; AutoHotkey script for formatting HTML with DirtyMarkup ; They actually have an API, but I decided to go this route instead of... looking for a CLI... which does exist ; Usage: ; * Open https://www.10bestdesign.com/dirtymarkup/ ; * Check "Allow proprietary attributes" ; * Switch to your editor where you have some HTML ; * Press F12 F12:: ; SetKeyDelay, 69, 69 ; (extra) delays are needed only for interacting with the webpage ; so I've done sleeps below instead ; (they might also be needed if the editor is a webpage) OriginalClipboard := ClipboardAll Clipboard := WinGet, CodeEditorWinID, ID, A Send, ^a Send, ^c ClipWait, 1 If ErrorLevel { MsgBox, Failed to copy from code editor (no change to clipboard in timeout period) Goto, ResetAndEnd } If Trim(Clipboard) = { MsgBox, Failed to copy from code editor (clipboard empty) Goto, ResetAndEnd } WinActivate, DirtyMarkup WinWaitActive, DirtyMarkup, , 1 If ErrorLevel { MsgBox, Failed to activate DirtyMarkup; I'm not gonna open it for u just open it lol (and focus the tab) Goto, ResetAndEnd } Click, 420, 420 Sleep, 50 Send, ^a Sleep, 150 ; not sure this needs to be higher Send, ^v Sleep, 150 ; not sure this needs to be higher Click, 69, 420 Clipboard := Click, 420, 420 Sleep, 50 Send, ^a Sleep, 50 Send, ^c ClipWait, 1 If ErrorLevel { MsgBox, Failed to copy from DirtyMarkup Goto, ResetAndEnd } WinActivate ahk_id %CodeEditorWinID% Send, ^a Send, ^v ResetAndEnd: Clipboard := OriginalClipboard Return ; Shortcut to move to next file ; This could be set up in your editor instead F11:: Send ^0 ; Ctrl+0 focuses the sidebar in VS Code Send {Down}{Enter} Return