
410 lines
12 KiB
Common Lisp

;;; Copyright (C) 2008 David Lichteblau
;;; See LICENSE for details.
(load "test.lisp")
(defpackage :ssl-test
(:use :cl))
(in-package :ssl-test)
(defvar *port* 8080)
(defvar *cert* "/home/david/newcert.pem")
(defvar *key* "/home/david/newkey.pem")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :trivial-sockets)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :bordeaux-threads))
(defparameter *tests* '())
(defvar *sockets* '())
(defvar *sockets-lock* (bordeaux-threads:make-lock))
(defun record-socket (socket)
(unless (integerp socket)
(bordeaux-threads:with-lock-held (*sockets-lock*)
(push socket *sockets*)))
(defun close-socket (socket &key abort)
(if (streamp socket)
(close socket :abort abort)
(trivial-sockets:close-server socket)))
(defun check-sockets ()
(let ((failures nil))
(bordeaux-threads:with-lock-held (*sockets-lock*)
(dolist (socket *sockets*)
(when (close-socket socket :abort t)
(push socket failures)))
(setf *sockets* nil))
#-sbcl ;fixme
(when failures
(error "failed to close sockets properly:~{ ~A~%~}" failures))))
(defmacro deftest (name &body body)
(defun ,name ()
(format t "~%----- ~A ----------------------------~%" ',name)
(format t "===== [OK] ~A ====================~%" ',name)
(error (c)
(when (typep c 'trivial-sockets:socket-error)
(setf c (trivial-sockets:socket-nested-error c)))
(format t "~%===== [FAIL] ~A: ~A~%" ',name c)
(error (c)
(format t "muffling follow-up error ~A~%" c)))
(push ',name *tests*)))
(defun run-all-tests ()
(unless (probe-file *cert*) (error "~A not found" *cert*))
(unless (probe-file *key*) (error "~A not found" *key*))
(let ((n 0)
(nok 0))
(dolist (test (reverse *tests*))
(when (funcall test)
(incf nok))
(incf n))
(format t "~&passed ~D/~D tests~%" nok n)))
(define-condition quit (condition)
(defparameter *please-quit* t)
(defun make-test-thread (name init main &rest args)
"Start a thread named NAME, wait until it has funcalled INIT with ARGS
as arguments, then continue while the thread concurrently funcalls MAIN
with INIT's return values as arguments."
(let ((cv (bordeaux-threads:make-condition-variable))
(lock (bordeaux-threads:make-lock name))
;; redirect io manually, because swan's global redirection isn't as
;; global as one might hope
(out *terminal-io*)
(init-ok nil))
(bordeaux-threads:with-lock-held (lock)
(setf *please-quit* nil)
(lambda ()
(flet ((notify ()
(bordeaux-threads:with-lock-held (lock)
(bordeaux-threads:condition-notify cv))))
(let ((*terminal-io* out)
(*standard-output* out)
(*trace-output* out)
(*error-output* out))
(let ((values (multiple-value-list (apply init args))))
(setf init-ok t)
(apply main values))
(quit ()
(error (c)
(when (typep c 'trivial-sockets:socket-error)
(setf c (trivial-sockets:socket-nested-error c)))
(format t "aborting test thread ~A: ~A" name c)
:name name)
(bordeaux-threads:condition-wait cv lock)
(unless init-ok
(error "failed to start background thread"))))))
(defmacro with-thread ((name init main &rest args) &body body)
`(invoke-with-thread (lambda () ,@body)
(defun invoke-with-thread (body name init main &rest args)
(let ((thread (apply #'make-test-thread name init main args)))
(funcall body)
(setf *please-quit* t)
for delay = 0.0001 then (* delay 2)
while (and (< delay 0.5) (bordeaux-threads:thread-alive-p thread))
(sleep delay))
(when (bordeaux-threads:thread-alive-p thread)
(format t "~&thread doesn't want to quit, killing it~%")
(bordeaux-threads:interrupt-thread thread (lambda () (error 'quit)))
for delay = 0.0001 then (* delay 2)
while (bordeaux-threads:thread-alive-p thread)
(sleep delay))))))
(defun init-server (&key (unwrap-stream-p t))
(format t "~&SSL server listening on port ~d~%" *port*)
(values (record-socket (trivial-sockets:open-server :port *port*))
(defun test-server (listening-socket unwrap-stream-p)
(format t "~&SSL server accepting...~%")
(let* ((socket (record-socket
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(callback nil))
(when (eq unwrap-stream-p :caller)
(setf callback (let ((s socket)) (lambda () (close-socket s))))
(setf socket (cl+ssl:stream-fd socket))
(setf unwrap-stream-p nil))
(let ((client (record-socket
:unwrap-stream-p unwrap-stream-p
:close-callback callback
:external-format :iso-8859-1
:certificate *cert*
:key *key*))))
for line = (prog2
(when *please-quit* (return))
(read-line client nil)
(when *please-quit* (return)))
while line
((equal line "freeze")
(format t "~&Freezing on client request~%")
(sleep 1)
(when *please-quit* (return))))
(format t "~&Responding to query ~A...~%" line)
(format client "(echo ~A)~%" line)
(force-output client))))
(close-socket client))))
(close-socket listening-socket)))
(defun init-client (&key (unwrap-stream-p t))
(let ((socket (record-socket
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(callback nil))
(when (eq unwrap-stream-p :caller)
(setf callback (let ((s socket)) (lambda () (close-socket s))))
(setf socket (cl+ssl:stream-fd socket))
(setf unwrap-stream-p nil))
:unwrap-stream-p unwrap-stream-p
:close-callback callback
:external-format :iso-8859-1)))
;; CCL requires specifying the
;; deadline at the socket cration (
;; in constrast to SBCL which has
;; the WITH-TIMEOUT macro).
