/* hackerspace.pl js * by q3k@hackerspace.pl et al * * cc by-nc-sa */ $(function(){ var rotimageMoving = false; $("#rotimage").mouseover(function() { if (!rotimageMoving) { rotimageMoving = true; $("#rotimage").animate({ height: "200px", }, 300, "swing", function() { rotimageMoving = false; }); } }); $("#rotimage").mouseout(function() { if (!rotimageMoving) { rotimageMoving = true; $("#rotimage").animate({ height: "100px", }, 300, "swing", function() { rotimageMoving = false; }); } }); $.get("/at", function(data) { var jdata = JSON.parse(data); var users = jdata.users.length; if (users > 0) { var text = 'According to our instruments there '; if (users == 1) text += 'is one person'; else text += 'are ' + users + ' people'; text += ' at the hackerspace right now.'; $("#status-tooltip p").html(text); $("#status img").attr("src", "/img/status-open.png"); $("#status-tooltip").css("display", "block"); $("#status").css("display", "block"); } else { $("#status img").attr("src", "/img/status-closed.png"); $("#status").css("display", "block"); } }); });