function OnCanvasSelection(x, y, width, height){ var sel = this;, x, y, width, height, true); sel.$el.addClass("selection"); var last_tool_transparent_mode = tool_transparent_mode; var last_background_color = colors.background; this._on_option_changed = function(){ if(!sel.source_canvas){ return; } if( last_tool_transparent_mode !== tool_transparent_mode || last_background_color !== colors.background ){ last_tool_transparent_mode = tool_transparent_mode; last_background_color = colors.background; sel.update_tool_transparent_mode(); } }; $G.on("option-changed", this._on_option_changed); } OnCanvasSelection.prototype = Object.create(OnCanvasObject.prototype); OnCanvasSelection.prototype.position = function(){, true); } OnCanvasSelection.prototype.instantiate = function(_img, _passive){ var sel = this; if (sel.$el.hasClass("instantiated")) { // for silly multitools feature // TODO: select a rectangle minus the polygon, or xor the polygon return; } sel.$el.addClass("instantiated").css({ cursor: Cursor(["move", [8, 8], "move"]) }); sel.$el.attr("touch-action", "none"); sel.position(); if(_passive){ instantiate(); }else if(!undoable(instantiate)){ sel.destroy(); } function instantiate(){ if(_img){ // (this applies when pasting a selection) // NOTE: need to create a Canvas because something about imgs makes dragging not work with magnification // (width vs naturalWidth?) // and at least apply_image_transformation needs it to be a canvas now (and the property name says canvas anyways) sel.source_canvas = new Canvas(_img); // TODO: is this width/height code needed? probably not! wouldn't it clear the canvas anyways? // but maybe we should assert in some way that the widths are the same, or resize the selection? if(sel.source_canvas.width !== sel.width){ sel.source_canvas.width = sel.width; } if(sel.source_canvas.height !== sel.height){ sel.source_canvas.height = sel.height; } sel.canvas = new Canvas(sel.source_canvas); }else{ sel.source_canvas = new Canvas(sel.width, sel.height); sel.source_canvas.ctx.drawImage( canvas, sel.x, sel.y, sel.width, sel.height, 0, 0, sel.width, sel.height ); sel.canvas = new Canvas(sel.source_canvas); if(!_passive){ sel.cut_out_background(); } } sel.$el.append(sel.canvas); sel.$handles = $Handles(sel.$el, sel.canvas, {outset: 2}); sel.$el.on("user-resized", function(e, delta_x, delta_y, width, height){ sel.x += delta_x; sel.y += delta_y; sel.width = width; sel.height = height; sel.position(); sel.resize(); }); var mox, moy; var pointermove = function(e){ var m = e2c(e); sel.x = Math.max(Math.min(m.x - mox, canvas.width), -sel.width); sel.y = Math.max(Math.min(m.y - moy, canvas.height), -sel.height); sel.position(); if(e.shiftKey){ sel.draw(); } }; sel.canvas_pointerdown = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var rect = sel.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var cx = e.clientX - rect.left; var cy = e.clientY -; mox = ~~(cx / rect.width * sel.canvas.width); moy = ~~(cy / rect.height * sel.canvas.height); $G.on("pointermove", pointermove); $"pointerup", function(){ $"pointermove", pointermove); }); if(e.shiftKey){ sel.draw(); } else if(e.ctrlKey){ sel.draw(); } }; $(sel.canvas).on("pointerdown", sel.canvas_pointerdown); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); $status_position.text(""); $status_size.text(""); } }; OnCanvasSelection.prototype.cut_out_background = function(){ var sel = this; var cutout = sel.canvas; // doc/sel or canvas/cutout, either of those pairs would result in variable names of equal length which is nice :) var canvasImageData = ctx.getImageData(sel.x, sel.y, sel.width, sel.height); var cutoutImageData = cutout.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, sel.width, sel.height); // cutoutImageData is initialzed with the shape to be cut out (whether rectangular or polygonal) // and should end up as the cut out image data for the selection // canvasImageData is initially the portion of image data on the canvas, // and should end up as... the portion of image data on the canvas that it should end up as. // TODO: could simplify by making the later (shared) condition just if(colored_cutout){} // but might change how it works anyways so whatever // if(!transparency){ // now if !transparency or if tool_transparent_mode // this is mainly in order to support patterns as the background color // NOTE: must come before cutout canvas is modified var colored_cutout = new Canvas(cutout); replace_colors_with_swatch(colored_cutout.ctx, colors.background, sel.x, sel.y); // var colored_cutout_image_data = colored_cutout.