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2006-10-04 02:43:05 +00:00

481 lines
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Executable file

"""This library implements the tftp protocol, based on rfc 1350.
At the moment it implements only a client class, but will include a server,
with support for variable block sizes.
import struct, socket, logging, time, sys
# Make sure that this is at least Python 2.4
verlist = sys.version_info
if not verlist[0] >= 2 or not verlist[1] >= 4:
raise AssertionError, "Requires at least Python 2.4"
# Change this as desired. FIXME - make this a command-line arg
LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO
# Initialize the logger.
format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M')
logger = logging.getLogger('tftpy')
class TftpException(Exception):
"""This class is the parent class of all exceptions regarding the handling
of the TFTP protocol."""
def tftpassert(condition, msg):
"""This function is a simple utility that will check the condition
passed for a false state. If it finds one, it throws a TftpException
with the message passed. This just makes the code throughout cleaner
by refactoring."""
if not condition:
raise TftpException, msg
class TftpPacket(object):
"""This class is the parent class of all tftp packet classes. It is an
abstract class, providing an interface, and should not be instantiated
def __init__(self):
self.opcode = 0
self.buffer = None
def encode(self):
"""The encode method of a TftpPacket takes keyword arguments specific
to the type of packet, and packs an appropriate buffer in network-byte
order suitable for sending over the wire.
This is an abstract method."""
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract method"
def decode(self):
"""The decode method of a TftpPacket takes a buffer off of the wire in
network-byte order, and decodes it, populating internal properties as
appropriate. This can only be done once the first 2-byte opcode has
already been decoded, but the data section does include the entire
This is an abstract method."""
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract method"
def decode_options(self, buffer):
"""This method decodes the section of the buffer that contains an
unknown number of options. It returns a dictionary of option names and
nulls = 0
format = ""
options = {}
# Count the nulls in the buffer. Each one terminates a string.
self.debug("about to iterate options buffer counting nulls")
length = 0
for c in buffer:
if ord(c) == 0:
self.debug("found a null at length %d" % length)
if length > 0:
format += "%dsx" % length
length = 0
raise TftpException, "Invalid options buffer"
length += 1
# Unpack the buffer.
mystruct = struct.unpack(format, buffer)
for key in mystruct:
self.debug("option name is %s, value is %s"
% (key, mystruct[key]))
tftpassert(len(mystruct) % 2 == 0,
"packet with odd number of option/value pairs")
for i in range(0, len(mystruct), 2):
options[mystruct[i]] = mystruct[i+1]
return options
class TftpPacketInitial(TftpPacket):
"""This class is a common parent class for the RRQ and WRQ packets, as
they share quite a bit of code."""
def __init__(self):
self.filename = None
self.mode = None
self.options = {}
def encode(self):
"""Encode the packet's buffer from the instance variables."""
tftpassert(self.filename, "filename required in initial packet")
tftpassert(self.mode, "mode required in initial packet")
format = "!H"
format += "%dsx" % len(self.filename)
if self.mode == "octet":
format += "5sx"
raise AssertionError, "Unsupported mode: %s" % mode
# Add options.
options_list = []
if self.options.keys() > 0:
for key in self.options:
format += "%dsx" % len(key)
format += "%dsx" % len(self.options[key])
#format += "B"
logger.debug("format is %s" % format)
logger.debug("size of struct is %d" % struct.calcsize(format))
self.buffer = struct.pack(format, self.opcode, self.filename, self.mode, *options_list)
return self
def decode(self):
tftpassert(self.buffer, "Can't decode, buffer is empty")
# FIXME - this shares a lot of code with decode_options
nulls = 0
# 2 byte opcode, followed by filename and mode strings, optionally
# followed by options.
format = ""
nulls = length = tlength = 0
logger.debug("about to iterate buffer counting nulls")
for c in self.buffer:
if ord(c) == 0:
nulls += 1
logger.debug("found a null at length %d, now have %d"
% (length, nulls))
length = 0
format += "%dsx" % length
# At 2 nulls, we want to mark that position for decoding.
if nulls == 2:
length += 1
tlength += 1
logger.debug("hopefully found end of mode at length %d" % tlength)
