#!/bin/bash RUNS="$1"; NAME="$2" URL="$3" if [[ $RUNS == "" || $NAME == "" || $URL == "" ]]; then echo echo " invocation:" echo " $0 " echo echo " runs - number of runs of ab to perform" echo " name - test name, to be used on the names of output files" echo " url - url to test" echo echo " results are saved to:" echo " ./results/-.csv" echo " ./results/-.log" echo echo " you can use merge-data.py to merge data (duh) from all available cvs and log files" echo " and get averages calculated automatically" echo exit 1 fi REQUESTS=2000 CONCURRENCY=32 CSV="./results/${NAME}-.csv" LOG="./results/${NAME}-.log" echo echo "benchmarking $URL:" echo " - name : $NAME" echo " - runs : $RUNS" echo " - reuqests : $REQUESTS" echo " - concurrency : $CONCURRENCY" echo " - output:" echo " - CSV: $CSV" echo " - LOG: $LOG" echo " - running:" for (( I=0; $I < $RUNS; I = $I + 1 )); do echo " - run ${I}..." ab -e "./results/${NAME}-${I}.csv" -n $REQUESTS -c $CONCURRENCY "$URL" 2>&1 >"./results/${NAME}-${I}.log" | sed -r -e 's/^C(.*)/ - c\1/' -e 's/^F(.*)/ - f\1/' done echo " - all done."