
94 lines
2.6 KiB

function $FontBox() {
const $fb = $(E("div")).addClass("font-box");
const $family = $(E("select")).addClass("inset-deep").attr({
"aria-label": "Font Family",
"aria-description": localize("Selects the font used by the text."),
const $size = $(E("input")).addClass("inset-deep").attr({
type: "number",
min: 8,
max: 72,
value: text_tool_font.size,
"aria-label": "Font Size",
"aria-description": localize("Selects the point size of the text."),
maxWidth: 50,
const $button_group = $(E("span")).addClass("text-toolbar-button-group");
// @TODO: localized labels
const $bold = $Toggle(0, "bold", "Bold", localize("Sets or clears the text bold attribute."));
const $italic = $Toggle(1, "italic", "Italic", localize("Sets or clears the text italic attribute."));
const $underline = $Toggle(2, "underline", "Underline", localize("Sets or clears the text underline attribute."));
const $vertical = $Toggle(3, "vertical", "Vertical Writing Mode", localize("Only a Far East font can be used for vertical editing."));
$vertical.attr("disabled", true);
$button_group.append($bold, $italic, $underline, $vertical);
$fb.append($family, $size, $button_group);
const update_font = () => {
text_tool_font.size = Number($size.val());
text_tool_font.family = $family.val();
FontDetective.each(font => {
const $option = $(E("option"));
if (!text_tool_font.family) {
if (text_tool_font.family) {
$family.on("change", update_font);
$size.on("change", update_font);
const $w = $ToolWindow();
return $w;
function $Toggle(xi, thing, label, description) {
const $button = $(E("button")).addClass("toggle").attr({
"aria-pressed": false,
"aria-label": label,
"aria-description": description,
const $icon = $(E("span")).addClass("icon").appendTo($button);
width: 23,
height: 22,
padding: 0,
display: "inline-flex",
alignContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
flex: "0 0 auto",
display: "block",
width: 16,
height: 16,
"--icon-index": xi,
$button.on("click", () => {
text_tool_font[thing] = $button.hasClass("selected");
$button.attr("aria-pressed", $button.hasClass("selected"));
if (text_tool_font[thing]) {
$button.addClass("selected").attr("aria-pressed", true);
return $button;