
3815 lines
132 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
// expresses order in the URL as well as type
const param_types = {
// settings
"eye-gaze-mode": "bool",
"vertical-color-box-mode": "bool",
"speech-recognition-mode": "bool",
2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
// sessions
"local": "string",
"session": "string",
"load": "string",
const exclusive_params = [
2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
function get_all_url_params() {
const params = {};
location.hash.replace(/^#/, "").split(/,/).forEach((param_decl) => {
2020-05-10 05:09:25 +00:00
// colon is used in param value for URLs so split(":") isn't good enough
const colon_index = param_decl.indexOf(":");
if (colon_index === -1) {
// boolean value, implicitly true because it's in the URL
const param_name = param_decl;
params[param_name] = true;
} else {
const param_name = param_decl.slice(0, colon_index);
const param_value = param_decl.slice(colon_index + 1);
params[param_name] = decodeURIComponent(param_value);
2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
for (const [param_name, param_type] of Object.entries(param_types)) {
if (param_type === "bool" && !params[param_name]) {
params[param_name] = false;
return params;
function get_url_param(param_name) {
return get_all_url_params()[param_name];
function change_url_param(param_name, value, { replace_history_state = false } = {}) {
change_some_url_params({ [param_name]: value }, { replace_history_state });
2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
function change_some_url_params(updates, { replace_history_state = false } = {}) {
for (const exclusive_param of exclusive_params) {
if (updates[exclusive_param]) {
exclusive_params.forEach((param) => {
if (param !== exclusive_param) {
2021-06-19 23:58:47 +00:00
updates[param] = null; // must be enumerated (for Object.assign) but falsy, to get removed from the URL
set_all_url_params(Object.assign({}, get_all_url_params(), updates), { replace_history_state });
2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
function set_all_url_params(params, { replace_history_state = false } = {}) {
2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
let new_hash = "";
for (const [param_name, param_type] of Object.entries(param_types)) {
if (params[param_name]) {
if (new_hash.length) {
new_hash += ",";
new_hash += encodeURIComponent(param_name);
if (param_type !== "bool") {
new_hash += ":" + encodeURIComponent(params[param_name]);
// Note: gets rid of query string (?) portion of the URL
// This is desired for upgrading backwards compatibility URLs;
// may not be desired for future cases.
const new_url = `${location.origin}${location.pathname}#${new_hash}`;
try {
// can fail when running from file: protocol
if (replace_history_state) {
history.replaceState(null, document.title, new_url);
} else {
history.pushState(null, document.title, new_url);
} catch (error) {
location.hash = new_hash;
2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
function update_magnified_canvas_size() {
$canvas.css("width", main_canvas.width * magnification);
$canvas.css("height", main_canvas.height * magnification);
function update_canvas_rect() {
canvas_bounding_client_rect = main_canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
let helper_layer_update_queued;
let info_for_updating_pointer; // for updating the brush preview when the mouse stays in the same place,
// but its coordinates in the document change due to scrolling or browser zooming (handled with scroll and resize events)
function update_helper_layer(e) {
// e should be passed for pointer events, but not scroll or resize events
// e may be a synthetic event without clientX/Y, so ignore that (using isFinite)
// e may also be a timestamp from requestAnimationFrame callback; ignore that
if (e && isFinite(e.clientX)) {
info_for_updating_pointer = { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY, devicePixelRatio };
if (helper_layer_update_queued) {
2019-12-14 22:49:23 +00:00
// window.console && console.log("update_helper_layer - nah, already queued");
} else {
2019-12-14 22:49:23 +00:00
// window.console && console.log("update_helper_layer");
helper_layer_update_queued = true;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
helper_layer_update_queued = false;
2019-12-18 05:42:19 +00:00
function update_helper_layer_immediately() {
2019-12-14 22:49:23 +00:00
// window.console && console.log("Update helper layer NOW");
2019-10-21 21:10:07 +00:00
if (info_for_updating_pointer) {
const rescale = info_for_updating_pointer.devicePixelRatio / devicePixelRatio;
2019-10-21 21:10:07 +00:00
info_for_updating_pointer.clientX *= rescale;
info_for_updating_pointer.clientY *= rescale;
info_for_updating_pointer.devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio;
2019-10-30 00:48:51 +00:00
pointer = to_canvas_coords(info_for_updating_pointer);
const scale = magnification * window.devicePixelRatio;
if (!helper_layer) {
helper_layer = new OnCanvasHelperLayer(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height, false, scale);
2019-10-01 04:32:22 +00:00
const margin = 15;
const viewport_x = Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification - margin, 0));
// Nevermind, canvas, isn't aligned to the right in RTL layout!
// const viewport_x =
// get_direction() === "rtl" ?
// // Note: $canvas_area.scrollLeft() can return negative numbers for RTL layout
// Math.floor(Math.max(($canvas_area.scrollLeft() - $canvas_area.innerWidth()) / magnification + canvas.width - margin, 0)) :
// Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification - margin, 0));
const viewport_y = Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollTop() / magnification - margin, 0));
const viewport_x2 = Math.floor(Math.min(viewport_x + $canvas_area.width() / magnification + margin * 2, main_canvas.width));
const viewport_y2 = Math.floor(Math.min(viewport_y + $canvas_area.height() / magnification + margin * 2, main_canvas.height));
const viewport_width = viewport_x2 - viewport_x;
const viewport_height = viewport_y2 - viewport_y;
const resolution_width = viewport_width * scale;
const resolution_height = viewport_height * scale;
if (
2021-12-03 23:45:15 +00:00
helper_layer.canvas.width !== resolution_width ||
helper_layer.canvas.height !== resolution_height
) {
2021-12-03 23:45:15 +00:00
helper_layer.canvas.width = resolution_width;
helper_layer.canvas.height = resolution_height;
2019-10-01 15:09:31 +00:00
helper_layer.width = viewport_width;
helper_layer.height = viewport_height;
2019-10-01 15:09:31 +00:00
helper_layer.x = viewport_x;
helper_layer.y = viewport_y;
2019-10-01 04:02:48 +00:00
2021-12-03 23:45:15 +00:00
render_canvas_view(helper_layer.canvas, scale, viewport_x, viewport_y, true);
if (thumbnail_canvas && $thumbnail_window.is(":visible")) {
// The thumbnail can be bigger or smaller than the viewport, depending on the magnification and thumbnail window size.
// So can the document.
// Ideally it should show the very corner if scrolled all the way to the corner,
// so that you can get a thumbnail of any location just by scrolling.
// But it's impossible if the thumbnail is smaller than the viewport. You have to resize the thumbnail window in that case.
// (And if the document is smaller than the viewport, there's no scrolling to indicate where you want to get a thumbnail of.)
// It gets clipped to the top left portion of the viewport if the thumbnail is too small.
// This works except for if there's a selection, it affects the scrollable area, and it shouldn't affect this calculation.
2021-12-04 02:14:39 +00:00
// const scroll_width = $canvas_area[0].scrollWidth - $canvas_area[0].clientWidth;
// const scroll_height = $canvas_area[0].scrollHeight - $canvas_area[0].clientHeight;
// These padding terms are negligible in comparison to the margin reserved for canvas handles,
// which I'm not accounting for (except for clamping below).
const padding_left = parseFloat($canvas_area.css("padding-left"));
const padding_top = parseFloat($canvas_area.css("padding-top"));
2021-12-04 02:14:39 +00:00
const scroll_width = main_canvas.clientWidth + padding_left - $canvas_area[0].clientWidth;
const scroll_height = main_canvas.clientHeight + padding_top - $canvas_area[0].clientHeight;
// Don't divide by less than one, or the thumbnail with disappear off to the top/left (or completely for NaN).
let scroll_x_fraction = $canvas_area[0].scrollLeft / Math.max(1, scroll_width);
let scroll_y_fraction = $canvas_area[0].scrollTop / Math.max(1, scroll_height);
// If the canvas is larger than the document view, but not by much, and you scroll to the bottom or right,
// the margin for the canvas handles can lead to the thumbnail being cut off or even showing
// just blank space without this clamping (due to the not quite accurate scrollable area calculation).
scroll_x_fraction = Math.min(scroll_x_fraction, 1);
scroll_y_fraction = Math.min(scroll_y_fraction, 1);
let viewport_x = Math.floor(Math.max(scroll_x_fraction * (main_canvas.width - thumbnail_canvas.width), 0));
let viewport_y = Math.floor(Math.max(scroll_y_fraction * (main_canvas.height - thumbnail_canvas.height), 0));
render_canvas_view(thumbnail_canvas, 1, viewport_x, viewport_y, false); // devicePixelRatio?
2021-12-03 23:45:15 +00:00
function render_canvas_view(hcanvas, scale, viewport_x, viewport_y, is_helper_layer) {
2021-12-06 17:14:26 +00:00
const grid_visible = show_grid && magnification >= 4 && (window.devicePixelRatio * magnification) >= 4 && is_helper_layer;
2021-12-03 23:45:15 +00:00
const hctx = hcanvas.ctx;
hctx.clearRect(0, 0, hcanvas.width, hcanvas.height);
2021-12-03 23:45:15 +00:00
if (!is_helper_layer) {
// Draw the actual document canvas (for the thumbnail)
// (For the main canvas view, the helper layer is separate from (and overlaid on top of) the document canvas)
hctx.drawImage(main_canvas, viewport_x, viewport_y, hcanvas.width, hcanvas.height, 0, 0, hcanvas.width, hcanvas.height);
var tools_to_preview = [...selected_tools];
// Don't preview tools while dragging components/component windows
// (The magnifier preview is especially confusing looking together with the component preview!)
if ($("body").hasClass("dragging") && !pointer_active) {
// tools_to_preview.length = 0;
2021-06-19 23:58:47 +00:00
// Curve and Polygon tools have a persistent state over multiple gestures,
// which is, as of writing, part of the "tool preview"; it's ugly,
// but at least they don't have ALSO a brush like preview, right?
// so we can just allow those thru
tools_to_preview = tools_to_preview.filter((tool) =>
tool.id === TOOL_CURVE ||
tool.id === TOOL_POLYGON
// the select box previews draw the document canvas onto the preview canvas
// so they have something to invert within the preview canvas
// but this means they block out anything earlier
2019-12-03 02:36:19 +00:00
// NOTE: sort Select after Free-Form Select,
// Brush after Eraser, as they are from the toolbar ordering
tools_to_preview.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.selectBox && !b.selectBox) {
return -1;
if (!a.selectBox && b.selectBox) {
return 1;
return 0;
// two select box previews would just invert and cancel each other out
// so only render one if there's one or more
var select_box_index = tools_to_preview.findIndex((tool) => tool.selectBox);
if (select_box_index >= 0) {
tools_to_preview = tools_to_preview.filter((tool, index) => !tool.selectBox || index == select_box_index);
tools_to_preview.forEach((tool) => {
if (tool.drawPreviewUnderGrid && pointer && pointers.length < 2) {
2019-12-02 17:05:48 +00:00
tool.drawPreviewUnderGrid(hctx, pointer.x, pointer.y, grid_visible, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y);
2019-12-02 17:05:48 +00:00
if (selection) {
hctx.scale(scale, scale);
hctx.translate(-viewport_x, -viewport_y);
hctx.drawImage(selection.canvas, selection.x, selection.y);
if (!is_helper_layer && !selection.dragging) {
// Draw the selection outline (for the thumbnail)
// (The main canvas view has the OnCanvasSelection object which has its own outline)
draw_selection_box(hctx, selection.x, selection.y, selection.width, selection.height, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y);
if (textbox) {
hctx.scale(scale, scale);
hctx.translate(-viewport_x, -viewport_y);
hctx.drawImage(textbox.canvas, textbox.x, textbox.y);
if (!is_helper_layer && !textbox.dragging) {
// Draw the textbox outline (for the thumbnail)
// (The main canvas view has the OnCanvasTextBox object which has its own outline)
draw_selection_box(hctx, textbox.x, textbox.y, textbox.width, textbox.height, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y);
if (grid_visible) {
draw_grid(hctx, scale);
tools_to_preview.forEach((tool) => {
if (tool.drawPreviewAboveGrid && pointer && pointers.length < 2) {
2019-12-02 17:05:48 +00:00
tool.drawPreviewAboveGrid(hctx, pointer.x, pointer.y, grid_visible, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y);
2019-12-02 17:05:48 +00:00
function update_disable_aa() {
const dots_per_canvas_px = window.devicePixelRatio * magnification;
const round = Math.floor(dots_per_canvas_px) === dots_per_canvas_px;
$canvas_area.toggleClass("disable-aa-for-things-at-main-canvas-scale", dots_per_canvas_px >= 3 || round);
2021-12-06 02:52:17 +00:00
function set_magnification(new_scale, anchor_point) {
// anchor_point is optional, and uses canvas coordinates;
2021-12-06 06:46:15 +00:00
// the default is the top-left of the $canvas_area viewport
2021-12-06 02:52:17 +00:00
// How this works is, you imagine "what if it was zoomed, where would the anchor point be?"
// Then to make it end up where it started, you simply shift the viewport by the difference.
// And actually you don't have to "imagine" zooming, you can just do the zoom.
2021-12-06 06:46:15 +00:00
anchor_point = anchor_point ?? {
x: $canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification,
y: $canvas_area.scrollTop() / magnification,
const anchor_on_page = from_canvas_coords(anchor_point);
2021-12-06 02:52:17 +00:00
magnification = new_scale;
if (new_scale !== 1) {
return_to_magnification = new_scale;
update_magnified_canvas_size(); // also updates canvas_bounding_client_rect used by from_canvas_coords()
2021-12-06 06:46:15 +00:00
const anchor_after_zoom = from_canvas_coords(anchor_point);
// Note: scrollBy() not scrollTo()
left: anchor_after_zoom.clientX - anchor_on_page.clientX,
top: anchor_after_zoom.clientY - anchor_on_page.clientY,
behavior: "instant",
$G.triggerHandler("resize"); // updates handles & grid
2019-10-27 05:14:10 +00:00
$G.trigger("option-changed"); // updates options area
$G.trigger("magnification-changed"); // updates custom zoom window
let $custom_zoom_window;
let dev_custom_zoom = false;
try {
dev_custom_zoom = localStorage.dev_custom_zoom === "true";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (error) { }
if (dev_custom_zoom) {
$(() => {
left: 80,
top: 50,
opacity: 0.5,
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
function show_custom_zoom_window() {
if ($custom_zoom_window) {
const $w = new $DialogWindow(localize("Custom Zoom"));
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
$custom_zoom_window = $w;
$w.$main.append(`<div class='current-zoom'>${localize("Current zoom:")} <bdi>${magnification * 100}%</bdi></div>`);
// update when zoom changes
$G.on("magnification-changed", () => {
$w.$main.find(".current-zoom bdi").text(`${magnification * 100}%`);
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
const $fieldset = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main);
<legend>${localize("Zoom to")}</legend>
<div class="fieldset-body">
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-1" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+1 1" value="1"/><label for="zoom-option-1">${display_hotkey("&100%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-2" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+2 2" value="2"/><label for="zoom-option-2">${display_hotkey("&200%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-4" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+4 4" value="4"/><label for="zoom-option-4">${display_hotkey("&400%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-6" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+6 6" value="6"/><label for="zoom-option-6">${display_hotkey("&600%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-8" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+8 8" value="8"/><label for="zoom-option-8">${display_hotkey("&800%")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="custom-zoom-radio" id="zoom-option-really-custom" value="really-custom"/><label for="zoom-option-really-custom"><input type="number" min="10" max="1000" name="really-custom-zoom-input" class="inset-deep no-spinner" value=""/>%</label>
let is_custom = true;
$fieldset.find("input[type=radio]").get().forEach((el) => {
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
if (parseFloat(el.value) === magnification) {
el.checked = true;
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
is_custom = false;
const $really_custom_radio_option = $fieldset.find("input[value='really-custom']");
const $really_custom_input = $fieldset.find("input[name='really-custom-zoom-input']");
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
$really_custom_input.closest("label").on("click", (event) => {
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
$really_custom_radio_option.prop("checked", true);
// If the user clicks on the input, let it get focus naturally, placing the caret where you click.
