
530 lines
21 KiB

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock, atomic};
use std::io::Read;
use crate::render;
use crate::util;
use crate::globals::Time;
use mlua::prelude::LuaError::RuntimeError;
use mlua::ToLua;
fn debug_str(v: &mlua::Value) -> String {
match v {
mlua::Value::String(s) => s.to_str().map_or(format!("{:?}", v), |s| s.to_string()),
mlua::Value::Integer(i) => format!("{}", i),
_ => format!("{:?}", v),
struct ComponentID {
id: ecs::component::ID,
idstr: String,
impl mlua::UserData for ComponentID {}
struct ScriptedEntityClass {
name: String,
cls: mlua::RegistryKey,
components: BTreeMap<String, Box<dyn ecs::Component>>,
struct ScriptedEntityClassID {
name: String,
impl mlua::UserData for ScriptedEntityClassID {}
static GLOBAL_SCRIPTED_ENTITY_ID: atomic::AtomicU64 = atomic::AtomicU64::new(0);
enum ScriptedEntityStatus {
QueuedForCreation(BTreeMap<String, Box<dyn ecs::Component>>),
struct ScriptedEntity {
class_name: String,
internal_id: u64,
status: ScriptedEntityStatus,
table: mlua::RegistryKey,
impl ScriptedEntity {
fn new(
class_name: String,
table: mlua::RegistryKey,
components: BTreeMap<String, Box<dyn ecs::Component>>,
) -> Self {
let internal_id = GLOBAL_SCRIPTED_ENTITY_ID.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst) + 1;
Self {
status: ScriptedEntityStatus::QueuedForCreation(components),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct ScriptedEntityID {
internal_id: u64,
impl mlua::UserData for ScriptedEntityID {}
pub struct WorldContext {
// TODO(q3k): this leaks memory, right?
lua: &'static mlua::Lua,
classes: Arc<Mutex<BTreeMap<String, ScriptedEntityClass>>>,
instances: Arc<RwLock<InstanceData>>,
struct InstanceData {
ecs: BTreeMap<ecs::EntityID, ScriptedEntity>,
internal_to_ecs: BTreeMap<u64, ecs::EntityID>,
queue: Vec<ScriptedEntity>,
impl InstanceData {
fn get_mut(&mut self, internal: u64) -> Option<&mut ScriptedEntity> {
if let Some(eid) = self.internal_to_ecs.get(&internal) {
if let Some(se) = self.ecs.get_mut(eid) {
return Some(se);
panic!("Corrupt InstanceData: internal id {} found in internal_to_ecs, bot not in ecs", internal);
for (i, el) in self.queue.iter().enumerate() {
if el.internal_id != internal {
return Some(&mut self.queue[i])
fn get(&self, internal: u64) -> Option<&ScriptedEntity> {
if let Some(eid) = self.internal_to_ecs.get(&internal) {
if let Some(se) = self.ecs.get(eid) {
return Some(se);
panic!("Corrupt InstanceData: internal id {} found in internal_to_ecs, bot not in ecs", internal);
for el in self.queue.iter() {
if el.internal_id != internal {
return Some(&el)
impl WorldContext {
pub fn new(world: &ecs::World) -> Self {
let lua = mlua::Lua::new().into_static();
log::info!("Lua WorldContext created.");
lua.globals().set("print", lua.create_function(|_, vals: mlua::Variadic<mlua::Value>| -> mlua::Result<()> {
let msg: Vec<String> = vals.iter().map(|val| debug_str(val)).collect();
log::info!("[Lua] {}", msg.join("\t"));
let classes = Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new()));
let instances = Arc::new(RwLock::new(InstanceData {
ecs: BTreeMap::new(),
internal_to_ecs: BTreeMap::new(),
queue: Vec::new(),
lua.globals().set("sent", lua.create_table().unwrap()).unwrap();
let loaders = lua.create_table().unwrap();
loaders.set(1, lua.create_function(move |lua, name: String| -> mlua::Result<mlua::Value> {
log::debug!("require({})", name);
let path = name.clone();
match util::file::resource(path.clone()) {
Err(e) => Ok(format!("util::file::resource({}) failed: {:?}", path, e).to_lua(&lua)?),
Ok(mut reader) => {
let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
match reader.read_to_end(&mut data) {
Err(e) => Ok(format!("util::file::reasource read failed: {:?}", e).to_lua(&lua)?),
Ok(_) => lua.load(&data).set_name(&path)?.into_function()?.to_lua(&lua),
lua.globals().get::<_, mlua::Table>("package").unwrap().set("loaders", loaders).unwrap();
Self {
fn global_set_components(&self, world: &ecs::World) -> mlua::Result<()> {
let globals = self.lua.globals();
let components = match globals.get("components") {
Ok(c) => c,
Err(_) => {
let components = self.lua.create_table()?;
globals.set("components", components.clone())?;
for (idstr, id, bindings) in world.get_component_lua_bindings() {
let methods = bindings.globals(&self.lua);
methods.set("__component_component_id", ComponentID {
idstr: idstr.clone(),
components.set(idstr, methods);
/// Registers resourcemanager global in Lua, scoped to scope.
