class OnCanvasTextBox extends OnCanvasObject { constructor(x, y, width, height, starting_text) { super(x, y, width, height, true); this.$el.addClass("textbox"); this.$editor = $(E("textarea")).addClass("textbox-editor"); var svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg"); svg.setAttribute("version", 1.1); var foreignObject = document.createElementNS("", "foreignObject"); foreignObject.setAttribute("x", 0); foreignObject.setAttribute("y", 0); svg.append(foreignObject); // inline styles so that they'll be serialized for the SVG this.$editor.css({ "position": "absolute", "left": "0", "top": "0", "right": "0", "bottom": "0", "padding": "0", "margin": "0", "border": "0", "resize": "none", "overflow": "hidden", }); var edit_textarea = this.$editor[0]; var render_textarea = edit_textarea.cloneNode(false); foreignObject.append(render_textarea); edit_textarea.value = starting_text || ""; this.canvas = make_canvas(width, height); = "none"; this.$el.append(this.canvas); const update = ()=> { requestAnimationFrame(()=> { edit_textarea.scrollTop = 0; // prevent scrolling edit textarea to keep in sync }); svg.setAttribute("width", this.width); svg.setAttribute("height", this.height); foreignObject.setAttribute("width", this.width); foreignObject.setAttribute("height", this.height); const font = text_tool_font; font.color = colors.foreground; font.background = tool_transparent_mode ? "transparent" : colors.background; this.$editor.add(this.canvas).css({ transform: `scale(${magnification})`, transformOrigin: "left top", }); this.$editor.add(render_textarea).css({ width: this.width, height: this.height, fontFamily:, fontSize: `${font.size}px`, fontWeight: font.bold ? "bold" : "normal", fontStyle: font.italic ? "italic" : "normal", textDecoration: font.underline ? "underline" : "none", writingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", MsWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", WebkitWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", lineHeight: `${font.size * font.line_scale}px`, color: font.color, background: font.background, }); while (render_textarea.firstChild) { render_textarea.removeChild(render_textarea.firstChild); } render_textarea.appendChild(document.createTextNode(edit_textarea.value)); var svg_source = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg); var data_url = `data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(svg_source)}`; var img = new Image(); img.onload = ()=> { this.canvas.width = this.width; this.canvas.height = this.height; this.canvas.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); update_helper_layer(); // @TODO: under-grid specific helper layer? }; img.onerror = (e)=> { window.console && console.log("Failed to load image", e); }; img.src = data_url; }; update(); $G.on("option-changed", this._on_option_changed = update); this.$editor.on("input", this._on_input = update); this.$editor.on("scroll", this._on_scroll = ()=> { requestAnimationFrame(()=> { edit_textarea.scrollTop = 0; // prevent scrolling edit textarea to keep in sync }); }); this.$el.css({ cursor: make_css_cursor("move", [8, 8], "move") }); this.$el.attr("touch-action", "none"); this.position(); this.$el.append(this.$editor); this.$editor[0].focus(); const getRect = ()=> ({left: this.x, top: this.y, width: this.width, height: this.height, right: this.x + this.width, bottom: this.y + this.height}) this.$handles = $Handles(this.$el, getRect, { outset: 2 }); this.$el.on("user-resized", (e, delta_x, delta_y, width, height) => { this.x += delta_x; this.y += delta_y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.position(); update(); }); let mox, moy; // mouse offset const pointermove = e => { const m = to_canvas_coords(e); this.x = Math.max(Math.min(m.x - mox, canvas.width), -this.width); this.y = Math.max(Math.min(m.y - moy, canvas.height), -this.height); this.position(); if (e.shiftKey) { // @TODO: maybe re-enable but handle undoables well // this.draw(); } }; this.$el.on("pointerdown", e => { if ( instanceof HTMLInputElement || instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ||"handle")) { return; } e.preventDefault(); const rect = this.$el[0].getBoundingClientRect(); const cx = e.clientX - rect.left; const cy = e.clientY -; mox = ~~(cx / rect.width * this.canvas.width); moy = ~~(cy / rect.height * this.canvas.height); $G.on("pointermove", pointermove); $"pointerup", () => { $"pointermove", pointermove); }); }); $status_position.text(""); $status_size.text(""); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); // to update handles, get them to hide? if (OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox && OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox.closed) { OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox = null; } const $fb = OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox = OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox || new $FontBox(); const displace_font_box = ()=> { // move the font box out of the way if it's overlapping the OnCanvasTextBox const fb_rect = $fb[0].getBoundingClientRect(); const tb_rect = this.$el[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if ( // the fontbox overlaps textbox fb_rect.left <= tb_rect.right && tb_rect.left <= fb_rect.right && <= tb_rect.bottom && <= fb_rect.bottom ) { // move the font box out of the way $fb.css({ top: this.$el.position().top - $fb.height() }); } $fb.applyBounds(); }; displace_font_box(); // In case a software keyboard opens, like Optikey for eye gaze / head tracking users, // or perhaps a handwriting input for pen tablet users, or *partially* for mobile browsers. // Mobile browsers generally scroll the view for a textbox well enough, but // don't include the custom behavior of moving the font box out of the way. $(window).on("resize", this._on_window_resize = ()=> { this.$editor[0].scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest', inline: 'nearest' }); displace_font_box(); }); } position() { super.position(true); update_helper_layer(); // @TODO: under-grid specific helper layer? } destroy() { super.destroy(); if (OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox && !OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox.closed) { OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox.close(); } OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox = null; $"option-changed", this._on_option_changed); this.$"input", this._on_input); this.$"scroll", this._on_scroll); $(window).off("resize", this._on_window_resize); update_helper_layer(); // @TODO: under-grid specific helper layer? } }