#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of the Printrun suite. # # Printrun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Printrun is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Printrun. If not, see . import os, Queue, re from printrun.printrun_utils import install_locale install_locale('pronterface') try: import wx except: print _("WX is not installed. This program requires WX to run.") raise import sys, glob, time, datetime, threading, traceback, cStringIO, subprocess from printrun.pronterface_widgets import * from serial import SerialException StringIO = cStringIO winsize = (800, 500) layerindex = 0 if os.name == "nt": winsize = (800, 530) try: import _winreg except: pass import printcore from printrun.printrun_utils import pixmapfile, configfile from printrun.gui import MainWindow import pronsole from pronsole import dosify from printrun import gcoder def parse_temperature_report(report, key): if key in report: return float(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(key), report.split())[0].split(":")[1].split("/")[0]) else: return -1.0 def format_time(timestamp): return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%H:%M:%S") def format_duration(delta): return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(delta))) class Tee(object): def __init__(self, target): self.stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self self.target = target def __del__(self): sys.stdout = self.stdout def write(self, data): try: self.target(data) except: pass try: data = data.encode("utf-8") except: pass self.stdout.write(data) def flush(self): self.stdout.flush() class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): def __init__(self, filename = None, size = winsize): pronsole.pronsole.__init__(self) self.settings.build_dimensions = '200x200x100+0+0+0+0+0+0' #default build dimensions are 200x200x100 with 0, 0, 0 in the corner of the bed self.settings.last_bed_temperature = 0.0 self.settings.last_file_path = "" self.settings.last_temperature = 0.0 self.settings.preview_extrusion_width = 0.5 self.settings.preview_grid_step1 = 10. self.settings.preview_grid_step2 = 50. self.settings.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF" self.pauseScript = "pause.gcode" self.endScript = "end.gcode" self.helpdict["build_dimensions"] = _("Dimensions of Build Platform\n & optional offset of origin\n & optional switch position\n\nExamples:\n XXXxYYY\n XXX,YYY,ZZZ\n XXXxYYYxZZZ+OffX+OffY+OffZ\nXXXxYYYxZZZ+OffX+OffY+OffZ+HomeX+HomeY+HomeZ") self.helpdict["last_bed_temperature"] = _("Last Set Temperature for the Heated Print Bed") self.helpdict["last_file_path"] = _("Folder of last opened file") self.helpdict["last_temperature"] = _("Last Temperature of the Hot End") self.helpdict["preview_extrusion_width"] = _("Width of Extrusion in Preview (default: 0.5)") self.helpdict["preview_grid_step1"] = _("Fine Grid Spacing (default: 10)") self.helpdict["preview_grid_step2"] = _("Coarse Grid Spacing (default: 50)") self.helpdict["bgcolor"] = _("Pronterface background color (default: #FFFFFF)") self.filename = filename os.putenv("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY", "0") MainWindow.__init__(self, None, title = _("Printer Interface"), size = size); self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(pixmapfile("P-face.ico"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) self.panel = wx.Panel(self,-1, size = size) self.statuscheck = False self.status_thread = None self.capture_skip = {} self.capture_skip_newline = False self.tempreport = "" self.monitor = 0 self.f = None self.skeinp = None self.monitor_interval = 3 self.paused = False self.sentlines = Queue.Queue(30) self.cpbuttons = [ SpecialButton(_("Motors off"), ("M84"), (250, 250, 250), None, 0, _("Switch all motors off")), SpecialButton(_("Check temp"), ("M105"), (225, 200, 200), (2, 5), (1, 1), _("Check current hotend temperature")), SpecialButton(_("Extrude"), ("extrude"), (225, 200, 200), (4, 0), (1, 2), _("Advance extruder by set length")), SpecialButton(_("Reverse"), ("reverse"), (225, 200, 200), (5, 0), (1, 2), _("Reverse extruder by set length")), ] self.custombuttons = [] self.btndict = {} self.parse_cmdline(sys.argv[1:]) self.build_dimensions_list = self.get_build_dimensions(self.settings.build_dimensions) #initialize the code analyzer with the correct sizes. There must be a more general way to do so # minimum = offset self.p.analyzer.minX = self.build_dimensions_list[3] self.p.analyzer.minY = self.build_dimensions_list[4] self.p.analyzer.minZ = self.build_dimensions_list[5] #max = offset + bedsize self.p.analyzer.maxX = self.build_dimensions_list[3] + self.build_dimensions_list[0] self.p.analyzer.maxY = self.build_dimensions_list[4] + self.build_dimensions_list[1] self.p.analyzer.maxZ = self.build_dimensions_list[5] + self.build_dimensions_list[2] self.p.analyzer.homeX = self.build_dimensions_list[6] self.p.analyzer.homeY = self.build_dimensions_list[7] self.p.analyzer.homeZ = self.build_dimensions_list[8] #set feedrates in printcore for pause/resume self.p.xy_feedrate = self.settings.xy_feedrate self.p.z_feedrate = self.settings.z_feedrate #make printcore aware of me self.p.pronterface = self self.panel.SetBackgroundColour(self.settings.bgcolor) customdict = {} try: execfile(configfile("custombtn.txt"), customdict) if len(customdict["btns"]): if not len(self.custombuttons): try: self.custombuttons = customdict["btns"] for n in xrange(len(self.custombuttons)): self.cbutton_save(n, self.custombuttons[n]) os.rename("custombtn.txt", "custombtn.old") rco = open("custombtn.txt", "w") rco.write(_("# I moved all your custom buttons into .pronsolerc.\n# Please don't add them here any more.