function update_magnified_canvas_size(){ $canvas.css("width", canvas.width * magnification); $canvas.css("height", canvas.height * magnification); } function set_magnification(scale){ magnification = scale; update_magnified_canvas_size(); $G.triggerHandler("resize"); } function reset_magnification(){ set_magnification(1); } function reset_colors(){ colors = { foreground: "#000000", background: "#ffffff", ternary: "", }; $G.trigger("option-changed"); } function reset_file(){ file_entry = null; file_name = "untitled"; update_title(); saved = true; } function reset_canvas(){ undos = []; redos = []; canvas.width = my_canvas_width; canvas.height = my_canvas_height; ctx.disable_image_smoothing(); ctx.fillStyle = colors.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); } function update_title(){ document.title = file_name + " - Paint"; } function create_and_trigger_input(attrs, callback){ var $input = $(E("input")).attr(attrs) .on("change", function(){ callback(this); $input.remove(); }) .appendTo($app) .hide() .click(); return $input; } // TODO: rename these functions to lowercase (and maybe say "files" in this case) function get_FileList_from_file_select_dialog(callback){ // TODO: specify mime types? create_and_trigger_input({type: "file"}, function(input){ callback(input.files); }); } function open_from_Image(img, callback, canceled){ are_you_sure(function(){ // TODO: shouldn't open_from_* start a new session? this_ones_a_frame_changer(); reset_file(); reset_colors(); reset_canvas(); // (with newly reset colors) reset_magnification(); ctx.copy(img); detect_transparency(); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); callback && callback(); }, canceled); } function load_image_from_URI(uri, callback){ fetch(uri) .then(function(response) { return response.blob(); }).then(function(blob) { var img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; img.onload = function(){ if (!this.complete || typeof this.naturalWidth == "undefined" || this.naturalWidth === 0) { return callback && callback(new Error("Image failed to load; naturalWidth == " + this.naturalWidth)); } callback(null, img); }; img.onerror = function(e) { callback && callback(new Error("Image failed to load")); }; img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); }).catch(function(exception) { callback && callback(new Error("Image failed to load")); }); } function open_from_URI(uri, callback, canceled){ load_image_from_URI(uri, function(err, img){ if(err){ return callback(err); } open_from_Image(img, callback, canceled); }); } function open_from_File(file, callback, canceled){ var blob_url = URL.createObjectURL(file); load_image_from_URI(blob_url, function(err, img){ // revoke object URL regardless of error URL.revokeObjectURL(file); if(err){ return callback(err); } open_from_Image(img, function(){ file_name =; update_title(); saved = true; callback(); }, canceled); }); } function get_image_file_from_FileList_or_show_error(files, file_list_user_input_method_verb_past_tense){ for(var i=0; i 1){ show_error_message("None of the files " + file_list_user_input_method_verb_past_tense + " appear to be images."); }else{ // TODO: ucfirst(file_list_user_input_method_verb_past_tense) + " file" might be more natural show_error_message("File " + file_list_user_input_method_verb_past_tense + " does not appear to be an image."); } } function open_from_FileList(files, user_input_method_verb_past_tense){ var file = get_image_file_from_FileList_or_show_error(files); if(file){ open_from_File(file, function(err){ if(err){ return show_error_message("Failed to open file:", err); } }); } } function open_from_FileEntry(entry, callback){ entry.file(function(file){ open_from_File(file, function(err){ if(err){ return callback && callback(err); } file_entry = entry; callback && callback(); }); }); } function save_to_FileEntry(entry, callback){ entry.createWriter(function(file_writer){ file_writer.onwriteend = function(e){ if(this.error){ console.error(this.error + '\n\n\n@ ' + e); }else{ callback && callback(); console.log("File written!"); } }; canvas.toBlob(function(blob){ file_writer.write(blob); }); }); } function file_new(){ are_you_sure(function(){ this_ones_a_frame_changer(); reset_file(); reset_colors(); reset_canvas(); // (with newly reset colors) reset_magnification(); }); } // TODO: factor out open_select/choose_file_dialog or get_file_from_file_select_dialog or whatever // all these open_from_* things are done backwards, basically // there's this little thing called Inversion of Control... // use the chooseEntry thing for paste_from_file_select_dialog as well or drop support for that function file_open(){ if( && chrome.fileSystem && chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry){ chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({ type: "openFile", accepts: [{mimeTypes: ["image/*"]}] }, function(entry){ file_entry = entry; if(chrome.runtime.lastError){ return console.error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); } open_from_FileEntry(entry, function(err){ if(err){ show_error_message("Failed to open file:", err); } }); }); }else{ get_FileList_from_file_select_dialog(function(files){ open_from_FileList(files, "selected"); }); } } var $file_load_from_url_window; function file_load_from_url(){ if($file_load_from_url_window){ $file_load_from_url_window.close(); } var $w = new $FormWindow().addClass("dialogue-window"); $file_load_from_url_window = $w; $w.title("Load from URL"); // TODO: URL validation (input has to be in a form (and we don't want the form to submit)) $w.$main.html(""); var $input = $w.$main.find(".url-input"); $w.$Button("Load", function(){ $w.close(); // TODO: retry loading if same URL entered // actually, make it change the hash only after loading successfully // (but still load from the hash when necessary) // make sure it doesn't overwrite the old session before switching location.hash = "load:" + encodeURIComponent($input.val()); }).focus(); $w.$Button("Cancel", function(){ $w.close(); }); $; $input.focus(); } function file_save(){ deselect(); if(file_name.match(/\.svg$/)){ file_name = file_name.replace(/\.svg$/, "") + ".png"; //TODO: update_title();? return file_save_as(); } if( && chrome.fileSystem && chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry && window.file_entry){ save_to_FileEntry(file_entry); }else{ file_save_as(); } } function file_save_as(){ deselect(); if( && chrome.fileSystem && chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry){ chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({ type: 'saveFile', suggestedName: file_name, accepts: [{mimeTypes: ["image/*"]}] }, function(entry){ if(chrome.runtime.lastError){ return console.error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); } file_entry = entry; file_name =; update_title(); save_to_FileEntry(file_entry); }); }else{ canvas.toBlob(function(blob){ var file_saver = saveAs(blob, file_name.replace(/\.(bmp|png|gif|jpe?g|tiff|webp)$/, "") + ".png"); file_saver.onwriteend = function(){ // this won't fire in chrome saved = true; }; }); } } function are_you_sure(action, canceled){ if(saved){ action(); }else{ var $w = new $FormWindow().addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.title("Paint"); $w.$main.text("Save changes to "+file_name+"?"); $w.$Button("Save", function(){ $w.close(); file_save(); action(); }).focus(); $w.$Button("Discard", function(){ $w.close(); action(); }); $w.$Button("Cancel", function(){ $w.close(); canceled && canceled(); }); $w.$x.on("click", function(){ canceled && canceled(); }); $; } } function show_error_message(message, error){ var $w = $FormWindow().title("Error").addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.$main.text(message); $w.$main.css("max-width", "600px"); if(error){ $(E("pre")) .appendTo($w.$main) .text(error.stack || error.toString()) .css({ background: "white", color: "#333", // background: "#A00", // color: "white", fontFamily: "monospace", width: "500px", overflow: "auto", }); } $w.$Button("OK", function(){ $w.close(); }); $; console.error(message, error); } // TODO: close are_you_sure windows and these Error windows when switching sessions // because it can get pretty confusing function show_resource_load_error_message(){ // NOTE: apparently distinguishing cross-origin errors is disallowed var $w = $FormWindow().title("Error").addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.$main.html( "

Failed to load image.

" + "

Make sure to use an image host that supports " + "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" + ", such as Imgur." ); $w.$main.css({maxWidth: "500px"}); $w.$Button("OK", function(){ $w.close(); }); $; } // TODO: DRY between these functions and open_from_* functions further? // function paste_image_from_URI(uri, callback){ // load_image_from_URI(uri, function(err, img){ // if(err){ return callback(err); } // paste(img); // }); // }; function paste_image_from_file(file){ // TODO: revoke object URL var blob_url = URL.createObjectURL(file); // paste_image_from_URI(blob_url); load_image_from_URI(blob_url, function(err, img){ if(err){ return show_resource_load_error_message(); } paste(img); console.log("revokeObjectURL", blob_url); URL.revokeObjectURL(blob_url); }); } function paste_from_file_select_dialog(){ get_FileList_from_file_select_dialog(function(files){ var file = get_image_file_from_FileList_or_show_error(files, "selected"); if(file){ paste_image_from_file(file); } }); } function paste(img){ if(img.width > canvas.width || img.height > canvas.height){ var $w = new $FormWindow().addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.title("Paint"); $w.$main.html( "The image is bigger than the canvas.
" + "Would you like the canvas to be enlarged?
" ); $w.$Button("Enlarge", function(){ $w.close(); // Additional undoable undoable(function(){ var original = undos[undos.length-1]; canvas.width = Math.max(original.width, img.width); canvas.height = Math.max(original.height, img.height); ctx.disable_image_smoothing(); if(!transparency){ ctx.fillStyle = colors.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } ctx.drawImage(original, 0, 0); do_the_paste(); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); }); }).focus(); $w.$Button("Crop", function(){ $w.close(); do_the_paste(); }); $w.$Button("Cancel", function(){ $w.close(); }); $; }else{ do_the_paste(); } function do_the_paste(){ // Note: relying on select_tool to call deselect(); select_tool(get_tool_by_name("Select")); selection = new Selection(0, 0, img.width, img.height); selection.instantiate(img); } } function render_history_as_gif(){ var $win = $FormWindow(); $win.title("Rendering GIF"); $; var $output = $win.$main; var $progress = $(E("progress")).appendTo($output); var $progress_percent = $(E("span")).appendTo($output).css({ width: "2.3em", display: "inline-block", textAlign: "center", }); $win.$main.css({padding: 5}); var $cancel = $win.$Button('Cancel', function(){ $win.close(); }); $win.on('close', function(){ gif.abort(); }); try{ var width = canvas.width; var height = canvas.height; var gif = new GIF({ //workers: Math.min(5, Math.floor(undos.length/50)+1), workerScript: "lib/gif.js/gif.worker.js", width: width, height: height, }); gif.on("progress", function(p){ $progress.val(p); $progress_percent.text(~~(p*100)+"%"); }); gif.on("finished", function(blob){ $win.title("Rendered GIF"); var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); $output.empty().append( $(E("img")).attr({ src: url, width: width, height: height, }) ); $win.$Button("Save", function(){ $win.close(); saveAs(blob, file_name.replace(/\.(bmp|png|gif|jpe?g|tiff|webp)$/, "") + " history.gif"); }); $cancel.appendTo($win.$buttons); $; }); for(var i=0; i 5){ var $w = new $FormWindow().addClass("dialogue-window"); $w.title("Paint"); $w.$main.html("Discard "+redos.length+" possible redo-able actions?
(Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z to redo)
"); $w.$Button(action ? "Discard and Apply" : "Discard", function(){ $w.close(); redos = []; action && action(); }).focus(); $w.$Button("Keep", function(){ $w.close(); }); $; return false; }else{ redos = []; } undos.push(new Canvas(canvas)); action && action(); callback && callback(); return true; } function undo(){ if(undos.length<1){ return false; } this_ones_a_frame_changer(); redos.push(new Canvas(canvas)); ctx.copy(undos.pop()); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); return true; } function redo(){ if(redos.length<1){ return false; } this_ones_a_frame_changer(); undos.push(new Canvas(canvas)); ctx.copy(redos.pop()); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); return true; } function cancel(){ if(!selected_tool.passive){ undo(); } $G.triggerHandler("pointerup", "cancel"); } function this_ones_a_frame_changer(){ deselect(); saved = false; $G.triggerHandler("pointerup", "cancel"); $G.triggerHandler("session-update"); } function deselect(){ if(selection){ selection.draw(); selection.destroy(); selection = null; } if(textbox){ textbox.draw(); textbox.destroy(); textbox = null; } if(selected_tool.end){ selected_tool.end(); } } function delete_selection(){ if(selection){ selection.destroy(); selection = null; } } function select_all(){ // Note: relying on select_tool to call deselect(); select_tool(get_tool_by_name("Select")); selection = new Selection(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); selection.instantiate(); } function image_invert(){ apply_image_transformation(function(original_canvas, original_ctx, new_canvas, new_ctx){ var id = original_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, original_canvas.width, original_canvas.height); for(var i=0; i> 3); return ( ((p & 4) >> 2) | ((q & 4) >> 1) | ((p & 2) << 1) | ((q & 2) << 2) | ((p & 1) << 4) | ((q & 1) << 5) ) / 64; }); var pattern_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var pattern_ctx = pattern_canvas.getContext("2d"); pattern_canvas.width = 8; pattern_canvas.height = 8; var pattern_image_data = ctx.createImageData(pattern_canvas.width, pattern_canvas.height); for(var x = 0; x < pattern_canvas.width; x += 1){ for(var y = 0; y < pattern_canvas.width; y += 1){ var map_value = dither_threshold_table[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)]; var px_white = lightness > map_value; var index = ((y * pattern_image_data.height) + x) * 4;[index + 0] = px_white * 255;[index + 1] = px_white * 255;[index + 2] = px_white * 255;[index + 3] = 255; } } pattern_ctx.putImageData(pattern_image_data, 0, 0); return ctx.createPattern(pattern_canvas, "repeat"); } function make_monochrome_palette(){ // TODO: maybe *offer* to convert the existing image to monochrome // (offer as opposed to forcing it) var palette = []; var n_colors_per_row = 14; var n_colors = n_colors_per_row * 2; for(var i=0; iUnits'); $units.append(''); $units.append(''); $units.append(''); $units.find("[value=" + current_unit + "]").attr({checked: true}); $units.on("change", function(){ var new_unit = $units.find(":checked").val(); $width.val(width_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[new_unit]); $height.val(height_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[new_unit]); current_unit = new_unit; }).triggerHandler("change"); var $colors = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append('Colors'); $colors.append(''); $colors.append(''); $colors.find("[value=" + (monochrome ? "monochrome" : "polychrome") + "]").attr({checked: true}); var $transparency = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($main).append('Transparency'); $transparency.append(''); $transparency.append(''); $transparency.find("[value=" + (transparency ? "transparent" : "opaque") + "]").attr({checked: true}); // Buttons on the right $w.$Button("Okay", function(){ var transparency_option = $transparency.find(":checked").val(); var colors_option = $colors.find(":checked").val(); var unit = $units.find(":checked").val(); var was_monochrome = monochrome; image_attributes.unit = unit; transparency = (transparency_option == "transparent"); monochrome = (colors_option == "monochrome"); if(monochrome != was_monochrome){ if(monochrome){ palette = monochrome_palette; }else{ palette = polychrome_palette; } $colorbox.rebuild_palette(); reset_colors(); } var unit_to_px = unit_sizes_in_px[unit]; var width = $width.val() * unit_to_px; var height = $height.val() * unit_to_px; $canvas.trigger("user-resized", [0, 0, ~~width, ~~height]); image_attributes.$window.close(); }).focus(); $w.$Button("Cancel", function(){ image_attributes.$window.close(); }); $w.$Button("Default", function(){ width_in_px = default_canvas_width; height_in_px = default_canvas_height; $width.val(width_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]); $height.val(height_in_px / unit_sizes_in_px[current_unit]); }); // Reposition the window image_attributes.$; } function image_flip_and_rotate(){ var $w = new $FormWindow("Flip and Rotate"); var $fieldset = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main); $fieldset.append("Flip or rotate"); $fieldset.append(""); $fieldset.append(""); $fieldset.append("

"); var $rotate_by_angle = $fieldset.find("div") $rotate_by_angle.css({paddingLeft: "30px"}); $rotate_by_angle.append(""); $rotate_by_angle.append(""); $rotate_by_angle.append(""); $rotate_by_angle.append(""); $rotate_by_angle.find("input").attr({disabled: true}); $fieldset.find("input").on("change", function(){ var action = $fieldset.find("input[name='flip-or-rotate']:checked").val(); $rotate_by_angle.find("input").attr({ disabled: action !== "rotate-by-angle" }); }); $rotate_by_angle.find("label, input").on("click", function(e){ // Select "Rotate by angle" and enable subfields $fieldset.find("input[value='rotate-by-angle']").prop("checked", true); $fieldset.find("input").triggerHandler("change"); var $label = $(this).closest("label"); // Focus the numerical input if this field has one $label.find("input[type='number']").focus(); // Select the radio for this field $label.find("input[type='radio']").prop("checked", true); }); // @TODO: enable all controls that are accessable to the pointer $fieldset.find("label").css({display: "block"}); $w.$Button("Okay", function(){ var action = $fieldset.find("input[name='flip-or-rotate']:checked").val(); var angle_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-angle']:checked").val(); if(angle_val === "arbitrary"){ angle_val = $fieldset.find("input[name='rotate-by-arbitrary-angle']").val(); } var angle_deg = parseFloat(angle_val); var angle = angle_deg / 360 * TAU; if(isNaN(angle)){ var $msgw = new $FormWindow("Invalid Value").addClass("dialogue-window"); $msgw.$main.text("The value specified for Degrees was invalid."); $msgw.$Button("Okay", function(){ $msgw.close(); }); return; } switch(action){ case "flip-horizontal": flip_horizontal(); break; case "flip-vertical": flip_vertical(); break; case "rotate-by-angle": rotate(angle); break; } $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); $w.close(); }).focus(); $w.$Button("Cancel", function(){ $w.close(); }); $; } function image_stretch_and_skew(){ var $w = new $FormWindow("Stretch and Skew"); var $fieldset_stretch = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main); $fieldset_stretch.append("Stretch
"); var $fieldset_skew = $(E("fieldset")).appendTo($w.$main); $fieldset_skew.append("Skew
"); var $RowInput = function($table, img_src, label_text, default_value, label_unit){ var $tr = $(E("tr")).appendTo($table); var $img = $(E("img")).attr({ src: "images/transforms/" + img_src + ".png" }).css({ marginRight: "20px" }); var $input = $(E("input")).attr({ value: default_value }).css({ width: "40px" }); $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).append($img); $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(label_text); $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).append($input); $(E("td")).appendTo($tr).text(label_unit); return $input; }; var stretch_x = $RowInput($fieldset_stretch.find("table"), "stretch-x", "Horizontal:", 100, "%"); var stretch_y = $RowInput($fieldset_stretch.find("table"), "stretch-y", "Vertical:", 100, "%"); var skew_x = $RowInput($fieldset_skew.find("table"), "skew-x", "Horizontal:", 0, "Degrees"); var skew_y = $RowInput($fieldset_skew.find("table"), "skew-y", "Vertical:", 0, "Degrees"); $w.$Button("Okay", function(){ var xscale = parseFloat(stretch_x.val())/100; var yscale = parseFloat(stretch_y.val())/100; var hskew = parseFloat(skew_x.val())/360*TAU; var vskew = parseFloat(skew_y.val())/360*TAU; stretch_and_skew(xscale, yscale, hskew, vskew); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); $w.close(); }).focus(); $w.$Button("Cancel", function(){ $w.close(); }); $; } function set_as_wallpaper_tiled(c){ c = c || canvas; // Note: we can't just poke in a different set_as_wallpaper_tiled function, because it's stored in menus.js if(window.systemSetAsWallpaperTiled){ return window.systemSetAsWallpaperTiled(c); } var wp = new Canvas(screen.width, screen.height); for(var x=0; x