Tracer infrastructure rewrite

- Beginnings of new API to support more flexible tracing
- Traced points now go to a buffer (can be displayed several times)
- Now maintains a start point buffer to only scan frame once
- Get rid of the spiral frame scanning stuff
- Playvid now traces once per input frame, not once per output frame

Regression: overdraw went away for now
Regression: the avstream/slides stuff is broken for now
Hector Martin 2011-03-12 17:16:34 +01:00
parent 5df46f50ba
commit 057016cebd
3 changed files with 278 additions and 141 deletions

View File

@ -426,7 +426,20 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
OLFrameInfo info;
void *tmp = malloc(pCodecCtx->width * pCodecCtx->height*2);
OLTraceParams tparams = {
.width = pCodecCtx->width,
.height = pCodecCtx->height,
.sigma = 0
OLTraceCtx *trace_ctx;
OLTraceResult result;
memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result));
olTraceInit(&trace_ctx, &tparams);
while(GetNextFrame(pFormatCtx, pCodecCtx, videoStream, &frame)) {
if (inf == 0)
@ -439,36 +452,51 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
vidtime += frametime;
int thresh;
int obj;
int bsum = 0;
int c;
for (c=edge_off; c<(pCodecCtx->width-edge_off); c++) {
bsum += frame->data[0][c+edge_off*frame->linesize[0]];
bsum += frame->data[0][c+(pCodecCtx->height-edge_off-1)*frame->linesize[0]];
for (c=edge_off; c<(pCodecCtx->height-edge_off); c++) {
bsum += frame->data[0][edge_off+c*frame->linesize[0]];
bsum += frame->data[0][(c+1)*frame->linesize[0]-1-edge_off];
bsum /= (2*(pCodecCtx->width+pCodecCtx->height));
if (bg_white == -1)
bg_white = bsum > 128;
if (bg_white && bsum < sw_dark)
bg_white = 0;
if (!bg_white && bsum > sw_light)
bg_white = 1;
if (bg_white)
thresh = thresh_light;
thresh = thresh_dark;
tparams.threshold = thresh;
olTraceReInit(&trace_ctx, &tparams);
obj = olTrace(trace_ctx, frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0], &result);
do {
int thresh;
int obj;
int bsum = 0;
int c;
for (c=edge_off; c<(pCodecCtx->width-edge_off); c++) {
bsum += frame->data[0][c+edge_off*frame->linesize[0]];
bsum += frame->data[0][c+(pCodecCtx->height-edge_off-1)*frame->linesize[0]];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < result.count; i++) {
OLTraceObject *o = &result.objects[i];
OLTracePoint *p = o->points;
for (j = 0; j < o->count; j++) {
if (j % decimate == 0)
olVertex(p->x, p->y, C_WHITE);
for (c=edge_off; c<(pCodecCtx->height-edge_off); c++) {
bsum += frame->data[0][edge_off+c*frame->linesize[0]];
bsum += frame->data[0][(c+1)*frame->linesize[0]-1-edge_off];
bsum /= (2*(pCodecCtx->width+pCodecCtx->height));
if (bg_white == -1)
bg_white = bsum > 128;
if (bg_white && bsum < sw_dark)
bg_white = 0;
if (!bg_white && bsum > sw_light)
bg_white = 1;
if (bg_white)
thresh = thresh_light;
thresh = thresh_dark;
obj = trace(frame->data[0], tmp, thresh,
pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, frame->linesize[0], decimate);
ftime = olRenderFrame(100);
ftime = olRenderFrame(200);
time += ftime;
@ -485,7 +513,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])