\n# Backup of your old buttons is in custombtn.old\n")) rco.close() except IOError, x: print str(x) else: print _("Note!!! You have specified custom buttons in both custombtn.txt and .pronsolerc") print _("Ignoring custombtn.txt. Remove all current buttons to revert to custombtn.txt") except: pass self.popmenu() self.createGui() self.t = Tee(self.catchprint) self.stdout = sys.stdout self.skeining = 0 self.mini = False self.p.sendcb = self.sentcb self.p.startcb = self.startcb self.p.endcb = self.endcb self.starttime = 0 self.extra_print_time = 0 self.curlayer = 0 self.cur_button = None self.predisconnect_mainqueue = None self.predisconnect_queueindex = None self.predisconnect_layer = None self.hsetpoint = 0.0 self.bsetpoint = 0.0 if self.filename is not None: self.do_load(self.filename) def startcb(self): self.starttime = time.time() print "Print Started at: " + format_time(self.starttime) def endcb(self): if self.p.queueindex == 0: print_duration = int(time.time () - self.starttime + self.extra_print_time) print _("Print ended at: %(end_time)s and took %(duration)s") % {"end_time": format_time(time.time()), "duration": format_duration(print_duration)} wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.Disable) wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.SetLabel, _("Print")) self.p.runSmallScript(self.endScript) param = self.settings.final_command if not param: return import shlex pararray = [i.replace("$s", str(self.filename)).replace("$t", format_duration(print_duration)).encode() for i in shlex.split(param.replace("\\", "\\\\").encode())] self.finalp = subprocess.Popen(pararray, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) def online(self): print _("Printer is now online.") self.connectbtn.SetLabel(_("Disconnect")) self.connectbtn.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Disconnect from the printer")) self.connectbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.disconnect) for i in self.printerControls: wx.CallAfter(i.Enable) # Enable XYButtons and ZButtons wx.CallAfter(self.xyb.enable) wx.CallAfter(self.zb.enable) if self.filename: wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.Enable) def sentcb(self, line): if "G1" in line: if "Z" in line: try: layer = float(line.split("Z")[1].split()[0]) if layer != self.curlayer: self.curlayer = layer self.gviz.hilight = [] threading.Thread(target = wx.CallAfter, args = (self.gviz.setlayer, layer)).start() except: pass try: self.sentlines.put_nowait(line) except: pass #threading.Thread(target = self.gviz.addgcode, args = (line, 1)).start() #self.gwindow.p.addgcode(line, hilight = 1) if "M104" in line or "M109" in line: if "S" in line: try: temp = float(line.split("S")[1].split("*")[0]) #self.hottgauge.SetTarget(temp) wx.CallAfter(self.graph.SetExtruder0TargetTemperature, temp) except: pass try: self.sentlines.put_nowait(line) except: pass if "M140" in line: if "S" in line: try: temp = float(line.split("S")[1].split("*")[0]) #self.bedtgauge.SetTarget(temp) wx.CallAfter(self.graph.SetBedTargetTemperature, temp) except: pass try: self.sentlines.put_nowait(line) except: pass def do_extrude(self, l = ""): try: if not l.__class__ in (str, unicode) or not len(l): l = str(self.edist.GetValue()) pronsole.pronsole.do_extrude(self, l) except: raise def do_reverse(self, l = ""): try: if not l.__class__ in (str, unicode) or not len(l): l = str(- float(self.edist.GetValue())) pronsole.pronsole.do_extrude(self, l) except: pass def setbedgui(self, f): self.bsetpoint = f #self.bedtgauge.SetTarget(int(f)) wx.CallAfter(self.graph.SetBedTargetTemperature, int(f)) if f>0: wx.CallAfter(self.btemp.SetValue, str(f)) self.set("last_bed_temperature", str(f)) wx.CallAfter(self.setboff.SetBackgroundColour, None) wx.CallAfter(self.setboff.SetForegroundColour, None) wx.CallAfter(self.setbbtn.SetBackgroundColour, "#FFAA66") wx.CallAfter(self.setbbtn.SetForegroundColour, "#660000") wx.CallAfter(self.btemp.SetBackgroundColour, "#FFDABB") else: wx.CallAfter(self.setboff.SetBackgroundColour, "#0044CC") wx.CallAfter(self.setboff.SetForegroundColour, "white") wx.CallAfter(self.setbbtn.SetBackgroundColour, None) wx.CallAfter(self.setbbtn.SetForegroundColour, None) wx.CallAfter(self.btemp.SetBackgroundColour, "white") wx.CallAfter(self.btemp.Refresh) def sethotendgui(self, f): self.hsetpoint = f #self.hottgauge.SetTarget(int(f)) wx.CallAfter(self.graph.SetExtruder0TargetTemperature, int(f)) if f > 0: wx.CallAfter(self.htemp.SetValue, str(f)) self.set("last_temperature", str(f)) wx.CallAfter(self.settoff.SetBackgroundColour, None) wx.CallAfter(self.settoff.SetForegroundColour, None) wx.CallAfter(self.settbtn.SetBackgroundColour, "#FFAA66") wx.CallAfter(self.settbtn.SetForegroundColour, "#660000") wx.CallAfter(self.htemp.SetBackgroundColour, "#FFDABB") else: wx.CallAfter(self.settoff.SetBackgroundColour, "#0044CC") wx.CallAfter(self.settoff.SetForegroundColour, "white") wx.CallAfter(self.settbtn.SetBackgroundColour, None) wx.CallAfter(self.settbtn.SetForegroundColour, None) wx.CallAfter(self.htemp.SetBackgroundColour, "white") wx.CallAfter(self.htemp.Refresh) def do_settemp(self, l = ""): try: if not l.__class__ in (str, unicode) or not len(l): l = str(self.htemp.GetValue().split()[0]) l = l.lower().replace(", ", ".") for i in self.temps.keys(): l = l.replace(i, self.temps[i]) f = float(l) if f >= 0: if self.p.online: self.p.send_now("M104 S"+l) print _("Setting hotend temperature to %f degrees Celsius.") % f self.sethotendgui(f) else: print _("Printer is not online.") else: print _("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the hotend off entirely, set its temperature to 0.") except Exception, x: print _("You must enter a temperature. (%s)") % (repr(x),) def do_bedtemp(self, l = ""): try: if not l.__class__ in (str, unicode) or not len(l): l = str(self.btemp.GetValue().split()[0]) l = l.lower().replace(", ", ".") for i in self.bedtemps.keys(): l = l.replace(i, self.bedtemps[i]) f = float(l) if f >= 0: if self.p.online: self.p.send_now("M140 S"+l) print _("Setting bed temperature to %f degrees Celsius.") % f self.setbedgui(f) else: print _("Printer is not online.") else: print _("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the bed off entirely, set its temperature to 0.") except Exception, x: print _("You must enter a temperature. (%s)") % (repr(x),) def end_macro(self): pronsole.pronsole.end_macro(self) self.update_macros_menu() def delete_macro(self, macro_name): pronsole.pronsole.delete_macro(self, macro_name) self.update_macros_menu() def start_macro(self, macro_name, old_macro_definition = ""): if not self.processing_rc: def cb(definition): if len(definition.strip()) == 0: if old_macro_definition != "": dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("Do you want to erase the macro?"), style = wx.YES_NO|wx.YES_DEFAULT|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.delete_macro(macro_name) return print _("Cancelled.") return self.cur_macro_name = macro_name self.cur_macro_def = definition self.end_macro() MacroEditor(macro_name, old_macro_definition, cb) else: pronsole.pronsole.start_macro(self, macro_name, old_macro_definition) def catchprint(self, l): if self.capture_skip_newline and len(l) and not len(l.strip("\n\r")): self.capture_skip_newline = False return for pat in self.capture_skip.keys(): if self.capture_skip[pat] > 0 and pat.match(l): self.capture_skip[pat] -= 1 self.capture_skip_newline = True return wx.CallAfter(self.addtexttolog,l); def scanserial(self): """scan for available ports. return a list of device names.""" baselist = [] if os.name == "nt": try: key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM") i = 0 while True: baselist += [_winreg.EnumValue(key, i)[1]] i += 1 except: pass return baselist+glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') + glob.glob("/dev/tty.