Sketch things with voice commands

- "draw a dog"
- "do a rendition of the mona lisa"
- etc.
Isaiah Odhner 2020-05-08 11:44:49 -04:00
parent a587228c69
commit f07c60ab41
3 changed files with 1425 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -253,6 +253,7 @@
<script src="lib/os-gui/parse-theme.js"></script>
<script src="lib/os-gui/$Window.js"></script>
<script src="lib/os-gui/$MenuBar.js"></script>
<script src="lib/imagetracer_v1.2.5.js"></script>
<script src="src/helpers.js"></script>
<script src="src/storage.js"></script>

lib/imagetracer_v1.2.5.js Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -34,8 +34,13 @@ const recognitionFixes = {
"to all": "tool",
"stool": "tool",
"tour": "tool",
"draught": "draw a",
"try": "draw", // seems too general - (unless you previously told it to draw something...) - but it keeps coming up!
// "drag": "draw a", // too general
"try picture": "draw a picture",
// Free-Form Select
"state farm": "freeform",
// Select
"flekstore": "select tool",
"select one": "select tool",
@ -45,11 +50,17 @@ const recognitionFixes = {
"grace": "erase",
"rapper": "rubber",
"robber": "rubber",
"racing": "eraser",
// Fill With Color
"tail with color": "fill with color",
"pickpocket": "paint bucket",
"pink bucket": "paint bucket",
"pillbox hat": "fill bucket",
"pill lookup": "fill bucket",
"tell bucket": "fill bucket",
"phil luckett": "fill bucket",
"fel bucket": "fill bucket",
"phil bucket": "fill bucket",
"bobcat": "bucket",
"tell tool": "fill tool",
"till tool": "fill tool",
@ -110,7 +121,7 @@ grammar jspaintCommands;
<color> = ${colorNames.join(' | ')};
<tool_name> = ${toolNames.join(' | ')};
<tool> = [the] <tool_name> [tool];
<pick-verb> = select | pick | choose | use | activate | "pick up";
<pick-verb> = select | pick | choose | use | activate | "pick up" | grab;
public <command> = [<pick-verb>] (<color> | <tool>);
@ -145,8 +156,6 @@ recognition.onresult = function(event) {
// The second [0] returns the SpeechRecognitionAlternative at position 0.
// We then return the transcript property of the SpeechRecognitionAlternative object
let command = event.results[0][0].transcript;
console.log(`Result received: "${command}"`);
console.log('Confidence: ' + event.results[0][0].confidence);
@ -155,39 +164,7 @@ recognition.onresult = function(event) {
command = command.replace(new RegExp(`\\b${bad}\\b`, "ig"), good);
console.log(`After any fixes: "${command}"`);
let best_match_fn;
let best_match_text = "";
for (const color of colorNames) {
if (` ${command} `.toLowerCase().indexOf(` ${color} `) !== -1) {
if (color.length > best_match_text.length) {
best_match_text = color;
best_match_fn = ((color)=> ()=> {
colors.foreground = color;
for (const tool of tools) {
for (const base_tool_phrase of tool.speech_recognition) {
for (const tool_phrase of [base_tool_phrase, `the ${base_tool_phrase}`, `the ${base_tool_phrase} tool`, `${base_tool_phrase} tool`]) {
if (` ${command} `.toLowerCase().indexOf(` ${tool_phrase} `) !== -1) {
if (tool_phrase.length > best_match_text.length) {
best_match_text = tool_phrase;
best_match_fn = ((tool)=> ()=> {
if (best_match_text) {
$status_text.html(`Speech:&nbsp;<span style="white-space: pre;">${command.replace(best_match_text, (important_text)=> `<b>${important_text}</b>`)}</span>`);
} else {
$status_text.text(`Speech: ${command}`);
recognition.onspeechend = function() {
@ -224,4 +201,211 @@ recognition.onerror = function(event) {
window.interpret_command = (command)=> {
let best_match_fn;
let best_match_text = "";
for (const color of colorNames) {
if (` ${command} `.toLowerCase().indexOf(` ${color} `) !== -1) {
if (color.length > best_match_text.length) {
best_match_text = color;
best_match_fn = ((color)=> ()=> {
colors.foreground = color;
for (const tool of tools) {
for (const base_tool_phrase of tool.speech_recognition) {
// Note: if "select" wasn't matched here, the phrase "select text" would select the Select tool instead of the Text tool (because "select" is longer than "text")
const select_tool_match = command.match(new RegExp(`\\b(?:(?:select|pick|choose|use|activate|pick up|grab) )?(?:the )?${base_tool_phrase}(?: tool)?\\b`, "i"));
if (select_tool_match) {
if (select_tool_match[0].length > best_match_text.length) {
best_match_text = select_tool_match[0];
best_match_fn = ((tool)=> ()=> {
if (!best_match_text) {
// @TODO: clipboard as a source.. but you might want to just draw the clipboard directly to the canvas,
// so maybe it should be limited to saying "sketch"/"doodle"/"do a rendition of"
// /(?:sketch|doodle|do a (?:rendition|sketch|doodle) of) (?:the (?:contents of |(?:image|picture|data) on the )|(?:what's|what is) on the )?clipboard/i
const draw_match = command.match(/(?:draw|sketch|doodle|render|(?:paint|draw|do|render|sketch) (?:a picture|an image|a drawing|a painting|a rendition|a sketch|a doodle) of) (?:an? )?(.+)/i);
if (draw_match) {
best_match_text = draw_match[0];
best_match_fn = async ()=> {
const subject_matter = draw_match[1];
const results = await find_clipart(subject_matter);
// @TODO: select less complex images (less file size to width, say?) maybe, and/or better semantic matches by looking for the search terms in the title?
