// expresses order in the URL as well as type const param_types = { // settings "eye-gaze-mode": "bool", "vertical-color-box-mode": "bool", "speech-recognition-mode": "bool", // sessions "local": "string", "session": "string", "load": "string", }; const exclusive_params = [ "local", "session", "load", ]; function get_all_url_params() { const params = {}; location.hash.replace(/^#/, "").split(/,/).forEach((param_decl)=> { // colon is used in param value for URLs so split(":") isn't good enough const colon_index = param_decl.indexOf(":"); if (colon_index === -1) { // boolean value, implicitly true because it's in the URL const param_name = param_decl; params[param_name] = true; } else { const param_name = param_decl.slice(0, colon_index); const param_value = param_decl.slice(colon_index + 1); params[param_name] = decodeURIComponent(param_value); } }); for (const [param_name, param_type] of Object.entries(param_types)) { if (param_type === "bool" && !params[param_name]) { params[param_name] = false; } } return params; } function get_url_param(param_name) { return get_all_url_params()[param_name]; } function change_url_param(param_name, value, {replace_history_state=false}={}) { change_some_url_params({[param_name]: value}, {replace_history_state}); } function change_some_url_params(updates, {replace_history_state=false}={}) { for (const exclusive_param of exclusive_params) { if (updates[exclusive_param]) { exclusive_params.forEach((param)=> { if (param !== exclusive_param) { updates[param] = null; // must be enumerated (for Object.assign) but falsey, to get removed from the URL } }); } } set_all_url_params(Object.assign({}, get_all_url_params(), updates), {replace_history_state}); } function set_all_url_params(params, {replace_history_state=false}={}) { let new_hash = ""; for (const [param_name, param_type] of Object.entries(param_types)) { if (params[param_name]) { if (new_hash.length) { new_hash += ","; } new_hash += encodeURIComponent(param_name); if (param_type !== "bool") { new_hash += ":" + encodeURIComponent(params[param_name]); } } } // Note: gets rid of query string (?) portion of the URL // This is desired for upgrading backwards compatibility URLs; // may not be desired for future cases. const new_url = `${location.origin}${location.pathname}#${new_hash}`; if (replace_history_state) { history.replaceState(null, document.title, new_url); } else { history.pushState(null, document.title, new_url); } $G.triggerHandler("change-url-params"); } function update_magnified_canvas_size(){ $canvas.css("width", canvas.width * magnification); $canvas.css("height", canvas.height * magnification); update_canvas_rect(); } function update_canvas_rect() { canvas_bounding_client_rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); update_helper_layer(); } let helper_layer_update_queued; let info_for_updating_pointer; // for updating on scroll or resize, where the mouse stays in the same place but its coordinates in the document change function update_helper_layer(e){ // e may be a number from requestAnimationFrame callback; ignore that if (e && isFinite(e.clientX)) { info_for_updating_pointer = {clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY, devicePixelRatio}; } if (helper_layer_update_queued) { // window.console && console.log("update_helper_layer - nah, already queued"); return; } else { // window.console && console.log("update_helper_layer"); } helper_layer_update_queued = true; requestAnimationFrame(()=> { helper_layer_update_queued = false; update_helper_layer_immediately(); }); } function update_helper_layer_immediately() { // window.console && console.log("Update helper layer NOW"); if (info_for_updating_pointer) { const rescale = info_for_updating_pointer.devicePixelRatio / devicePixelRatio; info_for_updating_pointer.clientX *= rescale; info_for_updating_pointer.clientY *= rescale; info_for_updating_pointer.devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio; pointer = to_canvas_coords(info_for_updating_pointer); } update_fill_and_stroke_colors_and_lineWidth(selected_tool); const grid_visible = show_grid && magnification >= 4 && (window.devicePixelRatio * magnification) >= 4; const scale = magnification * window.devicePixelRatio; if (!helper_layer) { helper_layer = new OnCanvasHelperLayer(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, false, scale); } const hcanvas = helper_layer.canvas; const hctx = hcanvas.ctx; const margin = 15; const viewport_x = Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification - margin, 0)); // Nevermind, canvas, isn't aligned to the right in RTL layout! // const viewport_x = // get_direction() === "rtl" ? // // Note: $canvas_area.scrollLeft() can return negative numbers for RTL layout // Math.floor(Math.max(($canvas_area.scrollLeft() - $canvas_area.innerWidth()) / magnification + canvas.width - margin, 0)) : // Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification - margin, 0)); const viewport_y = Math.floor(Math.max($canvas_area.scrollTop() / magnification - margin, 0)); const viewport_x2 = Math.floor(Math.min(viewport_x + $canvas_area.width() / magnification + margin*2, canvas.width)); const viewport_y2 = Math.floor(Math.min(viewport_y + $canvas_area.height() / magnification + margin*2, canvas.height)); const viewport_width = viewport_x2 - viewport_x; const viewport_height = viewport_y2 - viewport_y; const resolution_width = viewport_width * scale; const resolution_height = viewport_height * scale; if ( hcanvas.width !== resolution_width || hcanvas.height !== resolution_height ) { hcanvas.width = resolution_width; hcanvas.height = resolution_height; hcanvas.ctx.disable_image_smoothing(); helper_layer.width = viewport_width; helper_layer.height = viewport_height; } helper_layer.x = viewport_x; helper_layer.y = viewport_y; helper_layer.position(); hctx.clearRect(0, 0, hcanvas.width, hcanvas.height); var tools_to_preview = [...selected_tools]; // the select box previews draw the document canvas onto the preview canvas // so they have something to invert within the preview canvas // but this means they block out anything earlier // NOTE: sort Select after Free-Form Select, // Brush after Eraser, as they are from the toolbar ordering tools_to_preview.sort((a, b)=> { if (a.selectBox && !b.selectBox) { return -1; } if (!a.selectBox && b.selectBox) { return 1; } return 0; }); // two select box previews would just invert and cancel each other out // so only render one if there's one or more var select_box_index = tools_to_preview.findIndex((tool)=> tool.selectBox); if (select_box_index >= 0) { tools_to_preview = tools_to_preview.filter((tool, index)=> !tool.selectBox || index == select_box_index); } tools_to_preview.forEach((tool)=> { if(tool.drawPreviewUnderGrid && pointer && pointers.length < 2){ hctx.save(); tool.drawPreviewUnderGrid(hctx, pointer.x, pointer.y, grid_visible, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y); hctx.restore(); } }); if (selection) { hctx.save(); hctx.scale(scale, scale); hctx.translate(-viewport_x, -viewport_y); hctx.drawImage(selection.canvas, selection.x, selection.y); hctx.restore(); } if (textbox) { hctx.save(); hctx.scale(scale, scale); hctx.translate(-viewport_x, -viewport_y); hctx.drawImage(textbox.canvas, textbox.x, textbox.y); hctx.restore(); } if (grid_visible) { draw_grid(hctx, scale); } tools_to_preview.forEach((tool)=> { if(tool.drawPreviewAboveGrid && pointer && pointers.length < 2){ hctx.save(); tool.drawPreviewAboveGrid(hctx, pointer.x, pointer.y, grid_visible, scale, -viewport_x, -viewport_y); hctx.restore(); } }); } function update_disable_aa() { const dots_per_canvas_px = window.devicePixelRatio * magnification; const round = Math.floor(dots_per_canvas_px) === dots_per_canvas_px; $canvas_area.toggleClass("disable-aa-for-things-at-main-canvas-scale", dots_per_canvas_px >= 3 || round); } function set_magnification(scale){ const prev_magnification = magnification; let scroll_left = $canvas_area.scrollLeft(); let scroll_top = $canvas_area.scrollTop(); magnification = scale; if(scale !== 1){ return_to_magnification = scale; } update_magnified_canvas_size(); // rescale viewport with top left as anchor scroll_left *= magnification / prev_magnification; scroll_top *= magnification / prev_magnification; $canvas_area.scrollLeft(scroll_left); $canvas_area.scrollTop(scroll_top); $G.triggerHandler("resize"); // updates handles & grid $G.trigger("option-changed"); // updates options area } let $custom_zoom_window; function show_custom_zoom_window() { if ($custom_zoom_window) { $custom_zoom_window.close(); } const $w = new $FormToolWindow(localize("Custom Zoom")); $custom_zoom_window = $w; // @TODO: show Current zoom: blah% ? const $fieldset = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main); $fieldset.append("").text(localize("Zoom to")); $fieldset.append(""); $fieldset.append(""); $fieldset.append(""); $fieldset.append(""); $fieldset.append(""); $fieldset.append(""); let is_custom = true; $fieldset.find("input[type=radio]").get().forEach((el)=> { if (parseFloat(el.value) === magnification) { el.checked = true; is_custom = false; } }); const $really_custom_radio_option = $fieldset.find("input[value='really-custom']"); const $really_custom_input = $fieldset.find("input[name='really-custom-zoom-input']"); $really_custom_input.closest("label").on("click", ()=> { $really_custom_radio_option.prop("checked", true); $really_custom_input[0].focus(); }); if (is_custom) { $really_custom_input.val(magnification * 100); $really_custom_radio_option.prop("checked", true); } $fieldset.find("label").css({display: "block"}); $w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { let option_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='custom-zoom-radio']:checked").val(); let mag; if(option_val === "really-custom"){ option_val = $really_custom_input.val(); if(`${option_val}`.match(/\dx$/)) { // ...you can't actually type an x; oh well... mag = parseFloat(option_val); }else if(`${option_val}`.match(/\d%?$/)) { mag = parseFloat(option_val) / 100; } if(isNaN(mag)){ const $msgw = new $FormToolWindow("Invalid Value").addClass("dialogue-window"); // $msgw.$main.text("The value specified for custom zoom was invalid."); $msgw.$main.text(localize("Please enter a number.")); $msgw.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { $msgw.close(); }); return; } }else{ mag = parseFloat(option_val); } set_magnification(mag); $w.close(); })[0].focus(); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); } function toggle_grid() { show_grid = !show_grid; // $G.trigger("option-changed"); update_helper_layer(); } function reset_colors(){ colors = { foreground: "#000000", background: "#ffffff", ternary: "", }; $G.trigger("option-changed"); } function reset_file(){ document_file_path = null; file_name = localize("untitled"); update_title(); saved = true; } function reset_canvas_and_history(){ undos.length = 0; redos.length = 0; current_history_node = root_history_node = make_history_node({ name: "New Document", icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_blank.png"), }); history_node_to_cancel_to = null; canvas.width = Math.max(1, my_canvas_width); canvas.height = Math.max(1, my_canvas_height); ctx.disable_image_smoothing(); ctx.fillStyle = colors.