*") + glob.glob("/dev/cu.*") + glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*") def project(self,event): from printrun import projectlayer if self.p.online: projectlayer.setframe(self,self.p).Show() else: print _("Printer is not online.") def popmenu(self): self.menustrip = wx.MenuBar() # File menu m = wx.Menu() self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.loadfile, m.Append(-1, _("&Open..."), _(" Opens file"))) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.do_editgcode, m.Append(-1, _("&Edit..."), _(" Edit open file"))) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.clearOutput, m.Append(-1, _("Clear console"), _(" Clear output console"))) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.project, m.Append(-1, _("Projector"), _(" Project slices"))) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExit, m.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, _("E&xit"), _(" Closes the Window"))) self.menustrip.Append(m, _("&File")) # Settings menu m = wx.Menu() self.macros_menu = wx.Menu() m.AppendSubMenu(self.macros_menu, _("&Macros")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.new_macro, self.macros_menu.Append(-1, _("<&New...>"))) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda *e:options(self), m.Append(-1, _("&Options"), _(" Options dialog"))) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda x: threading.Thread(target = lambda:self.do_skein("set")).start(), m.Append(-1, _("Slicing Settings"), _(" Adjust slicing settings"))) mItem = m.AppendCheckItem(-1, _("Debug G-code"), _("Print all G-code sent to and received from the printer.")) m.Check(mItem.GetId(), self.p.loud) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.setloud, mItem) #try: # from SkeinforgeQuickEditDialog import SkeinforgeQuickEditDialog # self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda *e:SkeinforgeQuickEditDialog(self), m.Append(-1,_("SFACT Quick Settings"),_(" Quickly adjust SFACT settings for active profile"))) #except: # pass self.menustrip.Append(m, _("&Settings")) self.update_macros_menu() self.SetMenuBar(self.menustrip) def doneediting(self, gcode): f = open(self.filename, "w") f.write("\n".join(gcode)) f.close() wx.CallAfter(self.loadfile, None, self.filename) def do_editgcode(self, e = None): if self.filename is not None: MacroEditor(self.filename, self.f, self.doneediting, 1) def new_macro(self, e = None): dialog = wx.Dialog(self, -1, _("Enter macro name"), size = (260, 85)) panel = wx.Panel(dialog, -1) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) wx.StaticText(panel, -1, _("Macro name:"), (8, 14)) dialog.namectrl = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, '', (110, 8), size = (130, 24), style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) okb = wx.Button(dialog, wx.ID_OK, _("Ok"), size = (60, 24)) dialog.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, lambda e:dialog.EndModal(wx.ID_OK), dialog.namectrl) #dialog.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda e:self.new_macro_named(dialog, e), okb) hbox.Add(okb) hbox.Add(wx.Button(dialog, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), size = (60, 24))) vbox.Add(panel) vbox.Add(hbox, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 10) dialog.SetSizer(vbox) dialog.Centre() macro = "" if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: macro = dialog.namectrl.GetValue() if macro != "": wx.CallAfter(self.edit_macro, macro) dialog.Destroy() return macro def edit_macro(self, macro): if macro == "": return self.new_macro() if self.macros.has_key(macro): old_def = self.macros[macro] elif len([c for c in macro.encode("ascii", "replace") if not c.isalnum() and c != "_"]): print _("Macro name may contain only ASCII alphanumeric symbols and underscores") return elif hasattr(self.__class__, "do_"+macro): print _("Name '%s' is being used by built-in command") % macro return else: old_def = "" self.start_macro(macro, old_def) return macro def update_macros_menu(self): if not hasattr(self, "macros_menu"): return # too early, menu not yet built try: while True: item = self.macros_menu.FindItemByPosition(1) if item is None: return self.macros_menu.DeleteItem(item) except: pass for macro in self.macros.keys(): self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda x, m = macro: self.start_macro(m, self.macros[m]), self.macros_menu.Append(-1, macro)) def OnExit(self, event): self.Close() def rescanports(self, event = None): scan = self.scanserial() portslist = list(scan) if self.settings.port != "" and self.settings.port not in portslist: portslist += [self.settings.port] self.serialport.Clear() self.serialport.AppendItems(portslist) try: if os.path.exists(self.settings.port) or self.settings.port in scan: self.serialport.SetValue(self.settings.port) elif len(portslist) > 0: self.serialport.SetValue(portslist[0]) except: pass def cbkey(self, e): if e.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_UP: if self.commandbox.histindex == len(self.commandbox.history): self.commandbox.history+=[self.commandbox.GetValue()] #save current command if len(self.commandbox.history): self.commandbox.histindex = (self.commandbox.histindex-1)%len(self.commandbox.history) self.commandbox.SetValue(self.commandbox.history[self.commandbox.histindex]) self.commandbox.SetSelection(0, len(self.commandbox.history[self.commandbox.histindex])) elif e.