Rewrite documentation for insecure registries

Signed-off-by: Tibor Vass <>

Tibor Vass 2014-11-14 11:04:47 -08:00 committed by Tibor Vass
parent 5b491e6942
commit d227c88e19
1 changed files with 33 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ expect an integer, and they can only be specified once.
-g, --graph="/var/lib/docker" Path to use as the root of the Docker runtime
-H, --host=[] The socket(s) to bind to in daemon mode or connect to in client mode, specified using one or more tcp://host:port, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd.
--icc=true Enable inter-container communication
--insecure-registry=[] Enable insecure communication with specified registries (no certificate verification for HTTPS and enable HTTP fallback) (ex: localhost:5000 or
--insecure-registry=[] Enable insecure communication with specified registries (disables certificate verification for HTTPS and enables HTTP fallback) (e.g., localhost:5000 or
--ip= Default IP address to use when binding container ports
--ip-forward=true Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward
--ip-masq=true Enable IP masquerading for bridge's IP range
@ -193,24 +193,44 @@ To set the DNS server for all Docker containers, use
To set the DNS search domain for all Docker containers, use
`docker -d --dns-search`.
### Insecure registries
Docker considers a private registry either secure or insecure.
In the rest of this section, *registry* is used for *private registry*, and `myregistry:5000`
is a placeholder example for a private registry.
A secure registry uses TLS and a copy of its CA certificate is placed on the Docker host at
An insecure registry is either not using TLS (i.e., listening on plain text HTTP), or is using
TLS with a CA certificate not known by the Docker daemon. The latter can happen when the
certificate was not found under `/etc/docker/certs.d/myregistry:5000/`, or if the certificate
verification failed (i.e., wrong CA).
By default, Docker assumes all, but local (see local registries below), registries are secure.
Communicating with an insecure registry is not possible if Docker assumes that registry is secure.
In order to communicate with an insecure registry, the Docker daemon requires `--insecure-registry`
in one of the following two forms:
* `--insecure-registry myregistry:5000` tells the Docker daemon that myregistry:5000 should be considered insecure.
* `--insecure-registry` tells the Docker daemon that all registries whose domain resolve to an IP address is part
of the subnet described by the CIDR syntax, should be considered insecure.
The flag can be used multiple times to allow multiple registries to be marked as insecure.
If an insecure registry is not marked as insecure, `docker pull`, `docker push`, and `docker search`
will result in an error message prompting the user to either secure or pass the `--insecure-registry`
flag to the Docker daemon as described above.
Local registries, whose IP address falls in the range, are automatically marked as insecure
as of Docker 1.3.2. It is not recommended to rely on this, as it may change in the future.
### Miscellaneous options
IP masquerading uses address translation to allow containers without a public IP to talk
to other machines on the Internet. This may interfere with some network topologies and
can be disabled with --ip-masq=false.
By default, Docker will assume all registries are secured via TLS with certificate verification
enabled. Prior versions of Docker used an auto fallback if a registry did not support TLS
(or if the TLS connection failed). This introduced the opportunity for Man In The Middle (MITM)
attacks, so as of Docker 1.3.1, the user must now specify the `--insecure-registry` daemon flag
for each insecure registry. An insecure registry is either not using TLS (i.e. plain text HTTP),
or is using TLS with a CA certificate not known by the Docker daemon (i.e. certification
verification disabled). For example, if there is a registry listening for HTTP at,
as of Docker 1.3.1 you are required to specify `--insecure-registry` when starting
the Docker daemon.
Docker supports softlinks for the Docker data directory
(`/var/lib/docker`) and for `/var/lib/docker/tmp`. The `DOCKER_TMPDIR` and the data directory can be set like this: