
419 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013 Primecoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "main.h"
#include <gmp.h>
#include <gmpxx.h>
#include <bitset>
extern unsigned int pool_share_minimum;
extern size_t thread_num_max;
class CBlockProvider {
CBlockProvider() { }
~CBlockProvider() { }
virtual CBlock* getBlock(unsigned int thread_id, unsigned int last_time) = 0;
virtual void submitBlock(CBlock* block) = 0;
virtual void forceReconnect() = 0;
extern std::vector<unsigned int> vPrimes;
static const unsigned int nMaxSieveExtensions = 20;
static const unsigned int nMinSieveExtensions = 0;
static const unsigned int nDefaultSieveExtensions = 9;
static const unsigned int nDefaultSieveExtensionsTestnet = 4;
extern unsigned int nSieveExtensions;
static const unsigned int nMaxSievePercentage = 100;
static const unsigned int nDefaultSievePercentage = 10;
static const unsigned int nMinSievePercentage = 1;
extern unsigned int nSievePercentage;
static const unsigned int nMaxSieveSize = 10000000u;
static const unsigned int nDefaultSieveSize = 1000000u;
static const unsigned int nMinSieveSize = 100000u;
extern unsigned int nSieveSize;
static const uint256 hashBlockHeaderLimit = (uint256(1) << 255);
static const CBigNum bnOne = 1;
static const CBigNum bnPrimeMax = (bnOne << 2000) - 1;
static const CBigNum bnPrimeMin = (bnOne << 255);
static const mpz_class mpzOne = 1;
static const mpz_class mpzTwo = 2;
static const mpz_class mpzPrimeMax = (mpzOne << 2000) - 1;
static const mpz_class mpzPrimeMin = (mpzOne << 255);
// Estimate how many 5-chains are found per hour
static const unsigned int nStatsChainLength = 5;
extern unsigned int nTargetInitialLength;
extern unsigned int nTargetMinLength;
// Generate small prime table
void GeneratePrimeTable();
// Get next prime number of p
bool PrimeTableGetNextPrime(unsigned int& p);
// Get previous prime number of p
bool PrimeTableGetPreviousPrime(unsigned int& p);
// Compute primorial number p#
void Primorial(unsigned int p, mpz_class& mpzPrimorial);
// Compute Primorial number p#
// Fast 32-bit version assuming that p <= 23
unsigned int PrimorialFast(unsigned int p);
// Compute the first primorial number greater than or equal to bn
void PrimorialAt(mpz_class& bn, mpz_class& mpzPrimorial);
// Test probable prime chain for: bnPrimeChainOrigin
// fFermatTest
// true - Use only Fermat tests
// false - Use Fermat-Euler-Lagrange-Lifchitz tests
// Return value:
// true - Probable prime chain found (one of nChainLength meeting target)
// false - prime chain too short (none of nChainLength meeting target)
bool ProbablePrimeChainTest(const CBigNum& bnPrimeChainOrigin, unsigned int nBits, bool fFermatTest, unsigned int& nChainLengthCunningham1, unsigned int& nChainLengthCunningham2, unsigned int& nChainLengthBiTwin);
static const unsigned int nFractionalBits = 24;
static const unsigned int TARGET_FRACTIONAL_MASK = (1u<<nFractionalBits) - 1;
static const uint64 nFractionalDifficultyMax = (1llu << (nFractionalBits + 32));
static const uint64 nFractionalDifficultyMin = (1llu << 32);
static const uint64 nFractionalDifficultyThreshold = (1llu << (8 + 32));
static const unsigned int nWorkTransitionRatio = 32;
unsigned int TargetGetLimit();
unsigned int TargetGetInitial();
unsigned int TargetGetLength(unsigned int nBits);
bool TargetSetLength(unsigned int nLength, unsigned int& nBits);
unsigned int TargetGetFractional(unsigned int nBits);
uint64 TargetGetFractionalDifficulty(unsigned int nBits);
bool TargetSetFractionalDifficulty(uint64 nFractionalDifficulty, unsigned int& nBits);
