import cmd, printcore, sys #help(cmd) import glob, os, time class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.p=printcore.printcore() self.prompt="PC>" self.f=None self.paused=False def scanserial(self): """scan for available ports. return a list of device names.""" #TODO: Add windows port detection return glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') +glob.glob("/dev/tty.*")+glob.glob("/dev/cu.*")+glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*") def online(self): print "Printer is now online" sys.stdout.write(self.prompt) sys.stdout.flush() def help_help(self,l): self.do_help("") def do_gcodes(self,l): self.help_gcodes() def help_gcodes(self): print "Gcodes are passed through to the printer as they are" def postloop(self): self.p.disconnect() cmd.Cmd.postloop(self) def preloop(self): #self.p.disconnect() cmd.Cmd.preloop(self) def do_connect(self,l): a=l.split() p=self.scanserial() port=p[0] baud=115200 if(len(a)>1): port=a[0] if(len(a)>2): baud=a[1] if len(p)==0 and port is None: print "No serial ports detected - please specify a port" return if len(a)==0: print "No port specified - connecting to %s at %dbps" % (port,baud) self.p.connect(port, baud) def help_connect(self): print "Connect to printer" print "connect " print "If port and baudrate are not specified, connects to first detected port at 115200bps" def complete_connect(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.scanserial() if i.startswith(text)] elif(len(line.split())==3 or (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1]==" ")): return [i for i in ["2400", "9600", "19200", "38400", "57600", "115200"] if i.startswith(text)] else: return [] def do_disconnect(self,l): self.p.disconnect() def help_disconnect(self): print "Disconnects from the printer" def do_load(self,l): print "Loading file:"+l if not(os.path.exists(l)): print "File not found!" return self.f=[i.replace("\n","") for i in open(l)] self.filename=l print "Loaded ",l,", ",len(self.f)," lines." def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): s=line.split() if (len(s)==1 and line[-1]==" ") or (len(s)==2 and line[-1]!=" "): if len(s)>1: return [i[len(s[1])-len(text):] for i in glob.glob(s[1]+"*/")+glob.glob(s[1]+"*.g*")] else: return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*") def help_load(self): print "Loads a gcode file (with tab-completion)" def help_print(self): if self.f is None: print "Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. Load a file with the load command first." else: print "Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. You have "+self.filename+" loaded right now." def do_print(self, l): if self.f is None: print "No file loaded. Please use load first." return if not print "Not connected to printer." return print("Printing "+self.filename) print("Press Ctrl-C to interrupt print (you can resume it with the resume command)") self.p.startprint(self.f) self.p.pause() self.paused=True self.do_resume(None) def do_resume(self,l): if not self.paused: print "Not paused, unable to resume. Start a print first." return self.paused=False try: self.p.resume() #print self.p.printing sys.stdout.write("Progress: 00.0%") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) while self.p.printing: time.sleep(1) sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b\b%04.1f%%" % (100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue),) ) sys.stdout.flush() print "Print completed." return except: print "...interrupted!" self.paused=True self.p.pause() print "Use the resume command to resume this print" def emptyline(self): pass def do_shell(self,l): exec(l) def help_shell(self): print "Executes a python command. Example:" print "! os.listdir('.')" def default(self,l): if(l[0]=='M' or l[0]=="G"): if(self.p and print "SENDING:"+l self.p.send_now(l) if(l[0]=='m' or l[0]=="g"): if(self.p and print "SENDING:"+l.upper() self.p.send_now(l.upper()) else: cmd.Cmd.default(self,l) interp=pronsole() interp.cmdloop()