q3k's Pullstruder === PET bottle recycling machine. Based on the [Recreator3d](http://recreator3d.com/) by Joshua R. Taylor, but with a few twists. Work in progress. Electronics === Mainboard is a Melzi 'v5.0' with an ATMega1284P. Reused from a TRONXY X1. Schematic of 2.0: https://reprap.org/mediawiki/images/7/7d/Melzi-circuit.png EXP connector: ---- On the mainboard: PC1 | 1 2 | PA1 PC0 | 3 4 | PA2 PD3 | 5 6 | PA3 PD2 | 7 8 | PA4 VCC | 9 10 | GND LCD board --- | EXP Pin | AVR Pin | AVR Function | Screen board function | |---------|---------|--------------|-----------------------| | 1 | PC1 | I2C SDA | LCD D7 | | 2 | PA1 | ADC1 | Button Matrix | | 3 | PC0 | I2C SCL | LCD D6 | | 4 | PA2 | ADC2 | LCD EN | | 5 | PD3 | INT1 | LCD D5 | | 6 | PA3 | ADC3 | LCD RS | | 7 | PD2 | INT0 | LCD D4 | | 8 | PA4 | ADC4 | Unused? | Button Matrix --- On the LCD board. Based on a voltage divider between button(s) pressed and a constant pull-up to VCC. Resistor to VCC: 4.7k | Button | Resistor to GND | Voltage when pressed (VCC=5V) | ADC Value | |--------|-----------------|-------------------------------|-----------| | Left | 470 | 0.45V | 93 | | Down | 1k | 0.87V | 180 | | Menu | 2.2k | 1.6V | 326 | | Right | 4.7k | 2.5V | 512 | | Up | 10k | 3.4V | 697 | Firmware === In progress, written in Rust. Aims to be purpose-specific and not just a repurposed 3D printer control firmware.