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); current_history_node.image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); $G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view } function make_history_node({ parent = null, futures = [], timestamp = Date.now(), soft = false, image_data = null, selection_image_data = null, selection_x, selection_y, textbox_text, textbox_x, textbox_y, textbox_width, textbox_height, text_tool_font = null, tool_transparent_mode, foreground_color, background_color, ternary_color, name, icon = null, }) { return { parent, futures, timestamp, soft, image_data, selection_image_data, selection_x, selection_y, textbox_text, textbox_x, textbox_y, textbox_width, textbox_height, text_tool_font, tool_transparent_mode, foreground_color, background_color, ternary_color, name, icon, }; } function update_title(){ document.title = `${file_name} - ${is_pride_month ? "Gay es " : ""}${localize("Paint")}`; if (is_pride_month) { $("link[rel~='icon']").attr("href", "./images/icons/gay-es-paint-16x16-light-outline.png"); } } function create_and_trigger_input(attrs, callback){ const $input = $(E("input")).attr(attrs) .on("change", ()=> { callback($input[0]); $input.remove(); }) .appendTo($app) .hide() .trigger("click"); return $input; } // @TODO: rename these functions to lowercase (and maybe say "files" in this case) function get_FileList_from_file_select_dialog(callback){ // @TODO: specify mime types? create_and_trigger_input({type: "file"}, input => { callback(input.files); }); } function open_from_Image(img, callback, canceled){ are_you_sure(() => { // @TODO: shouldn't open_from_* start a new session? deselect(); cancel(); saved = false; reset_file(); reset_colors(); reset_canvas_and_history(); // (with newly reset colors) set_magnification(default_magnification); ctx.copy(img); detect_transparency(); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); current_history_node.name = "Load Document"; current_history_node.image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); current_history_node.icon = null; // @TODO $G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave $G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view callback && callback(); }, canceled); } function get_URIs(text) { // parse text/uri-list // get lines, discarding comments const lines = text.split(/[\n\r]+/).filter(line => line[0] !== "#" && line); // discard text with too many lines (likely pasted HTML or something) - may want to revisit this if (lines.length > 15) { return []; } // parse URLs, discarding anything that parses as a relative URL const uris = []; for (let i=0; i { const uri_to_try = uris_to_try[index]; if (is_download) { $status_text.text("Downloading picture..."); } const handle_fetch_fail = ()=> { index += 1; if (index >= uris_to_try.length) { if (is_download) { $status_text.text("Failed to download picture."); } callback && callback(new Error(`failed to download image from any of three URIs (${JSON.stringify(uris_to_try)}).`)); } else { try_next_uri(); } }; const show_progress = ({loaded, total})=> { if (is_download) { $status_text.text(`Downloading picture... (${Math.round(loaded/total*100)}%)`); } }; if (is_download) { console.log(`Try loading image from URI (${index + 1}/${uris_to_try.length}): "${uri_to_try}"`); } fetch(uri_to_try) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw Error(`${response.status} ${response.statusText}`); } if (!response.body) { if (is_download) { console.log("ReadableStream not yet supported in this browser. Progress won't be shown for image requests."); } return response; } // to access headers, server must send CORS header "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: content-encoding, content-length x-file-size" // server must send custom x-file-size header if gzip or other content-encoding is used const contentEncoding = response.headers.get("content-encoding"); const contentLength = response.headers.get(contentEncoding ? "x-file-size" : "content-length"); if (contentLength === null) { if (is_download) { console.log("Response size header unavailable. Progress won't be shown for this image request."); } return response; } const total = parseInt(contentLength, 10); let loaded = 0; return new Response( new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { const reader = response.body.getReader(); read(); function read() { reader.read().then(({done, value}) => { if (done) { controller.close(); return; } loaded += value.byteLength; show_progress({loaded, total}) controller.enqueue(value); read(); }).catch(error => { console.error(error); controller.error(error) }) } } }) ); }) .then(response => response.blob()) .then(blob => { if (is_download) { console.log("Download complete."); $status_text.text("Download complete."); } const img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; const handle_decode_fail = ()=> { // @TODO: use headers to detect HTML instead, since a doctype is not guaranteed // @TODO: fall back to WayBack Machine still for decode errors, // since a website might start redirecting swathes of URLs regardless of what they originally pointed to, // at which point they would likely point to a web page instead of an image. // (But still show an error about it not being an image, if WayBack also fails.) var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onerror = ()=> { const error = new Error("failed to decode blob as image or text"); error.code = "decode-fail"; callback(error); }; fr.onload = (e)=> { const error = new Error("failed to decode blob as an image"); error.code = e.target.result.match(/^\s* { if (!img.complete || typeof img.naturalWidth == "undefined" || img.naturalWidth === 0) { handle_decode_fail(); return; } callback(null, img); }; img.onerror = handle_decode_fail; img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); }) .catch(handle_fetch_fail); }; try_next_uri(); } function open_from_URI(uri, callback, canceled){ load_image_from_URI(uri, (error, img) => { if(error){ return callback(error); } open_from_Image(img, callback, canceled); }); } function open_from_File(file, callback, canceled){ const blob_url = URL.createObjectURL(file); load_image_from_URI(blob_url, (error, img) => { // revoke object URL regardless of error URL.revokeObjectURL(file); if(error){ return callback(error); } open_from_Image(img, () => { file_name = file.name; document_file_path = file.path; // available in Electron update_title(); saved = true; callback(); }, canceled); }); } function open_from_FileList(files, user_input_method_verb_past_tense){ for (const file of files) { if (file.type.match(/^image/)) { open_from_File(file, err => { if(err){ return show_error_message("Failed to open file:", err); } }); return; } else if (file.name.match(/\.theme(pack)?$/i)) { loadThemeFile(file); return; } } if(files.length > 1){ show_error_message(`None of the files ${user_input_method_verb_past_tense} appear to be images.`); }else{ show_error_message(`File ${user_input_method_verb_past_tense} does not appear to be an image.`); } } function loadThemeFile(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = ()=> { loadThemeFromText(reader.result); }; reader.readAsText(file); } function loadThemeFromText(fileText) { var cssProperties = parseThemeFileString(fileText); applyCSSProperties(cssProperties); window.themeCSSProperties = cssProperties; $("iframe").each((i, iframe)=> { try { applyCSSProperties(cssProperties, iframe.contentDocument.documentElement); } catch(error) { console.log("error applying theme to iframe", iframe, error); } }) $G.triggerHandler("theme-load"); } function file_new(){ are_you_sure(() => { deselect(); cancel(); saved = false; reset_file(); reset_colors(); reset_canvas_and_history(); // (with newly reset colors) set_magnification(default_magnification); $G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave }); } // @TODO: factor out open_select/choose_file_dialog or get_file_from_file_select_dialog or whatever // all these open_from_* things are done backwards, basically // there's this little thing called Inversion of Control... // also paste_from_file_select_dialog function file_open(){ get_FileList_from_file_select_dialog(files => { open_from_FileList(files, "selected"); }); } let $file_load_from_url_window; function file_load_from_url(){ if($file_load_from_url_window){ $file_load_from_url_window.close(); } const $w = new $FormToolWindow().addClass("dialogue-window"); $file_load_from_url_window = $w; $w.title("Load from URL"); // @TODO: URL validation (input has to be in a form (and we don't want the form to submit)) $w.$main.html(""); const $input = $w.$main.find(".url-input"); $w.$Button("Load", () => { const uris = get_URIs($input.val()); if (uris.length > 0) { // @TODO: retry loading if same URL entered // actually, make it change the hash only after loading successfully // (but still load from the hash when necessary) // make sure it doesn't overwrite the old session before switching $w.close(); change_url_param("load", uris[0]); } else { show_error_message("Invalid URL. It must include a protocol (https:// or http://)"); } }); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); $input[0].focus(); } function file_save(maybe_saved_callback=()=>{}){ deselect(); if(file_name.match(/\.svg$/i)){ // @TODO: only affect suggested name in save dialog, don't change file_name file_name = `${file_name.replace(/\.svg$/i, "")}.png`; return file_save_as(maybe_saved_callback); } if(document_file_path){ // @TODO: save as JPEG by default if the previously opened/saved file was a JPEG? return save_to_file_path(document_file_path, "PNG", (saved_file_path, saved_file_name) => { saved = true; document_file_path = saved_file_path; file_name = saved_file_name; update_title(); maybe_saved_callback(); }); } file_save_as(maybe_saved_callback); } function file_save_as(maybe_saved_callback=()=>{}){ deselect(); save_canvas_as(canvas, `${file_name.replace(/\.(bmp|dib|a?png|gif|jpe?g|jpe|jfif|tiff?|webp|raw)$/i, "")}.png`, (saved_file_path, saved_file_name) => { saved = true; document_file_path = saved_file_path; file_name = saved_file_name; update_title(); maybe_saved_callback(); }); } function are_you_sure(action, canceled){ if(saved){ action(); }else{ const $w = new $FormToolWindow().addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.title(localize("Paint")); $w.$main.text(localize("Save changes to %1?", file_name)); $w.$Button(localize("Save"), () => { $w.close(); file_save(()=> { action(); }); })[0].focus(); $w.$Button("Discard", () => { $w.close(); action(); }); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => { $w.close(); canceled && canceled(); }); $w.$x.on("click", () => { canceled && canceled(); }); $w.center(); } } function show_error_message(message, error){ const $w = $FormToolWindow().title("Error").addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.$main.text(message); $w.$main.css("max-width", "600px"); if(error){ $(E("pre")) .appendTo($w.$main) .text(error.stack || error.toString()) .css({ background: "white", color: "#333", // background: "#A00", // color: "white", fontFamily: "monospace", width: "500px", overflow: "auto", }); } $w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); if (error) { window.console && console.error(message, error); } else { window.console && console.error(message); } } // @TODO: close are_you_sure windows and these Error windows when switching sessions // because it can get pretty confusing function show_resource_load_error_message(error){ const $w = $FormToolWindow().title("Error").addClass("dialogue-window"); const firefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1; if (error.code === "cors-blob-uri") { $w.$main.html(`

