This is the Hackerspace Warsaw electronic lock mk2 project. Work in progress! This is a prototype for a TP-Link WR703n based hardware solution - with a I2C bus on which there is a MAX7300 IO expander and a PN532 NFC tag reader. The I2C is software bit-banged by the kernel, drivers for both the IO expander and the PN532 are written in Lua. Files: hslockmk2/ - this directory /main.lua - main Lua script /i2c.lua - I2C functions /nfc.lua - NFC/PN532 functions /auth.lua - auth API functions /lua-libs/ - other Lua libraries /mips-bin/ - C libraries compiled for MIPS/OpenWRT luai2c.tar.gz - C i2c library luasha2.tar.gz - C sha2 library JSON.lua - JSON library bit.lua - bitwise operations for Lua 5.1 You will additonally need luasec, luaposix and luasocket. But you can easily find these in your favourite distribution, or even the OpenWRT source tree.