// If the user clicks outside it on the label, focus the input and select the text.
if ($(event.target).closest("input").length === 0) {
// Why does focusing this input programmatically not lead to the input
// being focused ultimately after the click?
// I'm working around this by using requestAnimationFrame (setTimeout would lead to a flicker).
// What am I working around, though? Is it my os-gui.js library? It has code to focus the
// last focused control in a window. I didn't see that code in the debugger, but I could've missed it.
// Debugging without time travel is hard. Maybe I should attack this problem with time travel, using replay.io.
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Maybe this would all be a little simpler if I made the label point to the input.
// I want the label to have a larger click target, but maybe I can do that with CSS.
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
if (is_custom) {
$really_custom_input.val(magnification * 100);
$really_custom_radio_option.prop("checked", true);
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
$really_custom_radio_option.on("keydown", (event) => {
if (event.key.match(/^[0-9.]$/)) {
// Can't set number input to invalid number "." or even "0.",
// but if we don't prevent the default keydown behavior of typing the letter,
// we can actually change the focus before the letter is typed!
// $really_custom_input.val(event.key === "." ? "0." : event.key);
// $really_custom_input.focus(); // should move caret to end
// event.preventDefault();
// If you tab to the number input and type, it should select the radio button
// so that your input is actually used.
$really_custom_input.on("input", (event) => {
$really_custom_radio_option.prop("checked", true);
$fieldset.find("label").css({ display: "block" });
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
let option_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='custom-zoom-radio']:checked").val();
let mag;
if (option_val === "really-custom") {
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
option_val = $really_custom_input.val();
if (`${option_val}`.match(/\dx$/)) { // ...you can't actually type an x; oh well...
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
mag = parseFloat(option_val);
} else if (`${option_val}`.match(/\d%?$/)) {
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
mag = parseFloat(option_val) / 100;
if (isNaN(mag)) {
2021-04-01 14:56:57 +00:00
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
} else {
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
mag = parseFloat(option_val);
}, { type: "submit" });
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
2019-10-01 18:25:33 +00:00
2019-09-30 15:56:07 +00:00
function toggle_grid() {
show_grid = !show_grid;
// $G.trigger("option-changed");
2019-09-30 15:56:07 +00:00
2021-12-03 01:12:15 +00:00
function toggle_thumbnail() {
show_thumbnail = !show_thumbnail;
if (!show_thumbnail) {
} else {
if (!thumbnail_canvas) {
thumbnail_canvas = make_canvas(108, 92);
thumbnail_canvas.style.width = "100%";
thumbnail_canvas.style.height = "100%";
2021-12-03 01:12:15 +00:00
if (!$thumbnail_window) {
$thumbnail_window = new $Window({
title: localize("Thumbnail"),
toolWindow: true,
resizable: true,
innerWidth: thumbnail_canvas.width + 4, // @TODO: should the border of $content be included in the definition of innerWidth/Height?
innerHeight: thumbnail_canvas.height + 4,
minInnerWidth: 52 + 4,
minInnerHeight: 36 + 4,
minOuterWidth: 0, // @FIXME: this shouldn't be needed
minOuterHeight: 0, // @FIXME: this shouldn't be needed
$thumbnail_window.$content.css({ marginTop: "1px" }); // @TODO: should this (or equivalent on titlebar) be for all windows?
$thumbnail_window.maximize = () => { }; // @TODO: disable maximize with an option
new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
const entry = entries[0];
2021-12-19 08:04:34 +00:00
let width, height;
if ("devicePixelContentBoxSize" in entry) {
// console.log("devicePixelContentBoxSize", entry.devicePixelContentBoxSize);
// Firefox seems to support this, although I can't find any documentation that says it should
// I can't find an implementation bug or anything.
// So I had to disable this case to test the fallback case (in Firefox 94.0)
2021-12-19 08:04:34 +00:00
width = entry.devicePixelContentBoxSize[0].inlineSize;
height = entry.devicePixelContentBoxSize[0].blockSize;
} else if ("contentBoxSize" in entry) {
// console.log("contentBoxSize", entry.contentBoxSize);
// round() seems to line up with what Firefox does for device pixel alignment, which is great.
// In Chrome it's blurry at some zoom levels with round(), ceil(), or floor(), but it (documentedly) supports devicePixelContentBoxSize.
2021-12-19 08:04:34 +00:00
width = Math.round(entry.contentBoxSize[0].inlineSize * devicePixelRatio);
height = Math.round(entry.contentBoxSize[0].blockSize * devicePixelRatio);
} else {
// Safari on iPad doesn't support either of the above as of iOS 15.0.2
2021-12-19 08:04:34 +00:00
width = Math.round(entry.contentRect.width * devicePixelRatio);
height = Math.round(entry.contentRect.height * devicePixelRatio);
if (width && height) { // If it's hidden, and then shown, it gets a width and height of 0 briefly on iOS. (This would give IndexSizeError in drawImage.)
thumbnail_canvas.width = width;
thumbnail_canvas.height = height;
2021-12-03 01:12:15 +00:00
update_helper_layer_immediately(); // updates thumbnail (but also unnecessarily the helper layer)
2021-12-19 08:04:34 +00:00
}).observe(thumbnail_canvas, { box: ['device-pixel-content-box'] });
2021-12-03 01:12:15 +00:00
2021-12-19 08:04:34 +00:00
$thumbnail_window.on("close", (e) => {
show_thumbnail = false;
2021-12-03 01:12:15 +00:00
// Currently the thumbnail updates with the helper layer. But it's not part of the helper layer, so this is a bit of a misnomer for now.
function reset_selected_colors() {
2021-02-11 02:04:35 +00:00
selected_colors = {
foreground: "#000000",
background: "#ffffff",
ternary: "",
2014-11-20 20:11:36 +00:00
function reset_file() {
system_file_handle = null;
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
file_name = localize("untitled");
file_format = "image/png";
2015-02-23 21:16:21 +00:00
saved = true;
function reset_canvas_and_history() {
2019-10-29 20:37:53 +00:00
undos.length = 0;
redos.length = 0;
2019-12-16 02:16:48 +00:00
current_history_node = root_history_node = make_history_node({
2021-01-30 15:18:50 +00:00
name: localize("New"),
2019-12-16 02:16:48 +00:00
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_blank.png"),
history_node_to_cancel_to = null;
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
main_canvas.width = Math.max(1, my_canvas_width);
main_canvas.height = Math.max(1, my_canvas_height);
2021-02-11 02:04:35 +00:00
main_ctx.fillStyle = selected_colors.background;
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
current_history_node.image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
2019-12-12 22:11:09 +00:00
function make_history_node({
parent = null,
futures = [],
timestamp = Date.now(),
soft = false,
2019-12-12 22:11:09 +00:00
image_data = null,
selection_image_data = null,
text_tool_font = null,
2019-12-12 22:11:09 +00:00
icon = null,
}) {
2019-12-13 04:34:20 +00:00
return {
2019-12-13 04:34:20 +00:00
2019-12-13 04:34:20 +00:00
2019-12-12 22:11:09 +00:00
function update_title() {
document.title = `${file_name} - ${is_pride_month ? "June Solidarity " : ""}${localize("Paint")}`;
2019-11-10 15:17:32 +00:00
if (is_pride_month) {
$("link[rel~='icon']").attr("href", "./images/icons/gay-es-paint-16x16-light-outline.png");
if (window.setRepresentedFilename) {
window.setRepresentedFilename(system_file_handle ?? "");
if (window.setDocumentEdited) {
2021-02-12 16:12:42 +00:00
function get_uris(text) {
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
// parse text/uri-list
// get lines, discarding comments
const lines = text.split(/[\n\r]+/).filter(line => line[0] !== "#" && line);
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
// discard text with too many lines (likely pasted HTML or something) - may want to revisit this
if (lines.length > 15) {
return [];
// parse URLs, discarding anything that parses as a relative URL
const uris = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// Relative URLs will throw when no base URL is passed to the URL constructor.
2019-09-17 21:28:30 +00:00
try {
const url = new URL(lines[i]);
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (e) { }
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
return uris;
async function load_image_from_uri(uri) {
// Cases to consider:
// - data URI
// - blob URI
// - blob URI from another domain
// - file URI
// - http URI
// - https URI
// - unsupported protocol, e.g. "ftp://example.com/image.png"
// - invalid URI
// - no protocol specified, e.g. "example.com/image.png"
// --> We can fix these up!
// - The user may be just trying to paste text, not an image.
// - non-CORS-enabled URI
// --> Use a CORS proxy! :)
// - In electron, using a CORS proxy 1. is silly, 2. maybe isn't working.
// --> Either proxy requests to the main process,
// or configure headers in the main process to make requests work.
// Probably the latter. @TODO
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51254618/how-do-you-handle-cors-in-an-electron-app
// - invalid image / unsupported image format
// - image is no longer available on the live web
// --> try loading from WayBack Machine :)
// - often swathes of URLs are redirected to a new site, and do not give a 404.
// --> make sure the flow of fallbacks accounts for this, and doesn't just see it as an unsupported file format.
// - localhost URI, e.g. "" or "http://localhost/"
// --> Don't try to proxy these, as it will just fail.
// - Some domain extensions are reserved, e.g. .localdomain (how official is this?)
// - There can also be arbitrary hostnames mapped to local servers, which we can't test for
// - already a proxy URI, e.g. "https://cors.bridged.cc/https://example.com/image.png"
// - file already downloaded
// --> maybe should cache downloads? maybe HTTP caching is good enough? maybe uncommon enough that it doesn't matter.
// - Pasting (Edit > Paste or Ctrl+V) vs Opening (drag & drop, File > Open, Ctrl+O, or File > Load From URL)
// --> make wording generic or specific to the context
const is_blob_uri = uri.match(/^blob:/i);
const is_download = !uri.match(/^(blob|data|file):/i);
const is_localhost = uri.match(/^(http|https):\/\/((127\.0\.0\.1|localhost)|.*(\.(local|localdomain|domain|lan|home|host|corp|invalid)))\b/i);
if (is_blob_uri && uri.indexOf(`blob:${location.origin}`) === -1) {
const error = new Error("can't load blob: URI from another domain");
2021-02-17 16:22:10 +00:00
error.code = "cross-origin-blob-uri";
throw error;
const uris_to_try = (is_download && !is_localhost) ? [
// work around CORS headers not sent by whatever server
// if the image isn't available on the live web, see if it's archived
] : [uri];
const fails = [];
for (let index_to_try = 0; index_to_try < uris_to_try.length; index_to_try += 1) {
2021-02-12 21:23:13 +00:00
const uri_to_try = uris_to_try[index_to_try];
try {
2021-02-12 19:29:33 +00:00
if (is_download) {
$status_text.text("Downloading picture...");
2021-02-12 19:29:33 +00:00
const show_progress = ({ loaded, total }) => {
if (is_download) {
$status_text.text(`Downloading picture... (${Math.round(loaded / total * 100)}%)`);
if (is_download) {
console.log(`Try loading image from URI (${index_to_try + 1}/${uris_to_try.length}): "${uri_to_try}"`);
const original_response = await fetch(uri_to_try);
let response_to_read = original_response;
if (!original_response.ok) {
fails.push({ status: original_response.status, statusText: original_response.statusText, url: uri_to_try });
if (!original_response.body) {
if (is_download) {
console.log("ReadableStream not yet supported in this browser. Progress won't be shown for image requests.");
} else {
// to access headers, server must send CORS header "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: content-encoding, content-length x-file-size"
// server must send custom x-file-size header if gzip or other content-encoding is used
const contentEncoding = original_response.headers.get("content-encoding");
const contentLength = original_response.headers.get(contentEncoding ? "x-file-size" : "content-length");
if (contentLength === null) {
if (is_download) {
console.log("Response size header unavailable. Progress won't be shown for this image request.");
} else {
const total = parseInt(contentLength, 10);
let loaded = 0;
response_to_read = new Response(
new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
const reader = original_response.body.getReader();
function read() {
reader.read().then(({ done, value }) => {
if (done) {
loaded += value.byteLength;
show_progress({ loaded, total })
}).catch(error => {
const blob = await response_to_read.blob();
if (is_download) {
console.log("Download complete.");
$status_text.text("Download complete.");
// @TODO: use headers to detect HTML, since a doctype is not guaranteed
// @TODO: fall back to WayBack Machine still for decode errors,
// since a website might start redirecting swathes of URLs regardless of what they originally pointed to,
// at which point they would likely point to a web page instead of an image.
// (But still show an error about it not being an image, if WayBack also fails.)
const info = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
read_image_file(blob, (error, info) => {
if (error) {
} else {
return info;
} catch (error) {
fails.push({ url: uri_to_try, error });
if (is_download) {
$status_text.text("Failed to download picture.");
const error = new Error(`failed to fetch image from any of ${uris_to_try.length} URI(s):\n ${fails.map((fail) =>
(fail.statusText ? `${fail.status} ${fail.statusText} ` : "") + fail.url + (fail.error ? `\n ${fail.error}` : "")
).join("\n ")}`);
error.code = "access-failure";
error.fails = fails;
throw error;
2018-01-11 18:14:49 +00:00
function open_from_image_info(info, callback, canceled, into_existing_session, from_session_load) {
are_you_sure(({ canvas_modified_while_loading } = {}) => {
if (!into_existing_session) {
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave old session
reset_canvas_and_history(); // (with newly reset colors)
main_ctx.copy(info.image || info.image_data);
transparency = has_any_transparency(main_ctx);
current_history_node.name = localize("Open");
current_history_node.image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
current_history_node.icon = get_help_folder_icon("p_open.png");
if (canvas_modified_while_loading || !from_session_load) {
// normally we don't want to autosave if we're loading a session,
// as this is redundant, but if the user has modified the canvas while loading a session,
// right now how it works is the session would be overwritten, so if you reloaded, it'd be lost,
// so we'd better save it.