;; Therefore a separate INIT-CLIENT
;; function is needed for CCL when
;; we need read/write deadlines on
;; the SSL client stream.
(defun ccl-init-client-with-deadline (&key (unwrap-stream-p t)
(let* ((deadline
(+ (get-internal-real-time)
(* seconds internal-time-units-per-second)))
:address-family :internet
:connect :active
:type :stream
:remote-host ""
:remote-port *port*
:deadline deadline))))
:unwrap-stream-p unwrap-stream-p
:external-format :iso-8859-1)))
;;; Simple echo-server test. Write a line and check that the result
;;; watches, three times in a row.
(deftest echo
(with-thread ("simple server" #'init-server #'test-server)
(with-open-stream (socket (init-client))
(write-line "test" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test)"))
(write-line "test2" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test2)"))
(write-line "test3" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test3)")))))
;;; Run tests with different BIO setup strategies:
;;; In this case, CL+SSL will convert the socket to a file descriptor.
;;; Convert the socket to a file descriptor manually, and give that
;;; to CL+SSL.
;;; Let CL+SSL write to the stream directly, using the Lisp BIO.
(macrolet ((deftests (name (var &rest values) &body body)
for value in values
`(deftest ,(intern (format nil "~A-~A" name value))
(let ((,var ',value))
(deftests unwrap-strategy (usp nil t :caller)
(with-thread ("echo server for strategy test"
(lambda () (init-server :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(with-open-stream (socket (init-client :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(write-line "test" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test)")))))
(deftests read-deadline (usp nil t :caller)
(with-thread ("echo server for deadline test"
(lambda () (init-server :unwrap-stream-p usp))
:unwrap-stream-p usp
:seconds 3))
(write-line "test" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test)"))
(read-char socket)
(error "unexpected data"))
(ccl::communication-deadline-expired ())))))
(deftests read-deadline (usp nil t :caller)
(with-thread ("echo server for deadline test"
(lambda () (init-server :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(sb-sys:with-deadline (:seconds 3)
(with-open-stream (socket (init-client :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(write-line "test" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test)"))
(read-char socket)
(error "unexpected data"))
(sb-sys:deadline-timeout ()))))))
(deftests write-deadline (usp nil t)
(with-thread ("echo server for deadline test"
(lambda () (init-server :unwrap-stream-p usp))
:unwrap-stream-p usp
:seconds 3))
(write-line "test" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test)"))
(write-line "freeze" socket)
(force-output socket)
(let ((n 0))
(write-line "deadbeef" socket)
(incf n))
(ccl::communication-deadline-expired ()))
;; should have written a couple of lines before the deadline:
(assert (> n 100))))
(close-socket socket :abort t)
(ccl::communication-deadline-expired ()))))))
(deftests write-deadline (usp nil t)
(with-thread ("echo server for deadline test"
(lambda () (init-server :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(with-open-stream (socket (init-client :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(sb-sys:with-deadline (:seconds 3)
(write-line "test" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test)"))
(write-line "freeze" socket)
(force-output socket)
(let ((n 0))
(write-line "deadbeef" socket)
(incf n))
(sb-sys:deadline-timeout ()))
;; should have written a couple of lines before the deadline:
(assert (> n 100))))
(close-socket socket :abort t)
(sb-sys:deadline-timeout ()))))))
(deftests read-char-no-hang/test (usp nil t :caller)
(with-thread ("echo server for read-char-no-hang test"
(lambda () (init-server :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(socket (ccl-init-client-with-deadline
:unwrap-stream-p usp
:seconds 3))
(write-line "test" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test)"))
(when (read-char-no-hang socket)
(error "unexpected data"))
(ccl::communication-deadline-expired ()
(error "read-char-no-hang hangs"))))))
(deftests read-char-no-hang/test (usp nil t :caller)
(with-thread ("echo server for read-char-no-hang test"
(lambda () (init-server :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(sb-sys:with-deadline (:seconds 3)
(with-open-stream (socket (init-client :unwrap-stream-p usp))
(write-line "test" socket)
(force-output socket)
(assert (equal (read-line socket) "(echo test)"))
(when (read-char-no-hang socket)
(error "unexpected data"))
(sb-sys:deadline-timeout ()
(error "read-char-no-hang hangs"))))))))