plugin.AddCommand('at', 0, function(Username, Channel) if Channel.Name == '#hackerspace-pl' then local Body, Code, Headers, Status = https.request('') elseif Channel.Name == "#hackerspace-krk" then local Body, Code, Headers, Status = https.request('') else Channel:Say("This is not a hackerspace channel!") return end if Code ~= 200 then error(string.format("Status code returned: %i", Code)) end local Data = json.decode.decode(Body) if Data.sensors and Data.sensors.people_now_present then local Users = {} local Sensor = Data.sensors.people_now_present[0] if Sensor.names ~= nil then for K, User in pairs(Sensor.names) do Users[#Users + 1] = User.login end end if #Users == 0 then Channel:Say("Trochę Łotwa. Nawet zimnioka nie ma.") else Channel:Say(table.concat(Users, ', ')) end else Channel:Say("API się wzięło i zjebało.") end end, "Show who's at the Warsaw Hackerspace.") local function SayDue(Target, Channel) local Body, Code, Headers, Status = https.request('' .. Target .. '.json') if Code == 404 then Channel:Say("No such member.") return end if Code ~= 200 then error(string.format("Status code returned: %i", Code)) end local Data = json.decode.decode(Body) if Data['status'] ~= 'ok' then error("No such member?") else local Due = Data['content'] local Comment = "" if Due < 0 then Comment = string.format("is %i months ahead. Cool!", -Due) elseif Due == 0 then Comment = "has paid all his membership fees." elseif Due == 1 then Comment = "needs to pay one membership fee." else Comment = string.format("needs to pay %i membership fees.", Due) end Channel:Say(Target .. " " .. Comment) end end plugin.AddCommand('due', 1, function(Username, Channel, Target) if Channel.Name ~= '#hackerspace-pl' then return end SayDue(Target, Channel) end, "Show months due for user.") plugin.AddCommand('due-me', 0, function(Username, Channel) if Channel.Name ~= '#hackerspace-pl' then return end SayDue(Username, Channel) end, "Show months due for speaker.") Nagged = {} plugin.AddHook('irc.Message', 'nag', function(Username, Channel, Message) if Channel.Name ~= '#hackerspace-pl' then return end local Target = Username:lower() if Target == 'enleth' then return end if Nagged[Target] == nil or Nagged[Target] < os.time() then local Body, Code, Headers, Status = https.request('' .. Target .. '.json') if Code == 200 then local Data = json.decode.decode(Body) if Data['content'] > 0 then Nagged[Target] = os.time() + 60 * 60 * 24 local Months = 'months' if Data['content'] == 0 then Months = 'month' end Channel:Say(string.format('%s: pay your membership fees! you are %i %s behind!', Username, Data['content'], Months)) end end end end) plugin.AddCommand('mana', 0, function(Username, Channel) if Channel.Name ~= '#hackerspace-pl' then return end local Body, Code, Headers, Status = https.request('') if Code ~= 200 then error(string.format("Status code returned: %i", Code)) end local Data = json.decode.decode(Body) local Required = Data['content']['required'] local Paid = Data['content']['paid'] local Updated = Data['modified'] Channel:Say(string.format("%i paid, %i required (last updated %s)", Paid, Required, Updated)) end, "Show Hackerspace mana (due fees in total.") plugin.AddCommand('describe', 1, function(Username, Channel, Term) local db = plugin.DBOpen('main') local Header = false local Counter = 0 for Row in db:Query('select _oid::text from _term where lower(_name) = lower(?);', Term) do local Oid = Row._oid for Row2 in db:Query('select _text from _entry where _term_oid = ?', Oid) do if not Header then Channel:Say(string.format('I heard "%s" is:', Term)) Header = true end local Text = Row2._text Channel:Say(string.format('[%i] ', Counter) .. Text) Counter = Counter + 1 end end if not Header then Channel:Say("No such term!") end end, "Describe a saved term.") plugin.AddHook('bot.UnknownCommand', 'DescribeTerm', function(Username, Channel, Command, Arguments) local db = plugin.DBOpen('main') for Row in db:Query('select _oid::text from _term where lower(_name) = lower(?);', Command) do local Oid = Row._oid for Row2 in db:Query('select _text from _entry where _term_oid = ? order by random() limit 1;', Oid) do Channel:Say(Row2._text) return true end end end) plugin.AddCommand('op', 1, function(Username, Channel, Target) irc:_Send(string.format("MODE %s +o %s", Channel, Target)) end, "Give operator status to someone on the channel.", 40)