// (and we want to save if this is a new session being initialized with an image)
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
if (info.source_blob instanceof File) {
file_name = info.source_blob.name;
// file.path is available in Electron (see https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/file-object#file-object)
system_file_handle = info.source_blob.path;
if (info.source_file_handle) {
system_file_handle = info.source_file_handle;
saved = true;
callback && callback();
}, canceled, from_session_load);
2022-08-02 07:44:19 +00:00
// Note: This function is part of the API.
function open_from_file(file, source_file_handle) {
// The browser isn't very smart about MIME types.
// It seems to look at the file extension, but not the actual file contents.
// This is particularly problematic for files with no extension, where file.type gives an empty string.
// And the File Access API currently doesn't let us automatically append a file extension,
// so the user is likely to end up with files with no extension.
// It's better to look at the file content to determine file type.
// We do this for image files in read_image_file, and palette files in AnyPalette.js.
if (file.name.match(/\.theme(pack)?$/i)) {
file.text().then(load_theme_from_text, (error) => {
show_error_message(localize("Paint cannot open this file."), error);
2019-10-29 21:00:31 +00:00
// Try loading as an image file first, then as a palette file, but show a combined error message if both fail.
read_image_file(file, (as_image_error, image_info) => {
if (as_image_error) {
AnyPalette.loadPalette(file, (as_palette_error, new_palette) => {
if (as_palette_error) {
show_file_format_errors({ as_image_error, as_palette_error });
palette = new_palette.map((color) => color.toString());
window.console && console.log(`Loaded palette: ${palette.map(() => `%câ–ˆ`).join("")}`, ...palette.map((color) => `color: ${color};`));
image_info.source_file_handle = source_file_handle
2018-01-11 18:14:49 +00:00
function apply_file_format_and_palette_info(info) {
file_format = info.file_format;
if (!enable_palette_loading_from_indexed_images) {
if (info.palette) {
window.console && console.log(`Loaded palette from image file: ${info.palette.map(() => `%câ–ˆ`).join("")}`, ...info.palette.map((color) => `color: ${color};`));
palette = info.palette;
selected_colors.foreground = palette[0];
selected_colors.background = palette.length === 14 * 2 ? palette[14] : palette[1]; // first in second row for default sized palette, else second color (debatable behavior; should it find a dark and a light color?)
} else if (monochrome && !info.monochrome) {
palette = default_palette;
monochrome = info.monochrome;
2021-02-12 16:12:42 +00:00
function load_theme_from_text(fileText) {
var cssProperties = parseThemeFileString(fileText);
if (!cssProperties) {
show_error_message(localize("Paint cannot open this file."));
2021-11-20 05:02:10 +00:00
applyCSSProperties(cssProperties, { recurseIntoIframes: true });
window.themeCSSProperties = cssProperties;
function file_new() {
are_you_sure(() => {
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave old session
2019-10-29 20:37:53 +00:00
reset_canvas_and_history(); // (with newly reset colors)
2019-10-30 17:38:16 +00:00
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
async function file_open() {
const { file, fileHandle } = await systemHooks.showOpenFileDialog({ formats: image_formats })
open_from_file(file, fileHandle);
let $file_load_from_url_window;
function file_load_from_url() {
if ($file_load_from_url_window) {
2018-01-10 03:42:38 +00:00
const $w = new $DialogWindow().addClass("horizontal-buttons");
2018-01-10 03:42:38 +00:00
$file_load_from_url_window = $w;
$w.title("Load from URL");
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
// @TODO: URL validation (input has to be in a form (and we don't want the form to submit))
2021-12-07 22:42:52 +00:00
<div style='padding: 10px;'>
<label style="display: block; margin-bottom: 5px;" for="url-input">Paste or type the web address of an image:</label>
<input type="url" required value="" id="url-input" class="inset-deep" style="width: 300px;"/></label>
const $input = $w.$main.find("#url-input");
// $w.$Button("Load", () => {
$w.$Button(localize("Open"), () => {
2021-02-12 16:12:42 +00:00
const uris = get_uris($input.val());
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
if (uris.length > 0) {
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
// @TODO: retry loading if same URL entered
// actually, make it change the hash only after loading successfully
// (but still load from the hash when necessary)
// make sure it doesn't overwrite the old session before switching
2020-05-10 02:40:05 +00:00
change_url_param("load", uris[0]);
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
} else {
show_error_message("Invalid URL. It must include a protocol (https:// or http://)");
}, { type: "submit" });
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
2018-01-10 03:42:38 +00:00
2018-01-10 03:42:38 +00:00
// Native FS API / File Access API allows you to overwrite files, but people are not used to it.
// So we ask them to confirm it the first time.
2022-01-13 04:14:17 +00:00
let acknowledged_overwrite_capability = false;
const confirmed_overwrite_key = "jspaint confirmed overwrite capable";
try {
2022-01-13 04:14:17 +00:00
acknowledged_overwrite_capability = localStorage[confirmed_overwrite_key] === "true";
} catch (error) {
// no localStorage
// In the year 2033, people will be more used to it, right?
// This will be known as the "Y2T bug"
2022-01-13 04:14:17 +00:00
acknowledged_overwrite_capability = Date.now() >= 2000000000000;
2022-01-13 04:14:17 +00:00
async function confirm_overwrite_capability() {
if (acknowledged_overwrite_capability) {
return true;
const { $window, promise } = showMessageBox({
messageHTML: `
<p>JS Paint can now save over existing files.</p>
<p>Do you want to overwrite the file?</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="do-not-ask-me-again-checkbox"/>
<label for="do-not-ask-me-again-checkbox">Don't ask me again</label>
buttons: [
{ label: localize("Yes"), value: "overwrite", default: true },
{ label: localize("Cancel"), value: "cancel" },
const result = await promise;
if (result === "overwrite") {
acknowledged_overwrite_capability = $window.$content.find("#do-not-ask-me-again-checkbox").prop("checked");
try {
2022-01-13 04:14:17 +00:00
localStorage[confirmed_overwrite_key] = acknowledged_overwrite_capability;
} catch (error) {
// no localStorage... @TODO: don't show the checkbox in this case
return true;
return false;
function file_save(maybe_saved_callback = () => { }, update_from_saved = true) {
2018-01-18 07:37:47 +00:00
// store and use file handle at this point in time, to avoid race conditions
const save_file_handle = system_file_handle;
if (!save_file_handle || file_name.match(/\.(svg|pdf)$/i)) {
return file_save_as(maybe_saved_callback, update_from_saved);
write_image_file(main_canvas, file_format, async (blob) => {
await systemHooks.writeBlobToHandle(save_file_handle, blob);
if (update_from_saved) {
2024-02-02 20:30:04 +00:00
function print_zebra() {
write_image_file(main_canvas, 'image/png', (blob) => {
2024-02-02 21:21:56 +00:00
fetch(`/print?printer=zebra`, {
2024-02-02 20:30:04 +00:00
method: 'POST',
2024-02-02 21:21:56 +00:00
headers: { 'content-type': 'image/png' },
2024-02-02 20:30:04 +00:00
body: blob,
}).then(response => {
function file_save_as(maybe_saved_callback = () => { }, update_from_saved = true) {
2018-01-18 07:37:47 +00:00
2021-08-03 10:28:19 +00:00
dialogTitle: localize("Save As"),
formats: image_formats,
defaultFileName: file_name,
defaultPath: typeof system_file_handle === "string" ? system_file_handle : null,
defaultFileFormatID: file_format,
getBlob: (new_file_type) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
write_image_file(main_canvas, new_file_type, (blob) => {
savedCallbackUnreliable: ({ newFileName, newFileFormatID, newFileHandle, newBlob }) => {
saved = true;
system_file_handle = newFileHandle;
file_name = newFileName;
file_format = newFileFormatID;
if (update_from_saved) {
function are_you_sure(action, canceled, from_session_load) {
if (saved) {
2015-02-23 21:16:21 +00:00
} else if (from_session_load) {
message: localize("You've modified the document while an existing document was loading.\nSave the new document?", file_name),
buttons: [
// label: localize("Save"),
label: localize("Yes"),
value: "save",
default: true,
// label: "Discard",
label: localize("No"),
value: "discard",
// @TODO: not closable with Escape or close button
}).then((result) => {
if (result === "save") {
file_save(() => {
}, false);
} else if (result === "discard") {
action({ canvas_modified_while_loading: true });
} else {
// should not ideally happen
// but prefer to preserve the previous document,
// as the user has only (probably) as small window to make changes while loading,
// whereas there could be any amount of work put into the document being loaded.
// @TODO: could show dialog again, but making it un-cancelable would be better.
} else {
message: localize("Save changes to %1?", file_name),
buttons: [
// label: localize("Save"),
label: localize("Yes"),
value: "save",
default: true,
// label: "Discard",
label: localize("No"),
value: "discard",
label: localize("Cancel"),
value: "cancel",
}).then((result) => {
if (result === "save") {
file_save(() => {
}, false);
} else if (result === "discard") {
} else {
function please_enter_a_number() {
// title: "Invalid Value",
message: localize("Please enter a number."),
2022-08-02 07:44:19 +00:00
// Note: This function is part of the API.
function show_error_message(message, error) {
// Test global error handling resiliency by enabling one or both of these:
// Promise.reject(new Error("EMIT EMIT EMIT"));
// throw new Error("EMIT EMIT EMIT");
// It should fall back to an alert.
// EMIT stands for "Error Message Itself Test".
const { $message } = showMessageBox({
iconID: "error",
// windowOptions: {
// innerWidth: 600,
// },
// $message.css("max-width", "600px");
if (error) {
2021-02-11 18:53:45 +00:00
const $details = $("<details><summary><span>Details</span></summary></details>")
2021-02-11 18:53:45 +00:00
// Chrome includes the error message in the error.stack string, whereas Firefox doesn't.
// Also note that there can be Exception objects that don't have a message (empty string) but a name,
// for instance Exception { message: "", name: "NS_ERROR_FAILURE", ... } for out of memory when resizing the canvas too large in Firefox.
2021-06-19 23:58:47 +00:00
// Chrome just lets you bring the system to a grating halt by trying to grab too much memory.
// Firefox does too sometimes.
let error_string = error.stack;
if (!error_string) {
error_string = error.toString();
} else if (error.message && error_string.indexOf(error.message) === -1) {
error_string = `${error.toString()}\n\n${error_string}`;
} else if (error.name && error_string.indexOf(error.name) === -1) {
error_string = `${error.name}\n\n${error_string}`;
background: "white",
color: "#333",
// background: "#A00",
// color: "white",
fontFamily: "monospace",
width: "500px",
maxWidth: "100%",
overflow: "auto",
2019-12-03 03:35:31 +00:00
if (error) {
window.console?.error?.(message, error);
2019-12-03 03:35:31 +00:00
} else {
2019-12-03 03:35:31 +00:00
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
// @TODO: close are_you_sure windows and these Error windows when switching sessions
2018-01-11 07:45:26 +00:00
// because it can get pretty confusing
function show_resource_load_error_message(error) {
const { $window, $message } = showMessageBox({});
const firefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1;
// @TODO: copy & paste vs download & open, more specific guidance
2021-02-17 16:22:10 +00:00
if (error.code === "cross-origin-blob-uri") {
<p>Can't load image from address starting with "blob:".</p>
${firefox ?
`<p>Try "Copy Image" instead of "Copy Image Location".</p>` :
`<p>Try "Copy image" instead of "Copy image address".</p>`
} else if (error.code === "html-not-image") {
<p>Address points to a web page, not an image file.</p>
<p>Try copying and pasting an image instead of a URL.</p>
} else if (error.code === "decoding-failure") {
<p>Address doesn't point to an image file of a supported format.</p>
<p>Try copying and pasting an image instead of a URL.</p>
} else if (error.code === "access-failure") {
if (navigator.onLine) {
<p>Failed to download image.</p>
<p>Try copying and pasting an image instead of a URL.</p>
if (error.fails) {
$("<ul>").append(error.fails.map(({ status, statusText, url }) =>
$("<li>").text(url).prepend($("<b>").text(`${status || ""} ${statusText || "Failed"} `))
} else {
<p>Failed to download image.</p>
<p>You're offline. Connect to the internet and try again.</p>
<p>Or copy and paste an image instead of a URL, if possible.</p>
} else {
<p>Failed to load image from URL.</p>
<p>Check your browser's devtools for details.</p>
$message.css({ maxWidth: "500px" });
$window.center(); // after adding content
2018-01-11 07:45:26 +00:00
function show_file_format_errors({ as_image_error, as_palette_error }) {
let html = `
<p>${localize("Paint cannot open this file.")}</p>
if (as_image_error) {
// TODO: handle weird errors, only show invalid format error if that's what happened
html += `
<summary>${localize("Bitmap Image")}</summary>
<p>${localize("This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported.")}</p>
var entity_map = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#39;',
'/': '&#x2F;',
'`': '&#x60;',
'=': '&#x3D;',
const escape_html = (string) => String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=/]/g, (s) => entity_map[s]);
2021-08-02 19:23:07 +00:00
const uppercase_first = (string) => string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
2021-08-03 00:25:48 +00:00
const only_palette_error = as_palette_error && !as_image_error; // update me if there are more error types
if (as_palette_error) {
let details = "";
if (as_palette_error.errors) {
2021-08-02 19:23:07 +00:00
details = `<ul dir="ltr">${as_palette_error.errors.map((error) => {
const format = error.__PATCHED_LIB_TO_ADD_THIS__format;
if (format && error.error) {
2021-08-03 00:25:48 +00:00
return `<li><b>${escape_html(`${format.name}`)}</b>: ${escape_html(uppercase_first(error.error.message))}</li>`;
2021-08-02 19:23:07 +00:00
// Fallback for unknown errors
return `<li>${escape_html(error.message || error)}</li>`;
} else {
// Fallback for unknown errors
details = `<p>${escape_html(as_palette_error.message || as_palette_error)}</p>`;
html += `
2021-08-03 00:25:48 +00:00
<summary>${only_palette_error ? "Details" : localize("Palette|*.pal|").split("|")[0]}</summary>
<p>${localize("Unexpected file format.")}</p>
messageHTML: html,
2018-01-11 07:45:26 +00:00
let $about_paint_window;
const $about_paint_content = $("#about-paint");
let $news_window;
const $this_version_news = $("#news");
let $latest_news = $this_version_news;
// not included directly in the HTML as a simple way of not showing it if it's loaded with fetch
// (...not sure how to phrase this clearly and concisely...)
