Move Edit Colors functionality to file

Isaiah Odhner 2020-12-03 15:52:42 -05:00
parent 74eabff81f
commit 60220e2e62
3 changed files with 341 additions and 338 deletions

View File

@ -271,6 +271,7 @@
<script src="src/tool-options.js"></script>
<script src="src/tools.js"></script>
<!--<script src="src/extra-tools.js"></script>-->
<script src="src/edit-colors.js"></script>
<script src="src/functions.js"></script>
<script src="src/manage-storage.js"></script>
<script src="src/imgur.js"></script>

src/edit-colors.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
// @TODO:
// - Persist custom colors list? it's not very persistent in real Windows...
// - Keyboard navigation of the color cells
// - consistent behavior of arrow keys (should probably store the colors in the same way for each grid)
// - tab should go to next control, not next cell
// - Any time a button is disabled, make sure it focuses the right element
// - OK with Enter, after selecting a focused color if applicable
// -
// or
// - Functional Hue/Sat/Lum/Red/Green/Blue fields
// - Keyboard shortcuts to jump to controls
// - Make sure all are visible with underlines
// - There isn't a low color mode so colors are always solid, but alt+o should reinitialize the HSL from the RGB
// - Question mark button in titlebar that lets you click on parts of UI to ask about them; also context menu "What's this?"
// In Windows, the Hue goes from 0 to 239 (240 being equivalent to 0), and Sat and Lum go from 0 to 240
// I think people are more familiar with degrees and percentages, so I don't think I'll be implementing that.
// Development workflow:
// - In the console, set localStorage.dev_edit_colors = "true";
// - Reload the page
// - Load a screenshot of the Edit Colors window into the editor
// - Position it finely using the arrow keys on a selection
// - For measuring positions, look at the Windows source code OR:
// - close the window,
// - point on the canvas, mark down the coordinates shown in status bar,
// - point on the canvas at the origin
// - the top left of the inside of the window, or
// - the top left of (what corresponds to) the nearest parent position:fixed/absolute/relative
// - subtract the origin from the target
let $edit_colors_window;
let dev_edit_colors = false;
try {
dev_edit_colors = localStorage.dev_edit_colors === "true";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (error) { }
if (dev_edit_colors) {
$(()=> {
left: 80,
top: 50,
opacity: 0.5,
function show_edit_colors_window($swatch_to_edit, color_selection_slot_to_edit) {
// console.log($swatch_to_edit, $"$last_fg_color_button"));
$swatch_to_edit = $swatch_to_edit || $"$last_fg_color_button");
color_selection_slot_to_edit = color_selection_slot_to_edit || "foreground";
const initial_color = $swatch_to_edit[0].dataset.color;
if ($edit_colors_window) {
const $w = new $FormToolWindow("Edit Colors");
$edit_colors_window = $w;
let hue_degrees = 0;
let sat_percent = 50;
let lum_percent = 50;
let custom_colors_index = 0;
const get_current_color = ()=> `hsl(${hue_degrees}deg, ${sat_percent}%, ${lum_percent}%)`;
const set_color = (color)=> {
const [r, g, b] = get_rgba_from_color(color);
const [h, s, l] = rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b);
hue_degrees = h * 360;
sat_percent = s * 100;
lum_percent = l * 100;
const select = ($swatch)=> {
if ($swatch.closest("#custom-colors")) {
custom_colors_index = Math.max(0, $custom_colors_grid.find(".swatch").toArray().indexOf(
const make_color_grid = (colors, id)=> {
const $color_grid = $(`<div class="color-grid" tabindex="0">`).attr({id});
for (const color of colors) {
const $swatch = $Swatch(color);
$swatch.attr("tabindex", 0);
let $local_last_focus = $color_grid.find(".swatch:first-child");
const num_colors_per_row = 8;
const navigate = (relative_index)=> {
const $focused = $color_grid.find(".swatch:focus");
if (!$focused.length) { return; }
const $swatches = $color_grid.find(".swatch");
const from_index = $swatches.toArray().indexOf($focused[0]);
