
20 KiB
Raw Blame History




Instantiate a dashboard.

  • description: (type: string, default: null)

  • editable: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • graphTooltip: (type: integer, default: 0)

  • refresh: (type: string, default: null)

  • schemaVersion: (type: integer, default: 25)

  • style: (type: string, default: "dark")

  • tags: (type: array, default: [])

  • timezone: (type: string, default: null)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • uid: (type: string, default: null)


  • from: (type: string, default: "now-6h")

  • to: (type: string, default: "now")


  • refreshIntervals: (type: array, default: ["5s","10s","30s","1m","5m","15m","30m","1h","2h","1d"])


  • builtIn: (type: integer, default: 0)

  • datasource: (type: string, default: "default")

  • enable: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • hide: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • iconColor: (type: string, default: null)

  • name: (type: string, default: null)

  • rawQuery: (type: string, default: null)

  • showIn: (type: integer, default: 0)


  • template: (type: object)



  • datasource: (type: string, default: "default")

  • description: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeat: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeatDirection: (type: string, default: null)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • transparent: (type: boolean, default: false)


  • max: (type: integer, default: null)

  • min: (type: integer, default: null)

  • thresholdMode: (type: string, default: "absolute")

  • unit: (type: string, default: null)


  • h: (type: integer, default: 8) Panel height.
  • w: (type: integer, default: 12) Panel width.
  • x: (type: integer, default: null) Panel x position.
  • y: (type: integer, default: null) Panel y position.


  • calcs: (type: array, default: ["mean"])

  • fields: (type: string, default: null)

  • orientation: (type: string, default: "auto")

  • showThresholdLabels: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • showThresholdMarkers: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • values: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)

  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)


  • from: (type: string, default: null)

  • id: (type: integer, default: null)

  • operator: (type: string, default: null)

  • text: (type: string, default: null)

  • to: (type: string, default: null)

  • type: (type: integer, default: null)

  • value: (type: string, default: null)


  • matcher: (type: oject, default: null)

  • properties: (type: array, default: null)


  • color: (type: string, default: null)

  • value: (type: integer, default: null)


  • target: (type: object)


  • bars: (type: boolean, default: false) Display values as a bar chart.

  • dashLength: (type: integer, default: 10) Dashed line length.

  • dashes: (type: boolean, default: false) Show line with dashes.

  • datasource: (type: string, default: "default")

  • decimals: (type: integer, default: null) Controls how many decimals are displayed for legend values and graph hover tooltips.

  • description: (type: string, default: null)

  • fill: (type: integer, default: 1) Amount of color fill for a series. Expects a value between 0 and 1.

  • fillGradient: (type: integer, default: 0) Degree of gradient on the area fill. 0 is no gradient, 10 is a steep gradient.

  • hiddenSeries: (type: boolean, default: false) Hide the series.

  • lines: (type: boolean, default: true) Display values as a line graph.

  • linewidth: (type: integer, default: 1) The width of the line for a series.

  • nullPointMode: (type: string, default: "null") How null values are displayed.

    • 'null' - If there is a gap in the series, meaning a null value, then the line in the graph will be broken and show the gap.
    • 'null as zero' - If there is a gap in the series, meaning a null value, then it will be displayed as a zero value in the graph panel.
    • 'connected' - If there is a gap in the series, meaning a null value or values, then the line will skip the gap and connect to the next non-null value.
  • percentage: (type: boolean, default: false) Available when stack is true. Each series is drawn as a percentage of the total of all series.

  • pointradius: (type: integer, default: null) Controls how large the points are.

  • points: (type: boolean, default: false) Display points for values.

  • repeat: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeatDirection: (type: string, default: null)

  • spaceLength: (type: integer, default: 10) Dashed line spacing when dashes is true.

  • stack: (type: boolean, default: false) Each series is stacked on top of another.

  • steppedLine: (type: boolean, default: false) Draws adjacent points as staircase.

  • timeFrom: (type: string, default: null)

  • timeShift: (type: string, default: null)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • transparent: (type: boolean, default: false)


  • h: (type: integer, default: 8) Panel height.
  • w: (type: integer, default: 12) Panel width.
  • x: (type: integer, default: null) Panel x position.
  • y: (type: integer, default: null) Panel y position.