std::string TargetToString(unsigned int nBits);
unsigned int TargetFromInt(unsigned int nLength);
bool TargetGetMint(unsigned int nBits, uint64& nMint);
bool TargetGetNext(unsigned int nBits, int64 nInterval, int64 nTargetSpacing, int64 nActualSpacing, unsigned int& nBitsNext);
// Check prime proof-of-work
enum // prime chain type
bool CheckPrimeProofOfWork(uint256 hashBlockHeader, unsigned int nBits, const CBigNum& bnPrimeChainMultiplier, unsigned int& nChainType, unsigned int& nChainLength);
// prime target difficulty value for visualization
double GetPrimeDifficulty(unsigned int nBits);
// Estimate work transition target to longer prime chain
unsigned int EstimateWorkTransition(unsigned int nPrevWorkTransition, unsigned int nBits, unsigned int nChainLength);
// prime chain type and length value
std::string GetPrimeChainName(unsigned int nChainType, unsigned int nChainLength);
// primorial form of prime chain origin
std::string GetPrimeOriginPrimorialForm(CBigNum& bnPrimeChainOrigin);
// Mine probable prime chain of form: n = h * p# +/- 1
bool MineProbablePrimeChain(CBlock& block, mpz_class& mpzFixedMultiplier, bool& fNewBlock, unsigned int& nTriedMultiplier, unsigned int& nProbableChainLength, unsigned int& nTests, unsigned int& nPrimesHit, unsigned int& nChainsHit, mpz_class& mpzHash, unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplier, int64& nSieveGenTime, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, bool poolmining);
// Estimate the probability of primality for a number in a candidate chain
double EstimateCandidatePrimeProbability(unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplier, unsigned int nChainPrimeNum);
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64)
#define USE_ROTATE
typedef unsigned long sieve_word_t;
// Sieve of Eratosthenes for proof-of-work mining
// Includes the sieve extension feature from jhPrimeminer by jh000
// A layer of the sieve determines whether the CC1 or CC2 chain members near the
// origin fixed_multiplier * candidate_multiplier * 2^k are known to be
// composites.
// The default sieve is composed of layers 1 .. nChainLength.
// An extension i is composed of layers i .. i + nChainLength. The candidates
// indexes from the extensions are multiplied by 2^i. The first half of the
// candidates are covered by the default sieve and previous extensions.
// The larger numbers in the extensions have a slightly smaller probability of
// being primes and take slightly longer to test but they can be calculated very
// efficiently because the layers overlap.
class CSieveOfEratosthenes
unsigned int nSieveSize; // size of the sieve
unsigned int nSievePercentage; // weave up to a percentage of primes
unsigned int nSieveExtensions; // extend the sieve a given number of times
unsigned int nBits; // target of the prime chain to search for
mpz_class mpzHash; // hash of the block header
mpz_class mpzFixedMultiplier; // fixed round multiplier
// final set of candidates for probable primality checking
sieve_word_t *vfCandidates;
sieve_word_t *vfCompositeBiTwin;
sieve_word_t *vfCompositeCunningham1;
sieve_word_t *vfCompositeCunningham2;
// extended sets
sieve_word_t *vfExtendedCandidates;
sieve_word_t *vfExtendedCompositeBiTwin;
sieve_word_t *vfExtendedCompositeCunningham1;
sieve_word_t *vfExtendedCompositeCunningham2;
static const unsigned int nWordBits = 8 * sizeof(sieve_word_t);
unsigned int nCandidatesWords;
unsigned int nCandidatesBytes;
unsigned int nPrimeSeq; // prime sequence number currently being processed
unsigned int nCandidateCount; // cached total count of candidates
