class OnCanvasObject { constructor(x, y, width, height, hideMainCanvasHandles) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.hideMainCanvasHandles = hideMainCanvasHandles; this.$el = $(E("div")).addClass("on-canvas-object").appendTo($canvas_area); if (this.hideMainCanvasHandles) { $canvas_handles.hide(); } $G.on("resize theme-load", this._global_resize_handler = ()=> { this.position(); }); } position(updateStatus) { // Nevermind, canvas, isn't aligned to the right in RTL layout! // const direction = get_direction(); // const left_for_ltr = direction === "rtl" ? "right" : "left"; // const offset_left = parseFloat($canvas_area.css(`padding-${left_for_ltr}`)); const offset_left = parseFloat($canvas_area.css(`padding-left`)); const offset_top = parseFloat($canvas_area.css("padding-top")); this.$el.css({ position: "absolute", // [left_for_ltr]: magnification * (direction === "rtl" ? canvas.width - this.width - this.x : this.x) + offset_left, left: magnification * this.x + offset_left, top: magnification * this.y + offset_top, width: magnification * this.width, height: magnification * this.height, }); if (updateStatus) { $status_position.text(`${this.x},${this.y}`); $status_size.text(`${this.width},${this.height}`); } } destroy() { this.$el.remove(); if (this.hideMainCanvasHandles) { $; } $"resize theme-load", this._global_resize_handler); } }