tools = [{ name: "Free-Form Select", description: "Selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.", cursor: ["precise", [16, 16], "crosshair"], // passive: @TODO, // The vertices of the polygon points: [], // The boundaries of the polygon x_min: +Infinity, x_max: -Infinity, y_min: +Infinity, y_max: -Infinity, pointerdown: function(){ var tool = this; tool.x_min = pointer.x; tool.x_max = pointer.x+1; tool.y_min = pointer.y; tool.y_max = pointer.y+1; tool.points = []; // End prior selection, drawing it to the canvas deselect(); // Checkpoint so we can roll back inverty brush // XXX: Shouldn't use the undo stack for this at all! // TODO: Create an OnCanvasObject for the inverty brush, and make selection a passive action undoable(); // The inverty brush is continuous in space which means // paint(ctx, x, y) will be called for each pixel the pointer moves // and we only need to record individual pointer events to make the polygon var onpointermove = function(e){ var pointer = e2c(e); // Constrain the pointer to the canvas pointer.x = Math.min(canvas.width, pointer.x); pointer.x = Math.max(0, pointer.x); pointer.y = Math.min(canvas.height, pointer.y); pointer.y = Math.max(0, pointer.y); // Add the point tool.points.push(pointer); // Update the boundaries of the polygon tool.x_min = Math.min(pointer.x, tool.x_min); tool.x_max = Math.max(pointer.x, tool.x_max); tool.y_min = Math.min(pointer.y, tool.y_min); tool.y_max = Math.max(pointer.y, tool.y_max); }; $G.on("pointermove", onpointermove); $"pointerup", function(){ $"pointermove", onpointermove); }); }, continuous: "space", paint: function(ctx, x, y){ // Constrain the inverty paint brush position to the canvas x = Math.min(canvas.width, x); x = Math.max(0, x); y = Math.min(canvas.height, y); y = Math.max(0, y); // Find the dimensions on the canvas of the tiny square to invert var inverty_size = 2; var rect_x = ~~(x - inverty_size/2); var rect_y = ~~(y - inverty_size/2); var rect_w = inverty_size; var rect_h = inverty_size; var ctx_src = undos[undos.length-1].getContext("2d");//psh // Make two tiny ImageData objects, var id_dest = ctx.getImageData(rect_x, rect_y, rect_w, rect_h); var id_src = ctx_src.getImageData(rect_x, rect_y, rect_w, rect_h); for(var i=0,; i= 0 && y >= 0 && x < canvas.width && y < canvas.height){ var id = ctx.getImageData(~~x, ~~y, 1, 1); var r =[0]; var g =[1]; var b =[2]; var a =[3]; this.current_color = "rgba("+r+","+g+","+b+","+a/255+")"; }else{ this.current_color = "white"; } this.display_current_color(); }, pointerup: function(){ colors[fill_color_k] = this.current_color; $G.trigger("option-changed"); }, $options: $(E("div")) }, { name: "Magnifier", description: "Changes the magnification.", cursor: ["magnifier", [16, 16], "zoom-in"], // @TODO: use zoom-in/zoom-out as default, // even though the custom cursor image is less descriptive deselect: true, passive: true, // @TODO: choose and preview viewport with rectangular cursor pointerdown: function(){ if(magnification > 1){ reset_magnification(); }else{ set_magnification(this.$options.enlarged_magnification); } }, $options: $choose_magnification }, { name: "Pencil", description: "Draws a free-form line one pixel wide.", cursor: ["pencil", [13, 23], "crosshair"], continuous: "space", stroke_only: true, paint: function(ctx, x, y){ ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); } }, { name: "Brush", description: "Draws using a brush with the selected shape and size.", cursor: ["precise-dotted", [16, 16], "crosshair"], continuous: "space", rendered_color: "", rendered_size: 0, rendered_shape: "", paint: function(ctx, x, y){ var csz = brush_size * (brush_shape === "circle" ? 2.1 : 1); if( this.rendered_shape !== brush_shape || this.rendered_color !