Document individual system hooks and functions

Isaiah Odhner 2022-08-02 09:53:10 -04:00
parent 76031360ea
commit 2dd66c36d3
3 changed files with 107 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -9,9 +9,15 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [1.0.0] - 2022-08-02
### Added
- `systemHooks` API for overriding file dialogs, file saving/loading, and Set as Wallpaper commands
- `systemHooks.showSaveFileDialog = async ({ formats, defaultFileName, defaultPath, defaultFileFormatID, getBlob, savedCallbackUnreliable, dialogTitle }) => { ... };`
- `systemHooks.showOpenFileDialog = async ({ formats }) => { ... };`
- `systemHooks.writeBlobToHandle = async (save_file_handle, blob) => { ... };`
- `systemHooks.readBlobFromHandle = async (file_handle) => { ... };`
- `systemHooks.setWallpaperTiled = (canvas) => { ... };`
- `systemHooks.setWallpaperCentered = (canvas) => { ... };`
- function `undoable({ name, icon }, actionFunction)` to make an action undoable, as far is it modifies the canvas
- function `show_error_message(message, [error])` to show an error message dialog box, optionally with expandable error details
- function `open_from_file(file, source_file_handle)` to load a file from a blob and file handle pair (kinda quirky API)
- function `open_from_file(blob, source_file_handle)` to load a file from a blob and file handle pair (kinda quirky API)
- You can use `.main-canvas` selector to access the canvas element.
- URL parameter `#load:<URL>` to load a file from a URL

View File

@ -431,9 +431,6 @@ Once you have a concept of a file handle, you can implement file pickers using t
| **Colors > Save Colors** | Same as **File > Save As** |
| **Colors > Get Colors** | Same as **File > Open** |
These system hooks will be documented soon.
#### Loading a file initially
To start the app with a file loaded for editing,
@ -597,6 +594,105 @@ jspaint.undoable({
#### async function `systemHooks.showSaveFileDialog({ formats, defaultFileName, defaultPath, defaultFileFormatID, getBlob, savedCallbackUnreliable, dialogTitle })`
Define this function to override the default save dialog.
This is used both for saving images, as well as palette files, and animations.
- `formats`: an array of objects representing types of files, with the following properties:
- `formatID`: a string that uniquely identifies the format (may be the same as `mimeType`)
- `mimeType`: the file format's designated [media type](, e.g. `"image/png"`
- `name`: the file format's name, e.g. `"WebP"`
- `nameWithExtensions`: the file format's name followed by a list of extensions, e.g. `"TIFF (*.tif;*.tiff)"`
- `extensions`: an array of file extensions, excluding the dot, with the preferred extension first, e.g. `["bmp", "dib"]`
- `defaultFileName`: a suggested file name, e.g. `"Untitled.png"` or the name of an open document.
- `defaultPath` (optional): a file handle for a document that was opened, so you can save to the same folder easily. Misnomer: this may not be a path, it depends on how you define file handles.
- `defaultFileFormatID`: the `formatID` of a file format to select by default.
- `async function getBlob(formatID)`: a function you call to get a file in one of the supported formats. It takes a `formatID` and returns a `Promise` that resolves with a `Blob` representing the file contents to save.
- `function savedCallbackUnreliable({ newFileName, newFileFormatID, newFileHandle, newBlob })`: a function you call when the user has saved the file. The `newBlob` should come from `getBlob(newFileFormatID)`.
- `dialogTitle`: a title for the save dialog.
Note the inversion of control here:
JS Paint calls your `systemHooks.showSaveFileDialog` function, and then you calls JS Paint's `getBlob` function.
Once `getBlob` resolves, you can call the `savedCallbackUnreliable` function which is defined by JS Paint.
(Hopefully I can clarify this in the future.)
Also note that this function is responsible for saving the file, not just picking a save location.
You may reuse your `systemHooks.writeBlobToHandle` function if it's helpful.
#### async function `systemHooks.showOpenFileDialog({ formats })`
Define this function to override the default open dialog.
This is used for opening images and palettes.
- `formats`: same as `systemHooks.showSaveFileDialog`
Note that this function is responsible for loading the contents of the file, not just picking a file.
You may reuse your `systemHooks.readBlobFromHandle` function if it's helpful.
#### async function `systemHooks.writeBlobToHandle(fileHandle, blob)`
Define this function to tell JS Paint how to save a file.
- `fileHandle`: a file handle, as defined by your system, representing the file to write to.
- `blob`: a `Blob` representing the file contents to save.
#### async function `systemHooks.readBlobFromHandle(fileHandle)`
Define this function to tell JS Paint how to load a file.
- `fileHandle`: a file handle, as defined by your system, representing the file to read from.
#### function `systemHooks.setWallpaperTiled(canvas)`
Define this function to tell JS Paint how to set the wallpaper.
- `canvas`: a `HTMLCanvasElement` with the image to set as the wallpaper.
#### function `systemHooks.setWallpaperCentered(canvas)`
Define this function to tell JS Paint how to set the wallpaper.
- `canvas`: a `HTMLCanvasElement` with the image to set as the wallpaper.
#### function `undoable({ name, icon }, actionFunction)`
Use this to make an action undoable.
This function takes a snapshot of the canvas, and some other state, and then calls the `actionFunction` function.
It creates an entry in the history so it can be undone.
- `name`: a name for the action, e.g. `"Brush"` or `"Rotate Image 270°"`
- `icon` (optional): an `Image` to display in the History window. It is recommended to be 15x11 pixels.
- `actionFunction`: a function that takes no arguments, and modifies the canvas.
#### function `show_error_message(message, [error])`
Use this to show an error message dialog box, optionally with expandable error details.
- `message`: plain text to show in the dialog box.
- `error` (optional): an `Error` object to show in the dialog box, collapsed by default in a "Details" expandable section.
#### function `open_from_file(blob, source_file_handle)`
Use this to load a file into the app.
- `blob`: a `Blob` object representing the file to load.
- `source_file_handle`: a *corresponding* file handle for the file, as defined by your system.
Sorry for the quirky API.
The API is new, and parts of it have not been designed at all. This was just a hack that I came to depend on, reaching into the internals of JS Paint to load a file.
I decided to document it as the first version of the API, since I'll want a changelog when upgrading my usage of it anyways.
#### Changelog
The API will change a lot, but changes will be documented in the [Changelog](

View File

@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ function get_format_from_extension(formats, file_path_or_name_or_ext) {
const image_formats = [];
window.image_formats = [];
// const ext_to_image_formats = {}; // there can be multiple with the same extension, e.g. different bit depth BMP files
// const mime_type_to_image_formats = {};
const add_image_format = (mime_type, name_and_exts, target_array = image_formats) => {