if (relative_index === -1 && (from_index % num_colors_per_row) === 0) { return; }
if (relative_index === +1 && (from_index % num_colors_per_row) === num_colors_per_row - 1) { return; }
const to_index = from_index + relative_index;
const $to_focus = $($swatches.toArray()[to_index]);
// console.log({from_index, to_index, $focused, $to_focus});
if (!$to_focus.length) { return; }
$color_grid.on("keydown", (event)=> {
// console.log(event.code);
if (event.code === "ArrowRight") { navigate(+1); }
if (event.code === "ArrowLeft") { navigate(-1); }
if (event.code === "ArrowDown") { navigate(+num_colors_per_row); }
if (event.code === "ArrowUp") { navigate(-num_colors_per_row); }
if (event.code === "Home") { $color_grid.find(".swatch:first-child").focus(); }
if (event.code === "End") { $color_grid.find(".swatch:last-child").focus(); }
if (event.code === "Space" || event.code === "Enter") {
$color_grid.on("pointerdown", (event)=> {
const $swatch = $(".swatch");
if ($swatch.length) {
$color_grid.on("dragstart", (event)=> {
$color_grid.on("focusin", (event)=> {
if (".swatch")) {
$local_last_focus = $(".swatch"));
} else {
if (!$":focus")) { // prevent infinite recursion
return $color_grid;
const $left_right_split = $(`<div class="left-right-split">`).appendTo($w.$main);
const $left = $(`<div class="left-side">`).appendTo($left_right_split);
const $right = $(`<div class="right-side">`).appendTo($left_right_split).hide();
$left.append(`<label for="basic-colors">Basic colors:</label>`);
make_color_grid(basic_colors, "basic-colors").appendTo($left);
$left.append(`<label for="custom-colors">Custom colors:</label>`);
const $custom_colors_grid = make_color_grid(custom_colors, "custom-colors").appendTo($left);
// initially select the first color cell that matches the swatch to edit, if any
// (first in the basic colors, then in the custom colors otherwise - implicitly)
for (const swatch_el of $left.find(".swatch").toArray()) {
if (get_rgba_from_color(swatch_el.dataset.color).join(",") === get_rgba_from_color(initial_color).join(",")) {
custom_colors_index = Math.max(0, $custom_colors_grid.find(".swatch").toArray().indexOf(
const $expando_button = $(`<button class="expando-button">`)
.text("Define Custom Colors >>")
.on("click", ()=> {
$expando_button.attr("disabled", "disabled");
const rainbow_canvas = make_canvas(175, 187);
const luminosity_canvas = make_canvas(10, 187);
const result_canvas = make_canvas(58, 40);
const lum_arrow_canvas = make_canvas(5, 9);
let mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas = false;
let crosshair_shown_on_rainbow_canvas = false;
const draw = ()=> {
if (!mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas || crosshair_shown_on_rainbow_canvas) {
// rainbow
for (let y = 0; y < rainbow_canvas.height; y += 6) {
for (let x = -1; x < rainbow_canvas.width; x += 3) {
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = `hsl(${x/rainbow_canvas.width*360}deg, ${(1-y/rainbow_canvas.height)*100}%, 50%)`;
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x, y, 3, 6);
// crosshair
if (!mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas) {
const x = ~~(hue_degrees/360*rainbow_canvas.width);
const y = ~~((1-sat_percent/100)*rainbow_canvas.height);
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = "black";
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x-1, y-9, 3, 5);
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x-1, y+5, 3, 5);
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x-9, y-1, 5, 3);
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-1, 5, 3);
crosshair_shown_on_rainbow_canvas = !mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas;
for (let y = -2; y < luminosity_canvas.height; y += 6) {
luminosity_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = `hsl(${hue_degrees}deg, ${sat_percent}%, ${(1-y/luminosity_canvas.height)*100}%)`;
luminosity_canvas.ctx.fillRect(0, y, luminosity_canvas.width, 6);