== stroke_color || this.rendered_size !== brush_size ){ brush_canvas.width = csz; brush_canvas.height = csz; brush_ctx.fillStyle = brush_ctx.strokeStyle = stroke_color; render_brush(brush_ctx, brush_shape, brush_size); this.rendered_color = stroke_color; this.rendered_size = brush_size; this.rendered_shape = brush_shape; } ctx.drawImage(brush_canvas, ~~(x-csz/2), ~~(y-csz/2)); }, $options: $choose_brush }, { name: "Airbrush", description: "Draws using an airbrush of the selected size.", cursor: ["airbrush", [7, 22], "crosshair"], continuous: "time", paint: function(ctx, x, y){ var r = airbrush_size / 2; for(var i = 0; i < 6 + r/5; i++){ var rx = (Math.random()*2-1) * r; var ry = (Math.random()*2-1) * r; var d = rx*rx + ry*ry; if(d <= r * r){ ctx.fillRect(x + ~~rx, y + ~~ry, 1, 1); } } }, $options: $choose_airbrush_size }, { name: "Text", description: "Inserts text into the picture.", cursor: ["precise", [16, 16], "crosshair"], passive: true, activate: function(){ setTimeout(FontDetective.preload, 10); }, drag_start_x: 0, drag_start_y: 0, pointerdown: function(){ this.drag_start_x = pointer.x; this.drag_start_y = pointer.y; if(textbox){ textbox.draw(); textbox.destroy(); } var pointer_has_moved = false; $"pointermove", function(){ pointer_has_moved = true; }); $"pointerup", function(){ if(!pointer_has_moved && textbox){ textbox.draw(); textbox.destroy(); textbox = null; } }); textbox = new TextBox(pointer.x, pointer.y, 1, 1); }, paint: function(){ if(!textbox){ return; } var x1 = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.drag_start_x, pointer.x)); var y1 = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.drag_start_y, pointer.y)); var x2 = Math.min(canvas.width, Math.max(this.drag_start_x, pointer.x)); var y2 = Math.min(canvas.height, Math.max(this.drag_start_y, pointer.y)); textbox.x = x1; textbox.y = y1; textbox.width = Math.max(1, x2 - x1); textbox.height = Math.max(1, y2 - y1); textbox.position(); }, pointerup: function(){ if(!textbox){ return; } textbox.instantiate(); }, cancel: function(){ if(!textbox){ return; } textbox.destroy(); textbox = null; }, $options: $choose_transparency }, { name: "Line", description: "Draws a straight line with the selected line width.", cursor: ["precise", [16, 16], "crosshair"], stroke_only: true, shape: function(ctx, x, y, w, h){ draw_line(ctx, x, y, x+w, y+h, stroke_size); }, $options: $choose_stroke_size }, { name: "Curve", description: "Draws a curved line with the selected line width.", cursor: ["precise", [16, 16], "crosshair"], stroke_only: true, points: [], passive: function(){ // Actions are passive if you've already started using the tool, // but the first action should be undoable / cancelable return this.points.length > 0; }, pointerup: function(ctx, x, y){ if(this.points.length >= 4){ this.points = []; } }, pointerdown: function(ctx, x, y){ if(this.points.length < 1){ // This would be so much better in CoffeeScript var thine = this; undoable(function(){ thine.points.push({x: x, y: y}); // second point so first action draws a line thine.points.push({x: x, y: y}); }); }else{ this.points.push({x: x, y: y}); } }, paint: function(ctx, x, y){ if(this.points.length < 1){ return; } var i = this.points.length - 1; this.points[i].x = x; this.points[i].y = y; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y); if(this.points.length === 4){ ctx.bezierCurveTo( this.points[2].x, this.points[2].y, this.points[3].x, this.points[3].y, this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); }else if(this.points.length === 3){ ctx.quadraticCurveTo( this.points[2].x, this.points[2].y, this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); }else{ ctx.lineTo( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); } ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.stroke(); ctx.lineCap = "butt"; }, cancel: function(){ this.points = []; }, end: function(){ this.points = []; }, shape: function(){true}, $options: $choose_stroke_size }, { name: "Rectangle", description: "Draws a rectangle with the selected fill style.", cursor: ["precise", [16, 16], "crosshair"], shape: function(ctx, x, y, w, h){ if(this.