
656 lines
141 KiB

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//Globals to be set in init
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function displayIsoByLongitude(longitude) {
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function getDegrees(radians) {
return radians / Math.PI * 180.0;
function getRadians(degrees) {
return degrees / 180.0 * Math.PI;
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//Find only layer groups
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//Control box data
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if (newLayer != globalLayerIndex) {
function sliderUp(event) {
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//move and show all layers
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<title >belt_pulley3.stl - Slice Layers</title>
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<!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary-->
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<!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary-->
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<!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary-->
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<!--End Layer Data-->
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