// detect gradients / spread out histogram at least, and reject based on that
let image_url = results[~~(Math.random() * results.length)].image_url;
console.log("Using source image:", image_url);
if (!image_url.match(/^data:/)) {
image_url = `${image_url}`;
const img = new Image();
img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
img.onload = ()=> {
// @TODO: find an empty spot on the canvas for the sketch, smaller if need be
const max_sketch_width = 500;
const max_sketch_height = 500;
let aspect_ratio = img.width / img.height;
let width = Math.min(img.width, max_sketch_width);
let height = Math.min(img.height, max_sketch_height);
if (width / height < aspect_ratio) {
height = width / aspect_ratio;
if (width / height > aspect_ratio) {
width = height * aspect_ratio;
const img_canvas = make_canvas(width, height);
img_canvas.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
const image_data = img_canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, img_canvas.width, img_canvas.height);
resize_canvas_without_saving_dimensions(Math.max(canvas.width, image_data.width), Math.max(canvas.height, image_data.height));
// @TODO: visible cancel button, and Escape key handling, in addition to the "stop" voice command
img.src = image_url;
// after the above to allow for "draw a stop sign"
if (!best_match_text) {
const stop_match = command.match(/\b(?:stop|end|cease|(?:that's|that is) enough|enough of that|terminate|halt|put an end to(?: this)?|break off)\b/i);
if (stop_match) {
best_match_text = stop_match[0];
best_match_fn = ()=> {
window.stopSimulatingGestures && window.stopSimulatingGestures();
window.trace_and_sketch_stop && window.trace_and_sketch_stop();
if (best_match_text) {
$status_text.html(`Speech:&nbsp;<span style="white-space: pre;">${command.replace(best_match_text, (important_text)=> `<b>${important_text}</b>`)}</span>`);
console.log(`Interpreting command "${command}" as "${best_match_text}"`);
} else {
$status_text.text(`Speech: ${command}`);
console.log(`No interpretation for command "${command}"`);
window.trace_and_sketch = (subject_imagedata)=> {
window.trace_and_sketch_stop && window.trace_and_sketch_stop();
// const subject_imagedata = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// const pal => get_rgba_from_color(color)).map(([r, g, b, a])=> ({r, g, b, a}));
const tracedata = ImageTracer.imagedataToTracedata(subject_imagedata, { ltres:1, qtres:0.01, scale:10, /*pal,*/ numberofcolors: 6, });
const {layers} = tracedata;
const brush = get_tool_by_name("Brush");
let layer_index = 0;
let path_index = 0;
let segment_index = 0;
let active_path;
window.sketching_iid = setInterval(()=> {
const layer = layers[layer_index];
if (!layer) {
const path = layer[path_index];
if (!path) {
path_index = 0;
segment_index = 0;
layer_index += 1;
const segment = path.segments[segment_index];
if (!segment) {
segment_index = 0;
path_index += 1;
brush.pointerup(ctx, pointer.x, pointer.y);
let {x1, y1, x2, y2} = segment;
if (path !== active_path) {
pointer_previous = {x: x1, y: y1};
pointer = {x: x1, y: y1};
brush.pointerdown(ctx, x1, y1);
active_path = path;
pointer_previous = {x: x1, y: y1};
pointer = {x: x2, y: y2};
pointer_active = true;
pointer_over_canvas = true;
segment_index += 1;
}, 20);
window.trace_and_sketch_stop = ()=> {
pointer_active = false;
pointer_over_canvas = false;
function find_clipart(query) {
const bing_url = new URL(`${encodeURIComponent(query)}&qft=+filterui:photo-clipart+filterui:license-L1&FORM=IRFLTR`)
return fetch(`${bing_url}`)
.then(response=> response.text())
.then((html)=> {
// handle relative data-src
html = html.replace(
($0, $1, $2)=> `${$1}${bing_url.origin}${$2 ? bing_url.pathname : ""}`
// handle relative src and href in a less error-prone way, with a <base> tag
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");
const $html = $(doc.documentElement);
const base = doc.createElement("base");
base.href = bing_url.origin + bing_url.pathname;
window.search_page_html = html;
window.search_page_$html = $html;
console.log("window.search_page_html and window.search_page_$html are a available for debugging");
const validate_item = (item)=> item.image_url && (item.image_url.match(/^data:/) ? item.image_url.length > 1000 : true);
let items = $html.find("[m]").toArray()
.map((el)=> el.getAttribute("m"))
.map((json)=> {
try {
return JSON.parse(json);
} catch(error) {
return null;
.filter((maybe_parsed)=> maybe_parsed && maybe_parsed.murl)
.map(({murl, t})=> ({image_url: murl, title: t || ""}))
// fallback to thumbnails in case they get rid of the "m" attribute (thumbnails are not as good, more likely to be jpeg)
if (items.length === 0) {
console.log("Fallback to thumbnails");
items = $html.find("img.mimg").toArray()
.map((el)=> ({image_url: el.src || el.dataset.src, title: ""}))
// fallback in case they also change the class for images (this may match totally irrelevant things)
if (items.length === 0) {
console.log("Fallback to most imgs");
items = $html.find("img").toArray()
.filter((el)=> !el.closest("[role='navigation'], nav")) // ignore "Related searches", "Refine your search" etc.
.map((el)=> ({image_url: el.src || el.dataset.src, title: ""}))
console.log(`Search results for '${query}':`, items);
if (items.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`failed to get clipart: no results returned for query '${query}'`);
return items;