Bartosz Stebel b15d1be62a lolwut
2015-02-26 21:06:30 +01:00

211 lines
7.7 KiB

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module top(
input clk50m,
input uart_rx_pin,
output uart_tx_pin,
input reset_n,
output IO_A5,
output sdram_clk ,//connected to the CLK port of SDRAM
output sdram_cke ,//connected to the CKE port of SDRAM
output sdram_cs_n ,//connected to the CS_n port of SDRAM
output sdram_ras_n ,//connected to the RAS_n port of SDRAM
output sdram_cas_n ,//connected to the CAS_n port of SDRAM
output sdram_we_n ,//connected to the WE_n port of SDRAM
/*output sdram_ba ,//connected to the BA port of SDRAM
output sdram_addr ,//connected to the ADDR port of SDRAM
output sdram_dqm ,//connected to the DQM port of SDRAM
inout sdram_dq //connected to the DQ port of SDRAM*/
output [BANK_WIDTH-1 : 0] sdram_ba,
output [ROW_WIDTH-1 : 0] sdram_addr,
output [DQ_WIDTH/8-1: 0] sdram_dqm,
inout [DQ_WIDTH-1 : 0] sdram_dq
parameter COL_WIDTH = 9;//2^9 = 512 addresses in each colum
parameter ROW_WIDTH = 13;//2^13 = 8192 addresses in each bank
parameter BANK_WIDTH = 2;//2^2 = 4 banks in a single chip
parameter DQ_WIDTH = 16;//16 bit Data Bus for one chip
parameter [12:0] SDRAM_MR = 13'h0037;//Full Page Burst,Latency=3,Burst Read and Burst Write,Standard mode
//parameter DDR_PRIMITIVE_TYPE = "VIRTEX5" ;//FPGA is Virtex-5 serirals
parameter DDR_PRIMITIVE_TYPE = "SPARTEN6";//FPGA is Sparten-6 serirals
wire reset = ~reset_n;
wire clk125, clk125_ram;
//wire cbuf = clk50m;
clock_pll pll(.clkin(clk50m),
wire clk = clk125;
parameter ClkFrequency = 125000000;
parameter Baud = 115200;
parameter BaudGeneratorAccWidth = 24;
//parameter BaudGeneratorInc = (Baud<<BaudGeneratorAccWidth)/ClkFrequency;
initial begin
$display ("%d", 10);
parameter BaudGeneratorInc = 15462;
//parameter BaudGeneratorInc = 966;
reg [BaudGeneratorAccWidth:0] BaudGeneratorAcc;
always @(posedge clk)
BaudGeneratorAcc <= BaudGeneratorAcc[BaudGeneratorAccWidth-1:0] + BaudGeneratorInc;
wire BaudTick = BaudGeneratorAcc[BaudGeneratorAccWidth];
wire transmit_avail;
wire receive_avail;
reg rx_present_clear;
wire [7:0] rec_byte;
reg [7:0] tx_byte;
reg tx_latch;
uart_controller uart(
reg [3:0] state;
`define IDLE 0
`define SENDING 1
`define TX_WAIT 2
assign IO_A5 = BaudGeneratorAcc[BaudGeneratorAccWidth-1];
wire [8:0] user_burst_length;
assign user_burst_length = 9'h1FF;
wire user_command_gnt;
reg user_command_req;
wire user_rd0_wr1 = 0;
reg [BANK_WIDTH+ROW_WIDTH+COL_WIDTH-1 : 0] user_start_addr;
wire sdram_data_valid;
wire [DQ_WIDTH-1 :0] sdram_rd_data;
reg has_byte;
wire Tx_fifo_rd_en;
reg [DQ_WIDTH/8+DQ_WIDTH-1 :0 ] txreg;
reg Tx_fifo_wr_en;
wire [DQ_WIDTH/8+DQ_WIDTH-1 : 0] Tx_fifo_rd_data;
wire Tx_fifo_almost_full;
wire Tx_fifo_almost_empty;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
tx_byte <= "A";
tx_latch <= 0;
rx_present_clear <= 0;
state <= `IDLE;
has_byte <= 0;
if (!tx_latch && receive_avail) begin
tx_byte <= rec_byte;
has_byte <= 1;
rx_present_clear <= 1;
if (rx_present_clear && !receive_avail)
rx_present_clear <= 0;
case (state)
`IDLE: begin
if (has_byte && BaudTick) begin
tx_latch <= 1;
state <= `TX_WAIT;
`TX_WAIT: begin
if(!transmit_avail) begin
tx_latch <= 0;
has_byte <= 0;
state <= `SENDING;
`SENDING: begin
if(transmit_avail) begin
state <= `IDLE;
//state = `TX_WAIT;
txreg <= txreg + 1;
Tx_fifo_wr_en <= 0;
Tx_fifo_wr_en <= 1;
user_command_req <= 1;
user_command_req <= 0;
user_start_addr <= user_start_addr + 1;
tx_byte <= sdram_rd_data;
sdram_driver_v2 #
.clk0(clk125),//The main clock of the control system
.clk1(clk125_ram),//have the same period of clk, but the phase is shifted
.user_command_req(user_command_req ),//The user want to send a read/write command,active HIGH
.user_command_gnt (user_command_gnt ),//The state machine have accept the user's read/write command
.user_rd0_wr1 (user_rd0_wr1 ),//HIGH voltage means read and a low means write,synchronous to "user_command_req"
.user_burst_length(user_burst_length),//Express the read/write lenghth of each command,synchronous to "user_command_req"
.user_start_addr (user_start_addr ),//the user's read/write address,synchronous to "user_command_req"
.Tx_fifo_rd_en (Tx_fifo_rd_en ),//used in the user's write command,this port is synchronous to "clk"
.Tx_fifo_rd_data (Tx_fifo_rd_data ),//the user write data to the fifo,synchronous to "clk"
.sdram_data_valid(sdram_data_valid),//tell the user that valid read data is coming,active HIGH
.sdram_rd_data (sdram_rd_data ),//synchronous to sdram_data_valid
.sdram_clk (sdram_clk ),//connected to the CLK port of SDRAM
.sdram_cke (sdram_cke ),//connected to the CKE port of SDRAM
.sdram_cs_n (sdram_cs_n ),//connected to the CS_n port of SDRAM
.sdram_ras_n (sdram_ras_n),//connected to the RAS_n port of SDRAM
.sdram_cas_n (sdram_cas_n),//connected to the CAS_n port of SDRAM
.sdram_we_n (sdram_we_n ),//connected to the WE_n port of SDRAM
.sdram_ba (sdram_ba ),//connected to the BA port of SDRAM
.sdram_addr (sdram_addr ),//connected to the ADDR port of SDRAM
.sdram_dqm (sdram_dqm ),//connected to the DQM port of SDRAM
.sdram_dq (sdram_dq ) //connected to the DQ port of SDRAM
Tx_fifo U_Tx_fifo(
.clk (clk ), // input clk
.srst (reset ), // input srst
.din (txreg ), // input [35 : 0] din
.wr_en (Tx_fifo_wr_en ), // input wr_en
.rd_en (Tx_fifo_rd_en ), // input rd_en
.dout (Tx_fifo_rd_data ), // output [35 : 0] dout
.full ( ), // output full
.empty ( ), // output empty
.prog_full (Tx_fifo_almost_full ), // output prog_full
.prog_empty(Tx_fifo_almost_empty) // output prog_empty