Disable File System Access API

Isaiah Odhner 2021-12-08 00:18:47 -05:00
parent 32155e10c1
commit 6e571e4648
1 changed files with 13 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -108,6 +108,16 @@ let custom_colors = [
// The File System Access API doesn't provide a way to get the file type selected by the user,
// or to automatically append a file extension to the file name.
// I'm not sure it's worth it to be able to save over an existing file.
// I also like the downloads bar UI to be honest.
// So this might need to be optional, but right now I'm disabling it as it's not ready.
// There are cases where 0-byte files are created, which is either a serious problem,
// it's just from canceling saving when the file name has a problem, and it needs to be cleaned up.
// Also, while I've implemented most of the UI, it'd be nice to release this with recent files support.
let enable_fs_access_api = false;
// The methods in systemHooks can be overridden by a containing page like 98.js.org which hosts jspaint in a same-origin iframe.
// This allows integrations like setting the wallpaper as the background of the host page, or saving files to a server.
// This API may be removed at any time (and perhaps replaced by something based around postMessage)
@ -127,7 +137,7 @@ window.systemHookDefaults = {
// but at least in chrome, there's a "Downloads Blocked" icon with a popup where you can say Always Allow.
// I can't detect when it's allowed or blocked, but `saveAs` has a better chance of working,
// so in Speech Recognition and Eye Gaze Mode, I set a global flag temporarily to disable File System Access API (window.untrusted_gesture).
if (window.showSaveFilePicker && !window.untrusted_gesture) {
if (window.showSaveFilePicker && !window.untrusted_gesture && enable_fs_access_api) {
// We can't get the selected file type, not even from newHandle.getFile()
// so limit formats shown to a set that can all be used by their unique file extensions
// formats = formats_unique_per_file_extension(formats);
@ -254,7 +264,7 @@ window.systemHookDefaults = {
show_error_message("Sorry, a file picker cannot be shown when using Speech Recognition or Eye Gaze Mode. You must click File > Open directly with the mouse, or press Ctrl+O on the keyboard.");
throw new Error("can't show file picker reliably");
if (window.showOpenFilePicker) {
if (window.showOpenFilePicker && enable_fs_access_api) {
const [fileHandle] = await window.showOpenFilePicker({
types: formats.map((format)=> {
return {
@ -282,7 +292,7 @@ window.systemHookDefaults = {
writeBlobToHandle: async (save_file_handle, blob) => {
if (save_file_handle && save_file_handle.createWritable) {
if (save_file_handle && save_file_handle.createWritable && enable_fs_access_api) {
await confirm_overwrite();
try {
const writableStream = await save_file_handle.createWritable();