unsigned int nCandidateMultiplier; // current candidate for power test
unsigned int nCandidateIndex; // internal candidate index
bool fCandidateIsExtended; // is the current candidate in the extended part
unsigned int nCandidateActiveExtension; // which extension is active
unsigned int nChainLength; // target chain length
unsigned int nSieveLayers; // sieve layers
unsigned int nPrimes; // number of times to weave the sieve
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev;
unsigned int GetWordNum(unsigned int nBitNum) {
return nBitNum / nWordBits;
sieve_word_t GetBitMask(unsigned int nBitNum) {
return (sieve_word_t)1 << (nBitNum % nWordBits);
void ProcessMultiplier(sieve_word_t *vfComposites, const unsigned int nMinMultiplier, const unsigned int nMaxMultiplier, const std::vector<unsigned int>& vPrimes, unsigned int *vMultipliers, unsigned int nLayerSeq);
CSieveOfEratosthenes(unsigned int nSieveSize, unsigned int nSievePercentage, unsigned int nSieveExtensions, unsigned int nBits, mpz_class& mpzHash, mpz_class& mpzFixedMultiplier, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev)
this->nSieveSize = nSieveSize;
this->nSievePercentage = nSievePercentage;
this->nSieveExtensions = nSieveExtensions;
this->nBits = nBits;
this->mpzHash = mpzHash;
this->mpzFixedMultiplier = mpzFixedMultiplier;
this->pindexPrev = pindexPrev;
nPrimeSeq = 0;
nCandidateCount = 0;
nCandidateMultiplier = 0;
nCandidateIndex = 0;
fCandidateIsExtended = false;
nCandidateActiveExtension = 0;
nCandidatesWords = (nSieveSize + nWordBits - 1) / nWordBits;
nCandidatesBytes = nCandidatesWords * sizeof(sieve_word_t);
vfCandidates = (sieve_word_t *)malloc(nCandidatesBytes);
vfCompositeBiTwin = (sieve_word_t *)malloc(nCandidatesBytes);
vfCompositeCunningham1 = (sieve_word_t *)malloc(nCandidatesBytes);
vfCompositeCunningham2 = (sieve_word_t *)malloc(nCandidatesBytes);
memset(vfCandidates, 0, nCandidatesBytes);
memset(vfCompositeBiTwin, 0, nCandidatesBytes);
memset(vfCompositeCunningham1, 0, nCandidatesBytes);
memset(vfCompositeCunningham2, 0, nCandidatesBytes);
vfExtendedCandidates = (sieve_word_t *)malloc(nSieveExtensions * nCandidatesBytes);
vfExtendedCompositeBiTwin = (sieve_word_t *)malloc(nSieveExtensions * nCandidatesBytes);
vfExtendedCompositeCunningham1 = (sieve_word_t *)malloc(nSieveExtensions * nCandidatesBytes);
vfExtendedCompositeCunningham2 = (sieve_word_t *)malloc(nSieveExtensions * nCandidatesBytes);
memset(vfExtendedCandidates, 0, nSieveExtensions * nCandidatesBytes);
memset(vfExtendedCompositeBiTwin, 0, nSieveExtensions * nCandidatesBytes);
memset(vfExtendedCompositeCunningham1, 0, nSieveExtensions * nCandidatesBytes);
memset(vfExtendedCompositeCunningham2, 0, nSieveExtensions * nCandidatesBytes);
nChainLength = TargetGetLength(nBits);
nSieveLayers = nChainLength + nSieveExtensions;
// Process only a set percentage of the primes
// Most composites are still found
const unsigned int nTotalPrimes = vPrimes.size();
nPrimes = (uint64)nTotalPrimes * nSievePercentage / 100;
// Get total number of candidates for power test
unsigned int GetCandidateCount()
if (nCandidateCount)
return nCandidateCount;
unsigned int nCandidates = 0;
#ifdef __GNUC__
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nCandidatesWords; i++)
nCandidates += __builtin_popcountl(vfCandidates[i]);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nSieveExtensions; j++)
for (unsigned int i = nCandidatesWords / 2; i < nCandidatesWords; i++)
nCandidates += __builtin_popcountl(vfExtendedCandidates[j * nCandidatesWords + i]);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nCandidatesWords; i++)
