Set Long text for volume commands so they can be used to generate man pages.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <>
Daniel Nephin 2016-06-20 16:33:53 -04:00 committed by Tibor Vass
parent 106418dbd9
commit e08631bb28
5 changed files with 0 additions and 215 deletions

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals
% Docker Community
% JULY 2015
docker-volume-create - Create a new volume
**docker volume create**
Creates a new volume that containers can consume and store data in. If a name is not specified, Docker generates a random name. You create a volume and then configure the container to use it, for example:
$ docker volume create --name hello
$ docker run -d -v hello:/world busybox ls /world
The mount is created inside the container's `/src` directory. Docker doesn't not support relative paths for mount points inside the container.
Multiple containers can use the same volume in the same time period. This is useful if two containers need access to shared data. For example, if one container writes and the other reads the data.
## Driver specific options
Some volume drivers may take options to customize the volume creation. Use the `-o` or `--opt` flags to pass driver options:
$ docker volume create --driver fake --opt tardis=blue --opt timey=wimey
These options are passed directly to the volume driver. Options for
different volume drivers may do different things (or nothing at all).
The built-in `local` driver on Windows does not support any options.
The built-in `local` driver on Linux accepts options similar to the linux `mount`
$ docker volume create --driver local --opt type=tmpfs --opt device=tmpfs --opt o=size=100m,uid=1000
Another example:
$ docker volume create --driver local --opt type=btrfs --opt device=/dev/sda2
**-d**, **--driver**="*local*"
Specify volume driver name
Print usage statement
Set metadata for a volume
Specify volume name
**-o**, **--opt**=[]
Set driver specific options
July 2015, created by Brian Goff <>

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals
% Docker Community
% JULY 2015
docker-volume-inspect - Get low-level information about a volume
**docker volume inspect**
Returns information about one or more volumes. By default, this command renders all results
in a JSON array. You can specify an alternate format to execute a given template
is executed for each result. Go's package describes all the details of the
**-f**, **--format**=""
Format the output using the given go template.
Print usage statement
July 2015, created by Brian Goff <>

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals
% Docker Community
% JULY 2015
docker-volume-ls - List all volumes
**docker volume ls**
Lists all the volumes Docker knows about. You can filter using the `-f` or `--filter` flag. The filtering format is a `key=value` pair. To specify more than one filter, pass multiple flags (for example, `--filter "foo=bar" --filter "bif=baz"`)
There is a single supported filter `dangling=value` which takes a boolean of `true` or `false`.
**-f**, **--filter**=""
Filter output based on these conditions:
- dangling=<boolean> a volume if referenced or not
- driver=<string> a volume's driver name
- name=<string> a volume's name
Print usage statement
**-q**, **--quiet**=*true*|*false*
Only display volume names
July 2015, created by Brian Goff <>

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals
% Docker Community
% JULY 2015
docker-volume-rm - Remove a volume
**docker volume rm**
Removes one or more volumes. You cannot remove a volume that is in use by a container.
$ docker volume rm hello
Print usage statement
July 2015, created by Brian Goff <>

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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals
% Docker Community
% Feb 2016
docker-volume - Create a new volume
**docker volume** [OPTIONS] COMMAND
docker volume command manages content volumes for docker containers.
## Data volumes
A *data volume* is a specially-designated directory within one or more
Data volumes provide several useful features for persistent or shared data:
Volumes are initialized when a container is created. If the container's
base image contains data at the specified mount point, that existing data is
copied into the new volume upon volume initialization. (Note that this does
not apply when [mounting a host directory](#mount-a-host-directory-as-a-data-volume).)
Data volumes can be shared and reused among containers.
Changes to a data volume are made directly.
Changes to a data volume will not be included when you update an image.
Data volumes persist even if the container itself is deleted.
Data volumes are designed to persist data, independent of the container's life
cycle. Docker therefore *never* automatically deletes volumes when you remove
a container, nor will it "garbage collect" volumes that are no longer
referenced by a container.
Print usage statement
Create a volume
See **docker-volume-create(1)** for full documentation on the **create** command.
Display detailed information on one or more volumes
See **docker-volume-inspect(1)** for full documentation on the **inspect** command.
List volumes
See **docker-volume-ls(1)** for full documentation on the **ls** command.
Remove a volume
See **docker-volume-rm(1)** for full documentation on the **rm** command.
Feb 2016, created by Dan Walsh <>