
488 lines
14 KiB

let $help_window;
function show_help() {
if ($help_window) {
$help_window = open_help_viewer({
title: localize("Paint Help"),
root: "help",
contentsFile: "help/mspaint.hhc",
$help_window.on("close", ()=> {
$help_window = null;
// awkward shim to interface with my own stupid code
window.$Icon = (name)=> {
return $(`<img src='images/${name}-16x16.png'>`);
// shared code with 98.js.org
// (copy-pasted for now)
function open_help_viewer(options){
const $help_window = $Window({
title: options.title || "Help Topics",
icon: "chm",
let ignore_one_load = true;
let back_length = 0;
let forward_length = 0;
const $main = $(E("div")).addClass("main");
const $toolbar = $(E("div")).addClass("toolbar");
const add_toolbar_button = (name, sprite_n, action_fn, enabled_fn)=> {
const $button = $("<button class='lightweight'>")
.on("click", ()=> {
$("<div class='icon'/>")
backgroundPosition: `${-sprite_n * 55}px 0px`,
const update_enabled = ()=> {
$button[0].disabled = enabled_fn && !enabled_fn();
$help_window.on("click", "*", update_enabled);
$help_window.on("update-buttons", update_enabled);
return $button;
const measure_sidebar_width = ()=>
$contents.outerWidth() +
parseFloat(getComputedStyle($contents[0]).getPropertyValue("margin-left")) +
parseFloat(getComputedStyle($contents[0]).getPropertyValue("margin-right")) +
const $hide_button = add_toolbar_button("Hide", 0, ()=> {
const toggling_width = measure_sidebar_width();
$help_window.width($help_window.width() - toggling_width);
$help_window.css("left", $help_window.offset().left + toggling_width);
const $show_button = add_toolbar_button("Show", 5, ()=> {
const toggling_width = measure_sidebar_width();
$help_window.css("max-width", "unset");
$help_window.width($help_window.width() + toggling_width);
$help_window.css("left", $help_window.offset().left - toggling_width);
// $help_window.applyBounds() would push the window to fit (before trimming it only if needed)
// Trim the window to fit (especially for if maximized)
if ($help_window.offset().left < 0) {
$help_window.width($help_window.width() + $help_window.offset().left);
$help_window.css("left", 0);
$help_window.css("max-width", "");
add_toolbar_button("Back", 1, ()=> {
ignore_one_load = true;
back_length -= 1;
forward_length += 1;
}, ()=> back_length > 0);
add_toolbar_button("Forward", 2, ()=> {
ignore_one_load = true;
forward_length -= 1;
back_length += 1;
}, ()=> forward_length > 0);
add_toolbar_button("Options", 3, ()=> {}, ()=> false); // @TODO: hotkey and underline on O
add_toolbar_button("Web Help", 4, ()=> {
iframe.src = "help/online_support.htm";
const $iframe = $Iframe({src: "help/default.html"}).addClass("inset-deep");
const iframe = $iframe[0];
iframe.$window = $help_window; // for focus handling integration
const $resizer = $(E("div")).addClass("resizer");
const $contents = $(E("ul")).addClass("contents inset-deep");
// @TODO: fix race conditions
$iframe.on("load", ()=> {
if (!ignore_one_load) {
back_length += 1;
forward_length = 0;
// iframe.contentWindow.location.href
ignore_one_load = false;
$main.append($contents, $resizer, $iframe);
$help_window.$content.append($toolbar, $main);
$help_window.css({width: 800, height: 600});
$iframe.attr({name: "help-frame"});
backgroundColor: "white",
border: "",
margin: "1px",
margin: "1px",
position: "relative", // for resizer
const resizer_width = 4;
cursor: "ew-resize",
width: resizer_width,
boxSizing: "border-box",
background: "var(--ButtonFace)",
borderLeft: "1px solid var(--ButtonShadow)",
boxShadow: "inset 1px 0 0 var(--ButtonHilight)",
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
zIndex: 1,
$resizer.on("pointerdown", (e)=> {
let pointermove, pointerup;
const getPos = (e)=>
Math.min($help_window.width() - 100, Math.max(20,
e.clientX - $help_window.$content.offset().left