2019-10-26 21:28:48 +00:00
// "Showing the news as of this version of JS Paint. For the latest, see <a href='https://jspaint.app'>jspaint.app</a>"
2019-12-22 05:09:24 +00:00
if (location.origin !== "https://jspaint.app") {
$("<p>For the latest news, visit <a href='https://jspaint.app'>jspaint.app</a></p>")
.css({ padding: "8px 15px" })
2019-12-22 05:09:24 +00:00
function show_about_paint() {
if ($about_paint_window) {
$about_paint_window = $Window({
title: localize("About Paint"),
resizable: false,
maximizeButton: false,
minimizeButton: false,
$about_paint_window.addClass("about-paint squish");
2019-11-10 15:17:32 +00:00
if (is_pride_month) {
$("#paint-32x32").attr("src", "./images/icons/gay-es-paint-32x32-light-outline.png");
$about_paint_window.$content.append($about_paint_content.show()).css({ padding: "15px" });
$("#failed-to-check-if-outdated").attr("hidden", "hidden");
$("#outdated").attr("hidden", "hidden");
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
$about_paint_window.center(); // @XXX - but it helps tho
$about_paint_window.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
.attr("id", "close-about-paint")
float: "right",
marginBottom: "10px",
$("#refresh-to-update").on("click", (event) => {
2019-12-18 05:42:19 +00:00
2021-11-29 04:12:43 +00:00
are_you_sure(() => {
2021-11-29 04:12:43 +00:00
$("#view-project-news").on("click", () => {
2019-10-10 15:23:51 +00:00
const url =
// ".";
// "test-news-newer.html";
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((text) => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/html");
$latest_news = $(htmlDoc).find("#news");
const $latest_entries = $latest_news.find(".news-entry");
const $this_version_entries = $this_version_news.find(".news-entry");
if (!$latest_entries.length) {
$latest_news = $this_version_news;
throw new Error(`No news found at fetched site (${url})`);
function entries_contains_update($entries, id) {
return $entries.get().some((el_from_this_version) =>
id === el_from_this_version.id
// @TODO: visibly mark entries that overlap
const entries_newer_than_this_version =
$latest_entries.get().filter((el_from_latest) =>
!entries_contains_update($this_version_entries, el_from_latest.id)
const entries_new_in_this_version = // i.e. in development, when updating the news
$this_version_entries.get().filter((el_from_latest) =>
!entries_contains_update($latest_entries, el_from_latest.id)
if (entries_newer_than_this_version.length > 0) {
} else if (entries_new_in_this_version.length > 0) {
$latest_news = $this_version_news; // show this version's news for development
$("#checking-for-updates").attr("hidden", "hidden");
}).catch((exception) => {
$("#checking-for-updates").attr("hidden", "hidden");
window.console && console.log("Couldn't check for updates.", exception);
function exit_fullscreen_if_ios() {
if ($("body").hasClass("ios")) {
try {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
} catch (error) {
// not important, just trying to prevent broken fullscreen after refresh
// (:fullscreen and document.fullscreenElement stops working because it's not "requested by the page" anymore)
// (the fullscreen styling is not generally obtrusive, but it is obtrusive when it DOESN'T work)
// alternatives:
// - detect reload-while-fullscreen by storing a timestamp on unload when fullscreen,
// and apply the fullscreen class if timestamp is within a few seconds during load.
// - This doesn't have an answer for detecting leaving fullscreen,
// and if it keeps thinking it's fullscreen, it'll keep storing the timestamp, and get stuck.
// Unless it only stores the timestamp if it knows it's fullscreen? (i.e. page-requested fullscreen)
// Then it would only work for one reload.
// So ideally it would have the below anyway, in which case this would be unnecessary.
// - detect fullscreen state without fullscreen API, using viewport size
// - If this is possible, why don't browsers just expose this information in the fullscreen API? :(
// - iPad resets the zoom level when going fullscreen, and then when reloading,
// the zoom level is reset to the user-set zoom level.
// Safari doesn't update devicePixelRatio based on the zoom level,
// and doesn't support ResizeObserver for device pixels.
// It does support https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Visual_Viewport_API
// though, so maybe something can be done with that.
// - prompt to add to homescreen
// show_about_paint(); // for testing
function update_css_classes_for_conditional_messages() {
$(".on-dev-host, .on-third-party-host, .on-official-host").hide();
if (location.hostname.match(/localhost| {
} else if (location.hostname.match(/jspaint.app/)) {
} else {
$(".navigator-online, .navigator-offline").hide();
if (navigator.onLine) {
} else {
function show_news() {
if ($news_window) {
$news_window = $Window({
title: "Project News",
maximizeButton: false,
minimizeButton: false,
resizable: false,
$news_window.addClass("news-window squish");
2019-11-03 15:36:34 +00:00
// const $latest_entries = $latest_news.find(".news-entry");
// const latest_entry = $latest_entries[$latest_entries.length - 1];
2019-12-14 22:49:23 +00:00
// window.console && console.log("LATEST MEWS:", $latest_news);
// window.console && console.log("LATEST ENTRY:", latest_entry);
2019-12-22 04:42:31 +00:00
const $latest_news_style = $latest_news.find("style");
$latest_news.append($latest_news_style); // in case $this_version_news is $latest_news
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
$news_window.center(); // @XXX - but it helps tho
2021-04-01 19:07:46 +00:00
$latest_news.attr("tabIndex", "-1").focus();
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
// @TODO: DRY between these functions and open_from_* functions further?
2018-01-11 07:45:26 +00:00
function paste_image_from_file(blob) {
read_image_file(blob, (error, info) => {
if (error) {
show_file_format_errors({ as_image_error: error });
paste(info.image || make_canvas(info.image_data));
2018-01-11 18:14:49 +00:00
// Edit > Paste From
async function choose_file_to_paste() {
const { file } = await systemHooks.showOpenFileDialog({ formats: image_formats });
2021-07-10 21:57:33 +00:00
if (file.type.match(/^image|application\/pdf/)) {
show_error_message(localize("This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported."));
function paste(img_or_canvas) {
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
if (img_or_canvas.width > main_canvas.width || img_or_canvas.height > main_canvas.height) {
message: localize("The image in the clipboard is larger than the bitmap.") + "\n" +
localize("Would you like the bitmap enlarged?"),
iconID: "question",
windowOptions: {
icons: {
16: "images/windows-16x16.png",
32: "images/windows-32x32.png",
buttons: [
// label: "Enlarge",
label: localize("Yes"),
value: "enlarge",
default: true,
// label: "Crop",
label: localize("No"),
value: "crop",
label: localize("Cancel"),
value: "cancel",
}).then((result) => {
if (result === "enlarge") {
// The resize gets its own undoable, as in mspaint
Math.max(main_canvas.width, img_or_canvas.width),
Math.max(main_canvas.height, img_or_canvas.height),
name: "Enlarge Canvas For Paste",
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_stretch_both.png"),
} else if (result === "crop") {
} else {
2018-01-11 07:45:26 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
function do_the_paste() {
const x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification));
const y = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(($canvas_area.scrollTop()) / magnification));
// Nevermind, canvas, isn't aligned to the right in RTL layout!
// let x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification));
// if (get_direction() === "rtl") {
// // magic number 8 is a guess, I guess based on the scrollbar width which shows on the left in RTL layout
// // x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(($canvas_area.innerWidth() - canvas.width + $canvas_area.scrollLeft() + 8) / magnification));
2021-02-15 18:02:39 +00:00
// const scrollbar_width = $canvas_area[0].offsetWidth - $canvas_area[0].clientWidth; // maybe??
// console.log("scrollbar_width", scrollbar_width);
// x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((-$canvas_area.innerWidth() + $canvas_area.scrollLeft() + scrollbar_width) / magnification + canvas.width));
// }
2021-01-30 15:18:50 +00:00
name: localize("Paste"),
2019-12-16 03:21:47 +00:00
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_paste.png"),
soft: true,
}, () => {
selection = new OnCanvasSelection(x, y, img_or_canvas.width, img_or_canvas.height, img_or_canvas);
function render_history_as_gif() {
const $win = $DialogWindow();
$win.title("Rendering GIF");
const $output = $win.$main;
2021-02-01 21:08:23 +00:00
const $progress = $(E("progress")).appendTo($output).addClass("inset-deep");
const $progress_percent = $(E("span")).appendTo($output).css({
2014-10-15 22:05:59 +00:00
width: "2.3em",
display: "inline-block",
textAlign: "center",
$win.$main.css({ padding: 5 });
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $cancel = $win.$Button('Cancel', () => {
2015-06-29 04:19:22 +00:00
2021-04-01 19:07:46 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2021-02-01 21:08:37 +00:00
try {
const width = main_canvas.width;
const height = main_canvas.height;
2019-11-03 15:36:34 +00:00
const gif = new GIF({
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
//workers: Math.min(5, Math.floor(undos.length/50)+1),
2015-06-29 04:19:22 +00:00
workerScript: "lib/gif.js/gif.worker.js",
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2019-11-03 15:36:34 +00:00
$win.on('close', () => {
gif.on("progress", p => {
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
$progress_percent.text(`${~~(p * 100)}%`);
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
gif.on("finished", blob => {
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
$win.title("Rendered GIF");
2021-02-14 00:45:11 +00:00
const blob_url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
src: blob_url,
display: "block", // prevent margin below due to inline display (vertical-align can also be used)
overflow: "auto",
maxHeight: "70vh",
maxWidth: "70vw",
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
$win.on("close", () => {
2021-02-14 00:45:11 +00:00
// revoking on image load(+error) breaks right click > "Save image as" and "Open image in new tab"
$win.$Button("Upload to Imgur", () => {
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
2021-04-01 19:07:46 +00:00
2020-12-10 22:17:10 +00:00
$win.$Button(localize("Save"), () => {
2015-06-29 04:19:22 +00:00
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
const suggested_file_name = `${file_name.replace(/\.(bmp|dib|a?png|gif|jpe?g|jpe|jfif|tiff?|webp|raw)$/i, "")} history.gif`;
2021-08-03 10:28:19 +00:00
dialogTitle: localize("Save As"), // localize("Save Animation As"),
getBlob: () => blob,
defaultFileName: suggested_file_name,
defaultPath: typeof system_file_handle === "string" ? `${system_file_handle.replace(/[/\\][^/\\]*/, "")}/${suggested_file_name}` : null,
defaultFileFormatID: "image/gif",
formats: [{
formatID: "image/gif",
mimeType: "image/gif",
name: localize("Animated GIF (*.gif)").replace(/\s+\([^(]+$/, ""),
nameWithExtensions: localize("Animated GIF (*.gif)"),
extensions: ["gif"],
2018-06-30 04:10:44 +00:00
2015-06-29 04:19:22 +00:00
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const gif_canvas = make_canvas(width, height);
const frame_history_nodes = [...undos, current_history_node];
for (const frame_history_node of frame_history_nodes) {
Save undos/redos as ImageData & fix Free-Form Select - (PARTIALLY avoid a browser bug in chrome. When you zoom to a non-integer scale, there's this weird quantum antialiasing due to the canvas having a backing store which is higher density than the canvas's logical pixels (and redraw regions come into play as well). Switching to storing ImageData instead of canvases for undos/redos doesn't eliminate much of this problem, but it avoids having the undos/redos also store some high-DPI state and thereby SOMETIMES restore a state of whether antialiasing is happening or not. So it's a little less weird now, but it doesn't really solve that bugginess.) - Protect against data loss when running low on memory. The browser (chrome at least) can clear canvases when low on memory. If the data is erased, and you undo, or do anything to the canvas, jspaint saves over the autosave. Ideally there should be multiple autosaves, but for now this is catastrophic in terms of data loss. Using ImageData instead of canvases, hopefully the browser is less willing to destroy this data, since it's more like a plain data structure in your program, and you would hope it wouldn't just delete arbitrary data in your program. A crash should be better than losing the canvas data (undos/redos) because in that case the autosave should still be in tact, altho this doesn't protect against the case where the main canvas is cleared by the browser, and then you do something to interact with the canvas other than undo/redo, and then either the page crashes or you refresh, and the autosave will still be gone. - Behavior change or Regression: Now if the document is transparent, but the document mode is opaque, and you paste something larger than the canvas, it'll keep the transparency in the area of the original document, because it's using putImageData instead of drawImage. - Regression: When you choose Opaque in the Image > Attributes... it no longer makes the document opaque because it's using putImageData instead of drawImage. - Fix: Rewrite the Free-Form Select's temporary shape preview to use a proper layer instead of abusing the undo stack. This reduces the number of undo states created, and should make it easier to implement passive selections in the future. (Selections shouldn't create an undo state until you start dragging them.) This should also fix a bug in multiplayer where "inverty brush" could be left behind.
2019-09-30 05:21:32 +00:00
gif_canvas.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, gif_canvas.width, gif_canvas.height);
gif_canvas.ctx.putImageData(frame_history_node.image_data, 0, 0);
if (frame_history_node.selection_image_data) {
const selection_canvas = make_canvas(frame_history_node.selection_image_data);
gif_canvas.ctx.drawImage(selection_canvas, frame_history_node.selection_x, frame_history_node.selection_y);
gif.addFrame(gif_canvas, { delay: 200, copy: true });
2014-10-15 16:56:00 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
} catch (err) {
2021-02-11 18:53:45 +00:00
show_error_message("Failed to render GIF.", err);
function go_to_history_node(target_history_node, canceling, discard_document_state) {
const from_history_node = current_history_node;
2019-12-08 20:12:12 +00:00
if (!target_history_node.image_data) {
if (!canceling) {
show_error_message("History entry has no image data.");
2019-12-14 22:49:23 +00:00
window.console && console.log("Target history entry has no image data:", target_history_node);
2019-12-08 19:45:02 +00:00
/* For performance (especially with two finger panning), I'm disabling this safety check that preserves certain document states in the history.
const current_image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
2019-12-21 16:37:54 +00:00
if (!current_history_node.image_data || !image_data_match(current_history_node.image_data, current_image_data, 5)) {
2019-12-14 22:49:23 +00:00
window.console && console.log("Canvas image data changed outside of undoable", current_history_node, "current_history_node.image_data:", current_history_node.image_data, "document's current image data:", current_image_data);
2021-06-19 23:58:47 +00:00
undoable({name: "Unknown [go_to_history_node]", use_loose_canvas_changes: true}, ()=> {});
2019-12-08 22:42:52 +00:00
current_history_node = target_history_node;
2019-12-09 02:13:23 +00:00
if (!canceling) {
2019-12-09 02:13:23 +00:00
2019-12-08 19:45:02 +00:00
saved = false;
2019-12-08 19:45:02 +00:00
if (target_history_node.selection_image_data) {
if (selection) {
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
// @TODO maybe: could store whether a selection is from Free-Form Select
// so it selects Free-Form Select when you jump to e.g. Move Selection
// (or could traverse history to figure it out)
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
if (target_history_node.name === localize("Free-Form Select")) {
} else {
selection = new OnCanvasSelection(
if (target_history_node.textbox_text != null) {
if (textbox) {
// @# text_tool_font =
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(target_history_node.text_tool_font)) {
text_tool_font[k] = v;
2021-02-11 02:04:35 +00:00
selected_colors.foreground = target_history_node.foreground_color;
selected_colors.background = target_history_node.background_color;
tool_transparent_mode = target_history_node.tool_transparent_mode;
textbox = new OnCanvasTextBox(
2019-12-08 19:45:02 +00:00
const ancestors_of_target = get_history_ancestors(target_history_node);
2019-12-08 19:45:02 +00:00
undos = [...ancestors_of_target];
const old_history_path =
redos.length > 0 ?