Can't load image from address starting with "blob:".

${ firefox ? `

Try "Copy Image" instead of "Copy Image Location".

` : `

Try "Copy image" instead of "Copy image address".

` } `); } else if (error.code === "html-not-image") { $w.$main.html(`

Address points to a web page, not an image file.

Try copying and pasting an image instead of a URL.

`); } else if (error.code === "decode-fail") { $w.$main.html(`

Address doesn't point to an image file of a supported format.

Try copying and pasting an image instead of a URL.

`); } else { $w.$main.html(`

Failed to load image from URL.

Check your browser's devtools for details.

`); } $w.$main.css({maxWidth: "500px"}); $w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); } let $about_paint_window; const $about_paint_content = $("#about-paint"); let $news_window; const $this_version_news = $("#news"); let $latest_news = $this_version_news; // not included directly in the HTML as a simple way of not showing it if it's loaded with fetch // (...not sure how to phrase this clearly and concisely...) // "Showing the news as of this version of JS Paint. For the latest, see jspaint.app" if (location.origin !== "https://jspaint.app") { $this_version_news.prepend( $("

For the latest news, visit jspaint.app

") .css({padding: "8px 15px"}) ); } function show_about_paint(){ if($about_paint_window){ $about_paint_window.close(); } $about_paint_window = $ToolWindow().title(localize("About Paint")); if (is_pride_month) { $("#paint-32x32").attr("src", "./images/icons/gay-es-paint-32x32-light-outline.png"); } $about_paint_window.$content.append($about_paint_content.show()).css({padding: "15px"}); $("#maybe-outdated-view-project-news").removeAttr("hidden"); $("#failed-to-check-if-outdated").attr("hidden", "hidden"); $("#outdated").attr("hidden", "hidden"); $about_paint_window.center(); $about_paint_window.center(); // @XXX - but it helps tho $("#refresh-to-update").on("click", (event)=> { event.preventDefault(); location.reload(); }); $("#view-project-news").on("click", ()=> { show_news(); }); $("#checking-for-updates").removeAttr("hidden"); const url = // "."; // "test-news-newer.html"; "https://jspaint.app"; fetch(url) .then((response)=> response.text()) .then((text)=> { const parser = new DOMParser(); const htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/html"); $latest_news = $(htmlDoc).find("#news"); const $latest_entries = $latest_news.find(".news-entry"); const $this_version_entries = $this_version_news.find(".news-entry"); if (!$latest_entries.length) { $latest_news = $this_version_news; throw new Error(`No news found at fetched site (${url})`); } function entries_contains_update($entries, id) { return $entries.get().some((el_from_this_version)=> id === el_from_this_version.id ); } // @TODO: visibly mark entries that overlap entries_newer_than_this_version = $latest_entries.get().filter((el_from_latest)=> !entries_contains_update($this_version_entries, el_from_latest.id) ); entries_new_in_this_version = // i.e. in development, when updating the news $this_version_entries.get().filter((el_from_latest)=> !entries_contains_update($latest_entries, el_from_latest.id) ); if (entries_newer_than_this_version.length > 0) { $("#outdated").removeAttr("hidden"); } else if(entries_new_in_this_version.length > 0) { $latest_news = $this_version_news; // show this version's news for development } $("#checking-for-updates").attr("hidden", "hidden"); update_css_classes_for_conditional_messages(); }).catch((exception)=> { $("#failed-to-check-if-outdated").removeAttr("hidden"); $("#checking-for-updates").attr("hidden", "hidden"); update_css_classes_for_conditional_messages(); window.console && console.log("Couldn't check for updates.", exception); }); } // show_about_paint(); // for testing function update_css_classes_for_conditional_messages() { $(".on-dev-host, .on-third-party-host, .on-official-host").hide(); if (location.hostname.match(/localhost| { $(".on-dev-host").show(); } else if (location.hostname.match(/jspaint.app/)) { $(".on-official-host").show(); } else { $(".on-third-party-host").show(); } $(".navigator-online, .navigator-offline").hide(); if (navigator.onLine) { $(".navigator-online").show(); } else { $(".navigator-offline").show(); } } function show_news(){ if($news_window){ $news_window.close(); } $news_window = $ToolWindow().title("Project News"); // const $latest_entries = $latest_news.find(".news-entry"); // const latest_entry = $latest_entries[$latest_entries.length - 1]; // window.console && console.log("LATEST MEWS:", $latest_news); // window.console && console.log("LATEST ENTRY:", latest_entry); const $latest_news_style = $latest_news.find("style"); $this_version_news.find("style").remove(); $latest_news.append($latest_news_style); // in case $this_version_news is $latest_news $news_window.$content.append($latest_news.removeAttr("hidden")); $news_window.center(); $news_window.center(); // @XXX - but it helps tho } // @TODO: DRY between these functions and open_from_* functions further? // function paste_image_from_URI(uri, callback){ // load_image_from_URI(uri, (err, img)=> { // if(err){ return callback(err); } // paste(img); // }); // }; function paste_image_from_file(file){ const blob_url = URL.createObjectURL(file); // paste_image_from_URI(blob_url); load_image_from_URI(blob_url, (error, img) => { if(error){ return show_resource_load_error_message(error); } paste(img); URL.revokeObjectURL(blob_url); }); } function paste_from_file_select_dialog(){ get_FileList_from_file_select_dialog(files => { for (const file of files) { if(file.type.match(/^image/)){ paste_image_from_file(file); return; } } if(files.length > 1){ show_error_message(`None of the files selected appear to be images.`); }else{ show_error_message(`File selected does not appear to be an image.`); } }); } function paste(img){ if(img.width > canvas.width || img.height > canvas.height){ const $w = new $FormToolWindow().addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.title(localize("Paint")); $w.$main.html(` ${localize("The image in the clipboard is larger than the bitmap.")}
${localize("Would you like the bitmap enlarged?")}
`); $w.$Button("Enlarge", () => { $w.close(); // The resize gets its own undoable, as in mspaint resize_canvas_and_save_dimensions( Math.max(canvas.width, img.width), Math.max(canvas.height, img.height), { name: "Enlarge Canvas For Paste", icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_stretch_both.png"), } ); do_the_paste(); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); })[0].focus(); $w.$Button("Crop", () => { $w.close(); do_the_paste(); }); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); }else{ do_the_paste(); } function do_the_paste(){ deselect(); select_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)); const x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification)); const y = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(($canvas_area.scrollTop()) / magnification)); // Nevermind, canvas, isn't aligned to the right in RTL layout! // let x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil($canvas_area.scrollLeft() / magnification)); // if (get_direction() === "rtl") { // // magic number 8 is a guess, I guess based on the scrollbar width which shows on the left in RTL layout // // TODO: detect scrollbar width // // x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(($canvas_area.innerWidth() - canvas.width + $canvas_area.scrollLeft() + 8) / magnification)); // const scrollbar_width = $canvas_area[0].offsetWidth - $canvas_area[0].clientWidth; // console.log("scrollbar_width", scrollbar_width); // x = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((-$canvas_area.innerWidth() + $canvas_area.scrollLeft() + scrollbar_width) / magnification + canvas.width)); // } undoable({ name: "Paste", icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_paste.png"), soft: true, }, ()=> { selection = new OnCanvasSelection(x, y, img.width, img.height, img); }); } } function render_history_as_gif(){ const $win = $FormToolWindow(); $win.title("Rendering GIF"); $win.center(); const $output = $win.$main; const $progress = $(E("progress")).appendTo($output); const $progress_percent = $(E("span")).appendTo($output).css({ width: "2.3em", display: "inline-block", textAlign: "center", }); $win.$main.css({padding: 5}); const $cancel = $win.$Button('Cancel', () => { $win.close(); }); try{ const width = canvas.width; const height = canvas.height; const gif = new GIF({ //workers: Math.min(5, Math.floor(undos.length/50)+1), workerScript: "lib/gif.js/gif.worker.js", width, height, }); $win.on('close', () => { gif.abort(); }); gif.on("progress", p => { $progress.val(p); $progress_percent.text(`${~~(p*100)}%`); }); gif.on("finished", blob => { $win.title("Rendered GIF"); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); $output.empty().append( $(E("img")).attr({ src: url, width, height, }) ); $win.