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service create

Usage:  docker service create [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

Create a new service

      --constraint value               Placement constraints (default [])
      --container-label value          Service container labels (default [])
      --endpoint-mode string           Endpoint mode (vip or dnsrr)
  -e, --env value                      Set environment variables (default [])
      --help                           Print usage
  -l, --label value                    Service labels (default [])
      --limit-cpu value                Limit CPUs (default 0.000)
      --limit-memory value             Limit Memory (default 0 B)
      --log-driver string              Logging driver for service
      --log-opt value                  Logging driver options (default [])
      --mode string                    Service mode (replicated or global) (default "replicated")
      --mount value                    Attach a mount to the service
      --name string                    Service name
      --network value                  Network attachments (default [])
  -p, --publish value                  Publish a port as a node port (default [])
      --replicas value                 Number of tasks (default none)
      --reserve-cpu value              Reserve CPUs (default 0.000)
      --reserve-memory value           Reserve Memory (default 0 B)
      --restart-condition string       Restart when condition is met (none, on-failure, or any)
      --restart-delay value            Delay between restart attempts (default none)
      --restart-max-attempts value     Maximum number of restarts before giving up (default none)
      --restart-window value           Window used to evaluate the restart policy (default none)
      --stop-grace-period value        Time to wait before force killing a container (default none)
      --update-delay duration          Delay between updates
      --update-failure-action string   Action on update failure (pause|continue) (default "pause")
      --update-parallelism uint        Maximum number of tasks updated simultaneously (0 to update all at once) (default 1)
  -u, --user string                    Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
      --with-registry-auth             Send registry authentication details to Swarm agents
  -w, --workdir string                 Working directory inside the container

Creates a service as described by the specified parameters. This command has to be run targeting a manager node.


Create a service

$ docker service create --name redis redis:3.0.6

$ docker service ls
dmu1ept4cxcf  redis  1/1       redis:3.0.6

Create a service with 5 tasks

You can set the number of tasks for a service using the --replicas option. The following command creates a redis service with 5 tasks:

$ docker service create --name redis --replicas=5 redis:3.0.6

The above command sets the desired number of tasks for the service. Even though the command returns directly, actual scaling of the service may take some time. The REPLICAS column shows both the actual and desired number of tasks for the service.

In the following example, the desired number of tasks is set to 5, but the actual number is 3

$ docker service ls
ID            NAME    REPLICAS  IMAGE        COMMAND
4cdgfyky7ozw  redis   3/5       redis:3.0.7

Once all the tasks are created, the actual number of tasks is equal to the desired number:

$ docker service ls
ID            NAME    REPLICAS  IMAGE        COMMAND
4cdgfyky7ozw  redis   5/5       redis:3.0.7

Create a service with a rolling update policy

$ docker service create \
  --replicas 10 \
  --name redis \
  --update-delay 10s \
  --update-parallelism 2 \

When this service is updated, a rolling update will update tasks in batches of 2, with 10s between batches.

Setting environment variables (-e --env)

This sets environmental variables for all tasks in a service. For example:

$ docker service create --name redis_2 --replicas 5 --env MYVAR=foo redis:3.0.6

Set metadata on a service (-l --label)

A label is a key=value pair that applies metadata to a service. To label a service with two labels:

$ docker service create \
  --name redis_2 \
  --label bar=baz \

For more information about labels, refer to apply custom metadata.

Set service mode

Is this a replicated service or a global service. A replicated service runs as many tasks as specified, while a global service runs on each active node in the swarm.

The following command creates a "global" service:

$ docker service create --name redis_2 --mode global redis:3.0.6

Specify service constraints

You can limit the set of nodes where a task can be scheduled by defining constraint expressions. Multiple constraints find nodes that satisfy every expression (AND match). Constraints can match node or Docker Engine labels as follows:

node attribute matches example node ID == 2ivku8v2gvtg4
node.hostname node hostname node.hostname != node-2
node.role node role: manager node.role == manager
node.labels user defined node labels == high
engine.labels Docker Engine's labels engine.labels.operatingsystem == ubuntu 14.04

engine.labels apply to Docker Engine labels like operating system, drivers, etc. Swarm administrators add node.labels for operational purposes by using the docker node update command.

For example, the following limits tasks for the redis service to nodes where the node type label equals queue:

$ docker service create \
  --name redis_2 \
  --constraint 'node.labels.type == queue' \