[redos[0], ...get_history_ancestors(redos[0])] :
[from_history_node, ...get_history_ancestors(from_history_node)];
// window.console && console.log("target_history_node:", target_history_node);
// window.console && console.log("ancestors_of_target:", ancestors_of_target);
// window.console && console.log("old_history_path:", old_history_path);
redos.length = 0;
let latest_node = target_history_node;
while (latest_node.futures.length > 0) {
const futures = [...latest_node.futures];
futures.sort((a, b) => {
if (old_history_path.indexOf(a) > -1) {
return -1;
if (old_history_path.indexOf(b) > -1) {
return +1;
return 0;
latest_node = futures[0];
// window.console && console.log("new undos:", undos);
// window.console && console.log("new redos:", redos);
2019-12-08 19:45:02 +00:00
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
2022-08-02 07:44:19 +00:00
// Note: This function is part of the API.
function undoable({ name, icon, use_loose_canvas_changes, soft }, callback) {
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
if (!use_loose_canvas_changes) {
/* For performance (especially with two finger panning), I'm disabling this safety check that preserves certain document states in the history.
const current_image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
2019-12-21 16:37:54 +00:00
if (!current_history_node.image_data || !image_data_match(current_history_node.image_data, current_image_data, 5)) {
2019-12-14 22:49:23 +00:00
window.console && console.log("Canvas image data changed outside of undoable", current_history_node, "current_history_node.image_data:", current_history_node.image_data, "document's current image data:", current_image_data);
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
undoable({name: "Unknown [undoable]", use_loose_canvas_changes: true}, ()=> {});
2015-02-23 21:16:21 +00:00
saved = false;
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
const before_callback_history_node = current_history_node;
callback && callback();
if (current_history_node !== before_callback_history_node) {
show_error_message(`History node switched during undoable callback for ${name}. This shouldn't happen.`);
window.console && console.log(`History node switched during undoable callback for ${name}, from`, before_callback_history_node, "to", current_history_node);
const image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
2019-12-08 20:12:12 +00:00
redos.length = 0;
2019-12-08 22:42:52 +00:00
2019-12-08 20:12:12 +00:00
2019-12-12 22:11:09 +00:00
const new_history_node = make_history_node({
selection_image_data: selection && selection.canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, selection.canvas.width, selection.canvas.height),
selection_x: selection && selection.x,
selection_y: selection && selection.y,
textbox_text: textbox && textbox.$editor.val(),
textbox_x: textbox && textbox.x,
textbox_y: textbox && textbox.y,
textbox_width: textbox && textbox.width,
textbox_height: textbox && textbox.height,
text_tool_font: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(text_tool_font)),
2021-02-11 02:04:35 +00:00
foreground_color: selected_colors.foreground,
background_color: selected_colors.background,
ternary_color: selected_colors.ternary,
parent: current_history_node,
2019-12-13 04:56:46 +00:00
2019-12-12 22:11:09 +00:00
2019-12-08 22:42:52 +00:00
current_history_node = new_history_node;
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
$G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave
2019-12-13 04:56:46 +00:00
function make_or_update_undoable(undoable_meta, undoable_action) {
if (current_history_node.futures.length === 0 && undoable_meta.match(current_history_node)) {
2019-12-13 04:56:46 +00:00
current_history_node.image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
current_history_node.selection_image_data = selection && selection.canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, selection.canvas.width, selection.canvas.height);
current_history_node.selection_x = selection && selection.x;
current_history_node.selection_y = selection && selection.y;
if (undoable_meta.update_name) {
current_history_node.name = undoable_meta.name;
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view
} else {
2019-12-13 04:56:46 +00:00
undoable(undoable_meta, undoable_action);
function undo() {
if (undos.length < 1) { return false; }
2019-12-08 22:42:52 +00:00
let target_history_node = undos.pop();
while (target_history_node.soft && undos.length) {
target_history_node = undos.pop();
2019-12-13 05:58:34 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
return true;
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
// @TODO: use Clippy.js instead for potentially annoying tips
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
let $document_history_prompt_window;
function redo() {
if (redos.length < 1) {
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
if ($document_history_prompt_window) {
if (!$document_history_window || $document_history_window.closed) {
$document_history_prompt_window = showMessageBox({
title: "Redo",
messageHTML: `To view all branches of the history tree, click <b>Edit > History</b>.`,
iconID: "info",
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
return false;
2019-12-08 22:42:52 +00:00
let target_history_node = redos.pop();
while (target_history_node.soft && redos.length) {
target_history_node = redos.pop();
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
return true;
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
2019-12-08 20:12:12 +00:00
function get_history_ancestors(node) {
const ancestors = [];
for (node = node.parent; node; node = node.parent) {
return ancestors;
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
let $document_history_window;
// setTimeout(show_document_history, 100);
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
function show_document_history() {
if ($document_history_prompt_window) {
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
if ($document_history_window) {
const $w = $document_history_window = new $Window({
title: "Document History",
resizable: false,
maximizeButton: false,
minimizeButton: false,
// $w.prependTo("body").css({position: ""});
$w.addClass("history-window squish");
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
<select id="history-view-mode" class="inset-deep">
<option value="linear">Linear timeline</option>
<option value="tree">Tree</option>
<div class="history-view" tabIndex="0"></div>
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
2019-12-18 05:30:25 +00:00
const $history_view = $w.$content.find(".history-view");
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
2019-12-09 01:25:41 +00:00
let previous_scroll_position = 0;
2019-12-12 20:37:17 +00:00
let rendered_$entries = [];
let current_$entry;
2019-12-12 20:37:17 +00:00
let $mode_select = $w.$content.find("#history-view-mode");
margin: "10px",
let mode = $mode_select.val();
$mode_select.on("change", () => {
mode = $mode_select.val();
2019-12-12 20:37:17 +00:00
function render_tree_from_node(node) {
const $entry = $(`
<div class="history-entry">
2019-12-12 20:37:17 +00:00
<div class="history-entry-icon-area"></div>
<div class="history-entry-name"></div>
// $entry.find(".history-entry-name").text((node.name || "Unknown") + (node.soft ? " (soft)" : ""));
$entry.find(".history-entry-name").text((node.name || "Unknown") + (node === root_history_node ? " (Start of History)" : ""));
if (mode === "tree") {
let dist_to_root = 0;
for (let ancestor = node.parent; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor.parent) {
marginInlineStart: `${dist_to_root * 8}px`,
2019-12-08 22:42:52 +00:00
if (node === current_history_node) {
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
current_$entry = $entry;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// scrollIntoView causes <html> to scroll when the window is partially offscreen,
// despite overflow: hidden on html and body, so it's not an option.
$history_view[0].scrollTop =
$entry[0].offsetTop - $history_view[0].clientHeight + $entry.outerHeight()
2019-12-09 01:25:41 +00:00
2019-12-08 20:12:12 +00:00
} else {
2019-12-08 22:42:52 +00:00
const history_ancestors = get_history_ancestors(current_history_node);
2019-12-08 20:12:12 +00:00
if (history_ancestors.indexOf(node) > -1) {
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
for (const sub_node of node.futures) {
2019-12-12 20:37:17 +00:00
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
$entry.on("click", () => {
2019-12-08 19:45:02 +00:00
2019-12-12 20:37:17 +00:00
$entry.history_node = node;
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
const render_tree = () => {
2019-12-09 01:25:41 +00:00
previous_scroll_position = $history_view.scrollTop();
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
2019-12-12 20:37:17 +00:00
rendered_$entries = [];
if (mode === "linear") {
rendered_$entries.sort(($a, $b) => {
if ($a.history_node.timestamp < $b.history_node.timestamp) {
return -1;
if ($b.history_node.timestamp < $a.history_node.timestamp) {
return +1;
return 0;
} else {
rendered_$entries.forEach(($entry) => {
2019-12-12 20:37:17 +00:00
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
// This is different from Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Shift+Z because it goes over all branches of the history tree, chronologically,
// not just one branch.
const go_by = (index_delta) => {
const from_index = rendered_$entries.indexOf(current_$entry);
const to_index = from_index + index_delta;
if (rendered_$entries[to_index]) {
$history_view.on("keydown", (event) => {
if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) {
if (event.key === "ArrowDown" || event.key === "Down") {
} else if (event.key === "ArrowUp" || event.key === "Up") {
2021-04-01 19:07:46 +00:00
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
$G.on("history-update", render_tree);
$w.on("close", () => {
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
$G.off("history-update", render_tree);
2019-12-08 20:12:12 +00:00
2019-12-08 15:51:37 +00:00
2021-12-05 05:14:19 +00:00
function cancel(going_to_history_node, discard_document_state) {
// Note: this function should be idempotent.
// `cancel(); cancel();` should do the same thing as `cancel();`
if (!history_node_to_cancel_to) {
// For two finger panning, I want to prevent history nodes from being created,
// for performance, and to avoid cluttering the history.
// (And also so if you undo and then pan, you can still redo (without accessing the nonlinear history window).)
// Most tools create undoables on pointerup, in which case we can prevent them from being created,
// but Fill tool creates on pointerdown, so we need to delete a history node in that case.
// Select tool can create multiple undoables before being cancelled (for moving/resizing/inverting/smearing),
// but only the last should be discarded due to panning. (All of them should be undone you hit Esc. But not deleted.)
const history_node_to_discard = (
discard_document_state &&
current_history_node.parent && // can't discard the root node
current_history_node !== history_node_to_cancel_to && // can't discard what will be the active node
current_history_node.futures.length === 0 // prevent discarding whole branches of history if you go back in history and then pan / hit Esc
) ? current_history_node : null;
// console.log("history_node_to_discard", history_node_to_discard, "current_history_node", current_history_node, "history_node_to_cancel_to", history_node_to_cancel_to);
// history_node_to_cancel_to = history_node_to_cancel_to || current_history_node;
$G.triggerHandler("pointerup", ["canceling", discard_document_state]);
for (const selected_tool of selected_tools) {
selected_tool.cancel && selected_tool.cancel();
if (!going_to_history_node) {
// Note: this will revert any changes from other users in multi-user sessions
// which isn't good, but there's no real conflict resolution in multi-user mode anyways
go_to_history_node(history_node_to_cancel_to, true);
if (history_node_to_discard) {
const index = history_node_to_discard.parent.futures.indexOf(history_node_to_discard);
if (index === -1) {
show_error_message("History node not found. Please report this bug.");
console.log("history_node_to_discard", history_node_to_discard);
console.log("current_history_node", current_history_node);
console.log("history_node_to_discard.parent", history_node_to_discard.parent);
} else {
history_node_to_discard.parent.futures.splice(index, 1);
$G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view (don't want you to be able to click on the excised node)
// (@TODO: prevent duplicate update, here vs go_to_history_node)
history_node_to_cancel_to = null;
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
function meld_selection_into_canvas(going_to_history_node) {
selection = null;
if (!going_to_history_node) {
name: "Deselect",
icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)),
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
use_loose_canvas_changes: true, // HACK; @TODO: make OnCanvasSelection not change the canvas outside undoable, same rules as tools
}, () => { });
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
function meld_textbox_into_canvas(going_to_history_node) {
const text = textbox.$editor.val();
if (text && !going_to_history_node) {
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
name: localize("Text"),
icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_TEXT)),
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
soft: true,
}, () => { });
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
name: "Finish Text",
icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_TEXT)),
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
}, () => {
main_ctx.drawImage(textbox.canvas, textbox.x, textbox.y);
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
textbox = null;
} else {
textbox = null;
function deselect(going_to_history_node) {
if (selection) {
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
if (textbox) {
2019-12-13 16:23:19 +00:00
2014-08-10 05:23:28 +00:00
for (const selected_tool of selected_tools) {
selected_tool.end && selected_tool.end(main_ctx);
function delete_selection(meta = {}) {
if (selection) {
2019-12-13 04:56:46 +00:00
2021-01-30 15:18:50 +00:00
name: meta.name || localize("Clear Selection"), //"Delete", (I feel like "Clear Selection" is unclear, could mean "Deselect")
2019-12-16 03:46:17 +00:00
icon: meta.icon || get_help_folder_icon("p_delete.png"),
2020-01-05 22:27:51 +00:00
// soft: @TODO: conditionally soft?,
}, () => {
selection = null;
2019-12-13 04:56:46 +00:00
function select_all() {
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2021-01-30 15:18:50 +00:00
name: localize("Select All"),
icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)),
soft: true,
}, () => {
selection = new OnCanvasSelection(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
const ctrlOrCmd = /(Mac|iPhone|iPod|iPad)/i.test(navigator.platform) ? "⌘" : "Ctrl";
const recommendationForClipboardAccess = `Please use the keyboard: ${ctrlOrCmd}+C to copy, ${ctrlOrCmd}+X to cut, ${ctrlOrCmd}+V to paste. If keyboard is not an option, try using Chrome version 76 or higher.`;
2019-09-17 21:51:17 +00:00
function try_exec_command(commandId) {
if (document.queryCommandEnabled(commandId)) { // not a reliable source for whether it'll work, if I recall
if (!navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox") || commandId === "paste") {
return show_error_message(`That ${commandId} probably didn't work. ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
2019-09-17 21:51:17 +00:00
} else {
return show_error_message(`Cannot perform ${commandId}. ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
2019-09-17 21:51:17 +00:00
function getSelectionText() {
let text = "";
const activeEl = document.activeElement;
const activeElTagName = activeEl ? activeEl.tagName.toLowerCase() : null;
2019-10-29 19:27:49 +00:00
if (
2022-01-18 18:42:45 +00:00
(activeElTagName == "textarea") || (
activeElTagName == "input" &&
) &&
2019-09-21 16:35:27 +00:00
(typeof activeEl.selectionStart == "number")
2019-10-29 19:27:49 +00:00
) {
text = activeEl.value.slice(activeEl.selectionStart, activeEl.selectionEnd);
} else if (window.getSelection) {
text = window.getSelection().toString();
return text;
function edit_copy(execCommandFallback) {
const text = getSelectionText();
if (text.length > 0) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.writeText) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
return try_exec_command("copy");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
} else if (selection && selection.canvas) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.write) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
return try_exec_command("copy");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
selection.canvas.toBlob(blob => {
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
new ClipboardItem(Object.defineProperty({}, blob.type, {
value: blob,
enumerable: true,
]).then(() => {
2019-12-14 22:49:23 +00:00
window.console && console.log("Copied image to the clipboard.");
}, error => {
show_error_message("Failed to copy to the Clipboard.", error);
function edit_cut(execCommandFallback) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.write) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
2019-09-17 21:51:17 +00:00
return try_exec_command("cut");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
2019-12-16 03:21:47 +00:00
2021-01-30 15:18:50 +00:00
name: localize("Cut"),
2019-12-16 03:21:47 +00:00
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_cut.png"),
async function edit_paste(execCommandFallback) {
if (
document.activeElement instanceof HTMLInputElement ||
document.activeElement instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement
) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.readText) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
return try_exec_command("paste");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
const clipboardText = await navigator.clipboard.readText();
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, clipboardText);
if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.read) {
if (execCommandFallback) {
2019-09-17 21:51:17 +00:00
return try_exec_command("paste");
} else {
throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${recommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
// throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`);
try {
const clipboardItems = await navigator.clipboard.read();
const blob = await clipboardItems[0].getType("image/png");
} catch (error) {
if (error.name === "NotFoundError") {
try {
const clipboardText = await navigator.clipboard.readText();
if (clipboardText) {
2021-02-12 16:12:42 +00:00
const uris = get_uris(clipboardText);
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
if (uris.length > 0) {
load_image_from_uri(uris[0]).then((info) => {
paste(info.image || make_canvas(info.image_data));
}, (error) => {
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
} else {
2021-02-11 15:23:18 +00:00
// @TODO: should I just make a textbox instead?