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_DOWN: if self.commandbox.histindex == len(self.commandbox.history): self.commandbox.history+=[self.commandbox.GetValue()] #save current command if len(self.commandbox.history): self.commandbox.histindex = (self.commandbox.histindex+1)%len(self.commandbox.history) self.commandbox.SetValue(self.commandbox.history[self.commandbox.histindex]) self.commandbox.SetSelection(0, len(self.commandbox.history[self.commandbox.histindex])) else: e.Skip() def plate(self, e): import plater print "plate function activated" plater.stlwin(size = (800, 580), callback = self.platecb, parent = self).Show() def platecb(self, name): print "plated: "+name self.loadfile(None, name) def sdmenu(self, e): obj = e.GetEventObject() popupmenu = wx.Menu() item = popupmenu.Append(-1, _("SD Upload")) if not self.f or not len(self.f): item.Enable(False) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.upload, id = item.GetId()) item = popupmenu.Append(-1, _("SD Print")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.sdprintfile, id = item.GetId()) self.panel.PopupMenu(popupmenu, obj.GetPosition()) def htemp_change(self, event): if self.hsetpoint > 0: self.do_settemp("") wx.CallAfter(self.htemp.SetInsertionPoint, 0) def btemp_change(self, event): if self.bsetpoint > 0: self.do_bedtemp("") wx.CallAfter(self.btemp.SetInsertionPoint, 0) def showwin(self, event): if self.f is not None: self.gwindow.Show(True) self.gwindow.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Mousewheel zooms the display\nShift / Mousewheel scrolls layers")) self.gwindow.Raise() def setfeeds(self, e): self.feedrates_changed = True try: self.settings._set("e_feedrate", self.efeedc.GetValue()) except: pass try: self.settings._set("z_feedrate", self.zfeedc.GetValue()) except: pass try: self.settings._set("xy_feedrate", self.xyfeedc.GetValue()) except: pass def toggleview(self, e): if(self.mini): self.mini = False self.mainsizer.Fit(self) #self.SetSize(winsize) wx.CallAfter(self.minibtn.SetLabel, _("Mini mode")) else: self.mini = True self.uppersizer.Fit(self) #self.SetSize(winssize) wx.CallAfter(self.minibtn.SetLabel, _("Full mode")) def cbuttons_reload(self): allcbs = [] ubs = self.uppersizer cs = self.centersizer #for item in ubs.GetChildren(): # if hasattr(item.GetWindow(),"custombutton"): # allcbs += [(ubs, item.GetWindow())] for item in cs.GetChildren(): if hasattr(item.GetWindow(),"custombutton"): allcbs += [(cs, item.GetWindow())] for sizer, button in allcbs: #sizer.Remove(button) button.Destroy() self.custombuttonbuttons = [] newbuttonbuttonindex = len(self.custombuttons) while newbuttonbuttonindex>0 and self.custombuttons[newbuttonbuttonindex-1] is None: newbuttonbuttonindex -= 1 while len(self.custombuttons) < 13: self.custombuttons.append(None) for i in xrange(len(self.custombuttons)): btndef = self.custombuttons[i] try: b = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, btndef.label, style = wx.BU_EXACTFIT) b.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_("Execute command: ")+btndef.command)) if btndef.background: b.SetBackgroundColour(btndef.background) rr, gg, bb = b.GetBackgroundColour().Get() if 0.3*rr+0.59*gg+0.11*bb < 60: b.SetForegroundColour("#ffffff") except: if i == newbuttonbuttonindex: self.newbuttonbutton = b = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "+", size = (19, 18), style = wx.BU_EXACTFIT) #b.SetFont(wx.Font(12, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)) b.SetForegroundColour("#4444ff") b.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_("click to add new custom button"))) b.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.cbutton_edit) else: b = wx.Button(self.panel,-1, ".", size = (1, 1)) #b = wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1, "", size = (72, 22), style = wx.ALIGN_CENTRE+wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) #+wx.SIMPLE_BORDER b.Disable() #continue b.custombutton = i b.properties = btndef if btndef is not None: b.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.procbutton) b.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.editbutton) #else: # b.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda e:e.Skip()) self.custombuttonbuttons.append(b) #if i<4: # ubs.Add(b) #else: cs.Add(b, pos = ((i)/4, (i)%4)) self.mainsizer.Layout() def help_button(self): print _('Defines custom button. Usage: button "title" [/c "colour"] command') def do_button(self, argstr): def nextarg(rest): rest = rest.lstrip() if rest.startswith('"'): return rest[1:].split('"',1) else: return rest.split(None, 1) #try: num, argstr = nextarg(argstr) num = int(num) title, argstr = nextarg(argstr) colour = None try: c1, c2 = nextarg(argstr) if c1 == "/c": colour, argstr = nextarg(c2) except: pass command = argstr.strip() if num<0 or num>=64: print _("Custom button number should be between 0 and 63") return while num >= len(self.custombuttons): self.custombuttons.append(None) self.custombuttons[num] = SpecialButton(title, command) if colour is not None: self.custombuttons[num].background = colour if not self.processing_rc: self.cbuttons_reload() #except Exception, x: # print "Bad syntax for button definition, see 'help button'" # print x def cbutton_save(self, n, bdef, new_n = None): if new_n is None: new_n = n if bdef is None or bdef == "": self.save_in_rc(("button %d" % n),'') elif bdef.background: colour = bdef.background if type(colour) not in (str, unicode): #print type(colour), map(type, colour) if type(colour) == tuple and tuple(map(type, colour)) == (int, int, int): colour = map(lambda x:x%256, colour) colour = wx.Colour(*colour).GetAsString(wx.C2S_NAME|wx.C2S_HTML_SYNTAX) else: colour = wx.Colour(colour).GetAsString(wx.C2S_NAME|wx.C2S_HTML_SYNTAX) self.save_in_rc(("button %d" % n),'button %d "%s" /c "%s" %s' % (new_n, bdef.label, colour, bdef.command)) else: self.save_in_rc(("button %d" % n),'button %d "%s" %s' % (new_n, bdef.label, bdef.command)) def cbutton_edit(self, e, button = None): bedit = ButtonEdit(self) if button is not None: n = button.custombutton bedit.name.SetValue(button.properties.label) bedit.command.SetValue(button.properties.command) if button.properties.background: colour = button.properties.background if type(colour) not in (str, unicode): #print type(colour) if type(colour) == tuple and tuple(map(type, colour)) == (int, int, int): colour = map(lambda x:x%256, colour) colour = wx.Colour(*colour).GetAsString(wx.C2S_NAME|wx.C2S_HTML_SYNTAX) else: colour = wx.Colour(colour).GetAsString(wx.C2S_NAME|wx.C2S_HTML_SYNTAX) bedit.color.SetValue(colour) else: n = len(self.custombuttons) while n>0 and self.custombuttons[n-1] is None: n -= 1 if bedit.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if n == len(self.custombuttons): self.custombuttons+=[None] self.custombuttons[n]=SpecialButton(bedit.name.GetValue().strip(), bedit.command.GetValue().strip(), custom = True) if bedit.color.GetValue().strip()!