  • alignAsTable: (type: boolean, default: null) Whether to display legend in table.
  • avg: (type: boolean, default: false) Average of all values returned from the metric query.
  • current: (type: boolean, default: false) Last value returned from the metric query.
  • max: (type: boolean, default: false) Maximum of all values returned from the metric query.
  • min: (type: boolean, default: false) Minimum of all values returned from the metric query.
  • rightSide: (type: boolean, default: false) Display legend to the right.
  • show: (type: boolean, default: true) Show or hide the legend.
  • sideWidth: (type: integer, default: null) Available when rightSide is true. The minimum width for the legend in pixels.
  • total: (type: boolean, default: false) Sum of all values returned from the metric query.
  • values: (type: boolean, default: true)


  • thresholdMode: (type: string, default: "absolute")


  • shared: (type: boolean, default: true)
    • true - The hover tooltip shows all series in the graph. Grafana highlights the series that you are hovering over in bold in the series list in the tooltip.
    • false - The hover tooltip shows only a single series, the one that you are hovering over on the graph.
  • sort: (type: integer, default: 2)
    • 0 (none) - The order of the series in the tooltip is determined by the sort order in your query. For example, they could be alphabetically sorted by series name.
    • 1 (increasing) - The series in the hover tooltip are sorted by value and in increasing order, with the lowest value at the top of the list.
    • 2 (decreasing) - The series in the hover tooltip are sorted by value and in decreasing order, with the highest value at the top of the list.


  • buckets: (type: string, default: null)

  • mode: (type: string, default: "time") The display mode completely changes the visualization of the graph panel. Its like three panels in one. The main mode is the time series mode with time on the X-axis. The other two modes are a basic bar chart mode with series on the X-axis instead of time and a histogram mode.

    • 'time' - The X-axis represents time and that the data is grouped by time (for example, by hour, or by minute).
    • 'series' - The data is grouped by series and not by time. The Y-axis still represents the value.
    • 'histogram' - Converts the graph into a histogram. A histogram is a kind of bar chart that groups numbers into ranges, often called buckets or bins. Taller bars show that more data falls in that range.
  • name: (type: string, default: null)

  • show: (type: boolean, default: true) Show or hide the axis.


  • align: (type: boolean, default: false) Align left and right Y-axes by value.
  • alignLevel: (type: integer, default: 0) Available when align is true. Value to use for alignment of left and right Y-axes, starting from Y=0.
  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)

  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)


  • matcher: (type: oject, default: null)

  • properties: (type: array, default: null)


  • alias: (type: string, default: null) Alias or regex matching the series you'd like to target.

  • bars: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • color: (type: string, default: null)

  • dashLength: (type: integer, default: null)

  • dashes: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • fill: (type: integer, default: null)

  • fillBelowTo: (type: string, default: null)

  • fillGradient: (type: integer, default: null)

  • hiddenSeries: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • hideTooltip: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • legend: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • lines: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • linewidth: (type: integer, default: null)

  • nullPointMode: (type: string, default: null)

  • pointradius: (type: integer, default: null)

  • points: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • spaceLength: (type: integer, default: null)

  • stack: (type: integer, default: null)

  • steppedLine: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • transform: (type: string, default: null)

  • yaxis: (type: integer, default: null)

  • zindex: (type: integer, default: null)


  • color: (type: string, default: null)

  • value: (type: integer, default: null)


  • target: (type: object)


  • decimals: (type: integer, default: null) Defines how many decimals are displayed for Y value.
  • format: (type: string, default: "short") The display unit for the Y value.
  • label: (type: string, default: null) The Y axis label.
  • logBase: (type: integer, default: 1) The scale to use for the Y value - linear, or logarithmic.
    • 1 - linear
    • 2 - log (base 2)
    • 10 - log (base 10)
    • 32 - log (base 32)
    • 1024 - log (base 1024)
  • max: (type: integer, default: null) The maximum Y value.
  • min: (type: integer, default: null) The minimum Y value.
  • show: (type: boolean, default: true) Show or hide the axis.


  • collapse: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • collapsed: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • datasource: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeat: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeatIteration: (type: string, default: null)

  • showTitle: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • titleSize: (type: string, default: "h6")


  • h: (type: integer, default: 8) Panel height.
  • w: (type: integer, default: 12) Panel width.
  • x: (type: integer, default: null) Panel x position.
  • y: (type: integer, default: null) Panel y position.