$Button("Upload to Imgur", () => { $win.close(); sanity_check_blob(blob, () => { show_imgur_uploader(blob); }); }); $win.$Button(localize("Save"), () => { $win.close(); sanity_check_blob(blob, () => { saveAs(blob, `${file_name.replace(/\.(bmp|dib|a?png|gif|jpe?g|jpe|jfif|tiff?|webp|raw)$/i, "")} history.gif`); }); }); $cancel.appendTo($win.$buttons); $win.center(); }); const gif_canvas = make_canvas(width, height); const frame_history_nodes = [...undos, current_history_node]; for(const frame_history_node of frame_history_nodes){ gif_canvas.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, gif_canvas.width, gif_canvas.height); gif_canvas.ctx.putImageData(frame_history_node.image_data, 0, 0); if (frame_history_node.selection_image_data) { const selection_canvas = make_canvas(frame_history_node.selection_image_data); gif_canvas.ctx.drawImage(selection_canvas, frame_history_node.selection_x, frame_history_node.selection_y); } gif.addFrame(gif_canvas, {delay: 200, copy: true}); } gif.render(); }catch(err){ $win.close(); show_error_message("Failed to render GIF:", err); } } function go_to_history_node(target_history_node, canceling) { const from_history_node = current_history_node; if (!target_history_node.image_data) { if (!canceling) { show_error_message("History entry has no image data."); window.console && console.log("Target history entry has no image data:", target_history_node); } return; } const current_image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if (!current_history_node.image_data || !image_data_match(current_history_node.image_data, current_image_data, 5)) { window.console && console.log("Canvas image data changed outside of undoable", current_history_node, "current_history_node.image_data:", current_history_node.image_data, "document's current image data:", current_image_data); undoable({name: "Unknown [GTHN]", use_loose_canvas_changes: true}, ()=> {}); } current_history_node = target_history_node; deselect(true); if (!canceling) { cancel(true); } saved = false; ctx.copy(target_history_node.image_data); if (target_history_node.selection_image_data) { if (selection) { selection.destroy(); } // @TODO maybe: could store whether a selection is from Free-Form Select // so it selects Free-Form Select when you jump to e.g. Move Selection // (or could traverse history to figure it out) if (target_history_node.name === localize("Free-Form Select")) { select_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_FREE_FORM_SELECT)); } else { select_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)); } selection = new OnCanvasSelection( target_history_node.selection_x, target_history_node.selection_y, target_history_node.selection_image_data.width, target_history_node.selection_image_data.height, target_history_node.selection_image_data, ); } if (target_history_node.textbox_text != null) { if (textbox) { textbox.destroy(); } // @# text_tool_font = for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(target_history_node.text_tool_font)) { text_tool_font[k] = v; } colors.foreground = target_history_node.foreground_color; colors.background = target_history_node.background_color; tool_transparent_mode = target_history_node.tool_transparent_mode; $G.trigger("option-changed"); select_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_TEXT)); textbox = new OnCanvasTextBox( target_history_node.textbox_x, target_history_node.textbox_y, target_history_node.textbox_width, target_history_node.textbox_height, target_history_node.textbox_text, ); } const ancestors_of_target = get_history_ancestors(target_history_node); undos = [...ancestors_of_target]; undos.reverse(); const old_history_path = redos.length > 0 ? [redos[0], ...get_history_ancestors(redos[0])] : [from_history_node, ...get_history_ancestors(from_history_node)]; // window.console && console.log("target_history_node:", target_history_node); // window.console && console.log("ancestors_of_target:", ancestors_of_target); // window.console && console.log("old_history_path:", old_history_path); redos.length = 0; let latest_node = target_history_node; while (latest_node.futures.length > 0) { const futures = [...latest_node.futures]; futures.sort((a, b)=> { if(old_history_path.indexOf(a) > -1) { return -1; } if(old_history_path.indexOf(b) > -1) { return +1; } return 0; }); latest_node = futures[0]; redos.unshift(latest_node); } // window.console && console.log("new undos:", undos); // window.console && console.log("new redos:", redos); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); $G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave $G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view } function undoable({name, icon, use_loose_canvas_changes, soft}, callback){ if (!use_loose_canvas_changes) { const current_image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if (!current_history_node.image_data || !image_data_match(current_history_node.image_data, current_image_data, 5)) { window.console && console.log("Canvas image data changed outside of undoable", current_history_node, "current_history_node.image_data:", current_history_node.image_data, "document's current image data:", current_image_data); undoable({name: "Unknown [undoable]", use_loose_canvas_changes: true}, ()=> {}); } } saved = false; const before_callback_history_node = current_history_node; callback && callback(); if (current_history_node !== before_callback_history_node) { show_error_message(`History node switched during undoable callback for ${name}. This shouldn't happen.`); window.console && console.log(`History node switched during undoable callback for ${name}, from`, before_callback_history_node, "to", current_history_node); } const image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); redos.length = 0; undos.push(current_history_node); const new_history_node = make_history_node({ image_data, selection_image_data: selection && selection.canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, selection.canvas.width, selection.canvas.height), selection_x: selection && selection.x, selection_y: selection && selection.y, textbox_text: textbox && textbox.$editor.val(), textbox_x: textbox && textbox.x, textbox_y: textbox && textbox.y, textbox_width: textbox && textbox.width, textbox_height: textbox && textbox.height, text_tool_font: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(text_tool_font)), tool_transparent_mode, foreground_color: colors.foreground, background_color: colors.background, ternary_color: colors.ternary, parent: current_history_node, name, icon, soft, }); current_history_node.futures.push(new_history_node); current_history_node = new_history_node; $G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view $G.triggerHandler("session-update"); // autosave } function make_or_update_undoable(undoable_meta, undoable_action) { if (current_history_node.futures.length === 0 && undoable_meta.match(current_history_node)) { undoable_action(); current_history_node.image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); current_history_node.selection_image_data = selection && selection.canvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, selection.canvas.width, selection.canvas.height); current_history_node.selection_x = selection && selection.x; current_history_node.selection_y = selection && selection.y; if (undoable_meta.update_name) { current_history_node.name = undoable_meta.name; } $G.triggerHandler("history-update"); // update history view } else { undoable(undoable_meta, undoable_action); } } function undo(){ if(undos.length<1){ return false; } redos.push(current_history_node); let target_history_node = undos.pop(); while (target_history_node.soft && undos.length) { redos.push(target_history_node); target_history_node = undos.pop(); } go_to_history_node(target_history_node); return true; } let $document_history_prompt_window; function redo(){ if(redos.length<1){ if ($document_history_prompt_window) { $document_history_prompt_window.close(); } if (!$document_history_window || $document_history_window.closed) { const $w = $document_history_prompt_window = new $ToolWindow(); $w.title("Redo"); $w.$content.html("Press Ctrl+Shift+Y at any time to open the History window."); $w.$Button("Show History", show_document_history); } return false; } undos.push(current_history_node); let target_history_node = redos.pop(); while (target_history_node.soft && redos.length) { undos.push(target_history_node); target_history_node = redos.pop(); } go_to_history_node(target_history_node); return true; } function get_history_ancestors(node) { const ancestors = []; for (node = node.parent; node; node = node.parent) { ancestors.push(node); } return ancestors; } let $document_history_window; function show_document_history() { if ($document_history_prompt_window) { $document_history_prompt_window.close(); } if ($document_history_window) { $document_history_window.close(); } const $w = $document_history_window = new $ToolWindow(); $w.title("Document History"); $w.$content.html(`