lum_arrow_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = getComputedStyle($w.$content[0]).getPropertyValue("--ButtonText");
for (let x = 0; x < lum_arrow_canvas.width; x++) {
lum_arrow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x, lum_arrow_canvas.width-x-1, 1, 1+x*2);
} = "absolute"; = "7px"; = `${3 + ~~((1-lum_percent/100)*luminosity_canvas.height)}px`;
result_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = get_current_color();
result_canvas.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, result_canvas.width, result_canvas.height);
$(rainbow_canvas).addClass("rainbow-canvas inset-shallow");
$(luminosity_canvas).addClass("luminosity-canvas inset-shallow");
$(result_canvas).addClass("result-color-canvas inset-shallow");
const select_hue_sat = (event)=> {
hue_degrees = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, event.offsetX/rainbow_canvas.width))*360;
sat_percent = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (1 - event.offsetY/rainbow_canvas.height)))*100;
$(rainbow_canvas).on("pointerdown", (event)=> {
mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas = true;
$(rainbow_canvas).on("pointermove", select_hue_sat);
$G.on("pointerup pointercancel", (event)=> {
$(rainbow_canvas).off("pointermove", select_hue_sat);
// rainbow_canvas.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId);
mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas = false;
const select_lum = (event)=> {
lum_percent = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (1 - event.offsetY/luminosity_canvas.height)))*100;
$(luminosity_canvas).on("pointerdown", (event)=> {
$(luminosity_canvas).on("pointermove", select_lum);
$G.on("pointerup pointercancel", (event)=> {
$(luminosity_canvas).off("pointermove", select_lum);
// luminosity_canvas.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId);
// misnomer: using .menu-hotkey out of lazyness
const underline_hotkey = str => str.replace(/&(.)/, m => `<span class='menu-hotkey'>${m[1]}</span>`);
// const text_without_hotkey = str => str.replace(/&/, "");
// const get_hotkey = str => str[str.indexOf("&")+1].toUpperCase();
for (const [color_model_index, color_model] of Object.entries(["hsl", "rgb"])) {
for (const [component_index, component_letter] of Object.entries(color_model)) {
const text_with_hotkey = {
h: "Hu&e:",
s: "&Sat:",
l: "&Lum:",
r: "&Red:",
g: "&Green:",
b: "Bl&ue:",
// not doing type="number" because the inputs have no up/down buttons and special semantics
const input = document.createElement("input");
const label = document.createElement("label");
label.innerHTML = underline_hotkey(text_with_hotkey);
const input_y_spacing = 23;
position: "absolute",
left: 63 + color_model_index * 80,
top: 202 + component_index * input_y_spacing,
textAlign: "right",
width: 40,
position: "absolute",
left: 106 + color_model_index * 80,
top: 202 + component_index * input_y_spacing,
width: 20,
height: 14,
$right.append(label, input);
const rgba = get_rgba_from_color(get_current_color());
input.value = {
h: hue_degrees,
s: sat_percent,
l: lum_percent,
r: rgba[0],
g: rgba[1],
b: rgba[2],
$right.append(rainbow_canvas, luminosity_canvas, result_canvas, lum_arrow_canvas);
$(`<button class="add-to-custom-colors-button">`)
.text("Add To Custom Colors")
.on("click", (event)=> {
const color = get_current_color();
custom_colors[custom_colors_index] = color;
// console.log($custom_colors_grid.find(".swatch"), custom_colors_index, $($custom_colors_grid.find(".swatch")[custom_colors_index]));
custom_colors_index = (custom_colors_index + 1) % custom_colors.length;
event.preventDefault(); // prevent form submit
$w.$Button("OK", () => {
const color = get_current_color();
// console.log($swatch_to_edit, $"update"));
colors[color_selection_slot_to_edit] = color;
$w.$Button("Cancel", () => {

View File

@ -332,344 +332,6 @@ function show_custom_zoom_window() {
let $edit_colors_window;
// @TODO:
// - Persist custom colors list? it's not very persistent in real Windows...
