function OnCanvasTextBox(x, y, width, height){ var tb = this;, x, y, width, height, true); tb.$el.addClass("textbox"); tb.$editor = $(E("textarea")).addClass("textbox-editor"); var update = function(){ font.color = colors.foreground; font.background = tool_transparent_mode ? "transparent" : colors.background; tb.$editor.css({ fontFamily:, fontSize: font.size * magnification + "px", fontWeight: font.bold ? "bold" : "normal", fontStyle: font.italic ? "italic" : "normal", textDecoration: font.underline ? "underline" : "none", writingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", oWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", msWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", mozWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", kxmlWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", khtmlWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", webkitWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", linesupWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", nonsenseWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", quitefakeWritingMode: font.vertical ? "vertical-lr" : "", lineHeight: font.size * font.line_scale * magnification + "px", color: font.color, background: font.background, }); }; update(); $G.on("option-changed", this._on_option_changed = update); } OnCanvasTextBox.prototype = Object.create(OnCanvasObject.prototype); OnCanvasTextBox.prototype.position = function(){, true); } OnCanvasTextBox.prototype.instantiate = function(){ var tb = this; tb.$el.addClass("instantiated").css({ cursor: Cursor(["move", [8, 8], "move"]) }); tb.$el.attr("touch-action", "none"); tb.position(); instantiate(); if(OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox && OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox.closed){ OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox = null; } var $fb = OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox = OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox || new $FontBox(); // move the font box out of the way if it's overlapping the OnCanvasTextBox var $tb = tb.$el; var fb_rect = $fb[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var tb_rect = $tb[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if( // the fontbox overlaps textbox fb_rect.left <= tb_rect.right && tb_rect.left <= fb_rect.right && <= tb_rect.bottom && <= fb_rect.bottom ){ // move the font box out of the way $fb.css({ top: $tb.position().top - $fb.height() }); } $fb.applyBounds(); function instantiate(){ // this doesn't need to be a seperate function tb.$el.append(tb.$editor); tb.$editor[0].focus(); tb.$handles = $Handles(tb.$el, tb.$editor[0], {outset: 2}); tb.$el.on("user-resized", function(e, delta_x, delta_y, width, height){ tb.x += delta_x; tb.y += delta_y; tb.width = width; tb.height = height; tb.position(); }); var mox, moy; var pointermove = function(e){ var m = e2c(e); tb.x = Math.max(Math.min(m.x - mox, canvas.width), -tb.width); tb.y = Math.max(Math.min(m.y - moy, canvas.height), -tb.height); tb.position(); if(e.shiftKey){ tb.draw(); } }; tb.$el.on("pointerdown", function(e){ if( instanceof HTMLInputElement || instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ||"handle") ){ return; } e.preventDefault(); var rect = tb.$el[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var cx = e.clientX - rect.left; var cy = e.clientY -; mox = ~~(cx); moy = ~~(cy); $G.on("pointermove", pointermove); $"pointerup", function(){ $"pointermove", pointermove); }); }); $status_position.text(""); $status_size.text(""); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); // to update handles, get them to hide? } }; function draw_text_wrapped(ctx, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight) { var original_lines = text.split(/\r\n|[\n\v\f\r\x85\u2028\u2029]/); for(var j = 0; j < original_lines.length; j++){ var original_line = original_lines[j]; var words = original_line.split(' '); var line = ''; var test; var metrics; for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { test = words[i]; metrics = ctx.measureText(test); // TODO: break words on hyphens and perhaps other characters while (metrics.width > maxWidth) { // Determine how much of the word will fit test = test.substring(0, test.length - 1); metrics = ctx.measureText(test); } if (words[i] != test) { words.splice(i + 1, 0, words[i].substr(test.length)); words[i] = test; } test = line + words[i] + ' '; metrics = ctx.measureText(test); if (metrics.width > maxWidth && i > 0) { ctx.fillText(line, x, y); line = words[i] + ' '; y += lineHeight; } else { line = test; } } ctx.fillText(line, x, y); y += lineHeight; } } OnCanvasTextBox.prototype.draw = function(){ var tb = this; var text = tb.$editor.val(); if(text){ undoable(0, function(){ ctx.fillStyle = font.background; ctx.fillRect(tb.x, tb.y, tb.width, tb.height); ctx.fillStyle = font.color; var style_ = (font.bold ? (font.italic ? "italic bold " : "bold ") : (font.italic ? "italic " : "")); ctx.font = style_ + font.size + "px " +; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; var max_width = Math.max(tb.width, font.size); draw_text_wrapped(ctx, text, tb.x+1, tb.y+1, max_width, font.size * font.line_scale); }); } }; OnCanvasTextBox.prototype.destroy = function(){; if(OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox && !OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox.closed){ OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox.close(); } OnCanvasTextBox.$fontbox = null; $"option-changed", this._on_option_changed); };