  • panel: (type: object)


  • datasource: (type: string, default: "default")

  • description: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeat: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeatDirection: (type: string, default: null)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • transparent: (type: boolean, default: false)


  • max: (type: integer, default: null)

  • min: (type: integer, default: null)

  • thresholdMode: (type: string, default: "absolute")

  • unit: (type: string, default: null)


  • h: (type: integer, default: 8) Panel height.
  • w: (type: integer, default: 12) Panel width.
  • x: (type: integer, default: null) Panel x position.
  • y: (type: integer, default: null) Panel y position.


  • calcs: (type: array, default: ["mean"])

  • colorMode: (type: string, default: "value")

  • fields: (type: string, default: null)

  • graphMode: (type: string, default: "none")

  • justifyMode: (type: string, default: "auto")

  • orientation: (type: string, default: "auto")

  • textMode: (type: string, default: "auto")

  • values: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)

  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)


  • from: (type: string, default: null)

  • id: (type: integer, default: null)

  • operator: (type: string, default: null)

  • text: (type: string, default: null)

  • to: (type: string, default: null)

  • type: (type: integer, default: null)

  • value: (type: string, default: null)


  • matcher: (type: oject, default: null)

  • properties: (type: array, default: null)


  • color: (type: string, default: null)

  • value: (type: integer, default: null)


  • target: (type: object)


  • datasource: (type: string, default: "default")

  • description: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeat: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeatDirection: (type: string, default: null)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • transparent: (type: boolean, default: false)


  • displayName: (type: string, default: null)

  • max: (type: integer, default: 0)

  • min: (type: integer, default: 0)

  • thresholdMode: (type: string, default: "absolute")

  • noValue: (type: string, default: null)

  • unit: (type: string, default: "short")

  • width: (type: integer, default: null)


  • h: (type: integer, default: 8) Panel height.
  • w: (type: integer, default: 12) Panel width.
  • x: (type: integer, default: null) Panel x position.
  • y: (type: integer, default: null) Panel y position.


  • showHeader: (type: boolean, default: true)
  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)

  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)


  • from: (type: string, default: null)

  • id: (type: integer, default: null)

  • operator: (type: string, default: null)

  • text: (type: string, default: null)

  • to: (type: string, default: null)

  • type: (type: integer, default: null)

  • value: (type: string, default: null)


  • matcher: (type: oject, default: null)

  • properties: (type: array, default: null)


  • color: (type: string, default: null)

  • value: (type: integer, default: null)


  • target: (type: object)


  • content: (type: string, default: null)

  • datasource: (type: string, default: "default")

  • description: (type: string, default: null)

  • mode: (type: string, default: "markdown")

  • repeat: (type: string, default: null)

  • repeatDirection: (type: string, default: null)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • transparent: (type: boolean, default: false)


  • h: (type: integer, default: 8) Panel height.
  • w: (type: integer, default: 12) Panel width.
  • x: (type: integer, default: null) Panel x position.
  • y: (type: integer, default: null) Panel y position.
  • targetBlank: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • title: (type: string, default: null)

  • url: (type: string, default: null)


  • target: (type: object)



  • datasource: (type: string, default: "default")

  • expr: (type: string, default: null)

  • format: (type: string, default: "time_series")

  • interval: (type: string, default: null)

  • intervalFactor: (type: integer, default: null)

  • legendFormat: (type: string, default: null)



  • hide: (type: integer, default: 0)

  • includeAll: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • label: (type: string, default: null)

  • multi: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • name: (type: string, default: null)

  • query: (type: string, default: null)

  • refresh: (type: integer, default: 1)

  • regex: (type: string, default: null)

  • skipUrlSync: (type: string, default: false)


  • selected: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • text: (type: string, default: null)

  • value: (type: string, default: null)


  • allValue: (type: string, default: null)

  • datasource: (type: string, default: null)

  • definition: (type: string, default: null)

  • hide: (type: integer, default: 0)

  • includeAll: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • label: (type: string, default: null)

  • multi: (type: boolean, default: false)

  • name: (type: string, default: null)

  • query: (type: string, default: null)

  • refresh: (type: integer, default: 0)

  • regex: (type: string, default: null)

  • skipUrlSync: (type: string, default: false)

  • sort: (type: integer, default: 0)

  • tagValuesQuery: (type: string, default: null)

  • tags: (type: array, default: null)

  • tagsQuery: (type: string, default: null)

  • useTags: (type: boolean, default: false)


  • selected: (type: boolean, default: null)

  • text: (type: string, default: null)

  • value: (type: string, default: null)


  • selected: (type: boolean, default: true)

  • text: (type: string, default: null)

  • value: (type: string, default: null)