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
show_error_message("The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint.");
} else {
2019-09-17 20:31:49 +00:00
show_error_message("The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint.");
} catch (error) {
2021-02-11 15:23:18 +00:00
show_error_message(localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!"), error);
} else {
2021-02-11 15:23:18 +00:00
show_error_message(localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!"), error);
function image_invert_colors() {
2019-12-15 04:11:30 +00:00
2021-01-30 15:18:50 +00:00
name: localize("Invert Colors"),
2019-12-15 04:14:50 +00:00
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_invert.png"),
2019-12-15 04:11:30 +00:00
}, (original_canvas, original_ctx, new_canvas, new_ctx) => {
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
const monochrome_info = monochrome && detect_monochrome(original_ctx);
if (monochrome && monochrome_info.isMonochrome) {
invert_monochrome(original_ctx, new_ctx, monochrome_info);
} else {
invert_rgb(original_ctx, new_ctx);
2014-05-23 21:49:55 +00:00
function clear() {
2019-12-16 02:16:48 +00:00
2021-01-30 15:18:50 +00:00
name: localize("Clear Image"),
2019-12-16 02:16:48 +00:00
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_blank.png"),
}, () => {
saved = false;
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
if (transparency) {
main_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
} else {
2021-02-11 02:04:35 +00:00
main_ctx.fillStyle = selected_colors.background;
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
2014-08-18 17:34:47 +00:00
let cleanup_bitmap_view = () => { };
2021-12-07 19:09:30 +00:00
function view_bitmap() {
bitmap_view_div = document.createElement("div");
bitmap_view_div.classList.add("bitmap-view", "inset-deep");
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
position: "fixed",
top: "0",
left: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
zIndex: "9999",
background: "var(--Background)",
if (bitmap_view_div.requestFullscreen) { bitmap_view_div.requestFullscreen(); }
else if (bitmap_view_div.webkitRequestFullscreen) { bitmap_view_div.webkitRequestFullscreen(); }
let blob_url;
let got_fullscreen = false;
let iid = setInterval(() => {
// In Chrome, if the page is already fullscreen, and you requestFullscreen,
// hitting Esc will change document.fullscreenElement without triggering the fullscreenchange event!
// It doesn't trigger a keydown either.
if (document.fullscreenElement === bitmap_view_div || document.webkitFullscreenElement === bitmap_view_div) {
got_fullscreen = true;
} else if (got_fullscreen) {
}, 100);
cleanup_bitmap_view = () => {
document.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", onFullscreenChange, { once: true });
document.removeEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", onFullscreenChange, { once: true });
document.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown);
// If you have e.g. the Help window open,
// and right click to close the View Bitmap, with the mouse over the window,
// this needs a delay to cancel the context menu.
setTimeout(() => {
document.removeEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu);
}, 100);
if (document.fullscreenElement === bitmap_view_div || document.webkitFullscreenElement === bitmap_view_div) {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
document.exitFullscreen(); // avoid warning in Firefox
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
cleanup_bitmap_view = () => { };
document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", onFullscreenChange, { once: true });
document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", onFullscreenChange, { once: true });
document.addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
document.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown);
document.addEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu);
function onFullscreenChange() {
if (document.fullscreenElement !== bitmap_view_div && document.webkitFullscreenElement !== bitmap_view_div) {
let repeating_f = false;
function onKeyDown(event) {
// console.log(event.key, event.repeat);
repeating_f = repeating_f || event.repeat && (event.key === "f" || event.key === "F");
if (event.repeat) { return; }
if (repeating_f && (event.key === "f" || event.key === "F")) {
repeating_f = false;
return; // Chrome sends an F keydown with repeat=false if you release Ctrl before F, while repeating.
// This is a slightly overkill, and slightly overzealous workaround (can ignore one normal F before handling F as exit)
// Prevent also toggling View Bitmap on while toggling off, with Ctrl+F+F.
// That is, if you hold Ctrl and press F twice, the second F should close View Bitmap and not reopen it immediately.
// This relies on the keydown handler handling event.defaultPrevented (or isDefaultPrevented() if it's using jQuery)
// Note: in mspaint, Esc is the only key that DOESN'T close the bitmap view,
// but it also doesn't do anything else — other than changing the cursor. Stupid.
function onMouseDown(event) {
// Note: in mspaint, only left click exits View Bitmap mode.
// Right click can show a useless context menu.
function onContextMenu(event) {
cleanup_bitmap_view(); // not needed
2021-12-07 19:09:30 +00:00
// @TODO: include selection in the bitmap
// I believe mspaint uses a similar code path to the Thumbnail,
// considering that if you right click on the image in View Bitmap mode,
// it shows the silly "Thumbnail" context menu item.
// (It also shows the selection, in a meaningless place, similar to the Thumbnail's bugs)
main_canvas.toBlob(blob => {
blob_url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
2021-12-07 19:09:30 +00:00
const img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = blob_url;
2021-12-07 19:09:30 +00:00
}, "image/png");
2014-05-23 21:49:55 +00:00
function get_tool_by_id(id) {
for (let i = 0; i < tools.length; i++) {
if (tools[i].id == id) {
return tools[i];
2014-09-22 02:57:24 +00:00
for (let i = 0; i < extra_tools.length; i++) {
if (extra_tools[i].id == id) {
return extra_tools[i];
2019-09-21 05:59:56 +00:00
// hacky but whatever
// this whole "multiple tools" thing is hacky for now
function select_tools(tools) {
for (let i = 0; i < tools.length; i++) {
2019-09-21 05:59:56 +00:00
select_tool(tools[i], i > 0);
2019-10-26 17:53:16 +00:00
2019-09-21 05:59:56 +00:00
function select_tool(tool, toggle) {
if (!(selected_tools.length === 1 && selected_tool.deselect)) {
2019-09-21 05:59:56 +00:00
return_to_tools = [...selected_tools];
if (toggle) {
const index = selected_tools.indexOf(tool);
if (index === -1) {
selected_tools.sort((a, b) => {
if (tools.indexOf(a) < tools.indexOf(b)) {
return -1;
if (tools.indexOf(a) > tools.indexOf(b)) {
return +1;
return 0;
} else {
selected_tools.splice(index, 1);
if (selected_tools.length > 0) {
selected_tool = selected_tools[selected_tools.length - 1];
} else {
2019-10-30 17:38:16 +00:00
selected_tool = default_tool;
selected_tools = [selected_tool];
} else {
selected_tool = tool;
selected_tools = [tool];
if (tool.preload) {
// $toolbox2.update_selected_tool();
2014-09-22 02:57:24 +00:00
2019-09-21 06:04:59 +00:00
function has_any_transparency(ctx) {
2014-09-29 21:12:32 +00:00
// @TODO Optimization: Assume JPEGs and some other file types are opaque.
2015-02-23 21:16:21 +00:00
// Raster file formats that SUPPORT transparency include GIF, PNG, BMP and TIFF
// (Yes, even BMPs support transparency!)
const id = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
for (let i = 0, l = id.data.length; i < l; i += 4) {
// I've seen firefox give [ 254, 254, 254, 254 ] for get_rgba_from_color("#fff")
// or other values
if (id.data[i + 3] < 253) {
2019-09-21 06:04:59 +00:00
return true;
2014-09-29 21:12:32 +00:00
2019-09-21 06:04:59 +00:00
return false;
function detect_monochrome(ctx) {
2021-06-20 02:40:53 +00:00
// Note: Brave browser, and DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials browser extension
// implement a privacy technique known as "farbling", which breaks this code.
// (I've implemented workarounds in many places, but not here yet.)
// This function currently returns the set of one or two colors if applicable,
// and things outside would need to be changed to handle a "near-monochrome" state.
const id = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
const pixelArray = new Uint32Array(id.data.buffer); // to access as whole pixels (for greater efficiency & simplicity)
// Note: values in pixelArray may be different on big endian vs little endian machines.
// Use id.data, which is guaranteed to be in RGBA order, for getting color information.
// Only use the Uint32Array for comparing pixel equality (faster than comparing each color component).
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
const colorUint32s = [];
const colorRGBAs = [];
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
let anyTransparency = false;
for (let i = 0, len = pixelArray.length; i < len; i += 1) {
// @TODO: should this threshold not mirror has_any_transparency?
// seems to have different notions of "any transparency"
// has_any_transparency is "has any pixels not fully opaque"
// detect_monochrome's anyTransparency means "has any pixels fully transparent"
if (id.data[i * 4 + 3] > 1) {
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
if (!colorUint32s.includes(pixelArray[i])) {
if (colorUint32s.length < 2) {
colorRGBAs.push(id.data.slice(i * 4, (i + 1) * 4));
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
} else {
return { isMonochrome: false };
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
} else {
anyTransparency = true;
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
return {
isMonochrome: true,
presentNonTransparentRGBAs: colorRGBAs,
presentNonTransparentUint32s: colorUint32s,
monochromeWithTransparency: anyTransparency,
function make_monochrome_pattern(lightness, rgba1 = [0, 0, 0, 255], rgba2 = [255, 255, 255, 255]) {
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const dither_threshold_table = Array.from({ length: 64 }, (_undefined, p) => {
const q = p ^ (p >> 3);
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
return (
((p & 4) >> 2) | ((q & 4) >> 1) |
((p & 2) << 1) | ((q & 2) << 2) |
((p & 1) << 4) | ((q & 1) << 5)
) / 64;
const pattern_canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const pattern_ctx = pattern_canvas.getContext("2d");
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
pattern_canvas.width = 8;
pattern_canvas.height = 8;
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const pattern_image_data = main_ctx.createImageData(pattern_canvas.width, pattern_canvas.height);
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
for (let x = 0; x < pattern_canvas.width; x += 1) {
for (let y = 0; y < pattern_canvas.height; y += 1) {
const map_value = dither_threshold_table[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)];
const px_white = lightness > map_value;
2019-12-19 21:33:48 +00:00
const index = ((y * pattern_image_data.width) + x) * 4;
pattern_image_data.data[index + 0] = px_white ? rgba2[0] : rgba1[0];
pattern_image_data.data[index + 1] = px_white ? rgba2[1] : rgba1[1];
pattern_image_data.data[index + 2] = px_white ? rgba2[2] : rgba1[2];
pattern_image_data.data[index + 3] = (px_white ? rgba2[3] : rgba1[3]) ?? 255; // handling also 3-length arrays (RGB)
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
pattern_ctx.putImageData(pattern_image_data, 0, 0);
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
return main_ctx.createPattern(pattern_canvas, "repeat");
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
function make_monochrome_palette(rgba1 = [0, 0, 0, 255], rgba2 = [255, 255, 255, 255]) {
const palette = [];
const n_colors_per_row = 14;
const n_colors = n_colors_per_row * 2;
for (let i = 0; i < n_colors_per_row; i++) {
let lightness = i / n_colors;
palette.push(make_monochrome_pattern(lightness, rgba1, rgba2));
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
for (let i = 0; i < n_colors_per_row; i++) {
let lightness = 1 - i / n_colors;
palette.push(make_monochrome_pattern(lightness, rgba1, rgba2));
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
return palette;
function make_stripe_pattern(reverse, colors, stripe_size = 4) {
2019-12-19 21:33:48 +00:00
const rgba_colors = colors.map(get_rgba_from_color);
const pattern_canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const pattern_ctx = pattern_canvas.getContext("2d");
pattern_canvas.width = colors.length * stripe_size;
pattern_canvas.height = colors.length * stripe_size;
const pattern_image_data = main_ctx.createImageData(pattern_canvas.width, pattern_canvas.height);
2019-12-19 21:33:48 +00:00
for (let x = 0; x < pattern_canvas.width; x += 1) {
for (let y = 0; y < pattern_canvas.height; y += 1) {
2019-12-19 21:33:48 +00:00
const pixel_index = ((y * pattern_image_data.width) + x) * 4;
// +1000 to avoid remainder on negative numbers
2019-12-20 16:31:01 +00:00
const pos = reverse ? (x - y) : (x + y);
const color_index = Math.floor((pos + 1000) / stripe_size) % colors.length;
2019-12-19 21:33:48 +00:00
const rgba = rgba_colors[color_index];
pattern_image_data.data[pixel_index + 0] = rgba[0];
pattern_image_data.data[pixel_index + 1] = rgba[1];
pattern_image_data.data[pixel_index + 2] = rgba[2];
pattern_image_data.data[pixel_index + 3] = rgba[3];
pattern_ctx.putImageData(pattern_image_data, 0, 0);
return main_ctx.createPattern(pattern_canvas, "repeat");
2019-12-19 21:33:48 +00:00
function switch_to_polychrome_palette() {
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
2019-12-19 20:01:15 +00:00
function make_opaque() {
name: "Make Opaque",
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_make_opaque.png"),
}, () => {
main_ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop";
2021-02-11 02:04:35 +00:00
main_ctx.fillStyle = selected_colors.background;
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
2019-12-21 05:58:36 +00:00
// in case the selected background color is transparent/translucent
main_ctx.fillStyle = "white";
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
2019-12-19 20:01:15 +00:00
2019-12-19 20:01:15 +00:00
function resize_canvas_without_saving_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta = {}) {
const new_width = Math.max(1, unclamped_width);
const new_height = Math.max(1, unclamped_height);
if (main_canvas.width !== new_width || main_canvas.height !== new_height) {
2019-12-16 06:11:48 +00:00
2019-12-19 20:01:15 +00:00
name: undoable_meta.name || "Resize Canvas",
icon: undoable_meta.icon || get_help_folder_icon("p_stretch_both.png"),
2019-12-16 06:11:48 +00:00
}, () => {
try {
const image_data = main_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, new_width, new_height);
main_canvas.width = new_width;
main_canvas.height = new_height;
if (!transparency) {
main_ctx.fillStyle = selected_colors.background;
main_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas.width, main_canvas.height);
const temp_canvas = make_canvas(image_data);
main_ctx.drawImage(temp_canvas, 0, 0);
} catch (exception) {
if (exception.name === "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") {
// or localize("There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation.")
show_error_message(localize("Insufficient memory to perform operation."), exception);
} else {
show_error_message(localize("An unknown error has occurred."), exception);
// @TODO: undo and clean up undoable
// maybe even keep Attributes dialog open if that's what's triggering the resize
2019-12-19 20:01:15 +00:00
function resize_canvas_and_save_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta = {}) {
2019-12-19 20:01:15 +00:00
resize_canvas_without_saving_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta);
width: main_canvas.width,
height: main_canvas.height,
2019-12-18 05:42:19 +00:00
}, (/*error*/) => {
// oh well
function image_attributes() {
if (image_attributes.$window) {
const $w = image_attributes.$window = new $DialogWindow(localize("Attributes"));
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $main = $w.$main;
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
// Information
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const table = {
[localize("File last saved:")]: localize("Not Available"), // @TODO: make available?
[localize("Size on disk:")]: localize("Not Available"), // @TODO: make available?
[localize("Resolution:")]: "72 x 72 dots per inch", // if localizing this, remove "direction" setting below
const $table = $(E("table")).appendTo($main);
for (const k in table) {
const $tr = $(E("tr")).appendTo($table);
2020-12-07 04:27:03 +00:00
const $key = $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(k);
const $value = $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(table[k]);
if (table[k].indexOf("72") !== -1) {
$value.css("direction", "ltr");
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
// Dimensions
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const unit_sizes_in_px = { px: 1, in: 72, cm: 28.3465 };
let current_unit = image_attributes.unit = image_attributes.unit || "px";
let width_in_px = main_canvas.width;
let height_in_px = main_canvas.height;
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $width_label = $(E("label")).appendTo($main).html(display_hotkey(localize("&Width:")));
const $height_label = $(E("label")).appendTo($main).html(display_hotkey(localize("&Height:")));
const $width = $(E("input")).attr({ type: "number", min: 1, "aria-keyshortcuts": "Alt+W W W" }).addClass("no-spinner inset-deep").appendTo($width_label);
const $height = $(E("input")).attr({ type: "number", min: 1, "aria-keyshortcuts": "Alt+H H H" }).addClass("no-spinner inset-deep").appendTo($height_label);
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2015-06-19 01:11:40 +00:00
.css({ width: "40px" })
.on("change keyup keydown keypress pointerdown pointermove paste drop", () => {
2019-11-03 04:57:11 +00:00
width_in_px = $width.val() * unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit];
height_in_px = $height.val() * unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit];
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
// Fieldsets
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $units = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`
<div class="fieldset-body">
<input type="radio" name="units" id="unit-in" value="in" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+I I"><label for="unit-in">${display_hotkey(localize("&Inches"))}</label>
<input type="radio" name="units" id="unit-cm" value="cm" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+M M"><label for="unit-cm">${display_hotkey(localize("C&m"))}</label>
<input type="radio" name="units" id="unit-px" value="px" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+P P"><label for="unit-px">${display_hotkey(localize("&Pixels"))}</label>
$units.find(`[value=${current_unit}]`).attr({ checked: true });
$units.on("change", () => {
const new_unit = $units.find(":checked").val();
$width.val(width_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[new_unit]);
$height.val(height_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[new_unit]);
current_unit = new_unit;
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $colors = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`
<div class="fieldset-body">
<input type="radio" name="colors" id="attribute-monochrome" value="monochrome" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+B B"><label for="attribute-monochrome">${display_hotkey(localize("&Black and white"))}</label>
<input type="radio" name="colors" id="attribute-polychrome" value="polychrome" aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+L L"><label for="attribute-polychrome">${display_hotkey(localize("Co&lors"))}</label>
$colors.find(`[value=${monochrome ? "monochrome" : "polychrome"}]`).attr({ checked: true });
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $transparency = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`
<div class="fieldset-body">
<input type="radio" name="transparency" id="attribute-transparent" value="transparent"><label for="attribute-transparent">${localize("Transparent")}</label>
<input type="radio" name="transparency" id="attribute-opaque" value="opaque"><label for="attribute-opaque">${localize("Opaque")}</label>
$transparency.find(`[value=${transparency ? "transparent" : "opaque"}]`).attr({ checked: true });
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
// Buttons on the right
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
const transparency_option = $transparency.find(":checked").val();
const colors_option = $colors.find(":checked").val();
const unit = $units.find(":checked").val();
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const was_monochrome = monochrome;
let monochrome_info;
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
image_attributes.unit = unit;
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
transparency = (transparency_option == "transparent");
monochrome = (colors_option == "monochrome");
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
if (monochrome != was_monochrome) {
if (selection) {
// want to detect monochrome based on selection + canvas
// simplest way to do that is to meld them together
monochrome_info = detect_monochrome(main_ctx);
if (monochrome) {
if (monochrome_info.isMonochrome && monochrome_info.presentNonTransparentRGBAs.length === 2) {
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
palette = make_monochrome_palette(...monochrome_info.presentNonTransparentRGBAs);
} else {
palette = monochrome_palette;
} else {
palette = polychrome_palette;
2021-02-11 02:04:35 +00:00
selected_colors.foreground = palette[0];
selected_colors.background = palette[14]; // first in second row
selected_colors.ternary = "";
2017-06-24 06:22:29 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const unit_to_px = unit_sizes_in_px[unit];
const width = $width.val() * unit_to_px;
const height = $height.val() * unit_to_px;
resize_canvas_and_save_dimensions(~~width, ~~height);
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
if (!transparency && has_any_transparency(main_ctx)) {
2019-12-19 20:01:15 +00:00
// 1. Must be after canvas resize to avoid weird undoable interaction and such.
2021-06-19 23:58:47 +00:00
// 2. Check that monochrome option changed, same as above.
// a) for monochrome_info variable to be available
// b) Consider the case where color is introduced to the canvas while in monochrome mode.
// We only want to show this dialog if it would also change the palette (above), never leave you on an outdated palette.
// c) And it's nice to be able to change other options without worrying about it trying to convert the document to monochrome.
if (monochrome != was_monochrome) {
2021-02-10 19:53:57 +00:00
if (monochrome && !monochrome_info.isMonochrome) {
}, { type: "submit" });
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
// Parsing HTML with jQuery; $Button takes text (not HTML) or Node/DocumentFragment
$w.$Button($.parseHTML(display_hotkey(localize("&Default")))[0], () => {
width_in_px = default_canvas_width;
height_in_px = default_canvas_height;
$width.val(width_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]);
$height.val(height_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]);
}).attr("aria-keyshortcuts", "Alt+D D");
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
// Default focus
// Reposition the window
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
function show_convert_to_black_and_white() {
const $w = new $DialogWindow("Convert to Black and White");
2020-12-17 19:16:09 +00:00
$w.$main.append("<fieldset><legend>Threshold:</legend><input type='range' min='0' max='1' step='0.01' value='0.5'></fieldset>");
const $slider = $w.$main.find("input[type='range']");
const original_canvas = make_canvas(main_canvas);
let threshold;
const update_threshold = () => {
name: "Make Monochrome",
match: (history_node) => history_node.name === "Make Monochrome",
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_monochrome.png"),
}, () => {
threshold = $slider.val();
threshold_black_and_white(main_ctx, threshold);
$slider.on("input", debounce(update_threshold, 100));
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
}, { type: "submit" }).focus();
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
if (current_history_node.name === "Make Monochrome") {
} else {
name: "Cancel Make Monochrome",
2021-02-13 17:54:44 +00:00
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_color.png"),
}, () => {
function image_flip_and_rotate() {
const $w = new $DialogWindow(localize("Flip and Rotate"));
2019-12-18 14:38:01 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $fieldset = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main);
<legend>${localize("Flip or rotate")}</legend>
<div class="radio-wrapper">
/><label for="flip-horizontal">${display_hotkey(localize("&Flip horizontal"))}</label>
<div class="radio-wrapper">
/><label for="flip-vertical">${display_hotkey(localize("Flip &vertical"))}</label>
<div class="radio-wrapper">
/><label for="rotate-by-angle">${display_hotkey(localize("&Rotate by angle"))}</label>
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2020-04-23 01:36:30 +00:00
const $rotate_by_angle = $(E("div")).appendTo($fieldset);
2020-12-17 19:16:09 +00:00
for (const label_with_hotkey of [
]) {
const degrees = parseInt(remove_hotkey(label_with_hotkey), 10);
<div class="radio-wrapper">
<div class="radio-wrapper">
class="no-spinner inset-deep"
style="width: 50px"
<label for="custom-degrees">${localize("Degrees")}</label>
$rotate_by_angle.find("#rotate-90").attr({ checked: true });
// Disabling inputs makes them not even receive mouse events,
// and so pointer-events: none is needed to respond to events on the parent.
$rotate_by_angle.find("input").attr({ disabled: true });
$fieldset.find("input").on("change", () => {
const action = $fieldset.find("input[name='flip-or-rotate']:checked").val();
disabled: action !== "rotate-by-angle"
$rotate_by_angle.find(".radio-wrapper").on("click", (e) => {
2014-12-08 14:48:46 +00:00
// Select "Rotate by angle" and enable subfields
$fieldset.find("input[value='rotate-by-angle']").prop("checked", true);
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $wrapper = $(e.target).closest(".radio-wrapper");
2014-12-08 14:48:46 +00:00
// Focus the numerical input if this field has one
const num_input = $wrapper.find("input[type='number']")[0];
if (num_input) {
2014-12-08 14:48:46 +00:00
// Select the radio for this field
$wrapper.find("input[type='radio']").prop("checked", true);
2014-12-08 14:48:46 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
$fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-arbitrary-angle']").on("input", () => {
$fieldset.find("input[value='rotate-by-angle']").prop("checked", true);
$fieldset.find("input[value='arbitrary']").prop("checked", true);
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
const action = $fieldset.find("input[name='flip-or-rotate']:checked").val();
switch (action) {
2014-12-08 02:45:23 +00:00
case "flip-horizontal":
case "flip-vertical":
case "rotate-by-angle": {
let angle_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-angle']:checked").val();
if (angle_val === "arbitrary") {
angle_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-arbitrary-angle']").val();
const angle_deg = parseFloat(angle_val);
const angle = angle_deg / 360 * TAU;
if (isNaN(angle)) {
2021-04-01 14:56:57 +00:00
2014-12-08 02:45:23 +00:00
2014-12-08 02:45:23 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
}, { type: "submit" });
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2021-04-02 05:00:31 +00:00
function image_stretch_and_skew() {
const $w = new $DialogWindow(localize("Stretch and Skew"));
2020-12-17 19:16:09 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
const $fieldset_stretch = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main);
2020-12-07 04:27:03 +00:00
const $fieldset_skew = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main);
2020-12-07 04:27:03 +00:00
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2021-04-02 05:33:40 +00:00
const $RowInput = ($table, img_src, label_with_hotkey, default_value, label_unit, min, max) => {
const $tr = $(E("tr")).appendTo($table);
const $img = $(E("img")).attr({
src: `images/transforms/${img_src}.png`,
width: 32,
height: 32,
marginRight: "20px"
const input_id = ("input" + Math.random() + Math.random()).replace(/\./, "");
const $input = $(E("input")).attr({
type: "number",
value: default_value,
id: input_id,
2021-04-02 05:33:40 +00:00
"aria-keyshortcuts": `Alt+${get_hotkey(label_with_hotkey).toUpperCase()}`,
width: "40px"
2021-01-29 22:29:57 +00:00
}).addClass("no-spinner inset-deep");
2021-04-02 05:33:40 +00:00
$(E("td")).appendTo($tr).append($(E("label")).html(display_hotkey(label_with_hotkey)).attr("for", input_id));
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
return $input;
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2021-04-02 05:33:40 +00:00
const stretch_x = $RowInput($fieldset_stretch.find("table"), "stretch-x", localize("&Horizontal:"), 100, "%", 1, 5000);
const stretch_y = $RowInput($fieldset_stretch.find("table"), "stretch-y", localize("&Vertical:"), 100, "%", 1, 5000);
const skew_x = $RowInput($fieldset_skew.find("table"), "skew-x", localize("H&orizontal:"), 0, localize("Degrees"), -90, 90);
const skew_y = $RowInput($fieldset_skew.find("table"), "skew-y", localize("V&ertical:"), 0, localize("Degrees"), -90, 90);
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => {
const x_scale = parseFloat(stretch_x.val()) / 100;
const y_scale = parseFloat(stretch_y.val()) / 100;
const h_skew = parseFloat(skew_x.val()) / 360 * TAU;
const v_skew = parseFloat(skew_y.val()) / 360 * TAU;
2021-06-19 23:58:47 +00:00
if (isNaN(x_scale) || isNaN(y_scale) || isNaN(h_skew) || isNaN(v_skew)) {
2021-04-01 14:56:57 +00:00
try {
2021-06-19 23:58:47 +00:00
stretch_and_skew(x_scale, y_scale, h_skew, v_skew);
} catch (exception) {
if (exception.name === "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") {
// or localize("There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation.")
show_error_message(localize("Insufficient memory to perform operation."), exception);
} else {
show_error_message(localize("An unknown error has occurred."), exception);
2024-02-02 20:30:04 +00:00
// @TODO: undo and clean up undoable
}, { type: "submit" });
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
2018-01-24 21:58:12 +00:00
2021-04-02 05:33:40 +00:00
function handle_keyshortcuts($container) {
// This function implements shortcuts defined with aria-keyshortcuts.
// It also modifies aria-keyshortcuts to remove shortcuts that don't
// contain a modifier (other than shift) when an input field is focused,
// in order to avoid conflicts with typing.
// It stores the original aria-keyshortcuts (indefinitely), so if aria-keyshortcuts
// is ever to be modified at runtime (externally), the code here may need to be changed.
$container.on("keydown", (event) => {
const $targets = $container.find("[aria-keyshortcuts]");
for (let shortcut_target of $targets) {
const shortcuts = $(shortcut_target).attr("aria-keyshortcuts").split(" ");
for (const shortcut of shortcuts) {
// TODO: should we use code instead of key? need examples
if (
!!shortcut.match(/Alt\+/i) === event.altKey &&
!!shortcut.match(/Ctrl\+/i) === event.ctrlKey &&
!!shortcut.match(/Meta\+/i) === event.metaKey &&
!!shortcut.match(/Shift\+/i) === event.shiftKey &&
shortcut.split("+").pop().toUpperCase() === event.key.toUpperCase()
) {
if (shortcut_target.disabled) {
shortcut_target = shortcut_target.closest(".radio-wrapper");
2021-04-02 05:33:40 +00:00
// Prevent keyboard shortcuts from interfering with typing in text fields.
// Rather than conditionally handling the shortcut, I'm conditionally removing it,
// because _theoretically_ it's better for assistive technology to know that the shortcut isn't available.
// (Theoretically I should also remove aria-keyshortcuts when the window isn't focused...)
$container.on("focusin focusout", (event) => {
if ($(event.target).is('textarea, input:not([type="checkbox"]):not([type="radio"]):not([type="button"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="reset"]):not([type="image"]):not([type="file"]):not([type="color"]):not([type="range"])')) {
for (const control of $container.find("[aria-keyshortcuts]")) {
control._original_aria_keyshortcuts = control._original_aria_keyshortcuts ?? control.getAttribute("aria-keyshortcuts");
// Remove shortcuts without modifiers.