// - Keyboard navigation of the color cells
// - consistent behavior of arrow keys (should probably store the colors in the same way for each grid)
// - tab should go to next control, not next cell
// - Any time a button is disabled, make sure it focuses the right element
// - OK with Enter, after selecting a focused color if applicable
// -
// or
// - Functional Hue/Sat/Lum/Red/Green/Blue fields
// - Keyboard shortcuts to jump to controls
// - Make sure all are visible with underlines
// - There isn't a low color mode so colors are always solid, but alt+o should reinitialize the HSL from the RGB
// - Question mark button in titlebar that lets you click on parts of UI to ask about them; also context menu "What's this?"
// In Windows, the Hue goes from 0 to 239 (240 being equivalent to 0), and Sat and Lum go from 0 to 240
// I think people are more familiar with degrees and percentages, so I don't think I'll be implementing that.
// Development workflow:
// - In the console, set localStorage.dev_edit_colors = "true";
// - Reload the page
// - Load a screenshot of the Edit Colors window into the editor
// - Position it finely using the arrow keys on a selection
// - For measuring positions, look at the Windows source code OR:
// - close the window,
// - point on the canvas, mark down the coordinates shown in status bar,
// - point on the canvas at the origin
// - the top left of the inside of the window, or
// - the top left of (what corresponds to) the nearest parent position:fixed/absolute/relative
// - subtract the origin from the target
let dev_edit_colors = false;
try {
dev_edit_colors = localStorage.dev_edit_colors === "true";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (error) { }
if (dev_edit_colors) {
$(()=> {
left: 80,
top: 50,
opacity: 0.5,
function show_edit_colors_window($swatch_to_edit, color_selection_slot_to_edit) {
// console.log($swatch_to_edit, $"$last_fg_color_button"));
$swatch_to_edit = $swatch_to_edit || $"$last_fg_color_button");
color_selection_slot_to_edit = color_selection_slot_to_edit || "foreground";
const initial_color = $swatch_to_edit[0].dataset.color;
if ($edit_colors_window) {
const $w = new $FormToolWindow("Edit Colors");
$edit_colors_window = $w;
let hue_degrees = 0;
let sat_percent = 50;
let lum_percent = 50;
let custom_colors_index = 0;
const get_current_color = ()=> `hsl(${hue_degrees}deg, ${sat_percent}%, ${lum_percent}%)`;
const set_color = (color)=> {
const [r, g, b] = get_rgba_from_color(color);
const [h, s, l] = rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b);
hue_degrees = h * 360;
sat_percent = s * 100;
lum_percent = l * 100;
const select = ($swatch)=> {
if ($swatch.closest("#custom-colors")) {
custom_colors_index = Math.max(0, $custom_colors_grid.find(".swatch").toArray().indexOf(
const make_color_grid = (colors, id)=> {
const $color_grid = $(`<div class="color-grid" tabindex="0">`).attr({id});
for (const color of colors) {
const $swatch = $Swatch(color);
$swatch.attr("tabindex", 0);
let $local_last_focus = $color_grid.find(".swatch:first-child");
const num_colors_per_row = 8;
const navigate = (relative_index)=> {
const $focused = $color_grid.find(".swatch:focus");
if (!$focused.length) { return; }
const $swatches = $color_grid.find(".swatch");
const from_index = $swatches.toArray().indexOf($focused[0]);
if (relative_index === -1 && (from_index % num_colors_per_row) === 0) { return; }
if (relative_index === +1 && (from_index % num_colors_per_row) === num_colors_per_row - 1) { return; }
const to_index = from_index + relative_index;
const $to_focus = $($swatches.toArray()[to_index]);
// console.log({from_index, to_index, $focused, $to_focus});