$G.on("pointermove", pointermove = (e)=> {
position: "absolute",
left: getPos(e)
marginRight: resizer_width,
$G.on("pointerup", pointerup = (e)=> {
$G.off("pointermove", pointermove);
$G.off("pointerup", pointerup);
position: "",
left: ""
flexBasis: getPos(e) - resizer_width,
marginRight: "",
const parse_object_params = $object => {
// parse an $(<object>) to a plain object of key value pairs
const object = {};
for (const param of $object.children("param").get()) {
object[param.name] = param.value;
return object;
let $last_expanded;
const $Item = text => {
const $item = $(E("div")).addClass("item").text(text.trim());
$item.on("mousedown", () => {
$item.on("click", () => {
const $li = $item.parent();
$last_expanded = $li;
return $item;
const $default_item_li = $(E("li")).addClass("page");
$default_item_li.append($Item("Welcome to Help").on("click", ()=> {
$iframe.attr({src: "help/default.html"});
function renderItem(source_li, $folder_items_ul) {
const object = parse_object_params($(source_li).children("object"));
if ($(source_li).find("li").length > 0){
const $folder_li = $(E("li")).addClass("folder");
const $folder_items_ul = $(E("ul"));
$(source_li).children("ul").children().get().forEach((li)=> {
renderItem(li, $folder_items_ul);
} else {
const $item_li = $(E("li")).addClass("page");
$item_li.append($Item(object.Name).on("click", ()=> {
$iframe.attr({src: `${options.root}/${object.Local}`});
if ($folder_items_ul) {
} else {
fetch(options.contentsFile).then((response)=> {
response.text().then((hhc)=> {
$($.parseHTML(hhc)).filter("ul").children().get().forEach((li)=> {
renderItem(li, null);
}, (error)=> {
show_error_message(`${localize("Failed to launch help.")} Failed to read ${options.contentsFile}.`, error);
}, (/* error */)=> {
// access to error message is not allowed either, basically
if (location.protocol === "file:") {
const $w = $FormToolWindow().title(localize("Paint")).addClass("dialogue-window");
<p>${localize("Failed to launch help.")}</p>
<p>This feature is not available when running from the <code>file:</code> protocol.</p>
<p>To use this feature, start a web server. If you have Python, you can use <code>python -m SimpleHTTPServer</code></p>
$w.$main.css({maxWidth: "500px"});
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
} else {
show_error_message(`${localize("Failed to launch help.")} ${localize("Access to %1 was denied.", options.contentsFile)}`);
// @TODO: keyboard accessability
// $help_window.on("keydown", (e)=> {
// switch(e.keyCode){
// case 37:
// show_error_message("MOVE IT");
// break;
// }
// });
// var task = new Task($help_window);
var task = {};
task.$help_window = $help_window;
return task;
var programs_being_loaded = 0;
function $Iframe(options){
var $iframe = $("<iframe allowfullscreen sandbox='allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-modals allow-popups allow-downloads'>");
var iframe = $iframe[0];
var disable_delegate_pointerup = false;
$iframe.focus_contents = function(){
if (!iframe.contentWindow) {
if (iframe.contentDocument.hasFocus()) {
disable_delegate_pointerup = true;
disable_delegate_pointerup = false;
// Let the iframe to handle mouseup events outside itself
var delegate_pointerup = function(){
if (disable_delegate_pointerup) {
// This try-catch may only be needed for running Cypress tests.
try {
if(iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.jQuery){
const event = new iframe.contentWindow.MouseEvent("mouseup", {button: 0});
const event2 = new iframe.contentWindow.MouseEvent("mouseup", {button: 2});
} catch(error) {
console.log("Failed to access iframe to delegate pointerup; got", error);
$G.on("mouseup blur", delegate_pointerup);
$iframe.destroy = ()=> {
$G.off("mouseup blur", delegate_pointerup);
// @TODO: delegate pointermove events too?
