"""This module implements the TftpPacketFactory class, which can take a binary buffer, and return the appropriate TftpPacket object to represent it, via the parse() method.""" from TftpShared import * from TftpPacketTypes import * class TftpPacketFactory(object): """This class generates TftpPacket objects. It is responsible for parsing raw buffers off of the wire and returning objects representing them, via the parse() method.""" def __init__(self): self.classes = { 1: TftpPacketRRQ, 2: TftpPacketWRQ, 3: TftpPacketDAT, 4: TftpPacketACK, 5: TftpPacketERR, 6: TftpPacketOACK } def parse(self, buffer): """This method is used to parse an existing datagram into its corresponding TftpPacket object. The buffer is the raw bytes off of the network.""" log.debug("parsing a %d byte packet" % len(buffer)) (opcode,) = struct.unpack("!H", buffer[:2]) log.debug("opcode is %d" % opcode) packet = self.__create(opcode) packet.buffer = buffer return packet.decode() def __create(self, opcode): """This method returns the appropriate class object corresponding to the passed opcode.""" tftpassert(self.classes.has_key(opcode), "Unsupported opcode: %d" % opcode) packet = self.classes[opcode]() return packet