autocomplete completed, yay!

Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak 2014-01-24 20:09:18 +01:00
parent c0458b8aca
commit 9ffb7d38b7
1 changed files with 95 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -575,79 +575,101 @@ Calendar={
if(typeof OC.Share !== typeof undefined){
var itemShares = [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER, OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP];
$('#sharewith, .internal-share .share-with.ui-autocomplete-input').live('keydown.autocomplete', function(){$(this).autocomplete({minLength: 1, source: function(search, response) {
$.get(OC.filePath('core', 'ajax', 'share.php'), { fetch: 'getShareWith', search: search.term, itemShares: itemShares }, function(result) {
if (result.status == 'success' && > 0) {
focus: function(event, focused) {
select: function(event, selected) {
var itemType = $(this).data('item-type');
var itemSource = $(this).data('item-source');
var shareType = selected.item.value.shareType;
var shareWith = selected.item.value.shareWith;
var shareWithInput = $(this)
// Default permissions are Read and Share
OC.Share.share(itemType, itemSource, shareType, shareWith, permissions, function(data) {
// we need to "fix" the share-can-edit-ITEMPTYPE-ITEMSOURCE-0 checkbox and label
var editCheckboxIdStub = 'share-can-edit-' + itemType + '-' + itemSource + '-'
var curEditCheckboxId = $(shareWithInput).parents('.share-interface-container.internal-share').find('.shared-with-entry-container').length
// find the stub
var newitem = $(shareWithInput)
// clone it
// populate the stub with data
.attr('data-item-type', itemType)
.attr('data-share-with', shareWith)
.attr('data-permissions', permissions)
.attr('data-share-type', shareType)
.attr('data-item-soutce', itemSource)
.attr('title', shareWith)
// populate stub's elements
.html(shareWith + (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP ? ' ('+t('core', 'group')+')' : ''))
.find('.share-options input[name="create"]')
.prop('checked', true) // TODO base that on what we get in response?
.find('.share-options input[name="update"]')
.prop('checked', true) // TODO base that on what we get in response?
.find('.share-options input[name="delete"]')
.prop('checked', true) // TODO base that on what we get in response?
.find('.share-options input[name="share"]')
.prop('checked', true) // TODO base that on what we get in response?
// handle the share-can-edit-ITEMPTYPE-ITEMSOURCE-0 checkbox and label
.find('#' + editCheckboxIdStub + '0')
.prop('id', editCheckboxIdStub + curEditCheckboxId)
.find('label[for=' + editCheckboxIdStub + '0]')
.prop('for', editCheckboxIdStub + curEditCheckboxId)
// remove the "stub" class
// append it where it's needed most
// clear
return false;
//var itemShares = [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER, OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP]; // huh? what is that supposed to do?..
$('.internal-share .share-with.ui-autocomplete-input').live('keydown.autocomplete', function(){
// we need itemshares
var itemShares = []
var stype = $(this).attr('data-share-type')
var swith = $(this).attr('data-share-with')
if (typeof itemShares[stype] == "undefined") itemShares[stype] = []
// now, handle the damn thing!
minLength: 1,
source: function(search, response) {
$.get(OC.filePath('core', 'ajax', 'share.php'), { fetch: 'getShareWith', search: search.term, itemShares: itemShares }, function(result) {
if (result.status == 'success' && > 0) {
} else {
response([t('core', 'No people found')]);
focus: function(event, focused) {
select: function(event, selected) {
// checking if we got a valid sharewith partner
if ( (typeof selected.item.value.shareType == "undefined") || (typeof selected.item.value.shareWith == "undefined") )
return false;
// okay, on with the show
var itemType = $(this).data('item-type');
var itemSource = $(this).data('item-source');
var shareType = selected.item.value.shareType;
var shareWith = selected.item.value.shareWith;
var shareWithInput = $(this)
// Default permissions are Read and Share
OC.Share.share(itemType, itemSource, shareType, shareWith, permissions, function(data) {
// we need to "fix" the share-can-edit-ITEMPTYPE-ITEMSOURCE-0 checkbox and label
var editCheckboxIdStub = 'share-can-edit-' + itemType + '-' + itemSource + '-'
var curEditCheckboxId = $(shareWithInput).parents('.share-interface-container.internal-share').find('.shared-with-entry-container').length
// find the stub
var newitem = $(shareWithInput)
// clone it
// populate the stub with data
.attr('data-item-type', itemType)
.attr('data-share-with', shareWith)
.attr('data-permissions', permissions)
.attr('data-share-type', shareType)
.attr('data-item-soutce', itemSource)
.attr('title', shareWith)
// populate stub's elements
.html(shareWith + (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP ? ' ('+t('core', 'group')+')' : ''))
.find('.share-options input[name="create"]')
.prop('checked', true) // TODO base that on what we get in response?
.find('.share-options input[name="update"]')
.prop('checked', true) // TODO base that on what we get in response?
.find('.share-options input[name="delete"]')
.prop('checked', true) // TODO base that on what we get in response?
.find('.share-options input[name="share"]')
.prop('checked', true) // TODO base that on what we get in response?
// handle the share-can-edit-ITEMPTYPE-ITEMSOURCE-0 checkbox and label
.find('#' + editCheckboxIdStub + '0')
.prop('id', editCheckboxIdStub + curEditCheckboxId)
.find('label[for=' + editCheckboxIdStub + '0]')
.prop('for', editCheckboxIdStub + curEditCheckboxId)
// remove the "stub" class
// append it where it's needed most
// clear
return false;
// using .off() to make sure the event is only attached once