if (!$to_focus.length) { return; }
$color_grid.on("keydown", (event)=> {
// console.log(event.code);
if (event.code === "ArrowRight") { navigate(+1); }
if (event.code === "ArrowLeft") { navigate(-1); }
if (event.code === "ArrowDown") { navigate(+num_colors_per_row); }
if (event.code === "ArrowUp") { navigate(-num_colors_per_row); }
if (event.code === "Home") { $color_grid.find(".swatch:first-child").focus(); }
if (event.code === "End") { $color_grid.find(".swatch:last-child").focus(); }
if (event.code === "Space" || event.code === "Enter") {
$color_grid.on("pointerdown", (event)=> {
const $swatch = $(".swatch");
if ($swatch.length) {
$color_grid.on("dragstart", (event)=> {
$color_grid.on("focusin", (event)=> {
if (".swatch")) {
$local_last_focus = $(".swatch"));
} else {
if (!$":focus")) { // prevent infinite recursion
return $color_grid;
const $left_right_split = $(`<div class="left-right-split">`).appendTo($w.$main);
const $left = $(`<div class="left-side">`).appendTo($left_right_split);
const $right = $(`<div class="right-side">`).appendTo($left_right_split).hide();
$left.append(`<label for="basic-colors">Basic colors:</label>`);
make_color_grid(basic_colors, "basic-colors").appendTo($left);
$left.append(`<label for="custom-colors">Custom colors:</label>`);
const $custom_colors_grid = make_color_grid(custom_colors, "custom-colors").appendTo($left);
// initially select the first color cell that matches the swatch to edit, if any
// (first in the basic colors, then in the custom colors otherwise - implicitly)
for (const swatch_el of $left.find(".swatch").toArray()) {
if (get_rgba_from_color(swatch_el.dataset.color).join(",") === get_rgba_from_color(initial_color).join(",")) {
custom_colors_index = Math.max(0, $custom_colors_grid.find(".swatch").toArray().indexOf(
const $expando_button = $(`<button class="expando-button">`)
.text("Define Custom Colors >>")
.on("click", ()=> {
$expando_button.attr("disabled", "disabled");
const rainbow_canvas = make_canvas(175, 187);
const luminosity_canvas = make_canvas(10, 187);
const result_canvas = make_canvas(58, 40);
const lum_arrow_canvas = make_canvas(5, 9);
let mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas = false;
let crosshair_shown_on_rainbow_canvas = false;
const draw = ()=> {
if (!mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas || crosshair_shown_on_rainbow_canvas) {
// rainbow
for (let y = 0; y < rainbow_canvas.height; y += 6) {
for (let x = -1; x < rainbow_canvas.width; x += 3) {
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = `hsl(${x/rainbow_canvas.width*360}deg, ${(1-y/rainbow_canvas.height)*100}%, 50%)`;
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x, y, 3, 6);
// crosshair
if (!mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas) {
const x = ~~(hue_degrees/360*rainbow_canvas.width);
const y = ~~((1-sat_percent/100)*rainbow_canvas.height);
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = "black";
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x-1, y-9, 3, 5);
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x-1, y+5, 3, 5);
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x-9, y-1, 5, 3);
rainbow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-1, 5, 3);
crosshair_shown_on_rainbow_canvas = !mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas;
for (let y = -2; y < luminosity_canvas.height; y += 6) {
luminosity_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = `hsl(${hue_degrees}deg, ${sat_percent}%, ${(1-y/luminosity_canvas.height)*100}%)`;
luminosity_canvas.ctx.fillRect(0, y, luminosity_canvas.width, 6);
lum_arrow_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = getComputedStyle($w.$content[0]).getPropertyValue("--ButtonText");