# length should now be the end of the mode.
tftpassert(nulls == 2, "malformed packet")
shortbuf = self.buffer[2:tlength]
mystruct = struct.unpack(format, shortbuf)
for key in mystruct:
logger.debug("option name is %s, value is %s"
% (key, mystruct[key]))
tftpassert(len(mystruct) == 2, "malformed packet")
self.options = self.decode_options(self.buffer[tlength:])
return self
class TftpPacketRRQ(TftpPacketInitial):
2 bytes string 1 byte string 1 byte
RRQ/ | 01/02 | Filename | 0 | Mode | 0 |
WRQ -----------------------------------------------
def __init__(self):
self.opcode = 1
class TftpPacketWRQ(TftpPacketInitial):
2 bytes string 1 byte string 1 byte
RRQ/ | 01/02 | Filename | 0 | Mode | 0 |
WRQ -----------------------------------------------
def __init__(self):
self.opcode = 2
class TftpPacketDAT(TftpPacket):
2 bytes 2 bytes n bytes
DATA | 03 | Block # | Data |
def __init__(self):
self.opcode = 3
self.blocknumber = 0 = None
def encode(self):
"""Encode the DAT packet. This method populates self.buffer, and
returns self for easy method chaining."""
tftpassert(len( > 0, "no point encoding empty data packet")
format = "!HH%ds" % len(
self.buffer = struct.pack(format,
return self
def decode(self):
"""Decode self.buffer into instance variables. It returns self for
easy method chaining."""
# We know the first 2 bytes are the opcode. The second two are the
# block number.
(self.blocknumber,) = struct.unpack("!H", self.buffer[2:4])"decoding DAT packet, block number %d" % self.blocknumber)
logger.debug("should be %d bytes in the packet total"
% len(self.buffer))
# Everything else is data. = self.buffer[4:]
logger.debug("found %d bytes of data"
% len(
return self
class TftpPacketACK(TftpPacket):
2 bytes 2 bytes
ACK | 04 | Block # |
def __init__(self):
self.opcode = 4
self.blocknumber = 0
def encode(self):
logger.debug("encoding ACK: opcode = %d, block = %d"
% (self.opcode, self.blocknumber))
self.buffer = struct.pack("!HH", self.opcode, self.blocknumber)
return self
def decode(self):
self.opcode, self.blocknumber = struct.unpack("!HH", self.buffer)
logger.debug("decoded ACK packet: opcode = %d, block = %d"
% (self.opcode, self.blocknumber))
return self
class TftpPacketERR(TftpPacket):
2 bytes 2 bytes string 1 byte
ERROR | 05 | ErrorCode | ErrMsg | 0 |
Error Codes
Value Meaning
0 Not defined, see error message (if any).
1 File not found.
2 Access violation.
3 Disk full or allocation exceeded.
4 Illegal TFTP operation.
5 Unknown transfer ID.
6 File already exists.
7 No such user.
def __init__(self):
self.opcode = 5
self.errorcode = 0
self.errmsg = None
self.errmsgs = {
1: "File not found",
2: "Access violation",
3: "Disk full or allocation exceeded",
4: "Illegal TFTP operation",
5: "Unknown transfer ID",
6: "File already exists",
7: "No such user"
def encode(self):
"""Encode the DAT packet based on instance variables, populating
self.buffer, returning self."""
format = "!HH%dsx" % len(self.errmsgs[self.errorcode])
self.debug("encoding ERR packet with format %s" % format)
self.buffer = struct.pack(format,
return self
def decode(self):
"Decode self.buffer, populating instance variables and return self."
tftpassert(len(self.buffer) >= 5, "malformed ERR packet")
format = "!HH%dsx" % len(self.buffer)-5
self.opcode, self.errorcode, self.errmsg = struct.unpack(format,
logger.error("ERR packet - errorcode: %d, message: %s"
% (errorcode, self.errmsg))
return self
class TftpPacketOACK(TftpPacket):
# +-------+---~~---+---+---~~---+---+---~~---+---+---~~---+---+
# | opc | opt1 | 0 | value1 | 0 | optN | 0 | valueN | 0 |
# +-------+---~~---+---+---~~---+---+---~~---+---+---~~---+---+
def __init__(self):
self.opcode = 6
self.options = {}
def encode(self):
format = "!H" # opcode
options_list = []
for key in self.options:
format += "%dsx" % len(key)
format += "%dsx" % len(self.options[key])
self.buffer = struct.pack(format, self.opcode, *options_list)
return self
def decode(self):
self.options = self.decode_options(self.buffer[2:])
return self
class TftpPacketFactory(object):
"""This class generates TftpPacket objects."""
def __init__(self):
self.classes = {
1: TftpPacketRRQ,
2: TftpPacketWRQ,
3: TftpPacketDAT,
4: TftpPacketACK,
5: TftpPacketERR
def create(self, opcode):
"Unsupported opcode: %d" % opcode)
packet = self.classes[opcode]()
logger.debug("packet is %s" % packet)
return packet
def parse(self, buffer):
"""This method is used to parse an existing datagram into its
corresponding TftpPacket object."""
logger.debug("parsing a %d byte packet" % len(buffer))
(opcode,) = struct.unpack("!H", buffer[:2])
logger.debug("opcode is %d" % opcode)
packet = self.create(opcode)
packet.buffer = buffer
return packet.decode()
class Tftp(object):
"""This class is the base class for the tftp client and server. Any shared
code should be in this class."""
def __init__(self):
self.options = None
class TftpClient(Tftp):
"""This class is an implementation of a tftp client."""
def __init__(self, host, port, options):
"""This constructor returns an instance of TftpClient, taking the
remote host, the remote port, and the filename to fetch."""
Tftp.__init__(self) = host
self.port = port
self.options = options
def download(self, filename, output, packethook=None):
"""This method initiates a tftp download from the configured remote
host, requesting the filename passed."""
# Open the output file.
outputfile = open(output, "wb")
recvpkt = None
curblock = 0
dups = {}
start_time = time.time()
bytes = 0
tftp_factory = TftpPacketFactory()
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
logger.debug("Sending tftp download request to %s" %
pkt = TftpPacketRRQ()
pkt.filename = filename
pkt.mode = "octet" # FIXME - shouldn't hardcode this
sock.sendto(pkt.encode().buffer, (, self.port))
# FIXME - need to do option negotiation here
# Read the initial response datagram to see if we're in business.
(buffer, (raddress, rport)) = sock.recvfrom(MAX_BLKSIZE)
recvpkt = tftp_factory.parse(buffer)
while isinstance(recvpkt, TftpPacketDAT):
logger.debug("Received %d bytes from %s:%s" \
% (len(buffer), raddress, rport))
# FIXME - check sender port and ip address
# FIXME - can we refactor this into below?
logger.debug("recvpkt.blocknumber = %d" % recvpkt.blocknumber)
logger.debug("curblock = %d" % curblock)
if recvpkt.blocknumber == curblock+1:
logger.debug("good, received block %d in sequence"
% recvpkt.blocknumber)
curblock += 1
# ACK the packet, and save the data."sending ACK to block %d" % curblock)
logger.debug("ip = %s, port = %s" % (, self.port))
ackpkt = TftpPacketACK()
ackpkt.blocknumber = curblock
sock.sendto(ackpkt.encode().buffer, (, self.port))
logger.debug("writing %d bytes to output file"
% len(
bytes += len(
# If there is a packethook defined, call it.
if packethook:
# Check for end-of-file, any less than full data packet.
if len( < DEF_BLKSIZE:"end of file detected")
elif recvpkt.blocknumber == curblock:
logger.warn("dropping duplicate block %d" % curblock)
if dups.has_key(curblock):
dups[curblock] += 1
dups[curblock] = 1
tftpassert(dups[curblock] < MAX_DUPS,
"Max duplicates for block %d reached" % curblock)
logger.debug("ACKing block %d again, just in case" % curblock)
ackpkt = TftpPacketACK()
ackpkt.blocknumber = curblock
sock.sendto(ackpkt.encode().buffer, (, self.port))
msg = "Whoa! Received block %d but expected %d" % (recvpkt.blocknumber,
raise TftpException, msg
(buffer, (raddress, rport)) = sock.recvfrom(MAX_BLKSIZE)"Received %d bytes from %s:%s" % (len(buffer),
recvpkt = tftp_factory.parse(buffer)
# FIXME - check sender port and ip address
# end while
# Check for errors
if isinstance(recvpkt, TftpPacketERR):
logger.error("received ERR packet")
end_time = time.time()
duration = end_time - start_time
outputfile.close()"Downloaded %d bytes in %d seconds" % (bytes, duration))
bps = (bytes * 8.0) / duration
kbps = bps / 1024.0"Average rate: %.2f kbps" % kbps)
dupcount = 0
for key in dups:
dupcount += dups[key]"Received %d duplicate packets" % dupcount)