
716 lines
25 KiB

import wx
from cStringIO import StringIO
import warnings
import math
from functools import wraps
import pathdata
import css
from svg.css.colour import colourValue
from svg.css import values
from attributes import paintValue
document = """<?xml version = "1.0" standalone = "no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg width = "4cm" height = "4cm" viewBox = "0 0 400 400"
xmlns = "" version = "1.1">
<title>Example triangle01- simple example of a 'path'</title>
<desc>A path that draws a triangle</desc>
<rect x = "1" y = "1" width = "398" height = "398"
fill = "none" stroke = "blue" />
<path d = "M 100 100 L 300 100 L 200 300 z"
fill = "red" stroke = "blue" stroke-width = "3" />
makePath = lambda: wx.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer().CreatePath()
def attrAsFloat(node, attr, defaultValue = "0"):
val = node.get(attr, defaultValue)
#TODO: process stuff like "inherit" by walking back up the nodes
#fast path optimization - if it's a valid float, don't
#try to parse it.
return float(val)
except ValueError:
return valueToPixels(val)
def valueToPixels(val, defaultUnits = "px"):
#TODO manage default units
from pyparsing import ParseException
val, unit = values.length.parseString(val)
except ParseException:
print "***", val
#todo: unit conversion to something other than pixels
return val
def pathHandler(func):
"""decorator for methods which return a path operation
Creates the path they will fill,
and generates the path operations for the node
def inner(self, node):
#brush = self.getBrushFromState()
#pen = self.getPenFromState()
#if not (brush or pen):
# return None, []
path = wx.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer().CreatePath()
func(self, node, path)
ops = self.generatePathOps(path)
return path, ops
return inner
class SVGDocument(object):
lastControl = None
brushCache = {}
penCache = {}
def __init__(self, element):
Create an SVG document from an ElementTree node.
self.handlers = {
'{}circle': self.addCircleToDocument,
'{}ellipse': self.addEllipseToDocument,
'{}line': self.addLineToDocument,
'{}polyline': self.addPolyLineToDocument,
'{}polygon': self.addPolygonToDocument,
assert element.tag == '{}svg', 'Not an SVG fragment'
self.tree = element
self.paths = {}
self.stateStack = [{}]
path, ops = self.processElement(element)
self.ops = ops
def state(self):
""" Retrieve the current state, without popping"""
return self.stateStack[-1]
def processElement(self, element):
""" Process one element of the XML tree.
Returns the path representing the node,
and an operation list for drawing the node.
Parent nodes should return a path (for hittesting), but
no draw operations
#copy the current state
current = dict(self.state)
current.update(css.inlineStyle(element.get("style", "")))
handler = self.handlers.get(element.tag, lambda *any: (None, None))
path, ops = handler(element)
self.paths[element] = path
return path, ops
def createTransformOpsFromNode(self, node):
""" Returns an oplist for transformations.
This applies to a node, not the current state because
the transform stack is saved in the wxGraphicsContext.
This oplist does *not* include the push/pop state commands
ops = []
transform = node.get('transform')
#todo: replace this with a mapping list
if transform:
for transform, args in css.transformList.parseString(transform):
if transform == 'scale':
if len(args) == 1:
x = y = args[0]
x, y = args
(wx.GraphicsContext.Scale, (x, y))
if transform == 'translate':
if len(args) == 1:
x = args[0]
y = 0
x, y = args
(wx.GraphicsContext.Translate, (x, y))
if transform == 'rotate':
if len(args) == 3:
angle, cx, cy = args
angle = math.radians(angle)
(wx.GraphicsContext.Translate, (cx, cy)),
(wx.GraphicsContext.Rotate, (angle,)),
(wx.GraphicsContext.Translate, (-cx, -cy)),
angle = args[0]
angle = math.radians(angle)
(wx.GraphicsContext.Rotate, (angle,))
if transform == 'matrix':
matrix = wx.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer().CreateMatrix(
(wx.GraphicsContext.ConcatTransform, (matrix,))
if transform == 'skewX':
matrix = wx.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer().CreateMatrix(
1, 0, math.tan(math.radians(args[0])), 1, 0, 0
(wx.GraphicsContext.ConcatTransform, (matrix,))
if transform == 'skewY':
matrix = wx.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer().CreateMatrix(
1, math.tan(math.radians(args[0])), 0, 1, 0, 0
(wx.GraphicsContext.ConcatTransform, (matrix,))
return ops
def addGroupToDocument(self, node):
""" For parent elements: push on a state,
then process all child elements
ops = [
(wx.GraphicsContext.PushState, ())
path = makePath()
for child in node.getchildren():
cpath, cops = self.processElement(child)
if cpath:
if cops:
(wx.GraphicsContext.PopState, ())
return path, ops
def getFontFromState(self):
font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
family = self.state.get("font-family")
if False:#family:
#print "setting font", family
size = self.state.get("font-size")
#I'm not sure if this is right or not
if size:
val, unit = values.length.parseString(size)
if '__WXMSW__' in wx.PlatformInfo:
i = int(val)
font.SetPixelSize((i, i))
return font
def addTextToDocument(self, node):
x, y = [attrAsFloat(node, attr) for attr in ('x', 'y')]
def DoDrawText(context, text, x, y, brush = wx.NullGraphicsBrush):
#SVG spec appears to originate text from the bottom
#rather than the top as with our API. This function
#will measure and then re-orient the text as needed.