Press Ctrl+Shift+Y at any time to open this window.

`); const $history_view = $w.$content.find(".history-view"); let previous_scroll_position = 0; let rendered_$entries = []; function render_tree_from_node(node) { const $entry = $(`
`); // $entry.find(".history-entry-name").text((node.name || "Unknown") + (node.soft ? " (soft)" : "")); $entry.find(".history-entry-name").text(node.name || "Unknown"); $entry.find(".history-entry-icon-area").append(node.icon); if (node === current_history_node) { $entry.addClass("current"); requestAnimationFrame(()=> { $history_view.scrollTop(previous_scroll_position); $entry[0].scrollIntoView({block: "nearest"}); }); } else { const history_ancestors = get_history_ancestors(current_history_node); if (history_ancestors.indexOf(node) > -1) { $entry.addClass("ancestor-of-current"); } } for (const sub_node of node.futures) { render_tree_from_node(sub_node); } $entry.on("click", ()=> { go_to_history_node(node); }); $entry.history_node = node; rendered_$entries.push($entry); } const render_tree = ()=> { previous_scroll_position = $history_view.scrollTop(); $history_view.empty(); rendered_$entries = []; render_tree_from_node(root_history_node); rendered_$entries.sort(($a, $b)=> { if ($a.history_node.timestamp < $b.history_node.timestamp) { return -1; } if ($b.history_node.timestamp < $a.history_node.timestamp) { return +1; } return 0; }); rendered_$entries.forEach(($entry)=> { $history_view.append($entry); }); }; render_tree(); $G.on("history-update", render_tree); $w.on("close", ()=> { $G.off("history-update", render_tree); }); $w.center(); } function cancel(going_to_history_node){ // Note: this function should be idempotent. // `cancel(); cancel();` should do the same thing as `cancel();` history_node_to_cancel_to = history_node_to_cancel_to || current_history_node; $G.triggerHandler("pointerup", ["canceling"]); for (const selected_tool of selected_tools) { selected_tool.cancel && selected_tool.cancel(); } if (!going_to_history_node) { // Note: this will revert any changes from other users in multi-user sessions // which isn't good, but there's no real conflict resolution in multi-user mode anyways go_to_history_node(history_node_to_cancel_to, true); } history_node_to_cancel_to = null; update_helper_layer(); } function meld_selection_into_canvas(going_to_history_node) { selection.draw(); selection.destroy(); selection = null; if (!going_to_history_node) { undoable({ name: "Deselect", icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)), use_loose_canvas_changes: true, // HACK; @TODO: make OnCanvasSelection not change the canvas outside undoable, same rules as tools }, ()=> { }); } } function meld_textbox_into_canvas(going_to_history_node) { const text = textbox.$editor.val(); if (text && !going_to_history_node) { undoable({ name: localize("Text"), icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_TEXT)), soft: true, }, ()=> { }); undoable({ name: "Finish Text", icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_TEXT)), }, () => { ctx.drawImage(textbox.canvas, textbox.x, textbox.y); textbox.destroy(); textbox = null; }); } else { textbox.destroy(); textbox = null; } } function deselect(going_to_history_node){ if(selection){ meld_selection_into_canvas(going_to_history_node); } if(textbox){ meld_textbox_into_canvas(going_to_history_node); } for (const selected_tool of selected_tools) { selected_tool.end && selected_tool.end(ctx); } } function delete_selection(meta={}){ if(selection){ undoable({ name: meta.name || "Delete", icon: meta.icon || get_help_folder_icon("p_delete.png"), // soft: @TODO: conditionally soft?, }, ()=> { selection.destroy(); selection = null; }); } } function select_all(){ deselect(); select_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)); undoable({ name: "Select All", icon: get_icon_for_tool(get_tool_by_id(TOOL_SELECT)), soft: true, }, ()=> { selection = new OnCanvasSelection(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); }); } const browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess = "Try using Chrome 76+"; function try_exec_command(commandId) { if (document.queryCommandEnabled(commandId)) { // not a reliable source for whether it'll work, if I recall document.execCommand(commandId); if (!navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox") || commandId === "paste") { return show_error_message(`That ${commandId} probably didn't work. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); } } else { return show_error_message(`Cannot perform ${commandId}. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); } } function getSelectionText() { let text = ""; const activeEl = document.activeElement; const activeElTagName = activeEl ? activeEl.tagName.toLowerCase() : null; if ( (activeElTagName == "textarea") || (activeElTagName == "input" && /^(?:text|search|password|tel|url)$/i.test(activeEl.type)) && (typeof activeEl.selectionStart == "number") ) { text = activeEl.value.slice(activeEl.selectionStart, activeEl.selectionEnd); } else if (window.getSelection) { text = window.getSelection().toString(); } return text; } async function edit_copy(execCommandFallback){ const text = getSelectionText(); if (text.length > 0) { if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.writeText) { if (execCommandFallback) { return try_exec_command("copy"); } else { throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); // throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); } } navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); } else if(selection && selection.canvas) { if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.write) { if (execCommandFallback) { return try_exec_command("copy"); } else { throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); // throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); } } selection.canvas.toBlob(blob => { sanity_check_blob(blob, () => { navigator.clipboard.write([ new ClipboardItem(Object.defineProperty({}, blob.type, { value: blob, enumerable: true, })) ]).then(() => { window.console && console.log("Copied image to the clipboard."); }, error => { show_error_message("Failed to copy to the Clipboard.", error); }); }); }); } } function edit_cut(execCommandFallback){ if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.write) { if (execCommandFallback) { return try_exec_command("cut"); } else { throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); // throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); } } edit_copy(); delete_selection({ name: "Cut", icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_cut.png"), }); } async function edit_paste(execCommandFallback){ if( document.activeElement instanceof HTMLInputElement || document.activeElement instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ){ if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.readText) { if (execCommandFallback) { return try_exec_command("paste"); } else { throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); // throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); } } const clipboardText = await navigator.clipboard.readText(); document.execCommand("InsertText", false, clipboardText); return; } if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.read) { if (execCommandFallback) { return try_exec_command("paste"); } else { throw new Error(`${localize("Error getting the Clipboard Data!")} ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); // throw new Error(`The Async Clipboard API is not supported by this browser. ${browserRecommendationForClipboardAccess}`); } } try { const clipboardItems = await navigator.clipboard.read(); const blob = await clipboardItems[0].getType("image/png"); paste_image_from_file(blob); } catch(error) { if (error.name === "NotFoundError") { try { const clipboardText = await navigator.clipboard.readText(); if(clipboardText) { const uris = get_URIs(clipboardText); if (uris.length > 0) { load_image_from_URI(uris[0], (error, img) => { if(error){ return show_resource_load_error_message(error); } paste(img); }); } else { show_error_message("The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint."); } } else { show_error_message("The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint."); } } catch(error) { show_error_message("Failed to read from the Clipboard.", error); } } else { show_error_message("Failed to read from the Clipboard.", error); } } } function image_invert_colors(){ apply_image_transformation({ name: "Invert Colors", icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_invert.png"), }, (original_canvas, original_ctx, new_canvas, new_ctx) => { invert_rgb(original_ctx, new_ctx); }); } function clear(){ deselect(); cancel(); undoable({ name: "Clear Image", icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_blank.png"), }, () => { saved = false; if(transparency){ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); }else{ ctx.fillStyle = colors.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } }); } function view_bitmap(){ if(canvas.requestFullscreen){ canvas.requestFullscreen(); } if(canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen){ canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } } function get_tool_by_id(id){ for(let i=0; i 0); } update_helper_layer(); } function select_tool(tool, toggle){ deselect(); if(!(selected_tools.length === 1 && selected_tool.deselect)){ return_to_tools = [...selected_tools]; } if (toggle) { const index = selected_tools.indexOf(tool); if (index === -1) { selected_tools.push(tool); selected_tools.sort((a, b)=> { if (tools.indexOf(a) < tools.indexOf(b)) { return -1; } if (tools.indexOf(a) > tools.indexOf(b)) { return +1; } return 0; }); } else { selected_tools.splice(index, 1); } if (selected_tools.length > 0) { selected_tool = selected_tools[selected_tools.length - 1]; } else { selected_tool = default_tool; selected_tools = [selected_tool]; } } else { selected_tool = tool; selected_tools = [tool]; } if(tool.preload){ tool.preload(); } $toolbox.update_selected_tool(); // $toolbox2.update_selected_tool(); } function has_any_transparency(ctx) { // @TODO Optimization: Assume JPEGs and some other file types are opaque. // Raster file formats that SUPPORT transparency include GIF, PNG, BMP and TIFF // (Yes, even BMPs support transparency!) const id = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); for(let i=0, l=id.data.length; i { const q = p ^ (p >> 3); return ( ((p & 4) >> 2) | ((q & 4) >> 1) | ((p & 2) << 1) | ((q & 2) << 2) | ((p & 1) << 4) | ((q & 1) << 5) ) / 64; }); const pattern_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const pattern_ctx = pattern_canvas.getContext("2d"); pattern_canvas.width = 8; pattern_canvas.height = 8; const pattern_image_data = ctx.createImageData(pattern_canvas.width, pattern_canvas.height); for(let x = 0; x < pattern_canvas.width; x += 1){ for(let y = 0; y < pattern_canvas.height; y += 1){ const map_value = dither_threshold_table[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)]; const px_white = lightness > map_value; const index = ((y * pattern_image_data.width) + x) * 4; pattern_image_data.data[index + 0] = px_white * 255; pattern_image_data.data[index + 1] = px_white * 255; pattern_image_data.data[index + 2] = px_white * 255; pattern_image_data.data[index + 3] = 255; } } pattern_ctx.putImageData(pattern_image_data, 0, 0); return ctx.createPattern(pattern_canvas, "repeat"); } function make_monochrome_palette(){ const palette = []; const n_colors_per_row = 14; const n_colors = n_colors_per_row * 2; for(let i=0; i { ctx.save(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop"; ctx.fillStyle = colors.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // in case the selected background color is transparent/translucent ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.restore(); }); } function resize_canvas_without_saving_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta={}) { const new_width = Math.max(1, unclamped_width); const new_height = Math.max(1, unclamped_height); if (canvas.width !== new_width || canvas.height !== new_height) { undoable({ name: undoable_meta.name || "Resize Canvas", icon: undoable_meta.icon || get_help_folder_icon("p_stretch_both.png"), }, () => { const image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, new_width, new_height); canvas.width = new_width; canvas.height = new_height; ctx.disable_image_smoothing(); if(!transparency){ ctx.fillStyle = colors.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } const temp_canvas = make_canvas(image_data); ctx.drawImage(temp_canvas, 0, 0); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); }); } } function resize_canvas_and_save_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta={}) { resize_canvas_without_saving_dimensions(unclamped_width, unclamped_height, undoable_meta); storage.set({ width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height, }, (/*error*/) => { // oh well }) } function image_attributes(){ if(image_attributes.$window){ image_attributes.$window.close(); } const $w = image_attributes.$window = new $FormToolWindow(localize("Attributes")); $w.addClass("attributes-window"); const $main = $w.$main; // Information const table = { [localize("File last saved:")]: localize("Not Available"), // @TODO: make available? [localize("Size on disk:")]: localize("Not Available"), // @TODO: make available? [localize("Resolution:")]: "72 x 72 dots per inch", // if localizing this, remove "direction" setting below }; const $table = $(E("table")).appendTo($main); for(const k in table){ const $tr = $(E("tr")).appendTo($table); const $key = $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(k); const $value = $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(table[k]); if (table[k].indexOf("72") !== -1) { $value.css("direction", "ltr"); } } // Dimensions const unit_sizes_in_px = {px: 1, in: 72, cm: 28.3465}; let current_unit = image_attributes.unit = image_attributes.unit || "px"; let width_in_px = canvas.width; let height_in_px = canvas.height; const $width_label = $(E("label")).appendTo($main).text(localize("Width:")); const $height_label = $(E("label")).appendTo($main).text(localize("Height:")); const $width = $(E("input")).attr({type: "number", min: 1}).addClass("no-spinner").appendTo($width_label); const $height = $(E("input")).attr({type: "number", min: 1}).addClass("no-spinner").appendTo($height_label); $main.find("input") .css({width: "40px"}) .on("change keyup keydown keypress pointerdown pointermove paste drop", ()=> { width_in_px = $width.val() * unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]; height_in_px = $height.val() * unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]; }); // Fieldsets const $units = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`${localize("Units")}`); $units.append(``); $units.append(``); $units.append(``); $units.find(`[value=${current_unit}]`).attr({checked: true}); $units.on("change", () => { const new_unit = $units.find(":checked").val(); $width.val(width_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[new_unit]); $height.val(height_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[new_unit]); current_unit = new_unit; }).triggerHandler("change"); const $colors = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`${localize("Colors")}`); $colors.append(``); $colors.append(``); $colors.find(`[value=${monochrome ? "monochrome" : "polychrome"}]`).attr({checked: true}); const $transparency = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append(`${localize("Transparency")}`); $transparency.append(``); $transparency.append(``); $transparency.find(`[value=${transparency ? "transparent" : "opaque"}]`).attr({checked: true}); // Buttons on the right $w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { const transparency_option = $transparency.find(":checked").val(); const colors_option = $colors.find(":checked").val(); const unit = $units.find(":checked").val(); const was_monochrome = monochrome; image_attributes.unit = unit; transparency = (transparency_option == "transparent"); monochrome = (colors_option == "monochrome"); if(monochrome != was_monochrome){ if(monochrome){ palette = monochrome_palette; }else{ palette = polychrome_palette; } $colorbox.rebuild_palette(); reset_colors(); } if (monochrome && !is_all_black_and_white(ctx)) { show_convert_to_black_and_white(); } const unit_to_px = unit_sizes_in_px[unit]; const width = $width.val() * unit_to_px; const height = $height.val() * unit_to_px; resize_canvas_and_save_dimensions(~~width, ~~height); if (!transparency && has_any_transparency(ctx)) { make_opaque(); } image_attributes.$window.close(); })[0].focus(); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => { image_attributes.$window.close(); }); $w.$Button(localize("Default"), () => { width_in_px = default_canvas_width; height_in_px = default_canvas_height; $width.val(width_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]); $height.val(height_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]); }); // Reposition the window image_attributes.$window.center(); } function show_convert_to_black_and_white() { const $w = new $FormToolWindow("Convert to Black and White"); $w.addClass("convert-to-black-and-white"); $w.$main.append("
