
797 B


HTTP to IPP proxy, a.k.a.HSWAW Rube Goldberg printing microservice.


TODO: This API is not stable, and is subject to change. Parameters will be added to specify printer kind, and some job attributes (like copy count, orientation, size...)

POST /api/1/print - Print a document
  - body: PDF
  - response: 200 OK if sent successfully (does not check if print *actually* succeeded, just that adding it to the print queue was successful), 400 or 500 in case of errors

Debug routes:

GET /api/1/printer/attributes - Prints IPP attributes
GET /api/1/printer/jobs - Lists IPP jobs
GET /api/1/health - Just says 200 OK

Quick start

PRINTSERVANT_PORT=3199 PRINTSERVANT_IPP_PRINTER_URL="ipp://printmaster.local:631/printers/DYMO_LabelWriter450" node index.js