
172 lines
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Common Lisp
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2005-11-09 22:10:44 +00:00
;;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Eric Marsden
;;; Copyright (C) 2005 David Lichteblau
;;; "the conditions and ENSURE-SSL-FUNCALL are by Jochen Schmidt."
;;; See LICENSE for details.
(optimize (speed 3) (space 1) (safety 1) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
(in-package :cl+ssl)
(defconstant +initial-buffer-size+ 2048)
(defclass ssl-stream
:initarg :socket
:accessor ssl-stream-socket)
:initform nil
:accessor ssl-stream-handle)
:initform (cffi-sys::make-shareable-byte-vector +initial-buffer-size+)
:accessor ssl-stream-io-buffer)))
(defmethod print-object ((object ssl-stream) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
(format stream "for ~A" (ssl-stream-socket object))))
(defclass ssl-server-stream (ssl-stream)
:initarg :certificate
:accessor ssl-stream-certificate)
:initarg :key
:accessor ssl-stream-key)))
;;; binary stream implementation
(defmethod close ((stream ssl-stream) &key abort)
(declare (ignore abort))
(ssl-free (ssl-stream-handle stream))
(close (ssl-stream-socket stream)))
(defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream ssl-stream))
(let ((buf (ssl-stream-io-buffer stream)))
(cffi-sys::with-pointer-to-vector-data (ptr buf)
(ensure-ssl-funcall (ssl-stream-socket stream)
(ssl-stream-handle stream)
(ssl-stream-handle stream)
(elt buf 0))
;; SSL_read returns 0 on end-of-file
(ssl-error-zero-return ()
(defmethod stream-write-byte ((stream ssl-stream) b)
(let ((buf (ssl-stream-io-buffer stream))
(handle (ssl-stream-handle stream))
(socket (ssl-stream-socket stream)))
(setf (elt buf 0) b)
(cffi-sys::with-pointer-to-vector-data (ptr buf)
(ensure-ssl-funcall socket handle #'ssl-write 0.5 handle ptr 1)))
(defmethod stream-write-sequence
((stream ssl-stream) (thing array)
&optional (start 0) (end (length thing)))
(check-type thing (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))
(let ((buf (ssl-stream-io-buffer stream))
(handle (ssl-stream-handle stream))
(socket (ssl-stream-socket stream))
(length (- end start)))
(when (> length (length buf))
(setf buf (cffi-sys::make-shareable-byte-vector (- end start)))
(setf (ssl-stream-io-buffer stream) buf))
;; unfortunately, we cannot count on being able to use THING as an
;; argument to WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA, so we need to copy all data:
(replace buf thing :start2 start :end2 end)
(cffi-sys::with-pointer-to-vector-data (ptr buf)
(ensure-ssl-funcall socket handle #'ssl-write 0.5 handle ptr length))))
;;; minimal character stream implementation
;;; no support for external formats, no support for unread-char
(defmethod stream-read-char ((stream ssl-stream))
(let ((b (stream-read-byte stream)))
(if (eql b :eof)
(code-char b))))
(defmethod stream-write-char ((stream ssl-stream) char)
(stream-write-byte stream (char-code char))
(defmethod stream-write-sequence
((stream ssl-stream) (thing string) &optional start end)
(let ((bytes (map '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) #'char-code thing)))
(stream-write-sequence stream bytes start end)))
(defmethod stream-line-column ((stream ssl-stream))
(defmethod stream-listen ((stream ssl-stream))
(warn "stream-listen")
(defmethod stream-read-char-no-hang ((stream ssl-stream))
(warn "stream-read-char-no-hang")
(defmethod stream-peek-char ((stream ssl-stream))
(warn "stream-peek-char")
;;; interface functions
(defun make-ssl-client-stream (socket &key (method 'ssl-v23-method))
"Returns an SSL stream for the client socket descriptor SOCKET."
(ensure-initialized method)
(let ((stream (make-instance 'ssl-stream :socket socket))
(handle (ssl-new *ssl-global-context*)))
(setf (ssl-stream-handle stream) handle)
;; (let ((bio (bio-new-socket socket 0))) (ssl-set-bio handle bio bio))
(ssl-set-bio handle (bio-new-lisp) (bio-new-lisp))
(ssl-set-connect-state handle)
(ensure-ssl-funcall socket handle #'ssl-connect 0.25 handle)
(defun make-ssl-server-stream
(socket &key certificate key (method 'ssl-v23-method))
"Returns an SSL stream for the server socket descriptor SOCKET.
CERTIFICATE is the path to a file containing the PEM-encoded certificate for
your server. KEY is the path to the PEM-encoded key for the server, which
must not be associated with a passphrase."
(ensure-initialized method)
(let ((stream (make-instance 'ssl-server-stream
:socket socket
:certificate certificate
:key key))
(handle (ssl-new *ssl-global-context*))
(bio (bio-new-lisp)))
(setf (ssl-stream-handle stream) handle)
(ssl-set-bio handle bio bio)
(ssl-set-accept-state handle)
(when (zerop (ssl-set-cipher-list handle "ALL"))
(error 'ssl-error-initialize :reason "Can't set SSL cipher list"))
(when key
(unless (eql 1 (ssl-use-rsa-privatekey-file handle
(error 'ssl-error-initialize :reason "Can't load RSA private key ~A")))
(when certificate
(unless (eql 1 (ssl-use-certificate-file handle
(error 'ssl-error-initialize
:reason "Can't load certificate ~A" certificate)))
(ensure-ssl-funcall socket handle #'ssl-accept 0.25 handle)