"); const $slider = $w.$main.find("input[type='range']"); const original_canvas = make_canvas(canvas); let threshold; const update_threshold = ()=> { make_or_update_undoable({ name: "Make Monochrome", match: (history_node)=> history_node.name === "Make Monochrome", icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_monochrome.png"), }, ()=> { threshold = $slider.val(); ctx.copy(original_canvas); threshold_black_and_white(ctx, threshold); }); }; update_threshold(); $slider.on("input", debounce(update_threshold, 100)); $w.$Button(localize("OK"), ()=> { $w.close(); }); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), ()=> { if (current_history_node.name === "Make Monochrome") { undo(); } else { undoable({ name: "Cancel Make Monochrome", icon: get_help_folder_icon("p_monochrome_undo.png"), }, ()=> { ctx.copy(original_canvas); }); } $w.close(); }); $w.center(); } function image_flip_and_rotate(){ const $w = new $FormToolWindow(localize("Flip and Rotate")); $w.addClass("flip-and-rotate"); const $fieldset = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main); // TODO: accelerators (hotkeys) $fieldset.append(` ${localize("Flip or rotate")} `); const $rotate_by_angle = $(E("div")).appendTo($fieldset); $rotate_by_angle.addClass("sub-options"); $rotate_by_angle.append(` `); $rotate_by_angle.find("input").attr({disabled: true}); $fieldset.find("input").on("change", () => { const action = $fieldset.find("input[name='flip-or-rotate']:checked").val(); $rotate_by_angle.find("input").attr({ disabled: action !== "rotate-by-angle" }); }); $rotate_by_angle.find("label, input").on("click", (e)=> { // Select "Rotate by angle" and enable subfields $fieldset.find("input[value='rotate-by-angle']").prop("checked", true); $fieldset.find("input").triggerHandler("change"); const $label = $(e.target).closest("label"); // Focus the numerical input if this field has one const num_input = $label.find("input[type='number']")[0]; if (num_input) { num_input.focus(); } // Select the radio for this field $label.find("input[type='radio']").prop("checked", true); }); // @TODO: enable all controls that are accessable to the pointer $fieldset.find("label").css({display: "block"}); $w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { const action = $fieldset.find("input[name='flip-or-rotate']:checked").val(); switch(action){ case "flip-horizontal": flip_horizontal(); break; case "flip-vertical": flip_vertical(); break; case "rotate-by-angle": { let angle_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-angle']:checked").val(); if(angle_val === "arbitrary"){ angle_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-arbitrary-angle']").val(); } const angle_deg = parseFloat(angle_val); const angle = angle_deg / 360 * TAU; if(isNaN(angle)){ const $msgw = new $FormToolWindow("Invalid Value").addClass("dialogue-window"); // $msgw.$main.text("The value specified for Degrees was invalid."); $msgw.$main.text(localize("Please enter a number.")); $msgw.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { $msgw.close(); }); return; } rotate(angle); break; } } $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); $w.close(); })[0].focus(); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); } function image_stretch_and_skew(){ const $w = new $FormToolWindow(localize("Stretch and Skew")); $w.addClass("stretch-and-skew"); const $fieldset_stretch = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main); $fieldset_stretch.append(`${localize("Stretch")}
`); const $fieldset_skew = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main); $fieldset_skew.append(`${localize("Skew")}
`); const $RowInput = ($table, img_src, label_text, default_value, label_unit, min, max) => { const $tr = $(E("tr")).appendTo($table); const $img = $(E("img")).attr({ src: `images/transforms/${img_src}.png`, width: 32, height: 32, }).css({ marginRight: "20px" }); const input_id = ("input" + Math.random() + Math.random()).replace(/\./, ""); const $input = $(E("input")).attr({ type: "number", min, max, value: default_value, id: input_id, }).css({ width: "40px" }).addClass("no-spinner"); $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).append($img); $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).append($(E("label")).text(label_text).attr("for", input_id)); $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).append($input); $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(label_unit); return $input; }; const stretch_x = $RowInput($fieldset_stretch.find("table"), "stretch-x", localize("Horizontal:"), 100, "%", 1, 5000); const stretch_y = $RowInput($fieldset_stretch.find("table"), "stretch-y", localize("Vertical:"), 100, "%", 1, 5000); const skew_x = $RowInput($fieldset_skew.find("table"), "skew-x", localize("Horizontal:"), 0, localize("Degrees"), -90, 90); const skew_y = $RowInput($fieldset_skew.find("table"), "skew-y", localize("Vertical:"), 0, localize("Degrees"), -90, 90); $w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { const xscale = parseFloat(stretch_x.val())/100; const yscale = parseFloat(stretch_y.val())/100; const hskew = parseFloat(skew_x.val())/360*TAU; const vskew = parseFloat(skew_y.val())/360*TAU; stretch_and_skew(xscale, yscale, hskew, vskew); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); $w.close(); })[0].focus(); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); } // @TODO: establish a better pattern for this (platform-specific functions, with browser-generic fallbacks) // Note: we can't just poke in a different save_canvas_as function in electron-injected.js because electron-injected.js is loaded first function save_canvas_as(canvas, fileName, savedCallbackUnreliable){ if(window.systemSaveCanvasAs){ return systemSaveCanvasAs(canvas, fileName, savedCallbackUnreliable); } // @TODO: file name + type dialog canvas.toBlob(blob => { sanity_check_blob(blob, () => { const new_file_name = `${file_name.replace(/\.(bmp|dib|a?png|gif|jpe?g|jpe|jfif|tiff?|webp|raw)$/i, "")}.png`; const file_saver = saveAs(blob, new_file_name); // file_saver.onwriteend = () => { // // this won't fire in chrome // savedCallbackUnreliable(undefined, new_file_name); // }; // hopefully if the page reloads/closes the save dialog will persist and succeed? savedCallbackUnreliable(undefined, new_file_name); }); }); } function set_as_wallpaper_tiled(c = canvas) { // Note: we can't just poke in a different set_as_wallpaper_tiled function, because it's stored by reference in menus.js if(window.systemSetAsWallpaperTiled){ return window.systemSetAsWallpaperTiled(c); } const wallpaperCanvas = make_canvas(screen.width, screen.height); const pattern = wallpaperCanvas.ctx.createPattern(c, "repeat"); wallpaperCanvas.ctx.fillStyle = pattern; wallpaperCanvas.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, wallpaperCanvas.width, wallpaperCanvas.height); set_as_wallpaper_centered(wallpaperCanvas); } function set_as_wallpaper_centered(c = canvas) { // Note: we can't just poke in a different set_as_wallpaper_centered function, because it's stored by reference in menus.js if(window.systemSetAsWallpaperCentered){ return window.systemSetAsWallpaperCentered(c); } c.toBlob(blob => { sanity_check_blob(blob, () => { saveAs(blob, `${file_name.replace(/\.(bmp|dib|a?png|gif|jpe?g|jpe|jfif|tiff?|webp|raw)$/i, "")} wallpaper.png`); }); }); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} canvas * @return {Promise} */ function get_array_buffer_from_canvas(canvas) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const file_reader = new FileReader(); file_reader.onloadend = () => { resolve(file_reader.result); }; file_reader.onerror = () => { reject(new Error("Failed to read canvas image to array buffer")); }; canvas.toBlob(blob => { sanity_check_blob(blob, () => { file_reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); }); }); }); } function save_selection_to_file(){ if(selection && selection.canvas){ selection.canvas.toBlob(blob => { sanity_check_blob(blob, () => { saveAs(blob, "selection.png"); }); }); } } function sanity_check_blob(blob, okay_callback){ if(blob.size > 0){ okay_callback(); }else{ const $w = $FormToolWindow().title("Warning").addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.$main.html(`