="": self.custombuttons[n].background = bedit.color.GetValue() self.cbutton_save(n, self.custombuttons[n]) bedit.Destroy() self.cbuttons_reload() def cbutton_remove(self, e, button): n = button.custombutton self.custombuttons[n]=None self.cbutton_save(n, None) #while len(self.custombuttons) and self.custombuttons[-1] is None: # del self.custombuttons[-1] wx.CallAfter(self.cbuttons_reload) def cbutton_order(self, e, button, dir): n = button.custombutton if dir<0: n = n-1 if n+1 >= len(self.custombuttons): self.custombuttons+=[None] # pad # swap self.custombuttons[n], self.custombuttons[n+1] = self.custombuttons[n+1], self.custombuttons[n] self.cbutton_save(n, self.custombuttons[n]) self.cbutton_save(n+1, self.custombuttons[n+1]) #if self.custombuttons[-1] is None: # del self.custombuttons[-1] self.cbuttons_reload() def editbutton(self, e): if e.IsCommandEvent() or e.ButtonUp(wx.MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT): if e.IsCommandEvent(): pos = (0, 0) else: pos = e.GetPosition() popupmenu = wx.Menu() obj = e.GetEventObject() if hasattr(obj, "custombutton"): item = popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Edit custom button '%s'") % e.GetEventObject().GetLabelText()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda e, button = e.GetEventObject():self.cbutton_edit(e, button), item) item = popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Move left <<")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda e, button = e.GetEventObject():self.cbutton_order(e, button,-1), item) if obj.custombutton == 0: item.Enable(False) item = popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Move right >>")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda e, button = e.GetEventObject():self.cbutton_order(e, button, 1), item) if obj.custombutton == 63: item.Enable(False) pos = self.panel.ScreenToClient(e.GetEventObject().ClientToScreen(pos)) item = popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Remove custom button '%s'") % e.GetEventObject().GetLabelText()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda e, button = e.GetEventObject():self.cbutton_remove(e, button), item) else: item = popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Add custom button")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.cbutton_edit, item) self.panel.PopupMenu(popupmenu, pos) elif e.Dragging() and e.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT): obj = e.GetEventObject() scrpos = obj.ClientToScreen(e.GetPosition()) if not hasattr(self, "dragpos"): self.dragpos = scrpos e.Skip() return else: dx, dy = self.dragpos[0]-scrpos[0], self.dragpos[1]-scrpos[1] if dx*dx+dy*dy < 5*5: # threshold to detect dragging for jittery mice e.Skip() return if not hasattr(self, "dragging"): # init dragging of the custom button if hasattr(obj, "custombutton") and obj.properties is not None: #self.newbuttonbutton.SetLabel("") #self.newbuttonbutton.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL)) #self.newbuttonbutton.SetForegroundColour("black") #self.newbuttonbutton.SetSize(obj.GetSize()) #if self.uppersizer.GetItem(self.newbuttonbutton) is not None: # self.uppersizer.SetItemMinSize(self.newbuttonbutton, obj.GetSize()) # self.mainsizer.Layout() for b in self.custombuttonbuttons: #if b.IsFrozen(): b.Thaw() if b.properties is None: b.Enable() b.SetLabel("") b.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL)) b.SetForegroundColour("black") b.SetSize(obj.GetSize()) if self.uppersizer.GetItem(b) is not None: self.uppersizer.SetItemMinSize(b, obj.GetSize()) self.mainsizer.Layout() # b.SetStyle(wx.ALIGN_CENTRE+wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE+wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.dragging = wx.Button(self.panel,-1, obj.GetLabel(), style = wx.BU_EXACTFIT) self.dragging.SetBackgroundColour(obj.GetBackgroundColour()) self.dragging.SetForegroundColour(obj.GetForegroundColour()) self.dragging.sourcebutton = obj self.dragging.Raise() self.dragging.Disable() self.dragging.SetPosition(self.panel.ScreenToClient(scrpos)) self.last_drag_dest = obj self.dragging.label = obj.s_label = obj.GetLabel() self.dragging.bgc = obj.s_bgc = obj.GetBackgroundColour() self.dragging.fgc = obj.s_fgc = obj.GetForegroundColour() else: # dragging in progress self.dragging.SetPosition(self.panel.ScreenToClient(scrpos)) wx.CallAfter(self.dragging.Refresh) btns = self.custombuttonbuttons dst = None src = self.dragging.sourcebutton drg = self.dragging for b in self.custombuttonbuttons: if b.GetScreenRect().Contains(scrpos): dst = b break #if dst is None and self.panel.GetScreenRect().Contains(scrpos): # # try to check if it is after buttons at the end # tspos = self.panel.ClientToScreen(self.uppersizer.GetPosition()) # bspos = self.panel.ClientToScreen(self.centersizer.GetPosition()) # tsrect = wx.Rect(*(tspos.Get()+self.uppersizer.GetSize().Get())) # bsrect = wx.Rect(*(bspos.Get()+self.centersizer.GetSize().Get())) # lbrect = btns[-1].GetScreenRect() # p = scrpos.Get() # if len(btns)<4 and tsrect.Contains(scrpos): # if lbrect.GetRight() < p[0]: # print "Right of last button on upper cb sizer" # if bsrect.Contains(scrpos): # if lbrect.GetBottom() < p[1]: # print "Below last button on lower cb sizer" # if lbrect.GetRight() < p[0] and lbrect.GetTop() <= p[1] and lbrect.GetBottom() >= p[1]: # print "Right to last button on lower cb sizer" if dst is not self.last_drag_dest: if self.last_drag_dest is not None: self.last_drag_dest.SetBackgroundColour(self.last_drag_dest.s_bgc) self.last_drag_dest.SetForegroundColour(self.last_drag_dest.s_fgc) self.last_drag_dest.SetLabel(self.last_drag_dest.s_label) if dst is not None and dst is not src: dst.s_bgc = dst.GetBackgroundColour() dst.s_fgc = dst.GetForegroundColour() dst.s_label = dst.GetLabel() src.SetBackgroundColour(dst.GetBackgroundColour()) src.SetForegroundColour(dst.GetForegroundColour()) src.SetLabel(dst.GetLabel()) dst.SetBackgroundColour(drg.bgc) dst.SetForegroundColour(drg.fgc) dst.SetLabel(drg.label) else: src.SetBackgroundColour(drg.bgc) src.SetForegroundColour(drg.fgc) src.SetLabel(drg.label) self.last_drag_dest = dst elif hasattr(self, "dragging") and not e.