/* verilator lint_off UNUSED */ module qm_icache( input wire [31:0] address, input wire reset, input wire clk, // to the consumer (CPU fetch stage) output wire hit, output wire stall, output wire [31:0] data, // to the memory controller (no wishbone yet...) output wire mem_cmd_clk, // we will keep this synchronous to the input clock output wire mem_cmd_en, output wire [2:0] mem_cmd_instr, output wire [5:0] mem_cmd_bl, output wire [29:0] mem_cmd_addr, input wire mem_cmd_full, input wire mem_cmd_empty, output wire mem_rd_clk, output wire mem_rd_en, input wire [6:0] mem_rd_count, input wire mem_rd_full, input wire [31:0] mem_rd_data, input wire mem_rd_empty ); // 4k cache lines -> 16kword cache reg [144:0] lines [4095:0]; /// internal signals // the bit used to mark valid lines (flips when we flush the cache) reg valid_bit; wire [11:0] index; wire index_valid; wire [15:0] index_tag; wire [15:0] address_tag; wire [1:0] address_word; assign index = address[15:4]; assign index_valid = lines[index][144]; assign index_tag = lines[index][143:128]; assign address_tag = address[31:16]; assign address_word = address[3:2]; assign mem_rd_clk = clk; assign mem_cmd_clk = clk; // reset condition generate genvar i; for (i = 0; i < 4096; i = i + 1) begin: ruchanie always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) begin lines[0] <= {145'b0}; end end end endgenerate always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) begin valid_bit <= 1; memory_read_state <= 0; mem_cmd_en <= 0; mem_cmd_bl <= 0; mem_cmd_instr <= 0; mem_rd_en <= 0; end end // read condition always @(address) begin if (index_valid == valid_bit && index_tag == address_tag) begin if (address_word == 2'b00) data = lines[index][31:0]; else if (address_word == 2'b01) data = lines[index][63:32]; else if (address_word == 2'b10) data = lines[index][95:64]; else data = lines[index][127:96]; hit = 1; stall = 0; end else begin hit = 0; stall = 1; end end // if we are stalling, it means that our consumer is waiting for us to // read memory and provide it data reg [2:0] memory_read_state; always @(posedge clk) begin if (stall && !reset) begin case (memory_read_state) 0: begin // assert command mem_cmd_instr <= 1; // read mem_cmd_bl <= 4; // four words mem_cmd_addr <= address[29:0]; // from the address we are being asserted mem_cmd_en <= 0; memory_read_state <= 1; end 1: begin // assert enable mem_cmd_en <= 1; memory_read_state <= 2; mem_rd_en <= 1; end 2: begin // wait for first word mem_cmd_en <= 0; if (!mem_rd_empty) begin lines[index][31:0] <= mem_rd_data; memory_read_state <= 3; end end 3: begin // wait for second word if (!mem_rd_empty) begin lines[index][63:32] <= mem_rd_data; memory_read_state <= 4; end end 4: begin // wait for third word if (!mem_rd_empty) begin lines[index][95:64] <= mem_rd_data; memory_read_state <= 5; end end 5: begin // wait for fourth word if (!mem_rd_empty) begin lines[index][127:96] <= mem_rd_data; memory_read_state <= 0; mem_rd_en <= 0; // write tag lines[index][143:128] <= address_tag; // and valid bit - our cominatorial logic will now turn // off stalling and indicate a hit to the consumer lines[index][144] <= valid_bit; end end endcase end end endmodule