Tried to save file, but file was empty.

Try again, or if the problem persists, report here: Issue #118 `); $w.$main.css({maxWidth: "500px"}); $w.$Button(localize("OK"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); } } function show_multi_user_setup_dialog(from_current_document){ const $w = $FormToolWindow().title("Multi-User Setup").addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.$main.html(` ${from_current_document ? "

This will make the current document public.

" : ""}

Enter the session name that will be used in the URL for sharing:

`); const $session_name = $w.$main.find("#session-name"); $w.$main.css({maxWidth: "500px"}); $w.$Button("Start", () => { let name = $session_name.val().trim(); if(name == ""){ show_error_message("The session name cannot be empty."); // }else if(name.match(/[./[\]#$]/)){ // show_error_message("The session name cannot contain any of ./[]#$"); // }else if(name.match(/\s/)){ // show_error_message("The session name cannot contain spaces."); }else if($session_name.is(":invalid")){ show_error_message("The session name must be made from only numbers, letters, and hyphens."); }else{ if (from_current_document) { change_url_param("session", name); } else { // @TODO: load new empty session in the same browser tab // (or at least... keep settings like vertical-color-box-mode?) window.open(`${location.origin}${location.pathname}#session:${name}`); } $w.close(); } }); $w.$Button(localize("Cancel"), () => { $w.close(); }); $w.center(); $session_name.focus(); }