// TODO(q3k): make this generic for all ECS globals.
fn scope_resourcemanager<'a, 'world, 'lua, 'scope>(
&'a self,
scope: &'a mlua::Scope<'lua, 'scope>,
world: &'world ecs::World,
) -> mlua::Result<()>
'world: 'scope,
'scope: 'a,
let globals = self.lua.globals();
let resourcemanager = self.lua.create_table()?;
globals.set("resourcemanager", resourcemanager.clone());
let rm = world.global::<render::resource::Manager>();
let rm = rm.get();
resourcemanager.set("get_mesh", scope.create_function(move |lua, name: String| -> mlua::Result<mlua::Value> {
match rm.by_label::<render::Mesh, _>(&name) {
None => Ok(mlua::Value::Nil),
Some(r) => Ok(r.to_lua(&lua)?),
let rm = world.global::<render::resource::Manager>();
let rm = rm.get();
resourcemanager.set("get_material", scope.create_function(move |lua, name: String| -> mlua::Result<mlua::Value> {
match rm.by_label::<render::Material, _>(&name) {
None => Ok(mlua::Value::Nil),
Some(r) => Ok(r.to_lua(&lua)?),
fn scope_time<'a, 'world, 'lua, 'scope>(
&'a self,
scope: &'a mlua::Scope<'lua, 'scope>,
world: &'world ecs::World,
) -> mlua::Result<()>
'world: 'scope,
'scope: 'a,
let globals = self.lua.globals();
let time = world.global::<Time>();
globals.set("time", time.get().instant());
fn scope_sent<'a, 'world, 'lua, 'scope>(
&'a self,
scope: &'a mlua::Scope<'lua, 'scope>,
world: &'world ecs::World,
) -> mlua::Result<()>
'world: 'scope,
'scope: 'a,
let globals = self.lua.globals();
let classes = self.classes.clone();
globals.set("__sent_register", scope.create_function(move |lua, cfg: mlua::Table| -> mlua::Result<_> {
let name: String = cfg.get("name")?;
let cls: mlua::Table = cfg.get("cls")?;
let components: mlua::Table = cfg.get("components")?;
let components: Vec<(String, Box<dyn ecs::Component>)> = components
.pairs::<mlua::Integer, mlua::AnyUserData>()
.map(|pair| match pair {
Ok((_, v)) => match world.lua_any_into_dyn::<'world, '_>(&v) {
Some(b) => Ok(b),
None => Err(RuntimeError(
format!("cfg.components type error: not a component")
Err(err) => Err(RuntimeError(
format!("cfg.components iter error: {:?}", err)
.collect::<mlua::Result<Vec<(String, Box<dyn ecs::Component>)>>>()?;
let components: BTreeMap<String, Box<dyn ecs::Component>> = components.into_iter().collect();
log::info!("Registering Scripted Entity class {} at {:?}", name, cls);
log::info!("Components: {:?}", components);
let sec = ScriptedEntityClass {
name: name.clone(),
cls: lua.create_registry_value(cls)?,
classes.lock().unwrap().insert(name.clone(), sec);
Ok(ScriptedEntityClassID {
name: name,
let classes = self.classes.clone();
let instances = self.instances.clone();
globals.set("__sent_components_index", scope.create_function(move |lua, args: (mlua::Table, mlua::Value)| -> mlua::Result<mlua::Value> {
let table = args.0;
let key: String = match args.1 {
mlua::Value::String(key) => key.to_str()?.to_string(),
_ => return Ok(mlua::Value::Nil),
let seid: ScriptedEntityID = table.raw_get("__sent_id")?;
let classes = classes.lock().unwrap();
let instances = instances.read().unwrap();
// Get ScriptedEntity that the user requested this component for.