View File

@ -39,12 +39,28 @@ object start/end points near the edges of the screen (less visible).
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "trace.h"
struct OLTraceCtx {
OLTraceParams p;
uint16_t *tracebuf;
OLTracePoint *sb;
OLTracePoint *sbp;
OLTracePoint *sb_end;
unsigned int sb_size;
OLTracePoint *pb;
OLTracePoint *pbp;
OLTracePoint *pb_end;
unsigned int pb_size;
#define ABS(a) ((a)<0?(-(a)):(a))
#define OVERDRAW 6
#define OVERDRAW 8
//#define DEBUG
@ -60,14 +76,40 @@ static const int tdy[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1 };
static const int tdx2[16] = { 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2 };
static const int tdy2[16] = { 0, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 };
static int trace_pixels(uint8_t *buf, int s, int decimate, int *cx, int *cy, int flag)
static inline void add_bufpoint(OLTraceCtx *ctx, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
int i;
int x = *cx;
int y = *cy;
ctx->pbp->x = x;
ctx->pbp->y = y;
if (ctx->pbp == ctx->pb_end) {
int cur = ctx->pbp - ctx->pb;
ctx->pb_size *= 2;
ctx->pb = realloc(ctx->pb, ctx->pb_size * sizeof(*ctx->pb));
ctx->pbp = ctx->pb + cur;
ctx->pb_end = ctx->pb + ctx->pb_size;
static inline void add_startpoint(OLTraceCtx *ctx, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
ctx->sbp->x = x;
ctx->sbp->y = y;
if (ctx->sbp == ctx->sb_end) {
int cur = ctx->sbp - ctx->sb;
ctx->sb_size *= 2;
ctx->sb = realloc(ctx->sb, ctx->sb_size * sizeof(*ctx->sb));
ctx->sbp = ctx->sb + cur;
ctx->sb_end = ctx->sb + ctx->sb_size;
static int trace_pixels(OLTraceCtx *ctx, uint16_t *buf, int s, int output, uint32_t *cx, uint32_t *cy, uint16_t flag)
unsigned int x = *cx;
unsigned int y = *cy;
int iters = 0;
int start = 1;
int div = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (decimate != -1) {
pc = pc + 47;
@ -76,24 +118,12 @@ static int trace_pixels(uint8_t *buf, int s, int decimate, int *cx, int *cy, int
int lidx = 0;
int dir = 0;
int bufx[OVERDRAW], bufy[OVERDRAW];
while (1)
int idx = y*s+x;
if (decimate != -1) {
if (div == 0) {
if (iters < OVERDRAW) {
bufx[iters] = x;
bufy[iters] = y;
olVertex(x, y, C_WHITE);
div = (div+1)%decimate;
} else {
if (output)
add_bufpoint(ctx, x, y);
buf[idx] &= ~flag;
if (start) {
// just pick any direction the first time
@ -166,143 +196,188 @@ static int trace_pixels(uint8_t *buf, int s, int decimate, int *cx, int *cy, int
#ifdef DEBUG
if (decimate != -1) {
if (!start)
dbg[idx][2] = 96+pc;
if (!start)
dbg[idx][2] = 96+pc;
start = 0;
lidx = idx;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (decimate != -1) {
dbg[lidx][0] = 255;
dbg[lidx][1] = 0;
dbg[lidx][2] = 0;
dbg[lidx][0] = 255;
dbg[lidx][1] = 0;
dbg[lidx][2] = 0;
if (decimate != -1 && iters) {
if (ABS(*cx-x) <= 2 && ABS(*cy-y) <= 2 && iters > 10) {
if (iters > OVERDRAW)
iters = OVERDRAW;
for (i=0; i<iters; i++)
olVertex(bufx[i], bufy[i], C_GREY((int)(255.0 * (OVERDRAW - 1 - i) / (float)OVERDRAW)));
*cx = x;
*cy = y;
return iters;
int trace(uint8_t *field, uint8_t *tmp, uint8_t thresh, int w, int h, int s, int decimate)
int olTraceInit(OLTraceCtx **pctx, OLTraceParams *params)
int x, y;
int objects = 0;
OLTraceCtx *ctx = malloc(sizeof(OLTraceCtx));
memset(tmp, 0, s*h);
#ifdef DEBUG
memset(dbg, 0, 3*s*h);
ctx->p = *params;
ctx->tracebuf = malloc(ctx->p.width * ctx->p.height * sizeof(*ctx->tracebuf));
ctx->sb_size = ctx->p.width * 16;
ctx->sb = malloc(ctx->sb_size * sizeof(*ctx->sb));
ctx->sbp = ctx->sb;
ctx->sb_end = ctx->sb + ctx->sb_size;
ctx->pb_size = ctx->p.width * 16;
ctx->pb = malloc(ctx->pb_size * sizeof(*ctx->pb));
ctx->pbp = ctx->pb;
ctx->pb_end = ctx->pb + ctx->pb_size;
*pctx = ctx;
return 0;
int olTraceReInit(OLTraceCtx **ctx, OLTraceParams *params)
(*ctx)->p = *params;
return 0;
void olTraceFree(OLTraceResult *result)
if (!result)
if (result->objects) {
if (result->objects[0].points)
void olTraceDeinit(OLTraceCtx *ctx)
static void find_edges_thresh(OLTraceCtx *ctx, uint8_t *src, unsigned int stride)
unsigned int thresh = ctx->p.threshold;
uint32_t x, y, w, h;
w = ctx->p.width;