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT): # dragging finished obj = e.GetEventObject() scrpos = obj.ClientToScreen(e.GetPosition()) dst = None src = self.dragging.sourcebutton drg = self.dragging for b in self.custombuttonbuttons: if b.GetScreenRect().Contains(scrpos): dst = b break if dst is not None: src_i = src.custombutton dst_i = dst.custombutton self.custombuttons[src_i], self.custombuttons[dst_i] = self.custombuttons[dst_i], self.custombuttons[src_i] self.cbutton_save(src_i, self.custombuttons[src_i]) self.cbutton_save(dst_i, self.custombuttons[dst_i]) while self.custombuttons[-1] is None: del self.custombuttons[-1] wx.CallAfter(self.dragging.Destroy) del self.dragging wx.CallAfter(self.cbuttons_reload) del self.last_drag_dest del self.dragpos else: e.Skip() def homeButtonClicked(self, corner): if corner == 0: # upper-left self.onecmd('home X') if corner == 1: # upper-right self.onecmd('home Y') if corner == 2: # lower-right self.onecmd('home Z') if corner == 3: # lower-left self.onecmd('home') # When user clicks on the XY control, the Z control no longer gets spacebar/repeat signals self.zb.clearRepeat() def moveXY(self, x, y): if x != 0: self.onecmd('move X %s' % x) if y != 0: self.onecmd('move Y %s' % y) # When user clicks on the XY control, the Z control no longer gets spacebar/repeat signals self.zb.clearRepeat() def moveZ(self, z): if z != 0: self.onecmd('move Z %s' % z) # When user clicks on the Z control, the XY control no longer gets spacebar/repeat signals self.xyb.clearRepeat() def spacebarAction(self): self.zb.repeatLast() self.xyb.repeatLast() def procbutton(self, e): try: if hasattr(e.GetEventObject(),"custombutton"): if wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) or wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_ALT): return self.editbutton(e) self.cur_button = e.GetEventObject().custombutton self.onecmd(e.GetEventObject().properties.command) self.cur_button = None except: print _("event object missing") self.cur_button = None raise def kill(self, e): self.statuscheck = False if self.status_thread: self.status_thread.join() self.status_thread = None self.p.recvcb = None self.p.disconnect() if hasattr(self, "feedrates_changed"): self.save_in_rc("set xy_feedrate", "set xy_feedrate %d" % self.settings.xy_feedrate) self.save_in_rc("set z_feedrate", "set z_feedrate %d" % self.settings.z_feedrate) self.save_in_rc("set e_feedrate", "set e_feedrate %d" % self.settings.e_feedrate) try: self.gwindow.Destroy() except: pass self.Destroy() def do_monitor(self, l = ""): if l.strip()=="": self.monitorbox.SetValue(not self.monitorbox.GetValue()) elif l.strip()=="off": wx.CallAfter(self.monitorbox.SetValue, False) else: try: self.monitor_interval = float(l) wx.CallAfter(self.monitorbox.SetValue, self.monitor_interval>0) except: print _("Invalid period given.") self.setmonitor(None) if self.monitor: print _("Monitoring printer.") else: print _("Done monitoring.") def setmonitor(self, e): self.monitor = self.monitorbox.GetValue() if self.monitor: wx.CallAfter(self.graph.StartPlotting, 1000) else: wx.CallAfter(self.graph.StopPlotting) def addtexttolog(self,text): try: self.logbox.AppendText(text) except: print _("Attempted to write invalid text to console, which could be due to an invalid baudrate") def setloud(self,e): self.p.loud=e.IsChecked() def sendline(self, e): command = self.commandbox.GetValue() if not len(command): return wx.CallAfter(self.addtexttolog, ">>>" + command + "\n"); self.onecmd(str(command)) self.commandbox.SetSelection(0, len(command)) self.commandbox.history+=[command] self.commandbox.histindex = len(self.commandbox.history) def clearOutput(self, e): self.logbox.Clear() def statuschecker(self): while self.statuscheck: string = "" wx.CallAfter(self.tempdisp.SetLabel, self.tempreport.strip().replace("ok ", "")) try: #self.hottgauge.SetValue(parse_temperature_report(self.tempreport, "T:")) wx.CallAfter(self.graph.SetExtruder0Temperature, parse_temperature_report(self.tempreport, "T:")) #self.bedtgauge.SetValue(parse_temperature_report(self.tempreport, "B:")) wx.CallAfter(self.graph.SetBedTemperature, parse_temperature_report(self.tempreport, "B:")) except: pass fractioncomplete = 0.0 if self.sdprinting: fractioncomplete = float(self.percentdone / 100.0) string += _(" SD printing:%04.2f %%") % (self.percentdone,) if self.p.printing: fractioncomplete = float(self.p.queueindex) / len(self.p.mainqueue) string += _(" Printing: %04.2f%% |") % (100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue),) string += _(" Line# %d of %d lines |" ) % (self.p.queueindex, len(self.p.mainqueue)) if fractioncomplete > 0.0: secondselapsed = int(time.time() - self.starttime + self.extra_print_time) secondsestimate = secondselapsed / fractioncomplete secondsremain = secondsestimate - secondselapsed string += _(" Est: %s of %s remaining | ") % (format_duration(secondsremain), format_duration(secondsestimate)) string += _(" Z: %0.2f mm") % self.curlayer wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, string) wx.CallAfter(self.gviz.Refresh) if(self.monitor and self.p.online): if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M27") if not hasattr(self, "auto_monitor_pattern"): self.auto_monitor_pattern = re.compile(r"(ok\s+)?T:[\d\.]+(\s+B:[\d\.]+)?(\s+@:[\d\.]+)?\s*") self.capture_skip[self.auto_monitor_pattern] = self.capture_skip.setdefault(self.auto_monitor_pattern, 0) + 1 self.p.send_now("M105") cur_time = time.time() while time.time() < cur_time + self.monitor_interval: if not self.statuscheck: break time.sleep(0.25) while not self.sentlines.empty(): try: gc = self.sentlines.get_nowait() wx.CallAfter(self.gviz.addgcode, gc, 1) except: break wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("Not connected to printer.")) def capture(self, func, *args, **kwargs): stdout = sys.stdout cout = None try: cout = self.cout except: pass if cout is None: cout = cStringIO.StringIO() sys.stdout = cout retval = None try: retval = func(*args,**kwargs) except: traceback.print_exc() sys.stdout = stdout return retval def recvcb(self, l): if "T:" in l: self.tempreport = l wx.CallAfter(self.tempdisp.SetLabel, self.tempreport.strip().replace("ok ", "")) try: #self.hottgauge.SetValue(parse_temperature_report(self.tempreport, "T:")) wx.CallAfter(self.graph.SetExtruder0Temperature, parse_temperature_report(self.tempreport, "T:")) wx.CallAfter(self.graph.SetBedTemperature, parse_temperature_report(self.tempreport, "B:")) except: traceback.print_exc() tstring = l.rstrip() #print tstring if (tstring!="ok") and (tstring!