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, sel.width, sel.height); // } for(var i=0; i 0; if(in_cutout){[i+0] =[i+0];[i+1] =[i+1];[i+2] =[i+2];[i+3] =[i+3];[i+0] = 0;[i+1] = 0;[i+2] = 0;[i+3] = 0; }else{[i+0] = 0;[i+1] = 0;[i+2] = 0;[i+3] = 0; } } ctx.putImageData(canvasImageData, sel.x, sel.y); cutout.ctx.putImageData(cutoutImageData, 0, 0); sel.update_tool_transparent_mode(); // NOTE: in case you want to use the tool_transparent_mode // in a document with transparency (for an operation in an area where there's a local background color) // (and since currently switching to the opaque document mode makes the image opaque) // (and it would be complicated to make it update the canvas when switching tool options (as opposed to just the selection)) // I'm having it use the tool_transparent_mode option here, so you could at least choose beforehand // (and this might actually give you more options, although it could be confusingly inconsistent) // FIXME: yeah, this is confusing; if you have both transparency modes on and you try to clear an area to transparency, it doesn't work // and there's no indication that you should try the other selection transparency mode, // and even if you do, if you do it after creating a selection, it still won't work, // because you will have already *not cut out* the selection from the canvas if(!transparency || tool_transparent_mode){ ctx.drawImage(colored_cutout, sel.x, sel.y); } }; OnCanvasSelection.prototype.update_tool_transparent_mode = function(){ var sel = this; var sourceImageData = sel.source_canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, sel.width, sel.height); var cutoutImageData = sel.canvas.ctx.createImageData(sel.width, sel.height); var background_color_rgba = get_rgba_from_color(colors.background); // NOTE: In b&w mode, mspaint treats the transparency color as white, // regardless of the pattern selected, even if the selected background color is pure black. // We allow any kind of image data while in our "b&w mode". // Our b&w mode is essentially 'patterns in the palette'. for(var i=0; i 0; if(tool_transparent_mode){ // FIXME: work with transparent selected background color // (support treating partially transparent background colors as transparency) if([i+0] === background_color_rgba[0] &&[i+1] === background_color_rgba[1] &&[i+2] === background_color_rgba[2] &&[i+3] === background_color_rgba[3] ){ in_cutout = false; } } if(in_cutout){[i+0] =[i+0];[i+1] =[i+1];[i+2] =[i+2];[i+3] =[i+3]; }else{ //[i+0] = 0; //[i+1] = 0; //[i+2] = 0; //[i+3] = 0; } } sel.canvas.ctx.putImageData(cutoutImageData, 0, 0); }; // TODO: should Image > Invert apply to sel.source_canvas or to sel.canvas (replacing sel.source_canvas with the result)? OnCanvasSelection.prototype.replace_source_canvas = function(new_source_canvas){ var sel = this; sel.source_canvas = new_source_canvas; var new_canvas = new Canvas(new_source_canvas); $(sel.canvas).replaceWith(new_canvas); sel.canvas = new_canvas; var center_x = sel.x + sel.width/2; var center_y = sel.y + sel.height/2; var new_width = new_canvas.width; var new_height = new_canvas.height; // NOTE: flooring the coordinates to integers avoids blurring // but it introduces "inching", where the selection can move along by pixels if you rotate it repeatedly // could introduce an "error offset" just to avoid this but that seems overkill // and then that would be weird hidden behavior, probably not worth it // Math.round() might make it do it on fewer occasions(?), // but then it goes down *and* to the right, 2 directions vs One Direction // and Math.ceil() is the worst of both worlds sel.x = ~~(center_x - new_width/2); sel.y = ~~(center_y - new_height/2); sel.width = new_width; sel.height = new_height; sel.position(); $(sel.canvas).on("pointerdown", sel.canvas_pointerdown); sel.$el.triggerHandler("new-element", [sel.canvas]); sel.$el.triggerHandler("resize");//? sel.update_tool_transparent_mode(); }; OnCanvasSelection.prototype.resize = function(){ var sel = this; var new_source_canvas = new Canvas(sel.width, sel.height); new_source_canvas.ctx.drawImage(sel.source_canvas, 0, 0, sel.width, sel.height); sel.replace_source_canvas(new_source_canvas); }; OnCanvasSelection.prototype.scale = function(factor){ var sel = this; var new_source_canvas = new Canvas(sel.width * factor, sel.height * factor); new_source_canvas.ctx.drawImage(sel.source_canvas, 0, 0, new_source_canvas.width, new_source_canvas.height); sel.replace_source_canvas(new_source_canvas); }; OnCanvasSelection.prototype.draw = function(){ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty try{ctx.drawImage(this.canvas, this.x, this.y);}catch(e){} }; OnCanvasSelection.prototype.destroy = function(){; $G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // what does this mean, and why is it needed? $"option-changed", this._on_option_changed); }; OnCanvasSelection.prototype.crop = function(){ var sel = this; sel.instantiate(null, "passive"); if(sel.canvas){ undoable(0, function(){ ctx.copy(sel.canvas); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); }); } };