for (let x = 0; x < lum_arrow_canvas.width; x++) {
lum_arrow_canvas.ctx.fillRect(x, lum_arrow_canvas.width-x-1, 1, 1+x*2);
} = "absolute"; = "7px"; = `${3 + ~~((1-lum_percent/100)*luminosity_canvas.height)}px`;
result_canvas.ctx.fillStyle = get_current_color();
result_canvas.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, result_canvas.width, result_canvas.height);
$(rainbow_canvas).addClass("rainbow-canvas inset-shallow");
$(luminosity_canvas).addClass("luminosity-canvas inset-shallow");
$(result_canvas).addClass("result-color-canvas inset-shallow");
const select_hue_sat = (event)=> {
hue_degrees = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, event.offsetX/rainbow_canvas.width))*360;
sat_percent = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (1 - event.offsetY/rainbow_canvas.height)))*100;
$(rainbow_canvas).on("pointerdown", (event)=> {
mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas = true;
$(rainbow_canvas).on("pointermove", select_hue_sat);
$G.on("pointerup pointercancel", (event)=> {
$(rainbow_canvas).off("pointermove", select_hue_sat);
// rainbow_canvas.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId);
mouse_down_on_rainbow_canvas = false;
const select_lum = (event)=> {
lum_percent = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (1 - event.offsetY/luminosity_canvas.height)))*100;
$(luminosity_canvas).on("pointerdown", (event)=> {
$(luminosity_canvas).on("pointermove", select_lum);
$G.on("pointerup pointercancel", (event)=> {
$(luminosity_canvas).off("pointermove", select_lum);
// luminosity_canvas.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId);
// misnomer: using .menu-hotkey out of lazyness
const underline_hotkey = str => str.replace(/&(.)/, m => `<span class='menu-hotkey'>${m[1]}</span>`);
// const text_without_hotkey = str => str.replace(/&/, "");
// const get_hotkey = str => str[str.indexOf("&")+1].toUpperCase();
for (const [color_model_index, color_model] of Object.entries(["hsl", "rgb"])) {
for (const [component_index, component_letter] of Object.entries(color_model)) {
const text_with_hotkey = {
h: "Hu&e:",
s: "&Sat:",
l: "&Lum:",
r: "&Red:",
g: "&Green:",
b: "Bl&ue:",
// not doing type="number" because the inputs have no up/down buttons and special semantics
const input = document.createElement("input");
const label = document.createElement("label");
label.innerHTML = underline_hotkey(text_with_hotkey);
const input_y_spacing = 23;
position: "absolute",
left: 63 + color_model_index * 80,
top: 202 + component_index * input_y_spacing,
textAlign: "right",
width: 40,
position: "absolute",
left: 106 + color_model_index * 80,
top: 202 + component_index * input_y_spacing,
width: 20,
height: 14,
$right.append(label, input);
const rgba = get_rgba_from_color(get_current_color());
input.value = {
h: hue_degrees,
s: sat_percent,
l: lum_percent,
r: rgba[0],
g: rgba[1],
b: rgba[2],
$right.append(rainbow_canvas, luminosity_canvas, result_canvas, lum_arrow_canvas);
$(`<button class="add-to-custom-colors-button">`)
.text("Add To Custom Colors")
.on("click", (event)=> {
const color = get_current_color();
custom_colors[custom_colors_index] = color;
// console.log($custom_colors_grid.find(".swatch"), custom_colors_index, $($custom_colors_grid.find(".swatch")[custom_colors_index]));
custom_colors_index = (custom_colors_index + 1) % custom_colors.length;
event.preventDefault(); // prevent form submit
$w.$Button("OK", () => {
const color = get_current_color();
// console.log($swatch_to_edit, $"update"));
colors[color_selection_slot_to_edit] = color;
$w.$Button("Cancel", () => {
function toggle_grid() {
show_grid = !show_grid;