="wait") and ("ok T:" not in tstring) and (not self.p.loud): # print "*"+tstring+"*" # print "[" + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) + "] " + tstring wx.CallAfter(self.addtexttolog, tstring + "\n"); for i in self.recvlisteners: i(l) def listfiles(self, line): if "Begin file list" in line: self.listing = 1 elif "End file list" in line: self.listing = 0 self.recvlisteners.remove(self.listfiles) wx.CallAfter(self.filesloaded) elif self.listing: self.sdfiles+=[line.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").lower()] def waitforsdresponse(self, l): if "file.open failed" in l: wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("Opening file failed.")) self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) return if "File opened" in l: wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, l) if "File selected" in l: wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("Starting print")) self.sdprinting = 1 self.p.send_now("M24") self.startcb() return if "Done printing file" in l: wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, l) self.sdprinting = 0 self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) self.endcb() return if "SD printing byte" in l: #M27 handler try: resp = l.split() vals = resp[-1].split("/") self.percentdone = 100.0*int(vals[0])/int(vals[1]) except: pass def filesloaded(self): dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self, _("Select the file to print"), _("Pick SD file"), self.sdfiles) if(dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK): target = dlg.GetStringSelection() if len(target): self.recvlisteners+=[self.waitforsdresponse] self.p.send_now("M23 "+target.lower()) #print self.sdfiles def getfiles(self): if not self.p.online: self.sdfiles = [] return self.listing = 0 self.sdfiles = [] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M21") self.p.send_now("M20") def skein_func(self): try: import shlex param = self.expandcommand(self.settings.slicecommand).encode() print "Slicing: ", param pararray = [i.replace("$s", self.filename).replace("$o", self.filename.replace(".stl", "_export.gcode").replace(".STL", "_export.gcode")).encode() for i in shlex.split(param.replace("\\", "\\\\").encode())] #print pararray self.skeinp = subprocess.Popen(pararray, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) while True: o = self.skeinp.stdout.read(1) if o == '' and self.skeinp.poll() != None: break sys.stdout.write(o) self.skeinp.wait() self.stopsf = 1 except: print _("Failed to execute slicing software: ") self.stopsf = 1 traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout) def skein_monitor(self): while(not self.stopsf): try: wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("Slicing..."))#+self.cout.getvalue().split("\n")[-1]) except: pass time.sleep(0.1) fn = self.filename try: self.filename = self.filename.replace(".stl", "_export.gcode").replace(".STL", "_export.gcode").replace(".obj", "_export.gcode").replace(".OBJ", "_export.gcode") of = open(self.filename) self.f = [i.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") for i in of] of.close() if self.p.online: wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.Enable) wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("Loaded ")+self.filename+_(", %d lines") % (len(self.f),)) wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.Disable) wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.SetLabel, _("Print")) threading.Thread(target = self.loadviz).start() except: self.filename = fn wx.CallAfter(self.loadbtn.SetLabel, _("Load File")) self.skeining = 0 self.skeinp = None def skein(self, filename): wx.CallAfter(self.loadbtn.SetLabel, _("Cancel")) print _("Slicing ") + filename self.cout = StringIO.StringIO() self.filename = filename self.stopsf = 0 self.skeining = 1 threading.Thread(target = self.skein_func).start() threading.Thread(target = self.skein_monitor).start() def do_load(self,l): if hasattr(self, 'skeining'): self.loadfile(None, l) else: self._do_load(l) def loadfile(self, event, filename = None): if self.skeining and self.skeinp is not None: self.skeinp.terminate() return basedir = self.settings.last_file_path if not os.path.exists(basedir): basedir = "." try: basedir = os.path.split(self.filename)[0] except: pass dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Open file to print"), basedir, style = wx.FD_OPEN|wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) dlg.SetWildcard(_("OBJ, STL, and GCODE files (*.gcode;*.gco;*.g;*.stl;*.STL;*.obj;*.OBJ)|*.gcode;*.gco;*.g;*.stl;*.STL;*.obj;*.OBJ|All Files (*.*)|*.*")) if(filename is not None or dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK): if filename is not None: name = filename else: name = dlg.GetPath() if not(os.path.exists(name)): self.status.SetStatusText(_("File not found!")) return path = os.path.split(name)[0] if path != self.settings.last_file_path: self.set("last_file_path", path) if name.lower().endswith(".stl"): self.skein(name) elif name.lower().endswith(".obj"): self.skein(name) else: self.filename = name of = open(self.filename) self.f = [i.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") for i in of] of.close() self.status.SetStatusText(_("Loaded %s, %d lines") % (name, len(self.f))) wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.SetLabel, _("Print")) wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.SetLabel, _("Pause")) wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.Disable) wx.CallAfter(self.recoverbtn.Disable) if self.p.online: wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.Enable) threading.Thread(target = self.loadviz).start() def loadviz(self): gcode = gcoder.GCode(self.f) gcode.measure() print gcode.filament_length(), _("mm of filament used in this print\n") print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in X\nand is %f mm wide\n") % (gcode.xmin, gcode.xmax, gcode.width) print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in Y\nand is %f mm wide\n") % (gcode.ymin, gcode.ymax, gcode.depth) print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in Z\nand is %f mm high\n") % (gcode.zmin, gcode.zmax, gcode.height) print _("Estimated duration (pessimistic): "), gcode.estimate_duration() self.gviz.clear() self.gwindow.p.clear() self.gviz.addfile(gcode) self.gwindow.p.addfile(gcode) self.gviz.showall = 1 wx.CallAfter(self.gviz.Refresh) def printfile(self, event): self.extra_print_time = 0 if self.paused: self.p.paused = 0 self.paused = 0 self.on_startprint() if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M26 S0") self.p.send_now("M24") return if