sieve_word_t lBits = vfCandidates[i];
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nWordBits; j++)
nCandidates += (lBits & 1);
lBits >>= 1;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nSieveExtensions; j++)
for (unsigned int i = nCandidatesWords / 2; i < nCandidatesWords; i++)
sieve_word_t lBits = vfExtendedCandidates[j * nCandidatesWords + i];
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nWordBits; j++)
nCandidates += (lBits & 1);
lBits >>= 1;
nCandidateCount = nCandidates;
return nCandidates;
// Scan for the next candidate multiplier (variable part)
// Return values:
// True - found next candidate; nVariableMultiplier has the candidate
// False - scan complete, no more candidate and reset scan
bool GetNextCandidateMultiplier(unsigned int& nVariableMultiplier, unsigned int& nCandidateType)
sieve_word_t *vfActiveCandidates;
sieve_word_t *vfActiveCompositeTWN;
sieve_word_t *vfActiveCompositeCC1;
if (fCandidateIsExtended)
vfActiveCandidates = vfExtendedCandidates + nCandidateActiveExtension * nCandidatesWords;
vfActiveCompositeTWN = vfExtendedCompositeBiTwin + nCandidateActiveExtension * nCandidatesWords;
vfActiveCompositeCC1 = vfExtendedCompositeCunningham1 + nCandidateActiveExtension * nCandidatesWords;
vfActiveCandidates = vfCandidates;
vfActiveCompositeTWN = vfCompositeBiTwin;
vfActiveCompositeCC1 = vfCompositeCunningham1;
// Acquire the current word from the bitmap
sieve_word_t lBits = vfActiveCandidates[GetWordNum(nCandidateIndex)];
if (nCandidateIndex >= nSieveSize)
// Check if extensions are available
if (!fCandidateIsExtended && nSieveExtensions > 0)
fCandidateIsExtended = true;
nCandidateActiveExtension = 0;
nCandidateIndex = nSieveSize / 2;
else if (fCandidateIsExtended && nCandidateActiveExtension + 1 < nSieveExtensions)
nCandidateIndex = nSieveSize / 2;
// Out of candidates
fCandidateIsExtended = false;
nCandidateActiveExtension = 0;
nCandidateIndex = 0;
nCandidateMultiplier = 0;
return false;
// Fix the pointers
if (fCandidateIsExtended)
vfActiveCandidates = vfExtendedCandidates + nCandidateActiveExtension * nCandidatesWords;
vfActiveCompositeTWN = vfExtendedCompositeBiTwin + nCandidateActiveExtension * nCandidatesWords;
vfActiveCompositeCC1 = vfExtendedCompositeCunningham1 + nCandidateActiveExtension * nCandidatesWords;
vfActiveCandidates = vfCandidates;
vfActiveCompositeTWN = vfCompositeBiTwin;
vfActiveCompositeCC1 = vfCompositeCunningham1;
if (nCandidateIndex % nWordBits == 0)
// Update the current word
lBits = vfActiveCandidates[GetWordNum(nCandidateIndex)];
// Check if any bits are set
if (lBits == 0)
// Skip an entire word
nCandidateIndex += nWordBits - 1;
if (lBits & GetBitMask(nCandidateIndex))
if (fCandidateIsExtended)
nCandidateMultiplier = nCandidateIndex * (2 << nCandidateActiveExtension);
nCandidateMultiplier = nCandidateIndex;
nVariableMultiplier = nCandidateMultiplier;
if (~vfActiveCompositeTWN[GetWordNum(nCandidateIndex)] & GetBitMask(nCandidateIndex))
nCandidateType = PRIME_CHAIN_BI_TWIN;
else if (~vfActiveCompositeCC1[GetWordNum(nCandidateIndex)] & GetBitMask(nCandidateIndex))
return true;
// Get progress percentage of the sieve
unsigned int GetProgressPercentage();
// Weave the sieve for the next prime in table
// Return values:
// True - weaved another prime; nComposite - number of composites removed
// False - sieve already completed
bool Weave();
static const unsigned int nPrimorialHashFactor = 7;
inline void mpz_set_uint256(mpz_t r, uint256& u)
mpz_import(r, 32 / sizeof(unsigned long), -1, sizeof(unsigned long), -1, 0, &u);