w, h = context.GetTextExtent(text)
y -= h
context.DrawText(text, x, y, brush)
font = self.getFontFromState()
brush = self.getBrushFromState()
if not (brush and brush.IsOk()):
brush = wx.BLACK_BRUSH
#normalize whitespace
#TODO: SVG probably has rules for this
text = ' '.join(node.text.split() if node.text else "")
if text is None:
return None, []
ops = [
(wx.GraphicsContext.SetFont, (font, brush.Colour)),
(DoDrawText, (text, x, y))
return None, ops
def addRectToDocument(self, node, path):
x, y, w, h = (attrAsFloat(node, attr) for attr in ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'])
rx = node.get('rx')
ry = node.get('ry')
if not (w and h):
path.MoveToPoint(x, y) #keep the current point correct
if rx or ry:
if rx and ry:
rx, ry = float(rx), float(ry)
elif rx:
rx = ry = float(rx)
elif ry:
rx = ry = float(ry)
#value clamping as per spec section 9.2
rx = min(rx, w/2)
ry = min(ry, h/2)
path.MoveToPoint(x+rx, y)
path.AddLineToPoint(x+w-rx, y)
#top right
cx = rx * 2
cy = ry * 2
x+w-cx, y,
cx, cy,
math.radians(270), math.radians(0),
path.AddLineToPoint(x+w, y+h-ry)
#bottom right
x+w-cx, y+h-cy,
cx, cy,
math.radians(0), math.radians(90),
path.AddLineToPoint(x+rx, y+h)
#bottom left
x, y+h-cy,
cx, cy,
path.AddLineToPoint(x, y+ry)
#bottom right
x, y,
cx, cy,
x, y, w, h
def addCircleToDocument(self, node, path):
cx, cy, r = [attrAsFloat(node, attr) for attr in ('cx', 'cy', 'r')]
path.AddCircle(cx, cy, r)
def addEllipseToDocument(self, node, path):
cx, cy, rx, ry = [float(node.get(attr, 0)) for attr in ('cx', 'cy', 'rx', 'ry')]
#cx, cy are centerpoint.
#rx, ry are radius.
#wxGC coords are the rect of the ellipse bounding box.
if rx <= 0 or ry <= 0:
x = cx - rx
y = cy - ry
path.AddEllipse(x, y, rx*2, ry*2)
def addLineToDocument(self, node, path):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = [attrAsFloat(node, attr) for attr in ('x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2')]
path.MoveToPoint(x1, y1)
path.AddLineToPoint(x2, y2)
def addPolyLineToDocument(self, node, path):
#translate to pathdata and render that
data = "M " + node.get("points")
self.addPathDataToPath(data, path)
def addPolygonToDocument(self, node, path):
#translate to pathdata and render that
data = "M " + node.get("points") + " Z"
self.addPathDataToPath(data, path)
def addPathDataToDocument(self, node, path):
self.addPathDataToPath(node.get('d', ''), path)
def addPathDataToPath(self, data, path):
self.lastControl = None
self.lastControlQ = None
self.firstPoints = []
def normalizeStrokes(parseResults):
""" The data comes from the parser in the
form of (command, [list of arguments]).
We translate that to [(command, args[0]), (command, args[1])]
via a generator.
M is special cased because its subsequent arguments
become linetos.
for command, arguments in parseResults:
if not arguments:
yield (command, ())
arguments = iter(arguments)
if command == 'm':
yield (command,
command = "l"
elif command == "M":
yield (command,
command = "L"
for arg in arguments:
yield (command, arg)
#print "data length", len(data)
import time
t = time.time()
parsed = pathdata.svg.parseString(data)
#print "parsed in", time.time()-t
for stroke in normalizeStrokes(parsed):
self.addStrokeToPath(path, stroke)
def generatePathOps(self, path):
""" Look at the current state and generate the
draw operations (fill, stroke, neither) for the path"""
ops = []
brush = self.getBrushFromState(path)
fillRule = self.state.get('fill-rule', 'nonzero')
frMap = {'nonzero':wx.WINDING_RULE, 'evenodd': wx.ODDEVEN_RULE}
fr = frMap.get(fillRule, wx.ODDEVEN_RULE)
if brush:
(wx.GraphicsContext.SetBrush, (brush,))
(wx.GraphicsContext.FillPath, (path, fr))
pen = self.getPenFromState()
if pen:
(wx.GraphicsContext.SetPen, (pen,))
(wx.GraphicsContext.StrokePath, (path,))
return ops
def getPenFromState(self):
pencolour = self.state.get('stroke', 'none')
if pencolour == 'currentColor':
pencolour = self.state.get('color', 'none')
if pencolour == 'transparent':
if pencolour == 'none':
return wx.NullPen
type, value = colourValue.parseString(pencolour)
if type == 'URL':
warnings.warn("Color servers for stroking not implemented")
return wx.NullPen
if value[:3] == (-1, -1, -1):
return wx.NullPen
pen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(*value))
width = self.state.get('stroke-width')
if width:
width, units = values.length.parseString(width)
capmap = {
joinmap = {
pen.SetCap(capmap.get(self.state.get('stroke-linecap', None), wx.CAP_BUTT))
pen.SetJoin(joinmap.get(self.state.get('stroke-linejoin', None), wx.JOIN_MITER))
return wx.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer().CreatePen(pen)
def getBrushFromState(self, path = None):
brushcolour = self.state.get('fill', 'black').strip()
type, details = paintValue.parseString(brushcolour)
if type == "URL":
url, fallback = details
element = self.resolveURL(url)
if not element:
if fallback:
type, details = fallback
r, g, b, = 0, 0, 0
if element.tag == '{}linearGradient':
box = path.GetBox()
x, y, w, h = box.Get()
return wx.GraphicsRenderer.GetDefaultRenderer().CreateLinearGradientBrush(
x, y, x+w, y+h, wx.Colour(0, 0, 255, 128), wx.RED
elif element.tag == '{}radialGradient':
box = path.GetBox()
x, y, w, h = box.Get()
#print w
mx = wx.GraphicsRenderer.GetDefaultRenderer().CreateMatrix(x, y, w, h)
cx, cy = mx.TransformPoint(0.5, 0.5)
fx, fy = cx, cy
return wx.GraphicsRenderer.GetDefaultRenderer().CreateRadialGradientBrush(
cx, cy,
fx, fy,
(max(w, h))/2,
wx.Colour(0, 0, 255, 128), wx.RED
#invlid gradient specified
return wx.NullBrush
r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
if type == 'CURRENTCOLOR':
type, details = paintValue.parseString(self.state.get('color', 'none'))
if type == 'RGB':
r, g, b = details
elif type == "NONE":
return wx.NullBrush
opacity = self.state.get('fill-opacity', self.state.get('opacity', '1'))
opacity = float(opacity)
opacity = min(max(opacity, 0.0), 1.0)
a = 255 * opacity
#using try/except block instead of
#just setdefault because the wxBrush and wxColour would
#be created every time anyway in order to pass them,
#defeating the purpose of the cache
return SVGDocument.brushCache[(r, g, b, a)]
except KeyError:
return SVGDocument.brushCache.setdefault((r, g, b, a), wx.Brush(wx.Colour(r, g, b, a)))
def resolveURL(self, urlData):
Resolve a URL and return an elementTree Element from it.
Return None if unresolvable
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlData
if scheme == netloc == path == '':
#horrible. There's got to be a better way?
if self.tree.get("id") == fragment:
return self.tree
for child in self.tree.getiterator():
#print child.get("id")
if child.get("id") == fragment:
return child
return None
return self.resolveRemoteURL(urlData)
def resolveRemoteURL(self, url):
return None
def addStrokeToPath(self, path, stroke):
""" Given a stroke from a path command
(in the form (command, arguments)) create the path
commands that represent it.
TODO: break out into (yet another) class/module,
especially so we can get O(1) dispatch on type?
type, arg = stroke
relative = False
if type == type.lower():
relative = True
ox, oy = path.GetCurrentPoint().Get()
ox = oy = 0
def normalizePoint(arg):
x, y = arg
return x+ox, y+oy
def reflectPoint(point, relativeTo):
x, y = point
a, b = relativeTo
return ((a*2)-x), ((b*2)-y)
type = type.upper()
if type == 'M':
pt = normalizePoint(arg)
elif type == 'L':
elif type == 'C':
#control1, control2, endpoint = arg
control1, control2, endpoint = map(
normalizePoint, arg
self.lastControl = control2
#~ cp = path.GetCurrentPoint()
#~ path.AddCircle(c1x, c1y, 5)
#~ path.AddCircle(c2x, c2y, 3)
#~ path.AddCircle(x, y, 7)
#~ path.MoveToPoint(cp)
#~ print "C", control1, control2, endpoint
elif type == 'S':
#control2, endpoint = arg
control2, endpoint = map(
normalizePoint, arg
if self.lastControl:
control1 = reflectPoint(self.lastControl, path.GetCurrentPoint())
control1 = path.GetCurrentPoint()
#~ print "S", self.lastControl, ":", control1, control2, endpoint
self.lastControl = control2
elif type == "Q":
(cx, cy), (x, y) = map(normalizePoint, arg)
self.lastControlQ = (cx, cy)
path.AddQuadCurveToPoint(cx, cy, x, y)
elif type == "T":
x, y, = normalizePoint(arg)
if self.lastControlQ:
cx, cy = reflectPoint(self.lastControlQ, path.GetCurrentPoint())
cx, cy = path.GetCurrentPoint()
self.lastControlQ = (cx, cy)
path.AddQuadCurveToPoint(cx, cy, x, y)
elif type == "V":
_, y = normalizePoint((0, arg))
x, _ = path.GetCurrentPoint()
path.AddLineToPoint(x, y)
elif type == "H":
x, _ = normalizePoint((arg, 0))
_, y = path.GetCurrentPoint()
path.AddLineToPoint(x, y)
elif type == "A":
#wxGC currently only supports circular arcs,
#not eliptical ones
(rx, ry), #radii of ellipse
angle, #angle of rotation on the ellipse in degrees
(fa, fs), #arc and stroke angle flags
(x, y) #endpoint on the arc
) = arg
x, y = normalizePoint((x, y))
cx, cy = path.GetCurrentPoint()
if (cx, cy) == (x, y):
return #noop
if (rx == 0 or ry == 0):
#no radius is effectively a line
path.AddLineToPoint(x, y)
#find the center point for the ellipse
#translation via the angle
angle = angle % 360
angle = math.radians(angle)
#translated endpoint
xPrime = math.cos(angle) * ((cx-x)/2)
xPrime += math.sin(angle) * ((cx-x)/2)
yPrime = -(math.sin(angle)) * ((cy-y)/2)
yPrime += (math.cos(angle)) * ((cy-y)/2)
temp = ((rx**2) * (ry**2)) - ((rx**2) * (yPrime**2)) - ((ry**2) * (xPrime**2))
temp /= ((rx**2) * (yPrime**2)) + ((ry**2)*(xPrime**2))
temp = abs(temp)
temp = math.sqrt(temp)
except ValueError:
import pdb
cxPrime = temp * ((rx * yPrime) / ry)
cyPrime = temp * -((ry * xPrime) / rx)
if fa == fs:
cxPrime, cyPrime = -cxPrime, -cyPrime
#reflect backwards now for the origin
cnx = math.cos(angle) * cxPrime
cnx += math.sin(angle) * cxPrime
cny = -(math.sin(angle)) * cyPrime
cny += (math.cos(angle)) * cyPrime
cnx += ((cx+x)/2.0)
cny += ((cy+y)/2.0)
#calculate the angle between the two endpoints
lastArc = wx.Point2D(x-cnx, y-cny).GetVectorAngle()
firstArc = wx.Point2D(cx-cnx, cy-cny).GetVectorAngle()
lastArc = math.radians(lastArc)
firstArc = math.radians(firstArc)
#aargh buggines.
#AddArc draws a straight line between
#the endpoints of the arc.
#putting it in a subpath makes the strokes come out
#correctly, but it still only fills the slice
#taking out the MoveToPoint fills correctly.
path.AddEllipse(cnx-rx, cny-ry, rx*2, ry*2)
path.MoveToPoint(x, y)
#~ npath = makePath()
#~ npath.AddEllipticalArc(cnx-rx, cny-ry, rx*2, ry*2, firstArc, lastArc, False)
#~ npath.MoveToPoint(x, y)
#~ path.AddPath(npath)
elif type == 'Z':
#~ Bugginess:
#~ CloseSubpath() doesn't change the
#~ current point, as SVG spec requires.
#~ However, manually moving to the endpoint afterward opens a new subpath
#~ and (apparently) messes with stroked but not filled paths.
#~ This is possibly a bug in GDI+?
#~ Manually closing the path via AddLineTo gives incorrect line join
#~ results
#~ Manually closing the path *and* calling CloseSubpath() appears
#~ to give correct results on win32
pt = self.firstPoints.pop()
def render(self, context):
if not hasattr(self, "ops"):
for op, args in self.ops:
op(context, *args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from tests.test_document import *