self.f is None or not len(self.f): wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("No file loaded. Please use load first.")) return if not self.p.online: wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("Not connected to printer.")) return self.on_startprint() self.p.startprint(self.f) def on_startprint(self): wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.SetLabel, _("Pause")) wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.Enable) wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.SetLabel, _("Restart")) def endupload(self): self.p.send_now("M29 ") wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("File upload complete")) time.sleep(0.5) self.p.clear = True self.uploading = False def uploadtrigger(self, l): if "Writing to file" in l: self.uploading = True self.p.startprint(self.f) self.p.endcb = self.endupload self.recvlisteners.remove(self.uploadtrigger) elif "open failed, File" in l: self.recvlisteners.remove(self.uploadtrigger) def upload(self, event): if not self.f or not len(self.f): return if not self.p.online: return dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, ("Enter a target filename in 8.3 format:"), _("Pick SD filename") ,dosify(self.filename)) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.p.send_now("M21") self.p.send_now("M28 "+str(dlg.GetValue())) self.recvlisteners+=[self.uploadtrigger] def pause(self, event): print _("Paused.") if not self.paused: if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M25") else: if(not self.p.printing): #print "Not printing, cannot pause." return self.p.pause() self.p.runSmallScript(self.pauseScript) self.paused = True #self.p.runSmallScript(self.pauseScript) self.extra_print_time += int(time.time() - self.starttime) wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.SetLabel, _("Resume")) else: self.paused = False if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M24") else: self.p.resume() wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.SetLabel, _("Pause")) def sdprintfile(self, event): self.on_startprint() threading.Thread(target = self.getfiles).start() def connect(self, event): print _("Connecting...") port = None try: port = self.scanserial()[0] except: pass if self.serialport.GetValue()!="": port = str(self.serialport.GetValue()) baud = 115200 try: baud = int(self.baud.GetValue()) except: pass if self.paused: self.p.paused = 0 self.p.printing = 0 wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.SetLabel, _("Pause")) wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.SetLabel, _("Print")) self.paused = 0 if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M26 S0") try: self.p.connect(port, baud) except SerialException as e: # Currently, there is no errno, but it should be there in the future if e.errno == 2: print _("Error: You are trying to connect to a non-exisiting port.") elif e.errno == 8: print _("Error: You don't have permission to open %s.") % port print _("You might need to add yourself to the dialout group.") else: print e # Kill the scope anyway return self.statuscheck = True if port != self.settings.port: self.set("port", port) if baud != self.settings.baudrate: self.set("baudrate", str(baud)) self.status_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.statuschecker) self.status_thread.start() if self.predisconnect_mainqueue: self.recoverbtn.Enable() def recover(self, event): self.extra_print_time = 0 if not self.p.online: wx.CallAfter(self.status.SetStatusText, _("Not connected to printer.")) return # Reset Z self.p.send_now("G92 Z%f" % self.predisconnect_layer) # Home X and Y self.p.send_now("G28 X Y") self.on_startprint() self.p.startprint(self.predisconnect_mainqueue, self.p.queueindex) def store_predisconnect_state(self): self.predisconnect_mainqueue = self.p.mainqueue self.predisconnect_queueindex = self.p.queueindex self.predisconnect_layer = self.curlayer def disconnect(self, event): print _("Disconnected.") if self.p.printing or self.p.paused or self.paused: self.store_predisconnect_state() self.p.disconnect() self.statuscheck = False if self.status_thread: self.status_thread.join() self.status_thread = None self.connectbtn.SetLabel(_("Connect")) self.connectbtn.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Connect to the printer")) self.connectbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.connect) wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.Disable) wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.Disable) wx.CallAfter(self.recoverbtn.Disable) for i in self.printerControls: wx.CallAfter(i.Disable) # Disable XYButtons and ZButtons wx.CallAfter(self.xyb.disable) wx.CallAfter(self.zb.disable) if self.paused: self.p.paused = 0 self.p.printing = 0 wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.SetLabel, _("Pause")) wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.SetLabel, _("Print")) self.paused = 0 if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M26 S0") def reset(self, event): print _("Reset.") dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("Are you sure you want to reset the printer?"), _("Reset?"), wx.YES|wx.NO) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.p.reset() self.sethotendgui(0) self.setbedgui(0) self.p.printing = 0 wx.CallAfter(self.printbtn.SetLabel, _("Print")) if self.paused: self.p.paused = 0 wx.CallAfter(self.pausebtn.SetLabel, _("Pause")) self.paused = 0 def get_build_dimensions(self, bdim): import re # a string containing up to six numbers delimited by almost anything # first 0-3 numbers specify the build volume, no sign, always positive # remaining 0-3 numbers specify the coordinates of the "southwest" corner of the build platform # "XXX,YYY" # "XXXxYYY+xxx-yyy" # "XXX,YYY,ZZZ+xxx+yyy-zzz" # etc bdl = re.match( "[^\d+-]*(\d+)?" + # X build size "[^\d+-]*(\d+)?" + # Y build size "[^\d+-]*(\d+)?" + # Z build size "[^\d+-]*([+-]\d+)?" + # X corner coordinate "[^\d+-]*([+-]\d+)?" + # Y corner coordinate "[^\d+-]*([+-]\d+)?" + # Z corner coordinate "[^\d+-]*([+-]\d+)?" + # X endstop "[^\d+-]*([+-]\d+)?" + # Y endstop "[^\d+-]*([+-]\d+)?" # Z endstop ,bdim).groups() defaults = [200, 200, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] bdl_float = [float(value) if value else defaults[i] for i, value in enumerate(bdl)] return bdl_float if __name__ == '__main__': app = wx.App(False) main = PronterWindow() main.Show() try: app.MainLoop() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass