# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY CARGO # # When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically # "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility # with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies # to registry (e.g. crates.io) dependencies # # If you believe there's an error in this file please file an # issue against the rust-lang/cargo repository. If you're # editing this file be aware that the upstream Cargo.toml # will likely look very different (and much more reasonable) [package] name = "winit" version = "0.18.1" authors = ["The winit contributors", "Pierre Krieger "] description = "Cross-platform window creation library." documentation = "https://docs.rs/winit" readme = "README.md" keywords = ["windowing"] categories = ["gui"] license = "Apache-2.0" repository = "https://github.com/tomaka/winit" [package.metadata.docs.rs] features = ["icon_loading", "serde"] [dependencies.image] version = "0.20.1" optional = true [dependencies.lazy_static] version = "1" [dependencies.libc] version = "0.2" [dependencies.log] version = "0.4" [dependencies.serde] version = "1" features = ["serde_derive"] optional = true [features] icon_loading = ["image"] [target."cfg(any(target_os = \"linux\", target_os = \"dragonfly\", target_os = \"freebsd\", target_os = \"openbsd\", target_os = \"netbsd\"))".dependencies.parking_lot] version = "0.7" [target."cfg(any(target_os = \"linux\", target_os = \"dragonfly\", target_os = \"freebsd\", target_os = \"openbsd\", target_os = \"netbsd\"))".dependencies.percent-encoding] version = "1.0" [target."cfg(any(target_os = \"linux\", target_os = \"dragonfly\", target_os = \"freebsd\", target_os = \"openbsd\", target_os = \"netbsd\"))".dependencies.smithay-client-toolkit] version = "0.4.3" [target."cfg(any(target_os = \"linux\", target_os = \"dragonfly\", target_os = \"freebsd\", target_os = \"openbsd\", target_os = \"netbsd\"))".dependencies.wayland-client] version = "0.21" features = ["dlopen", "egl", "cursor"] [target."cfg(any(target_os = \"linux\", target_os = \"dragonfly\", target_os = \"freebsd\", target_os = \"openbsd\", target_os = \"netbsd\"))".dependencies.x11-dl] version = "2.18.3" [target."cfg(target_os = \"android\")".dependencies.android_glue] version = "0.2" [target."cfg(target_os = \"ios\")".dependencies.objc] version = "0.2.3" [target."cfg(target_os = \"macos\")".dependencies.cocoa] version = "0.18.4" [target."cfg(target_os = \"macos\")".dependencies.core-foundation] version = "0.6" [target."cfg(target_os = \"macos\")".dependencies.core-graphics] version = "0.17.3" [target."cfg(target_os = \"macos\")".dependencies.objc] version = "0.2.3" [target."cfg(target_os = \"windows\")".dependencies.backtrace] version = "0.3" [target."cfg(target_os = \"windows\")".dependencies.winapi] version = "0.3.6" features = ["combaseapi", "dwmapi", "errhandlingapi", "hidusage", "libloaderapi", "objbase", "ole2", "processthreadsapi", "shellapi", "shellscalingapi", "shobjidl_core", "unknwnbase", "winbase", "windowsx", "winerror", "wingdi", "winnt", "winuser"]