
}, (err) => {
const error = new Error("failed to decode blob as image or text");
error.code = "decoding-failure";
img.onload = () => {
if (!img.complete || typeof img.naturalWidth == "undefined" || img.naturalWidth === 0) {
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image: img, source_blob: blob });
img.onerror = handle_decode_fail;
img.src = blob_uri;
}, (error) => {
function update_from_saved_file(blob) {
read_image_file(blob, (error, info) => {
if (error) {
show_error_message("The file has been saved, however... " + localize("Paint cannot read this file."), error);
const format = image_formats.find(({ mimeType }) => mimeType === info.file_format);
name: `${localize("Save As")} ${format ? format.name : info.file_format}`,
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_save.png"),
}, () => {
main_ctx.copy(info.image || info.image_data);
function save_selection_to_file() {
if (selection && selection.canvas) {
dialogTitle: localize("Save As"),
defaultName: "selection.png",
defaultFileFormatID: "image/png",
formats: image_formats,
getBlob: (new_file_type) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
write_image_file(selection.canvas, new_file_type, (blob) => {
function sanity_check_blob(blob, okay_callback, magic_number_bytes, magic_wanted = true) {
if (blob.size > 0) {
if (magic_number_bytes) {
blob.arrayBuffer().then((arrayBuffer) => {
const file_bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
const magic_found = magic_number_bytes.every((byte, index) => byte === file_bytes[index]);
// console.log(file_bytes, magic_number_bytes, magic_found, magic_wanted);
if (magic_found === magic_wanted) {
} else {
// hackily combining messages that are already localized, in ways they were not meant to be used.
// you may have to do some deduction to understand this message.
// messageHTML: `
// <p>${localize("Unexpected file format.")}</p>
// <p>${localize("An unsupported operation was attempted.")}</p>
// `,
message: "Your browser does not support writing images in this file format.",
iconID: "error",
}, (error) => {
show_error_message(localize("An unknown error has occurred."), error);
} else {
} else {
show_error_message(localize("Failed to save document."));
function show_multi_user_setup_dialog(from_current_document) {
const $w = $DialogWindow().title("Multi-User Setup").addClass("horizontal-buttons");
${from_current_document ? "<p>This will make the current document public.</p>" : ""}
<!-- Choose a name for the multi-user session, included in the URL for sharing: -->
Enter the session name that will be used in the URL for sharing:
<span class="partial-url-label">jspaint.app/#session:</span>
aria-label="session name"
title="Numbers, letters, and hyphens are allowed."
const $session_name = $w.$main.find("#session-name");
$w.$main.css({ maxWidth: "500px" });
$w.$Button("Start", () => {
let name = $session_name.val().trim();
if (name == "") {
show_error_message("The session name cannot be empty.");
} else if ($session_name.is(":invalid")) {
show_error_message("The session name must be made from only numbers, letters, and hyphens.");
} else {
if (from_current_document) {
change_url_param("session", name);
} else {
// @TODO: load new empty session in the same browser tab
// (or at least... keep settings like vertical-color-box-mode?)
}, { type: "submit" });
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {