
138 lines
4.4 KiB

`define OP_SPECIAL 6'b000000
`define OP_SPECIAL2 6'b011100
`define OP_ADDI 6'b001000 // addi rt, rs, imm ; rt = rs + imm
`define OP_ADDIU 6'b001001 // addiu rt, rs, imm ; rt = rs + imm
`define OP_ANDI 6'b001100 // andi rt, rs, imm ; rt = rs & imm
`define OP_ORI 6'b001101
`define OP_XORI 6'b001110
`define OP_SLTI 6'b001010
`define OP_SLTIU 6'b001011
`define OP_LB 6'b100000
`define OP_LH 6'b100001
`define OP_LBU 6'b100100
`define OP_LHU 6'b100101
`define OP_LW 6'b100011 // lw rt, imm(rs) ; rt = [rs+imm]
`define OP_SW 6'b101011 // sw rt, imm(rs) ; [rs + imm] = rt
// Special 0
`define FUNCT_ADD 6'b100000
`define FUNCT_ADDU 6'b100001
`define FUNCT_AND 6'b100100
`define FUNCT_DIV 6'b011010
`define FUNCT_DIVU 6'b011011
`define FUNCT_MULT 6'b011000
`define FUNCT_MULTU 6'b011001
`define FUNCT_NOR 6'b100111
`define FUNCT_OR 6'b100101
`define FUNCT_SLT 6'b101010
`define FUNCT_SUB 6'b100010
`define FUNCT_SUBU 6'b100011
`define FUNCT_XOR 6'b100110
// Special 2
//`define FUNCT_CLO 6'b100001
//`define FUNCT_CLZ 6'b100000
//`define FUNCT_MADD 6'b000000
//`define FUNCT_MADDU 6'b000001
//`define FUNCT_MSUB 6'b000100
//`define FUNCT_MSUBU 6'b000101
//`define FUNCT_MUL 6'b000010
`include "defines.v"
module qm_control(
/// Instruction from the decode stage
input wire [5:0] i_Opcode,
input wire [5:0] i_Function,
/// Control lines to the pipeline stages
// Mux selecting the destination register for the register writeback
// 0 - RT
// 1 - RD
output wire co_RegDest,
// Mux selecting the source of the ALU B operand
// 0 - Value of RT register
// 1 - instruction Imediate part
output wire co_ALUSource,
// ALU Control signal, select ALU operation
output wire [3:0] co_ALUControl,
// Memory write enable signal
output wire co_MemWrite,
// Mux selecting the source of the data for the register writeback
// 0 - output of ALU
// 1 - data read from memory
output wire co_RegWSource,
// Register writeback enable signal
output wire co_RegWrite,
// Unused...
output wire co_Branch
always @(opcode, funct) begin
case (opcode)
`OP_SPECIAL: begin
co_RegDest <= 1;
co_ALUSource <= 0;
co_MemWrite <= 0;
co_RegWSource <= 0;
co_RegWrite <= 1;
co_Branch <= 0;
case (funct)
`OP_LW: begin
co_RegDest <= 0;
co_ALUSource <= 1;
co_ALUControl <= 0;
co_MemWrite <= 0;
co_RegWSource <= 1;
co_RegWrite <= 1;
co_Branch <= 0;
`OP_SW: begin
co_RegDest <= 0;
co_ALUSource <= 1;
co_ALUControl <= 0;
co_MemWrite <= 1;
co_RegWSource <= 0;
co_RegWrite <= 0;
co_Branch <= 0;
6'b001???: // all immediate arith/logic
default: begin
co_RegDest <= 0;
co_ALUSource <= 0;
co_MemWrite <= 0;
co_RegWSource <= 0;
co_RegWrite <= 0;
co_Branch <= 0;
case (opcode)
`OP_ADDI: co_ALUControl <= `ALU_ADD;
`OP_ADDIU: co_ALUControl <= `ALU_ADD;
`OP_ANDI: co_ALUControl <= `ALU_AND;
`OP_ORI: co_ALUControl <= `ALU_OR;
`OP_XORI: co_ALUControl <= `ALU_XOR;
`OP_SLTI: co_ALUControl <= `ALU_SLT;
`OP_SLTIU: co_ALUControl <= `ALU_SLTIU;