import os import sys import soundfile as sf import samplerate # Adapted from print("loading file...") soundfile = 'audio/output.wav' data_in, datasamplerate = # This means stereo so extract one channel 0 if len(data_in.shape)>1: data_in = data_in[:,0] print("resampling...") converter = 'sinc_best' # or 'sinc_fastest', ... desired_sample_rate = 22000.0 ratio = desired_sample_rate/datasamplerate data_out = samplerate.resample(data_in, ratio, converter) print("analyzing...") maxValue = max(data_out) minValue = min(data_out) print("length", len(data_out)) print("max value", max(data_out)) print("min value", min(data_out)) vrange = (maxValue - minValue) print("value range", vrange) print("normalizing...") # normalize to 0-1 normalized = [int((v-minValue)/vrange*255) for v in data_out] # print("generating header...") # m68code = "/* File "+soundfile+ "\r\n * Sample rate "+str(int(desired_sample_rate)) +" Hz\r\n */\r\n" # m68code += "#define WAV_DATA_LENGTH "+str(len(data_out))+" \r\n\r\n" # m68code += "static const uint8_t WAV_DATA[] = {\r\n " # m68code += ','.join(str(v) for v in normalized) # # keep track of first and last values to avoid # # blip when the loop restarts.. make the end value # # the average of the first and last. # end_value = int( (normalized[0] + normalized[len(normalized) - 1]) / 2) # m68code+=","+str(end_value)+'\n};\n' # print("writing output...") # with open("src/audio_sample.h", "w") as f: # f.write(m68code) # print("done!") print("writing blob...") os.makedirs("video_output", exist_ok=True) with open("video_output/audio.bin", "wb") as f: f.write(bytes(normalized)) print("done!")