function $Component(name, orientation, $el){ //a draggable widget that can be undocked into a window var $c = $(E("div")).addClass("jspaint-component"); $c.addClass("jspaint-"+name+"-component"); $c.append($el); $c.appendTo({ tall: $left, wide: $bottom, }[orientation]); var ox, oy, w, h, pos, pos_axis; var dragging = false; var $dock_to; var $ghost; $c.on("mousedown", function(e){ if(e.button !== 0) return; var rect = $c[0].getBoundingClientRect(); w = (~~(rect.width/2))*2 + 1; //make sure these dimensions are odd numbers h = (~~(rect.height/2))*2 + 1; ox = $c.position().left - e.clientX; oy = $c.position().top - e.clientY; dragging = true; if(!$ghost){ $ghost = $(E("div")).addClass("jspaint-component-ghost dock"); $ghost.css({ position: "absolute", display: "block", width: w, height: h, left: e.clientX + ox, top: e.clientY + oy }); $ghost.appendTo("body"); } e.preventDefault(); }); $el.on("mousedown", function(e){ return false; }); $G.on("mousemove", function(e){ if(!dragging) return; $ghost.css({ left: e.clientX + ox, top: e.clientY + oy, }); $dock_to = null; var ghost_rect = $ghost[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var q = 5; if(orientation === "tall"){ pos_axis = "top"; if(ghost_rect.left-q < $left[0].getBoundingClientRect().right){ $dock_to = $left; } if(ghost_rect.right+q > $right[0].getBoundingClientRect().left){ $dock_to = $right; } }else{ pos_axis = "left"; if( < $top[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom){ $dock_to = $top; } if(ghost_rect.bottom+q > $bottom[0].getBoundingClientRect().top){ $dock_to = $bottom; } } pos = ghost_rect[pos_axis]; if($dock_to){ var dock_to_rect = $dock_to[0].getBoundingClientRect(); pos -= dock_to_rect[pos_axis]; $ghost.addClass("dock"); }else{ $ghost.removeClass("dock"); } e.preventDefault(); }); $G.on("mouseup", function(e){ if(!dragging) return; dragging = false; if($dock_to){ $dock_to.append($c); pos = Math.max(pos, 0); if(pos_axis === "top"){ pos = Math.min(pos, $dock_to.height() - $ghost.height()); }else{ pos = Math.min(pos, $dock_to.width() - $ghost.width()); } $c.css("position", "relative"); $c.css(pos_axis, pos); }else{ //put component in window } $ghost && $ghost.remove(), $ghost = null; $G.trigger("resize"); }); return $c; }