
84 lines
6.2 KiB

<div class="share-interface-container internal-share">
<input type="text" class="share-with ui-autocomplete-input"
placeholder="<?php p($l->t('Share with user or group')); ?>"
data-item-source="<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>"
data-item-type="<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>"
data-permissions="<?php p($_['permissions']) ?>"
autocomplete="off" />
<ul class="shared-with-list">
* iterating through shared-with array
* we also need a single stub to be used with JS when adding new share-withs
* let's add that as index 0
// all the data will be filled-in by PHP below or by JS upon creating an entry from the stub
array (
'share_type' => '',
'share_with' => '',
'permissions' => ''
* iterate!
foreach($_['shared_with'] as $i => $sharee): ?>
data-share-type="<?php p($sharee['share_type']); ?>"
data-share-with="<?php p($sharee['share_with']); ?>"
data-item="<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>"
data-item-source="<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>"
data-item-type="<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>"
data-permissions="<?php p($sharee['permissions']); ?>"
title="<?php p($sharee['share_with']); ?>"
class="shared-with-entry-container <?php if($i === 0): ?>stub<?php endif; ?>">
<!-- the username -->
<span class="username"><?php p($sharee['share_with'] . ($sharee['share_type'] == OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP ? ' (group)' : '')); ?></span>
<!-- unshare link -->
<a href="#" class="unshare">
<img class="svg" alt="<?php p($l->t('Unshare')); ?>" src="<?php p(OCP\Util::imagePath('core', 'actions/delete.svg')); ?>">
<div class="displayable-container share-options">
"can edit" checkbox
- if the item type allows for precise sharing settings (update, create, delete), setting/un-setting all three at the same time via JS (and reflecting their state)
- if the item type allows only for editable/uneditable (actually, just update) setting, the "update" checkbox
this is checked via $_['basic_edit_options'] flag (if set and true, only editable/uneditable setting available)
this checkbox is available only when JS is enabled
otherwise the noscript tag makes space for a CSS/HTML "checkbox" showing the state of the create/update/delete checkboxes
<noscript class="share-can-edit-space"><!--</noscript>
<input type="checkbox" class="permissions"
<?php if(empty($_['basic_edit_options'])): ?>
name="edit" data-permissions="<?php p(OCP\PERMISSION_UPDATE | OCP\PERMISSION_CREATE | OCP\PERMISSION_DELETE); ?>" <?php if ($sharee['permissions'] & (OCP\PERMISSION_UPDATE | OCP\PERMISSION_CREATE | OCP\PERMISSION_DELETE ) ): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: ?>
name="update" data-permissions="<?php p(OCP\PERMISSION_UPDATE); ?>" <?php if ($sharee['permissions'] & OCP\PERMISSION_UPDATE): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> id="share-can-edit-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- "can edit" displayable-control label -->
<label for="share-can-edit-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"><?php p($l->t('can edit')); ?><?php if(empty($_['basic_edit_options'])): ?><img class="svg" alt="access control" src="<?php p(OCP\Util::imagePath('core', 'actions/triangle-s.svg')); ?>"><?php endif; ?></label>
<!-- "can share" label and checkbox -->
<label class="share-label"><input type="checkbox" name="share" class="permissions" data-permissions="<?php p(OCP\PERMISSION_SHARE); ?>" <?php if ($sharee['permissions'] & OCP\PERMISSION_SHARE): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>><?php p($l->t('can share')); ?></label>
<!-- if we only have basic edit options available, there is no need for the advanced edit options controls, right? display these only when not in basic edit options regime -->
<?php if(empty($_['basic_edit_options'])): ?>
<!-- edit options displayable control and displayable itself -->
<input type="checkbox" class="displayable-control hide" name="share-can-edit-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>" id="share-can-edit-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"/>
<div class="displayable edit-options">
<input type="checkbox" name="create" class="permissions" data-permissions="<?php p(OCP\PERMISSION_CREATE); ?>" <?php if ($sharee['permissions'] & OCP\PERMISSION_CREATE): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> id="share-permissions-create-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"><label for="share-permissions-create-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"><?php p($l->t('create')); ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="update" class="permissions" data-permissions="<?php p(OCP\PERMISSION_UPDATE); ?>" <?php if ($sharee['permissions'] & OCP\PERMISSION_UPDATE): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> id="share-permissions-update-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"><label for="share-permissions-update-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"><?php p($l->t('update')); ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="delete" class="permissions" data-permissions="<?php p(OCP\PERMISSION_DELETE); ?>" <?php if ($sharee['permissions'] & OCP\PERMISSION_DELETE): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> id="share-permissions-delete-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"><label for="share-permissions-delete-<?php p($_['item_type']); ?>-<?php p($_['item_id']); ?>-<?php p($i); ?>"><?php p($l->t('delete')); ?></label>
<!-- a CSS/HTML "checkbox" showing the state of the create/update/delete checkboxes -->
<noscript class="share-can-edit-checkbox"></noscript>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>