h = ctx->p.height;
for (y=2; y<h-2; y++) {
for (x=2; x<w-2;x++) {
int idx = y*s+x;
if (field[idx] > thresh && (!(field[idx-s] > thresh)
|| !(field[idx-1] > thresh))) {
tmp[idx] = 255;
int idx = y*stride+x;
int oidx = y*w+x;
if (src[idx] > thresh && (!(src[idx-stride] > thresh)
|| !(src[idx-1] > thresh))) {
ctx->tracebuf[oidx] = 0xFFFF;
add_startpoint(ctx, x, y);
#ifdef DEBUG
dbg[idx][0] = 64;
dbg[idx][1] = 64;
dbg[idx][2] = 64;
dbg[oidx][0] = 64;
dbg[oidx][1] = 64;
dbg[oidx][2] = 64;
if (field[idx] <= thresh && (!(field[idx-s] <= thresh)
|| !(field[idx-1] <= thresh))) {
tmp[idx] = 255;
if (src[idx] <= thresh && (!(src[idx-stride] <= thresh)
|| !(src[idx-1] <= thresh))) {
ctx->tracebuf[oidx] = 0xFFFF;
add_startpoint(ctx, x, y);
#ifdef DEBUG
dbg[idx][0] = 64;
dbg[idx][1] = 64;
dbg[idx][2] = 64;
dbg[oidx][0] = 64;
dbg[oidx][1] = 64;
dbg[oidx][2] = 64;
int scandir = 0;
int total = h*w;
int minx = 0, miny = 0;
int maxx = w-1, maxy = h-1;
int olTrace(OLTraceCtx *ctx, uint8_t *src, unsigned int stride, OLTraceResult *result)
uint32_t x, y;
int i;
unsigned int objects = 0;
int w = ctx->p.width;
int h = ctx->p.height;
x = 0;
y = 0;
while (total--)
memset(ctx->tracebuf, 0, w*h*2);
#ifdef DEBUG
memset(dbg, 0, 3*w*h);
ctx->sbp = ctx->sb;
ctx->pbp = ctx->pb;
find_edges_thresh(ctx, src, stride);
OLTracePoint *ps = ctx->sb;
while (ps != ctx->sbp) {
x = ps->x;
y = ps->y;
int flg = 1;
while (tmp[y*s+x] & 128) {
int tx = x, ty = y;
while (ctx->tracebuf[y*w+x] & 0x8000) {
uint32_t tx = x, ty = y;
if (flg != 64)
flg <<= 1;
trace_pixels(tmp, s, -1, &tx, &ty, flg);
trace_pixels(ctx, ctx->tracebuf, w, 0, &tx, &ty, flg);
#ifdef DEBUG
int sx = tx, sy = ty;
uint32_t sx = tx, sy = ty;
if (trace_pixels(tmp, s, decimate, &tx, &ty, 255))
if (trace_pixels(ctx, ctx->tracebuf, w, 1, &tx, &ty, 0xFFFF)) {
ctx->pbp[-1].x |= 1<<31;
#ifdef DEBUG
dbg[y*s+x][0] = 255;
dbg[y*s+x][1] = 255;
dbg[y*s+x][2] = 0;
dbg[y*w+x][0] = 255;
dbg[y*w+x][1] = 255;
dbg[y*w+x][2] = 0;
dbg[sy*s+sx][0] = 0;
dbg[sy*s+sx][1] = 255;
dbg[sy*s+sx][2] = 255;
dbg[sy*w+sx][0] = 0;
dbg[sy*w+sx][1] = 255;
dbg[sy*w+sx][2] = 255;
dbg[ty*s+tx][0] = 255;
dbg[ty*s+tx][1] = 0;
dbg[ty*s+tx][2] = 0;
dbg[ty*w+tx][0] = 255;
dbg[ty*w+tx][1] = 0;
dbg[ty*w+tx][2] = 0;
printf("%d: %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\n", tframe, x, y, sx, sy, tx, ty);
switch(scandir) {
case 0:
if (x > maxx) {
x--; y++; maxx--; scandir++;
case 1:
if (y > maxy) {
y--; x--; maxy--; scandir++;
case 2:
if (x < minx) {
x++; y--; minx++; scandir++;
case 3:
if (y < miny) {
y++; x++; miny++; scandir=0;
#ifdef DEBUG
char name[64];
sprintf(name, "dump%05d.bin", tframe++);
FILE *f = fopen(name,"wb");
fwrite(dbg, h, s*3, f);
fwrite(dbg, h, w*3, f);
//printf("Dup'd: %d\n", dpcnt);
result->count = objects;
if (objects == 0) {
result->objects = NULL;
} else {
OLTracePoint *p, *q;
q = malloc((ctx->pbp - ctx->pb) * sizeof(*q));
result->objects = malloc(objects * sizeof(*result->objects));
OLTraceObject *o = result->objects;
o->count = 0;
o->points = q;
for (p = ctx->pb; p != ctx->pbp; p++) {
q->x = p->x & ~(1<<31);
q->y = p->y;
if (p->x & (1<<31)) {
if ((p+1) != ctx->pbp) {
o->count = 0;
o->points = q;
return objects;

View File

@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef TRACE_H
#define TRACE_H
int trace(uint8_t *field, uint8_t *tmp, uint8_t thresh, int width, int height, int stride, int decimate);
typedef struct OLTraceCtx OLTraceCtx;
typedef enum {
} OLTraceMode;
typedef struct {
OLTraceMode mode;
unsigned int width, height;
float sigma;
unsigned int threshold;
} OLTraceParams;
typedef struct {
uint32_t x, y;
} OLTracePoint;
typedef struct {
unsigned int count;
OLTracePoint *points;
} OLTraceObject;
typedef struct {
unsigned int count;
OLTraceObject *objects;
} OLTraceResult;
int olTraceInit(OLTraceCtx **ctx, OLTraceParams *params);
int olTraceReInit(OLTraceCtx **ctx, OLTraceParams *params);
int olTrace(OLTraceCtx *ctx, uint8_t *src, unsigned int stride, OLTraceResult *result);
void olTraceFree(OLTraceResult *result);
void olTraceDeinit(OLTraceCtx *ctx);