var aliasing = true; var transparency = false; var monochrome = false; var magnification = 1; var default_canvas_width = 683; var default_canvas_height = 384; var my_canvas_width = default_canvas_width; var my_canvas_height = default_canvas_height; var canvas = new Canvas(); var ctx = canvas.ctx; var palette = [ "#000000","#787878","#790300","#757A01","#007902","#007778","#0A0078","#7B0077","#767A38","#003637","#286FFE","#083178","#4C00FE","#783B00", "#FFFFFF","#BBBBBB","#FF0E00","#FAFF08","#00FF0B","#00FEFF","#3400FE","#FF00FE","#FBFF7A","#00FF7B","#76FEFF","#8270FE","#FF0677","#FF7D36", ]; var polychrome_palette = palette; var monochrome_palette = make_monochrome_palette(); var stroke_color; var fill_color; var stroke_color_k = 0; var fill_color_k = 0; var selected_tool = tools[6]; var previous_tool = selected_tool; var colors = { foreground: "", background: "", ternary: "", }; var selection; //the one and only Selection var textbox; //the one and only TextBox var font = { family: "Arial", size: 12, line_scale: 20 / 12 }; var undos = []; //array of var redos = []; //array of //var frames = []; //array of {delay: N, undos: [], redos: [], canvas: }? array of Frames? var file_name; var saved = true; var $app = $(E("div")).addClass("jspaint").appendTo("body"); var $V = $(E("div")).addClass("vertical").appendTo($app); var $H = $(E("div")).addClass("horizontal").appendTo($V); var $canvas_area = $(E("div")).addClass("canvas-area").appendTo($H); $canvas_area.attr("touch-action", "pan-x pan-y"); var $canvas = $(canvas).appendTo($canvas_area); $canvas.attr("touch-action", "none"); var $canvas_handles = $Handles($canvas_area, canvas, { outset: 4, get_offset_left: function(){ return parseFloat($canvas_area.css("padding-left")) + 1; }, get_offset_top: function(){ return parseFloat($canvas_area.css("padding-top")) + 1; }, size_only: true }); var $top = $(E("div")).addClass("component-area").prependTo($V); var $bottom = $(E("div")).addClass("component-area").appendTo($V); var $left = $(E("div")).addClass("component-area").prependTo($H); var $right = $(E("div")).addClass("component-area").appendTo($H); var $status_area = $(E("div")).addClass("status-area").appendTo($V); var $status_text = $(E("div")).addClass("status-text").appendTo($status_area); var $status_position = $(E("div")).addClass("status-coordinates").appendTo($status_area); var $status_size = $(E("div")).addClass("status-coordinates").appendTo($status_area); $status_text.default = function(){ $status_text.text("For Help, click Help Topics on the Help Menu."); }; $status_text.default(); var $toolbox = $ToolBox(tools); // var $toolbox2 = $ToolBox(extra_tools, true);//.hide(); // Note: a second $ToolBox doesn't work because they use the same tool options (which could be remedied) // and also the UI isn't designed for multiple vertical components (or horizontal ones) // If there's to be extra tools, they should probably get a window, with different UI // so it can display names of the tools, and maybe authors and previews (and not necessarily icons) var $colorbox = $ColorBox(); if(window.file_entry){ open_from_FileEntry(window.file_entry); } reset_file(); reset_colors(); reset_canvas(); // (with newly reset colors) reset_magnification(); $canvas.on("user-resized", function(e, _x, _y, width, height){ undoable(0, function(){ canvas.width = Math.max(1, width); canvas.height = Math.max(1, height); ctx.disable_image_smoothing(); if(!transparency){ ctx.fillStyle = colors.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } var previous_canvas = undos[undos.length-1]; if(previous_canvas){ ctx.drawImage(previous_canvas, 0, 0); } $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); storage.set({ width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height, }, function(err){ // oh well }) }); }); $canvas_area.on("resize", function(){ update_magnified_canvas_size(); }); storage.get({ width: default_canvas_width, height: default_canvas_height, }, function(err, values){ if(err){return;} my_canvas_width = values.width; my_canvas_height = values.height; canvas.width = Math.max(1, my_canvas_width); canvas.height = Math.max(1, my_canvas_height); ctx.disable_image_smoothing(); if(!transparency){ ctx.fillStyle = colors.