Upgrade color palette to exact colors from MS Paint

- Use the exact color palette from mspaint.
  You can now open an image created with mspaint in jspaint,
  or visa versa, and use the fill tool with corresponding colors and
  have it work as expected with corresponding colors creating a
  continuous region since the colors are equal.
  This also fixes the Edit Colors dialog initially selecting the
  color to edit, because the corresponding colors are now equal.
- Upgrade the color palette in existing documents when you open them
  and they meet a threshold of old color values detected,
  so that fill isn't broken for old documents created with jspaint.

Closes https://github.com/1j01/jspaint/issues/159
Isaiah Odhner 2020-05-31 10:53:09 -04:00
parent 80ac686245
commit 0e3635ac15
2 changed files with 145 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -18,10 +18,75 @@ const canvas = make_canvas();
const ctx = canvas.ctx;
const default_palette = [
// these colors I think I got from a VM screenshot, but maybe the VM shifted the colors with a color filter
// they're slightly off, and incompatible with mspaint as far as the fill tool goes
const old_inaccurate_default_palette = [
const default_palette = [
"rgb(0,0,0)", // Black
"rgb(128,128,128)", // Dark Gray
"rgb(128,0,0)", // Dark Red
"rgb(128,128,0)", // Pea Green
"rgb(0,128,0)", // Dark Green
"rgb(0,128,128)", // Slate
"rgb(0,0,128)", // Dark Blue
"rgb(128,0,128)", // Lavender
"rgb(128,128,64)", //
"rgb(0,64,64)", //
"rgb(0,128,255)", //
"rgb(0,64,128)", //
"rgb(64,0,255)", //
"rgb(128,64,0)", //
"rgb(255,255,255)", // White
"rgb(192,192,192)", // Light Gray
"rgb(255,0,0)", // Bright Red
"rgb(255,255,0)", // Yellow
"rgb(0,255,0)", // Bright Green
"rgb(0,255,255)", // Cyan
"rgb(0,0,255)", // Bright Blue
"rgb(255,0,255)", // Magenta
"rgb(255,255,128)", //
"rgb(0,255,128)", //
"rgb(128,255,255)", //
"rgb(128,128,255)", //
"rgb(255,0,128)", //
"rgb(255,128,64)", //
const monochrome_palette_as_colors = [
let palette = default_palette;
let polychrome_palette = palette;
let monochrome_palette = make_monochrome_palette();
@ -50,6 +115,25 @@ let custom_colors = [
let inaccurate_palette_rgbas = old_inaccurate_default_palette.map(get_rgba_from_color);
let accurate_palette_rgbas = default_palette.map(get_rgba_from_color);
const exclude_rgbas = (rgbas, exclude_rgbas)=>
rgba.join(",") === exclude_rgba.join(",")
const intersect_rgbas = (rgbas1, rgbas2)=>
rgba1.join(",") === rgba2.join(",")
const neutral_rgbas = intersect_rgbas(accurate_palette_rgbas, inaccurate_palette_rgbas);
inaccurate_palette_rgbas = exclude_rgbas(inaccurate_palette_rgbas, neutral_rgbas);
accurate_palette_rgbas = exclude_rgbas(accurate_palette_rgbas, neutral_rgbas);
// console.log({neutral_rgbas, inaccurate_palette_rgbas, accurate_palette_rgbas});
// declared like this for Cypress tests
window.default_brush_shape = "circle";
window.default_brush_size = 4;

View File

@ -692,6 +692,11 @@ function open_from_Image(img, callback, canceled){
current_history_node.image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
current_history_node.icon = null; // @TODO
// creates an undoable; must go after manual current_history_node manipulation
if (detect_old_inaccurate_palette()) {
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
@ -2047,6 +2052,60 @@ function is_all_black_and_white(ctx) {
return true;
function detect_old_inaccurate_palette() {
let accurate_count = 0;
let inaccurate_count = 0;
const id = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for(let i=0, l=id.data.length; i<l; i+=4){
if (id.data[i+3] === 255) { // only count opaque pixels
for (const accurate_rgba of accurate_palette_rgbas) {
if (
id.data[i] === accurate_rgba[0] &&
id.data[i+1] === accurate_rgba[1] &&
id.data[i+2] === accurate_rgba[2]
) {
for (const inaccurate_rgba of inaccurate_palette_rgbas) {
if (
id.data[i] === inaccurate_rgba[0] &&
id.data[i+1] === inaccurate_rgba[1] &&
id.data[i+2] === inaccurate_rgba[2]
) {
// console.log({accurate_count, inaccurate_count, ratio: (inaccurate_count / accurate_count)});
return (inaccurate_count / accurate_count) > 1.2 && inaccurate_count > 0;
function upgrade_old_inaccurate_palette() {
const id = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for(let i=0, l=id.data.length; i<l; i+=4){
if (id.data[i+3] === 255) { // only upgrade opaque pixels
for (let j = 0; j < inaccurate_palette_rgbas.length; j++) {
if (
id.data[i] === inaccurate_palette_rgbas[j][0] &&
id.data[i+1] === inaccurate_palette_rgbas[j][1] &&
id.data[i+2] === inaccurate_palette_rgbas[j][2]
) {
id.data[i] = accurate_palette_rgbas[j][0];
id.data[i+1] = accurate_palette_rgbas[j][1];
id.data[i+2] = accurate_palette_rgbas[j][2];
name: "Upgrade Inaccurate Palette",
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_monochrome_undo.png"),
}, ()=> {
ctx.putImageData(id, 0, 0);
function make_monochrome_pattern(lightness){
const dither_threshold_table = Array.from({length: 64}, (_undefined, p) => {