$options.fill){ ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } if(this.$options.stroke){ // FIXME: can draw 1x2 or 2x1 pixels of a rectangle with a stroke of 1px (the default) // which doesn't get drawn at full opacity // or more generally, a 0-width or 0-height rectangle gives // non-full-opacity pixels at either side of the resulting line drawn if((stroke_size % 2) === 1){ ctx.strokeRect(x-0.5, y-0.5, w, h); }else{ ctx.strokeRect(x, y, w, h); } } }, $options: $ChooseShapeStyle() }, { name: "Polygon", description: "Draws a polygon with the selected fill style.", cursor: ["precise", [16, 16], "crosshair"], // Record the last click for double-clicking // A double click happens on pointerdown of a second click // (within a cylindrical volume in 2d space + 1d time) last_click_pointerdown: {x: -Infinity, y: -Infinity, time: -Infinity}, last_click_pointerup: {x: -Infinity, y: -Infinity, time: -Infinity}, // The vertices of the polygon points: [], // The boundaries of the polygon x_min: +Infinity, x_max: -Infinity, y_min: +Infinity, y_max: -Infinity, passive: function(){ // actions are passive if you've already started using the tool // but the first action should be undoable return this.points.length > 0; // In other words, it's supposed to be one undoable action }, pointerup: function(ctx, x, y){ if(this.points.length < 1){ return; } var i = this.points.length - 1; this.points[i].x = x; this.points[i].y = y; var dx = this.points[i].x - this.points[0].x; var dy = this.points[i].y - this.points[0].y; var d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); if(d < stroke_size * 5.1010101){ // arbitrary 101 this.complete(ctx, x, y); } this.last_click_pointerup = {x: x, y: y, time: +(new Date)}; }, pointerdown: function(ctx, x, y){ var tool = this; if(tool.points.length < 1){ tool.x_min = x; tool.x_max = x+1; tool.y_min = y; tool.y_max = y+1; tool.points = []; // @TODO: stop needing this: tool.canvas_base = canvas; undoable(function(){ // @TODO: stop needing this: tool.canvas_base = undos[undos.length-1]; // Add the first point of the polygon tool.points.push({x: x, y: y}); // Add a second point so first action draws a line tool.points.push({x: x, y: y}); }); }else{ var lx = tool.last_click_pointerdown.x; var ly = tool.last_click_pointerdown.y; var lt = tool.last_click_pointerdown.time; var dx = x - lx; var dy = y - ly; var dt = +(new Date) - lt; var d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); if(d < 4.1010101 && dt < 250){ // arbitrary 101 tool.complete(ctx, x, y); // Release the pointer to prevent tool.paint() // being called and clearing the canvas $canvas.trigger("pointerup"); }else{ // Add the point tool.points.push({x: x, y: y}); // Update the boundaries of the polygon // @TODO: this boundary stuff in less places (DRY) tool.x_min = Math.min(x, tool.x_min); tool.x_max = Math.max(x, tool.x_max); tool.y_min = Math.min(y, tool.y_min); tool.y_max = Math.max(y, tool.y_max); } } tool.last_click_pointerdown = {x: x, y: y, time: +new Date}; }, paint: function(ctx, x, y){ if(this.points.length < 1){ return; } // Clear the canvas to the previous image to get // rid of lines drawn while constructing the shape // @TODO: stop needing this ctx.copy(this.canvas_base); var i = this.points.length - 1; this.points[i].x = x; this.points[i].y = y; ctx.fillStyle = stroke_color; for(var i=0, j=1; j