.split(" ")
.filter((shortcut) => shortcut.match(/(Alt|Ctrl|Meta)\+/i))
.join(" ")
} else {
// Restore shortcuts.
for (const control of $container.find("[aria-keyshortcuts]")) {
if (control._original_aria_keyshortcuts) {
control.setAttribute("aria-keyshortcuts", control._original_aria_keyshortcuts);
function save_as_prompt({
dialogTitle = localize("Save As"),
defaultFileName = "",
promptForName = true,
}) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const $w = new $DialogWindow(dialogTitle);
// This is needed to prevent the keyboard from closing when you tap the file name input! in FF mobile
// @TODO: Investigate this in os-gui.js; is it literally just the browser default behavior to focus a div with tabindex that's the parent of an input?
// That'd be crazy, right?
$w.$content.attr("tabIndex", null);
// @TODO: hotkeys (N, T, S, Enter, Esc)
if (promptForName) {
File name:
<input type="text" class="file-name inset-deep"/>
Save as type:
<select class="file-type-select inset-deep"></select>
const $file_type = $w.$main.find(".file-type-select");
const $file_name = $w.$main.find(".file-name");
for (const format of formats) {
if (promptForName) {
const get_selected_format = () => {
const selected_format_id = $file_type.val();
for (const format of formats) {
if (format.formatID === selected_format_id) {
return format;
// Select file type when typing file name
const select_file_type_from_file_name = () => {
const extension_match = (promptForName ? $file_name.val() : defaultFileName).match(/\.([\w\d]+)$/);
if (extension_match) {
const selected_format = get_selected_format();
const matched_ext = extension_match[1].toLowerCase();
if (selected_format && selected_format.extensions.includes(matched_ext)) {
// File extension already matches selected file type.
// Don't select a different file type with the same extension.
for (const format of formats) {
if (format.extensions.includes(matched_ext)) {
if (promptForName) {
$file_name.on("input", select_file_type_from_file_name);
if (defaultFileFormatID && formats.some((format) => format.formatID === defaultFileFormatID)) {
} else {
// Change file extension when selecting file type
// allowing non-default extension like .dib vs .bmp, .jpg vs .jpeg to stay
const update_extension_from_file_type = (add_extension_if_absent) => {
if (!promptForName) {
let file_name = $file_name.val();
const selected_format = get_selected_format();
if (!selected_format) {
2021-01-29 05:18:51 +00:00
const extensions_for_type = selected_format.extensions;
const primary_extension_for_type = extensions_for_type[0];
// This way of removing the file extension doesn't scale very well! But I don't want to delete text the user wanted like in case of a version number...
const without_extension = file_name.replace(/\.(\w{1,3}|apng|jpeg|jfif|tiff|webp|psppalette|sketchpalette|gimp|colors|scss|sass|less|styl|html|theme|themepack)$/i, "");
const extension_present = without_extension !== file_name;
const extension = file_name.slice(without_extension.length + 1).toLowerCase(); // without dot
if (
(add_extension_if_absent || extension_present) &&
extensions_for_type.indexOf(extension) === -1
) {
file_name = `${without_extension}.${primary_extension_for_type}`;
$file_type.on("change", () => {
// and initially
2021-04-01 14:40:03 +00:00
const $save = $w.$Button(localize("Save"), () => {
newFileName: promptForName ? $file_name.val() : defaultFileName,
newFileFormatID: $file_type.val(),
}, { type: "submit" });
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {
// For mobile devices with on-screen keyboards, move the window to the top
if (window.innerWidth < 500 || window.innerHeight < 700) {
$w.css({ top: 20 });
if (promptForName) {
2021-04-01 14:40:03 +00:00
} else {
// $file_type.focus(); // most of the time you don't want to change the type from PNG
function write_image_file(canvas, mime_type, blob_callback) {
const bmp_match = mime_type.match(/^image\/(?:x-)?bmp\s*(?:-(\d+)bpp)?/);
if (bmp_match) {
const file_content = encodeBMP(canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height), parseInt(bmp_match[1] || "24", 10));
const blob = new Blob([file_content]);
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
} else if (mime_type === "image/png") {
// UPNG.js gives better compressed PNGs than the built-in browser PNG encoder
// In fact you can use it as a minifier! http://upng.photopea.com/
const image_data = canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const array_buffer = UPNG.encode([image_data.data.buffer], image_data.width, image_data.height);
const blob = new Blob([array_buffer]);
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
} else if (mime_type === "image/tiff") {
const image_data = canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const metadata = {
t305: ["jspaint (UTIF.js)"],
const array_buffer = UTIF.encodeImage(image_data.data.buffer, image_data.width, image_data.height, metadata);
const blob = new Blob([array_buffer]);
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
} else {
canvas.toBlob(blob => {
// Note: could check blob.type (mime type) instead
const png_magic_bytes = [0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A];
sanity_check_blob(blob, () => {
}, png_magic_bytes, mime_type === "image/png");
}, mime_type);
function read_image_file(blob, callback) {
// @TODO: handle SVG (might need to keep track of source URL, for relative resources)
// @TODO: read palette from GIF files
let file_format;
let palette;
let monochrome = false;
blob.arrayBuffer().then((arrayBuffer) => {
// Helpers:
// "GIF".split("").map(c=>"0x"+c.charCodeAt(0).toString("16")).join(", ")
// [0x47, 0x49, 0x46].map(c=>String.fromCharCode(c)).join("")
const magics = {
png: [0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A],
bmp: [0x42, 0x4D], // "BM" in ASCII
jpeg: [0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF],
gif: [0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38], // "GIF8" in ASCII, fully either "GIF87a" or "GIF89a"
webp: [0x57, 0x45, 0x42, 0x50], // "WEBP" in ASCII
tiff_be: [0x4D, 0x4D, 0x0, 0x2A],
tiff_le: [0x49, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x0],
ico: [0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00],
cur: [0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00],
icns: [0x69, 0x63, 0x6e, 0x73], // "icns" in ASCII
const file_bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
let detected_type_id;
for (const [type_id, magic_bytes] of Object.entries(magics)) {
const magic_found = magic_bytes.every((byte, index) => byte === file_bytes[index]);
if (magic_found) {
detected_type_id = type_id;
2021-07-10 21:57:33 +00:00
if (!detected_type_id) {
if (String.fromCharCode(...file_bytes.slice(0, 1024)).includes("%PDF")) {
detected_type_id = "pdf";
if (detected_type_id === "bmp") {
const { colorTable, bitsPerPixel, imageData } = decodeBMP(arrayBuffer);
file_format = bitsPerPixel === 24 ? "image/bmp" : `image/bmp;bpp=${bitsPerPixel}`;
if (colorTable.length >= 2) {
if (colorTable.length === 2) {
palette = make_monochrome_palette(...colorTable.map((color) => [color.r, color.g, color.b, 255]));
monochrome = true;
} else {
palette = colorTable.map((color) => `rgb(${color.r}, ${color.g}, ${color.b})`);
monochrome = false;
// if (bitsPerPixel !== 32 && bitsPerPixel !== 16) {
// for (let i = 3; i < imageData.data.length; i += 4) {
// imageData.data[i] = 255;
// }
// }
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image_data: imageData, source_blob: blob });
} else if (detected_type_id === "png") {
const decoded = UPNG.decode(arrayBuffer);
const rgba = UPNG.toRGBA8(decoded)[0];
const { width, height, tabs, ctype } = decoded;
// If it's a palettized PNG, load the palette for the Colors box.
// Note: PLTE (palette) chunk must be present for palettized PNGs,
// but can also be present as a recommended set of colors in true-color mode.
// tRNs (transparency) chunk can provide alpha data associated with each color in the PLTE chunk.
// It may contain as many transparency entries as there are palette entries, or as few as one.
// tRNS chunk can also be used to specify a single color to be considered fully transparent in true-color mode.
if (tabs.PLTE && tabs.PLTE.length >= 3 * 2 && ctype === 3 /* palettized */) {
if (tabs.PLTE.length === 3 * 2) {
palette = make_monochrome_palette(
[...tabs.PLTE.slice(0, 3), tabs.tRNS?.[0] ?? 255],
[...tabs.PLTE.slice(3, 6), tabs.tRNS?.[1] ?? 255]
monochrome = true;
} else {
palette = new Array(tabs.PLTE.length / 3);
for (let i = 0; i < palette.length; i++) {
if (tabs.tRNS && tabs.tRNS.length >= i + 1) {
palette[i] = `rgba(${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 0]}, ${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 1]}, ${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 2]}, ${tabs.tRNS[i] / 255})`;
} else {
palette[i] = `rgb(${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 0]}, ${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 1]}, ${tabs.PLTE[i * 3 + 2]})`;
monochrome = false;
file_format = "image/png";
const image_data = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(rgba), width, height);
2021-07-29 22:48:31 +00:00
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image_data, source_blob: blob });
} else if (detected_type_id === "tiff_be" || detected_type_id === "tiff_le") {
// IFDs = image file directories
// VSNs = ???
2024-02-02 20:30:04 +00:00
// This code is based on UTIF.bufferToURI
2021-07-29 22:48:31 +00:00
var ifds = UTIF.decode(arrayBuffer);
var vsns = ifds, ma = 0, page = vsns[0];
if (ifds[0].subIFD) {
vsns = vsns.concat(ifds[0].subIFD);
for (var i = 0; i < vsns.length; i++) {
var img = vsns[i];
if (img["t258"] == null || img["t258"].length < 3) continue;
var ar = img["t256"] * img["t257"];
if (ar > ma) { ma = ar; page = img; }
UTIF.decodeImage(arrayBuffer, page, ifds);
var rgba = UTIF.toRGBA8(page);
var image_data = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(rgba.buffer), page.width, page.height);
file_format = "image/tiff";
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image_data, source_blob: blob });
2021-07-10 21:57:33 +00:00
} else if (detected_type_id === "pdf") {
file_format = "application/pdf";
const pdfjs = window['pdfjs-dist/build/pdf'];
2021-07-10 21:57:33 +00:00
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = 'lib/pdf.js/build/pdf.worker.js';
const file_bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
const loadingTask = pdfjs.getDocument({
data: file_bytes,
cMapUrl: "lib/pdf.js/web/cmaps/",
cMapPacked: true,
loadingTask.promise.then((pdf) => {
2021-07-10 21:57:33 +00:00
console.log('PDF loaded');
// Fetch the first page
// TODO: maybe concatenate all pages into one image?
var pageNumber = 1;
pdf.getPage(pageNumber).then((page) => {
2021-07-10 21:57:33 +00:00
console.log('Page loaded');
var scale = 1.5;
var viewport = page.getViewport({ scale });
// Prepare canvas using PDF page dimensions
var canvas = make_canvas(viewport.width, viewport.height);
// Render PDF page into canvas context
var renderContext = {
canvasContext: canvas.ctx,
var renderTask = page.render(renderContext);
renderTask.promise.then(() => {
console.log('Page rendered');
const image_data = canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image_data, source_blob: blob });
2021-07-10 21:57:33 +00:00
}, (reason) => {
callback(new Error(`Failed to load PDF. ${reason}`));
} else {
monochrome = false;
file_format = {
// bmp: "image/bmp",
png: "image/png",
webp: "image/webp",
jpeg: "image/jpeg",
gif: "image/gif",
tiff_be: "image/tiff",
tiff_le: "image/tiff", // can also be image/x-canon-cr2 etc.
ico: "image/x-icon",
cur: "image/x-win-bitmap",
icns: "image/icns",
}[detected_type_id] || blob.type;
const blob_uri = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const img = new Image();
// img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
const handle_decode_fail = () => {
blob.text().then((file_text) => {
const error = new Error("failed to decode blob as an image");
error.code = file_text.match(/^\s*<!doctype\s+html/i) ? "html-not-image" : "decoding-failure";
}, (err) => {
const error = new Error("failed to decode blob as image or text");
error.code = "decoding-failure";
img.onload = () => {
if (!img.complete || typeof img.naturalWidth == "undefined" || img.naturalWidth === 0) {
callback(null, { file_format, monochrome, palette, image: img, source_blob: blob });
img.onerror = handle_decode_fail;
img.src = blob_uri;
}, (error) => {
function update_from_saved_file(blob) {
read_image_file(blob, (error, info) => {
if (error) {
show_error_message("The file has been saved, however... " + localize("Paint cannot read this file."), error);
const format = image_formats.find(({ mimeType }) => mimeType === info.file_format);
name: `${localize("Save As")} ${format ? format.name : info.file_format}`,
icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_save.png"),
}, () => {
main_ctx.copy(info.image || info.image_data);
function save_selection_to_file() {
if (selection && selection.canvas) {
2021-08-03 10:28:19 +00:00
dialogTitle: localize("Save As"),
defaultName: "selection.png",
defaultFileFormatID: "image/png",
formats: image_formats,
getBlob: (new_file_type) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
write_image_file(selection.canvas, new_file_type, (blob) => {
2019-02-16 06:13:16 +00:00
2018-06-30 04:10:44 +00:00
function sanity_check_blob(blob, okay_callback, magic_number_bytes, magic_wanted = true) {
if (blob.size > 0) {
if (magic_number_bytes) {
blob.arrayBuffer().then((arrayBuffer) => {
const file_bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
const magic_found = magic_number_bytes.every((byte, index) => byte === file_bytes[index]);
// console.log(file_bytes, magic_number_bytes, magic_found, magic_wanted);
if (magic_found === magic_wanted) {
} else {
// hackily combining messages that are already localized, in ways they were not meant to be used.
// you may have to do some deduction to understand this message.
// messageHTML: `
// <p>${localize("Unexpected file format.")}</p>
// <p>${localize("An unsupported operation was attempted.")}</p>
// `,
message: "Your browser does not support writing images in this file format.",
iconID: "error",
}, (error) => {
show_error_message(localize("An unknown error has occurred."), error);
} else {
} else {
2021-01-30 15:18:50 +00:00
show_error_message(localize("Failed to save document."));
2018-06-30 04:10:44 +00:00
function show_multi_user_setup_dialog(from_current_document) {
const $w = $DialogWindow().title("Multi-User Setup").addClass("horizontal-buttons");
${from_current_document ? "<p>This will make the current document public.</p>" : ""}
<!-- Choose a name for the multi-user session, included in the URL for sharing: -->
Enter the session name that will be used in the URL for sharing:
<span class="partial-url-label">jspaint.app/#session:</span>
aria-label="session name"
title="Numbers, letters, and hyphens are allowed."
2021-01-29 22:29:57 +00:00
const $session_name = $w.$main.find("#session-name");
$w.$main.css({ maxWidth: "500px" });
$w.$Button("Start", () => {
let name = $session_name.val().trim();
if (name == "") {
show_error_message("The session name cannot be empty.");
} else if ($session_name.is(":invalid")) {
show_error_message("The session name must be made from only numbers, letters, and hyphens.");
} else {
if (from_current_document) {
change_url_param("session", name);
} else {
// @TODO: load new empty session in the same browser tab
// (or at least... keep settings like vertical-color-box-mode?)
}, { type: "submit" });
2020-12-05 22:33:21 +00:00
$w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => {