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<p>JS Paint is a web-based remake of MS Paint by <a href="https://isaiahodhner.ml/">Isaiah Odhner</a>.</p>
<p>Read about the project and <b>extra features</b> on <a href="https://github.com/1j01/jspaint#readme">the README</a>.</p>
<p>Request features and report bugs <a href="https://github.com/1j01/jspaint/issues">on GitHub</a>
or <a href="mailto:isaiahodhner@gmail.com?subject=JS%20Paint">by email</a>.</p>
<p>If you want to support the project &amp; cover domain fees:
<a href="https://www.paypal.me/IsaiahOdhner" target="_blank">paypal.me/IsaiahOdhner</a>
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<article class="news-entry" id="news-2019-polygon-text-and-select">
<h1>Polygon, Text, and Select</h1>
<time datetime="2019-12-04">2019-12-04</time>
Handles are now way easier to drag, with extended click targets, similar to Paint from Windows 7.
It's like not unreasonable to use with a touch screen now!
This applies to selections, textboxes, and the main canvas handles.
Resizing selections and textboxes when zoomed in is <a href="https://github.com/1j01/jspaint/issues/13#issuecomment-562247085">finally fixed</a>!
The Text tool now perfectly previews the pixels that will be placed on the canvas.
What you see is what you get!
Also it retains all browser editing behavior, like spellcheck,
using a convoluted, yet elegant overlaying strategy.
(I prototyped this <a href="https://jsfiddle.net/1j01/wnac09u3/">here</a>
and <a href="https://jsfiddle.net/1j01/qkvfjn1r/">here</a> if you're interested.)
With the fill-only option selected, the Polygon tool now previews with inverted lines, as in mspaint.
(When you finish the polygon, the boundary of the shape matches the preview exactly,
because it actually <em>does</em> draw a stroke, just the same color as the fill.)
<article class="news-entry" id="news-2019-zoom-viewport">
<h1>Zoom To Mouse</h1>
<time datetime="2019-10-26">2019-10-26</time>
<b class="new">New:</b> The Magnifier now lets you zoom to a specific location,
showing a preview of the new viewport.
Also, when zooming out with the Magnifier,
or changing the zoom from the toolbar or menus,
the top left corner of the viewport is now kept anchored.
Also, pasting a selection will now go to the top left of the viewport,
instead of the entire document.
<article class="news-entry" id="news-2019-grid-zoom-cursors">
<h1>The Grid, Custom Zoom, and Dynamic Cursors</h1>
<time datetime="2019-10-09">2019-10-09</time>
<b class="new">New:</b> The Grid. Zoom to 4x+ and use <b>View > Zoom > Show Grid</b> or <kbd>Ctrl+G</kbd> to enable.
This works with browser zoom as well to provide crisp gridlines even if you zoom in with your browser.
<b class="new">New:</b> <b>View > Zoom > Custom Zoom</b>,
including an actually-custom numerical zoom option, unlike MS Paint.
<b class="new">New:</b> Dynamic cursors for brush and eraser,
so you now have a preview of exactly where the tool will draw.
Also, in the event that your browser clears canvases to free up memory,
you should be more likely to be able to undo to get back to a useful state.
<article class="news-entry" id="news-2019-async-clipboard">
<h1>Full Clipboard Support</h1>
<time datetime="2019-09-21">2019-09-21</time>
JS Paint now lets you copy real image data to the Clipboard, both with keyboard shortcuts and from the Edit menu.
This feature is available in Chrome 76+. Other browsers don't support it yet, as of Sep 2019.
Also: paste a URL to an image, and JS Paint will load it, as an alternative to <b>File > Load from URL</b>.
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<h1><img src="images/icons/32x32.png" width="32" height="32" alt=""/> JS Paint</h1>
<p>This application requires JavaScript to run.</p>
Assuming this is the official instance of jspaint,
at <a href="https://jspaint.app">https://jspaint.app</a>,
you can safely enable JavaScript.
<p>You can also check out <a href="https://github.com/1j01/jspaint">the source code and project info</a>.</p>