programs_being_loaded += 1;
$iframe.on("load", function(){
if(--programs_being_loaded <= 0){
// This try-catch may only be needed for running Cypress tests.
try {
if (window.themeCSSProperties) {
applyTheme(themeCSSProperties, iframe.contentDocument.documentElement);
// on Wayback Machine, and iframe's url not saved yet
if (iframe.contentDocument.querySelector("#error #livewebInfo.available")) {
var message = document.createElement("div");
message.style.position = "absolute";
message.style.left = "0";
message.style.right = "0";
message.style.top = "0";
message.style.bottom = "0";
message.style.background = "#c0c0c0";
message.style.color = "#000";
message.style.padding = "50px";
message.innerHTML = `<a target="_blank">Save this url in the Wayback Machine</a>`;
message.querySelector("a").href =
"https://web.archive.org/save/https://98.js.org/" +
iframe.src.replace(/.*https:\/\/98.js.org\/?/, "");
message.querySelector("a").style.color = "blue";
var $contentWindow = $(iframe.contentWindow);
$contentWindow.on("pointerdown click", function(e){
iframe.$window && iframe.$window.focus();
// from close_menus in $MenuBar
// Close any rogue floating submenus
// We want to disable pointer events for other iframes, but not this one
$contentWindow.on("pointerdown", function(e){
$iframe.css("pointer-events", "all");
$contentWindow.on("pointerup", function(e){
$iframe.css("pointer-events", "");
// $("iframe").css("pointer-events", ""); is called elsewhere.
// Otherwise iframes would get stuck in this interaction mode
iframe.contentWindow.close = function(){
iframe.$window && iframe.$window.close();
// @TODO: hook into saveAs (a la FileSaver.js) and another function for opening files
// iframe.contentWindow.saveAs = function(){
// saveAsDialog();
// };
} catch(error) {
console.log("Failed to reach into iframe; got", error);
if (options.src) {
$iframe.attr({src: options.src});
minWidth: 0,
minHeight: 0, // overrides user agent styling apparently, fixes Sound Recorder
flex: 1,
border: 0, // overrides user agent styling
return $iframe;
// function $IframeWindow(options){
// var $win = new $Window(options);
// var $iframe = $win.$iframe = $Iframe({src: options.src});
// $win.$content.append($iframe);
// var iframe = $win.iframe = $iframe[0];
// // @TODO: should I instead of having iframe.$window, have something like get$Window?
// // Where all is $window needed?
// // I know it's used from within the iframe contents as frameElement.$window
// iframe.$window = $win;
// $win.on("close", function(){
// $iframe.destroy();
// });
// $win.onFocus($iframe.focus_contents);
// $iframe.on("load", function(){
// $win.show();
// $win.focus();
// // $iframe.focus_contents();
// });
// $win.setInnerDimensions = ({width, height})=> {
// const width_from_frame = $win.width() - $win.$content.width();
// const height_from_frame = $win.height() - $win.$content.height();
// $win.css({
// width: width + width_from_frame,
// height: height + height_from_frame + 21,
// });
// };
// $win.setInnerDimensions({
// width: (options.innerWidth || 640),
// height: (options.innerHeight || 380),
// });
// $win.$content.css({
// display: "flex",
// flexDirection: "column",
// });
// // @TODO: cascade windows
// $win.center();
// $win.hide();
// return $win;
// }
// Fix dragging things (i.e. windows) over iframes (i.e. other windows)
// (when combined with a bit of css, .dragging iframe { pointer-events: none; })
// (and a similar thing in $IframeWindow)
$(window).on("pointerdown", function(e){
$(window).on("pointerup dragend blur", function(e){
if(e.type === "blur"){
$("iframe").css("pointer-events", "");