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); }); $("body").on("dragover dragenter", function(e){ var dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; var has_files = Array.from(dt.types).indexOf("Files") !== -1; if(has_files){ e.preventDefault(); } }).on("drop", function(e){ if(e.isDefaultPrevented()){ return; } var dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; var has_files = Array.from(dt.types).indexOf("Files") !== -1; if(has_files){ e.preventDefault(); if(dt && dt.files && dt.files.length){ open_from_FileList(dt.files, "dropped"); } } }); var keys = {}; $G.on("keyup", function(e){ delete keys[e.keyCode]; }); $G.on("keydown", function(e){ if(e.isDefaultPrevented()){ return; } // TODO: return if menus/menubar focused or focus in dialog window // or maybe there's a better way to do this that works more generally // maybe it should only handle the event if document.activeElement is the body or html element? // (or $app could have a tabIndex and no focus style and be focused under various conditions, // if that turned out to make more sense for some reason) if( instanceof HTMLInputElement || instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ){ return; } // TODO: preventDefault in all cases where the event is handled // also, ideally check that modifiers *aren't* pressed // probably best to use a library at this point! // TODO: probably get rid of this silly feature // it's kinda fun, but it's a lot of code for something I've virtually never used // (and it's not based on any version of mspaint, it was just a fun idea I had) var brush_shapes = { circle: [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ], diagonal: [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], reverse_diagonal: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], horizontal: [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], vertical: [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], square: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }; keys[e.keyCode] = true; for(var k in brush_shapes){ var bs = brush_shapes[k]; var fits_shape = true; for(var i=0; i<9; i++){ var keyCode = [103, 104, 105, 100, 101, 102, 97, 98, 99][i]; if(bs[i] && !keys[keyCode]){ fits_shape = false; } } if(fits_shape){ brush_shape = k; $G.trigger("option-changed"); break; } } if(e.keyCode === 96){ brush_shape = "circle"; $G.trigger("option-changed"); } if(e.keyCode === 111){ brush_shape = "diagonal"; $G.trigger("option-changed"); } if(e.altKey){ //find key codes window.console && console.log(e.keyCode); } if(selection){ var nudge_selection = function(delta_x, delta_y){ selection.x += delta_x; selection.y += delta_y; selection.position(); }; switch(e.keyCode){ case 37: // Left nudge_selection(-1, 0); e.preventDefault(); break; case 39: // Right nudge_selection(+1, 0); e.preventDefault(); break; case 40: // Down nudge_selection(0, +1); e.preventDefault(); break; case 38: // Up nudge_selection(0, -1); e.preventDefault(); break; } } if(e.keyCode === 27){ //Escape if(selection){ deselect(); }else{ cancel(); } }else if(e.keyCode === 13){ //Enter if(selection){ deselect(); } }else if(e.keyCode === 115){ //F4 redo(); }else if(e.keyCode === 46){ //Delete delete_selection(); }else if(e.keyCode === 107 || e.keyCode === 109){ var plus = e.keyCode === 107; var minus = e.keyCode === 109; var delta = plus - minus; // +plus++ -minus--; // Δ = ±±±± if(selection){ selection.scale(Math.pow(2, delta)); }else{ if( === "Brush"){ brush_size = Math.max(1, Math.min(brush_size + delta, 500)); }else if( === "Eraser/Color Eraser"){ eraser_size = Math.max(1, Math.min(eraser_size + delta, 500)); }else if( === "Airbrush"){ airbrush_size = Math.max(1, Math.min(airbrush_size + delta, 500)); }else if( === "Pencil"){ pencil_size = Math.max(1, Math.min(pencil_size + delta, 50)); }else if(|Curve|Rectangle|Ellipse|Polygon/)){ stroke_size = Math.max(1, Math.min(stroke_size + delta, 500)); } $G.trigger("option-changed"); } e.preventDefault(); return; }else if(e.ctrlKey){ var key = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).toUpperCase(); if(textbox){ switch(key){ case "A": case "Z": case "Y": case "I": case "B": case "U": // Don't prevent the default. Allow text editing commands. return; } } switch(e.keyCode){ case 188: // , < case 219: // [ { rotate(-TAU/4); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); break; case 190: // . > case 221: // ] } rotate(+TAU/4); $canvas_area.trigger("resize"); break; } switch(key){ case "Z": e.shiftKey ? redo() : undo(); break; case "Y": redo(); break; case "G": e.shiftKey ? render_history_as_gif() : toggle_grid(); break; case "F": view_bitmap(); break; case "O": file_open(); break; case "N": e.shiftKey ? clear() : file_new(); break; case "S": e.shiftKey ? file_save_as() : file_save(); break; case "A": select_all(); break; case "I": image_invert(); break; case "E": image_attributes(); break; default: return; // don't preventDefault } e.preventDefault(); } }); $G.on("cut copy paste", function(e){ if(e.isDefaultPrevented()){ return; } if( document.activeElement instanceof HTMLInputElement || document.activeElement instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || !window.getSelection().isCollapsed ){ // Don't prevent cutting/copying/pasting within inputs or textareas, or if there's a selection return; } e.preventDefault(); var cd = e.originalEvent.clipboardData || window.clipboardData; if(!cd){ return; } if(e.type === "copy" || e.type === "cut"){ if(selection && selection.canvas){ var data_url = selection.canvas.toDataURL(); cd.setData("text/x-data-uri; type=image/png", data_url); cd.setData("text/uri-list", data_url); cd.setData("URL", data_url); // var svg = ` // // // // `; // cd.setData("image/svg+xml", svg); // cd.setData("text/html", svg); if(e.type === "cut"){ selection.destroy(); selection = null; } } }else if(e.type === "paste"){ $.each(cd.items, function(i, item){ if(item.type.match(/^text\/(?:x-data-uri|uri-list|plain)|URL$/)){ item.getAsString(function(text){ // parse text/uri-list (might as well do it properly) var uris = text.split(/[\n\r]+/).filter(function(line){return line[0] !== "#" && line}); // TODO: check that it's actually a URI, // and if text/plain maybe silently ignore the paste // but definitely generally show a better error than show_resource_load_error_message() // "The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint." // also // "Downloading picture" // "Reading data from the device (%1!ld!%% complete)" // "Processing data (%1!ld!%% complete)" // "Transferring data (%1!ld!%% complete)" load_image_from_URI(uris[0], function(err, img){ if(err){ return show_resource_load_error_message(); } paste(img); }); }); return false; // break out of $.each loop }else if(item.type.match(/^image\//)){ paste_image_from_file(item.getAsFile()); return false; // break out of $.each loop } }); } }); var pointer, pointer_start, pointer_previous; var reverse, ctrl, button; function e2c(e){ var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var cx = e.clientX - rect.left; var cy = e.clientY -; return { x: ~~(cx / rect.width * canvas.width), y: ~~(cy / rect.height * canvas.height), }; } function tool_go(event_name){ ctx.lineWidth = stroke_size; ctx.fillStyle = fill_color = ctx.strokeStyle = stroke_color = colors[ (ctrl && colors.ternary) ? "ternary" : (reverse ? "background" : "foreground") ]; fill_color_k = stroke_color_k = ctrl ? "ternary" : (reverse ? "background" : "foreground"); if(selected_tool.shape){ var previous_canvas = undos[undos.length-1]; if(previous_canvas){ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.drawImage(previous_canvas, 0, 0); } } if(selected_tool.shape || selected_tool.shape_colors){ if(!selected_tool.stroke_only){ if(reverse){ fill_color_k = "foreground"; stroke_color_k = "background"; }else{ fill_color_k = "background"; stroke_color_k = "foreground"; } } ctx.fillStyle = fill_color = colors[fill_color_k]; ctx.strokeStyle = stroke_color = colors[stroke_color_k]; } if(selected_tool.shape){ selected_tool.shape(ctx, pointer_start.x, pointer_start.y, pointer.x-pointer_start.x, pointer.y-pointer_start.y); } if(selected_tool[event_name]){ selected_tool[event_name](ctx, pointer.x, pointer.y); } if(selected_tool.paint){ if(selected_tool.continuous === "space"){ var ham = brush_shape.match(/diagonal/) ? brosandham_line : bresenham_line; ham(pointer_previous.x, pointer_previous.y, pointer.x, pointer.y, function(x, y){ selected_tool.paint(ctx, x, y); }); }else{ selected_tool.paint(ctx, pointer.x, pointer.y); } } } function canvas_pointer_move(e){ ctrl = e.ctrlKey; shift = e.shiftKey; pointer = e2c(e); if(e.shiftKey){ if(|Curve/)){ // snap to eight directions var dist = Math.sqrt( (pointer.y - pointer_start.y) * (pointer.y - pointer_start.y) + (pointer.x - pointer_start.x) * (pointer.x - pointer_start.x) ); var eighth_turn = TAU / 8; var angle_0_to_8 = Math.atan2(pointer.y - pointer_start.y, pointer.x - pointer_start.x) / eighth_turn; var angle = Math.round(angle_0_to_8) * eighth_turn; pointer.x = Math.round(pointer_start.x + Math.cos(angle) * dist); pointer.y = Math.round(pointer_start.y + Math.sin(angle) * dist); }else if(selected_tool.shape){ // snap to four diagonals var w = Math.abs(pointer.x - pointer_start.x); var h = Math.abs(pointer.y - pointer_start.y); if(w < h){ if(pointer.y > pointer_start.y){ pointer.y = pointer_start.y + w; }else{ pointer.y = pointer_start.y - w; } }else{ if(pointer.x > pointer_start.x){ pointer.x = pointer_start.x + h; }else{ pointer.x = pointer_start.x - h; } } } } tool_go(); pointer_previous = pointer; } $canvas.on("pointermove", function(e){ pointer = e2c(e); $status_position.text(pointer.x + "," + pointer.y); }); $canvas.on("pointerleave", function(e){ $status_position.text(""); }); var pointer_was_pressed = false; $canvas.on("pointerdown", function(e){ if(pointer_was_pressed && (reverse ? (button === 2) : (button === 0))){ pointer_was_pressed = false; cancel(); return; } pointer_was_pressed = true; $"pointerup", function(e){ pointer_was_pressed = false; }); if(e.button === 0){ reverse = false; }else if(e.button === 2){ reverse = true; }else{ return; } button = e.button; ctrl = e.ctrlKey; shift = e.shiftKey; pointer_start = pointer_previous = pointer = e2c(e); var pointerdown_action = function(){ if(selected_tool.paint || selected_tool.pointerdown){ tool_go("pointerdown"); } $G.on("pointermove", canvas_pointer_move); if(selected_tool.continuous === "time"){ var iid = setInterval(tool_go, 5); } $"pointerup", function(e, canceling){ button = undefined; if(canceling){ selected_tool.cancel && selected_tool.cancel(); }else{ pointer = e2c(e); selected_tool.pointerup && selected_tool.pointerup(ctx, pointer.x, pointer.y); } if(selected_tool.deselect){ select_tool(previous_tool); } $"pointermove", canvas_pointer_move); if(iid){ clearInterval(iid); } }); }; if((typeof selected_tool.passive === "function") ? selected_tool.passive() : selected_tool.passive){ pointerdown_action(); }else{ undoable(pointerdown_action); } }); $canvas_area.on("pointerdown", function(e){ if(e.button === 0){ if(${ if(selection){ deselect(); } } } }); $app .add($toolbox) // .add($toolbox2) .add($colorbox) .on("mousedown selectstart contextmenu", function(e){ if(e.isDefaultPrevented()){ return; } if( instanceof HTMLSelectElement || instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || ( instanceof HTMLLabelElement && e.type !== "contextmenu") || ( instanceof HTMLInputElement && !== "color") ){ return; } if(e.button === 1){ return; // allow middle-click scrolling } e.preventDefault(); // we're just trying to prevent selection // but part of the default for mousedown is *deselection* // so we have to do that ourselves explicitly window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); }); // Stop drawing (or dragging or whatver) if you Alt+Tab or whatever $G.on("blur", function(e){ $G.triggerHandler("pointerup"); });