let se = match instances.get(seid.internal_id) {
Some(se) => se,
None => {
// This shouldn't really happen. Should we panic here? Probably not, as the
// Lua side could do some (accidentally) nasty things that could cause it,
// especially on reloads.
log::warn!("Lua code requested components for unknown entity {}", seid.internal_id);
return Err(RuntimeError(format!("unknown entity {}", seid.internal_id)));
match &se.status {
ScriptedEntityStatus::QueuedForCreation(c) => match c.get(&key) {
Some(component) => component.clone().lua_userdata(&lua).ok_or(RuntimeError(format!("lua_userdata not implemented"))),
None => Err(RuntimeError(format!("unknown component {} in queued entity", key))),
ScriptedEntityStatus::Exists(ecsid) => match classes.get(&se.class_name) {
Some(sec) => match sec.components.get(&key) {
Some(component) => {
let cid = component.id();
let component = match world.component_get_dyn_cloned(*ecsid, cid) {
Some(component) => component,
None => {
return Err(RuntimeError(format!("unknown component {:?} in ecs entity {}", cid, ecsid)));
component.lua_userdata(&lua).ok_or(RuntimeError(format!("lua_userdata not implemented")))
None => Err(RuntimeError(format!("unknown component {} in class", key))),
None => Err(RuntimeError(format!("unknown class {}", se.class_name))),
ScriptedEntityStatus::FailedToCreate => return Err(RuntimeError(format!("cannot get component on failed entity"))),
let classes = self.classes.clone();
let instances = self.instances.clone();
globals.set("__sent_components_newindex", scope.create_function(move |lua, args: (mlua::Table, mlua::Value, mlua::AnyUserData)| -> mlua::Result<mlua::Value> {
let table = args.0;
let key: String = match args.1 {
mlua::Value::String(key) => key.to_str()?.to_string(),
_ => return Ok(mlua::Value::Nil),
let value = args.2;
let seid: ScriptedEntityID = table.raw_get("__sent_id")?;
let classes = classes.lock().unwrap();
let mut instances = instances.write().unwrap();
let se = match instances.get_mut(seid.internal_id) {
Some(se) => se,
None => {
log::warn!("Lua code requested components for unknown entity {}", seid.internal_id);
return Err(RuntimeError(format!("unknown entity {}", seid.internal_id)));
let ecsid = match &mut se.status {
ScriptedEntityStatus::QueuedForCreation(c) => {
// Queued for creation, update in queue instead of in ECS.
let component: &Box<dyn ecs::Component> = match c.get(&key) {
Some(c) => c,
None => return Ok(mlua::Value::Nil),
let component_value = match component.lua_fromuserdata(&value) {
Some(cv) => cv,
None => return Err(RuntimeError(format!("unimplemented lua_fromuserdata"))),
c.insert(key, component_value);
return Ok(mlua::Value::Nil);
ScriptedEntityStatus::Exists(ecsid) => *ecsid,
ScriptedEntityStatus::FailedToCreate => return Err(RuntimeError(format!("cannot set component on failed entity"))),
let sec = match classes.get(&se.class_name) {
Some(sec) => sec,
None => {
log::warn!("Lua code requested components for entity {} with unknown class {}", seid.internal_id, se.class_name);
return Err(RuntimeError(format!("unknown class {}", se.class_name)));
let component: &Box<dyn ecs::Component> = match sec.components.get(&key) {
Some(c) => c,
None => return Ok(mlua::Value::Nil),
let component_value = match component.lua_fromuserdata(&value) {
Some(cv) => cv,
None => return Err(RuntimeError(format!("unimplemented lua_fromuserdata"))),
world.component_set_dyn(ecsid, component_value);
let classes = self.classes.clone();
let instances = self.instances.clone();
globals.set("__sent_new", scope.create_function(move |lua, args: (mlua::Table, mlua::AnyUserData)| {
let classes = classes.lock().unwrap();
let table = args.0;
let secid = args.1.borrow::<ScriptedEntityClassID>()?;
let sec = match classes.get(&secid.name) {
Some(el) => el,
None => return Err(RuntimeError(format!("lost secid {:?}", secid.name))),
let components: BTreeMap<String, Box<dyn ecs::Component>> = sec.components.iter().map(|(k, v)| {
(k.clone(), v.clone_dyn())
let sent = ScriptedEntity::new(
let seid = ScriptedEntityID {
internal_id: sent.internal_id,
pub fn eval_init<T>(&self, world: &ecs::World, val: T) -> mlua::Result<()>
T: Into<String>
let val: String = val.into();
self.lua.scope(move |scope| {
self.scope_sent(scope, world)?;
self.scope_resourcemanager(scope, world)?;
impl <'system, 'lua, 'scope> ecs::System<'system> for WorldContext
'lua: 'scope,
'system: 'scope,
type SystemData = ecs::ReadWriteAll<'system>;
fn run(&mut self, sd: Self::SystemData) {
let instances = self.instances.clone();
let classes = self.classes.clone();
let mut instances = instances.write().unwrap();
let classes = classes.lock().unwrap();
// Lazily create enqueued entities.
if instances.queue.len() > 0 {
let queue = std::mem::replace(&mut instances.queue, Vec::new());
for mut el in queue.into_iter() {
match el.status {
ScriptedEntityStatus::QueuedForCreation(components) => {
let mut entity = sd.new_entity_lazy();
for (_, component) in components.into_iter() {
entity = entity.with_dyn(component);
let ecsid = entity.build(&sd);
el.status = ScriptedEntityStatus::Exists(ecsid);
log::debug!("Created sent of type {} with ECS ID {} and internal ID {}", el.class_name, ecsid, el.internal_id);
instances.internal_to_ecs.insert(el.internal_id, ecsid);
instances.ecs.insert(ecsid, el);
o => panic!("ScriptedEntity in queue with unexpected status {:?}", o),
let world: &'system ecs::World = sd.world();
let instances = self.instances.clone();
// Run tick functions in all entities.
self.lua.scope::<'lua, 'scope>(move |scope| {
self.scope_sent(scope, world)?;
self.scope_resourcemanager(scope, world)?;
self.scope_time(scope, world)?;
// Copy out functions refs to release lock.
let mut tickers: Vec<(ecs::EntityID, mlua::Function)> = vec![];
let instances = instances.read().unwrap();
for (ecsid, sent) in instances.ecs.iter() {
let table: mlua::Table = match self.lua.registry_value(&sent.table) {
Ok(table) => table,
Err(err) => {
log::warn!("Entity {}/{} tick failed: getting tick failed: {:?}", ecsid, sent.internal_id, err);
let cb: mlua::Function = match table.raw_get("__sent_tick") {
Ok(tick) => tick,
Err(err) => {
log::warn!("Entity {}/{} tick failed: getting tick function failed: {:?}", ecsid, sent.internal_id, err);
tickers.push((*ecsid, cb));
for (ecsid, cb) in tickers.into_iter() {
match cb.call::<mlua::Value, mlua::Value>(mlua::Value::Nil) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) => {
log::warn!("Entity {} tick failed: {:?}", ecsid, err);