Update TODO.md

Isaiah Odhner 2019-02-16 13:42:34 -05:00
parent b40af7310a
commit a778ba5ca8
1 changed files with 9 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -206,26 +206,28 @@ might be a pointer events spec interpretation issue, and it could easily be that
### Desktop App (Electron)
* Choose different file types when saving (also wanted in the browser; and on mobile (chrome for android at least) you currently can't set a filename, so a dialog would be good! see: [#59](https://github.com/1j01/jspaint/issues/59), [#55](https://github.com/1j01/jspaint/issues/55), [#54](https://github.com/1j01/jspaint/issues/54))
* Save to existing files with Save (currently it does the same as Save As)
* Why doesn't the process exit when the window is closed? It has code to `quit`, from the example boilerplate.
**Update:** It seems it's `electron-forge start` that doesn't exit, which appears to match [this bug](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-forge/issues/545).
* [`electron-forge start` has a bug that prevents it from exiting when the window is closed.](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-forge/issues/545)
Should I update to the beta so that `npm start` can quit normally?
* [Set up Content-Security-Policy](https://electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/security)
* Remember window position/state
* Minimum and default size of window
* Add icon to built executable
* Set up autoupdating
* Keep window hidden until loaded (`show: false`) ([`ready-to-show`](https://electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window#event-ready-to-show))
* Ideally name executable `jspaint.exe` rather than `JS Paint.exe`
* File association support (allow setting jspaint as default image editor)
* A dialog when closing
* Subwindows as separate windows
* Document recovery without having to know File > Manage Storage exists (pop up contextually with a dialog when you need it)
* Show link URLs when you hover over them, in the status bar (we have a status bar! haha) (there's this API: [event: update-target-url](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/api/web-contents.md#event-update-target-url), which gave me the idea, but it could probably be implemented with mouse events and such if that's not sufficient)
* Show link URLs when you hover over them, in the status bar (because we have a status bar! haha) (there's this API: [event: update-target-url](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/api/web-contents.md#event-update-target-url), which gave me the idea, or it could be implemented with mouse events)
* Recent files (could also be implemented for 98.js.org in the future)
* Create a landing page / home page for the desktop app (similar to https://desktop.webamp.org/ or https://desktop.github.com/) - (perhaps https://desktop.jspaint.app/) - and/or for JS Paint in general (perhaps https://jspaint.app/about/)
* Remove usage of `prompt` (and ideally `alert`/`confirm` too! shouldn't be using these anyways!)
* macOS: `setRepresentedFilename`, `setDocumentEdited` etc., maybe even "sheets"?
* macOS: `open-file` event, `setRepresentedFilename`, `setDocumentEdited` etc.
* Windows: maybe handle `session-end` event and ask to save?