#!/usr/bin/env python import cmd, printcore, sys import glob, os, time if os.name=="nt": try: import _winreg except: pass READLINE=True try: import readline try: readline.rl.mode.show_all_if_ambiguous="on" #config pyreadline on windows except: pass except: READLINE=False #neither readline module is available def dosify(name): return os.path.split(name)[1].split(".")[0][:8]+".g" class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) if not READLINE: self.completekey=None self.p=printcore.printcore() self.p.recvcb=self.recvcb self.recvlisteners=[] self.prompt="PC>" self.p.onlinecb=self.online self.f=None self.listing=0 self.sdfiles=[] self.paused=False self.sdprinting=0 self.temps={"pla":"210","abs":"230","off":"0"} self.bedtemps={"pla":"60","abs":"110","off":"0"} self.percentdone=0 self.tempreadings="" self.macros={} self.processing_rc=False self.lastport = (None,None) self.monitoring=0 def scanserial(self): """scan for available ports. return a list of device names.""" baselist=[] if os.name=="nt": try: key=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM") i=0 while(1): baselist+=[_winreg.EnumValue(key,i)[1]] i+=1 except: pass return baselist+glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') +glob.glob("/dev/tty.*")+glob.glob("/dev/cu.*")+glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*") def online(self): print "Printer is now online" sys.stdout.write(self.prompt) sys.stdout.flush() def help_help(self,l): self.do_help("") def do_gcodes(self,l): self.help_gcodes() def help_gcodes(self): print "Gcodes are passed through to the printer as they are" def complete_macro(self,text,line,begidx,endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.macros.keys() if i.startswith(text)] elif(len(line.split())==3 or (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1]==" ")): return ["/D", "/S"] + self.completenames(text) else: return [] def hook_macro(self,l): l = l.rstrip() ls = l.lstrip() ws = l[:len(l)-len(ls)] # just leading whitespace if len(ws)==0: self.end_macro() # pass the unprocessed line to regular command processor to not require empty line in .pronsolerc return self.onecmd(l) if ls.startswith('#'): return if ls.startswith('!'): self.cur_macro += ws + ls[1:] + "\n" # python mode else: self.cur_macro += ws + 'self.onecmd("'+ls+'".format(*arg))\n' # parametric command mode self.cur_macro_def += l + "\n" def end_macro(self): if self.__dict__.has_key("onecmd"): del self.onecmd # remove override if not self.processing_rc: print "Macro '"+self.cur_macro_name+"' defined" #print self.cur_macro+"------------" # debug self.prompt="PC>" if self.cur_macro_def!="": self.macros[self.cur_macro_name] = self.cur_macro_def exec self.cur_macro setattr(self.__class__,"do_"+self.cur_macro_name,lambda self,largs,macro=macro:macro(self,*largs.split())) setattr(self.__class__,"help_"+self.cur_macro_name,lambda self,macro_name=self.cur_macro_name: self.subhelp_macro(macro_name)) else: print "Empty macro - cancelled" del self.cur_macro,self.cur_macro_name,self.cur_macro_def def do_macro(self,args): if args.strip()=="": self.print_topics("User-defined macros",self.macros.keys(),15,80) return arglist = args.split(None,1) macro_name = arglist[0] if macro_name not in self.macros and hasattr(self.__class__,"do_"+macro_name): print "Name '"+macro_name+"' is being used by built-in command" return if len(arglist) == 2: macro_def = arglist[1] if macro_def.lower() == "/d": if macro_name in self.macros.keys(): delattr(self.__class__,"do_"+macro_name) del self.macros[macro_name] print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' removed" else: print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' is not defined" return if macro_def.lower() == "/s": self.subhelp_macro(macro_name) return self.cur_macro_def = macro_def self.cur_macro_name = macro_name if macro_def.startswith("!"): self.cur_macro = "def macro(self,*arg):\n "+macro_def[1:]+"\n" else: self.cur_macro = "def macro(self,*arg):\n self.onecmd('"+macro_def+"'.format(*arg))\n" self.end_macro() return if not self.processing_rc: print "Enter macro using indented lines, end with empty line" self.cur_macro_name = macro_name self.cur_macro_def = "" self.cur_macro = "def macro(self,*arg):\n" self.onecmd = self.hook_macro # override onecmd temporarily self.prompt="..>" def help_macro(self): print "Define single-line macro: macro " print "Define multi-line macro: macro " print "Enter macro definition in indented lines. Use {0} .. {N} to substitute macro arguments" print "Enter python code, prefixed with ! Use arg[0] .. arg[N] to substitute macro arguments" print "Delete macro: macro /d" print "Show macro definition: macro /s" print "'macro' without arguments displays list of defined macros" def subhelp_macro(self,macro_name): if macro_name in self.macros.keys(): macro_def = self.macros[macro_name] if "\n" in macro_def: print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' defined as:" print self.macros[macro_name]+"----------------" else: print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' defined as: '"+macro_def+"'" else: print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' is not defined" def postloop(self): self.p.disconnect() cmd.Cmd.postloop(self) def preloop(self): self.processing_rc=True try: with open(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".pronsolerc")) as rc: for rc_cmd in rc: if not rc_cmd.lstrip().startswith("#"): self.onecmd(rc_cmd) except IOError: pass self.processing_rc=False print "Welcome to the printer console! Type \"help\" for a list of available commands." cmd.Cmd.preloop(self) def do_connect(self,l): a=l.split() p=self.scanserial() port=self.lastport[0] if (port is None or port not in p) and len(p)>0: port=p[0] baud=self.lastport[1] or 115200 if(len(a)>0): port=a[0] if(len(a)>1): try: baud=int(a[1]) except: print "Bad baud value '"+a[1]+"' ignored" if len(p)==0 and port is None: print "No serial ports detected - please specify a port" return if len(a)==0: print "No port specified - connecting to %s at %dbps" % (port,baud) self.lastport = (port, baud) self.p.connect(port, baud) def help_connect(self): print "Connect to printer" print "connect " print "If port and baudrate are not specified, connects to first detected port at 115200bps" ports=self.scanserial() if(len(ports)): print "Available ports: ", " ".join(ports) else: print "No serial ports were automatically found." def complete_connect(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.scanserial() if i.startswith(text)] elif(len(line.split())==3 or (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1]==" ")): return [i for i in ["2400", "9600", "19200", "38400", "57600", "115200"] if i.startswith(text)] else: return [] def do_disconnect(self,l): self.p.disconnect() def help_disconnect(self): print "Disconnects from the printer" def do_load(self,l): if len(l)==0: print "No file name given." return print "Loading file:"+l if not(os.path.exists(l)): print "File not found!" return self.f=[i.replace("\n","").replace("\r","") for i in open(l)] self.filename=l print "Loaded ",l,", ",len(self.f)," lines." def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): s=line.split() if len(s)>2: return [] if (len(s)==1 and line[-1]==" ") or (len(s)==2 and line[-1]!=" "): if len(s)>1: return [i[len(s[1])-len(text):] for i in glob.glob(s[1]+"*/")+glob.glob(s[1]+"*.g*")] else: return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*") def help_load(self): print "Loads a gcode file (with tab-completion)" def do_upload(self,l): if len(l)==0: print "No file name given." return print "Loading file:"+l.split()[0] if not(os.path.exists(l.split()[0])): print "File not found!" return if not self.p.online: print "Not connected to printer." return self.f=[i.replace("\n","") for i in open(l.split()[0])] self.filename=l.split()[0] print "Loaded ",l,", ",len(self.f)," lines." tname="" if len(l.split())>1: tname=l.split()[1] else: print "please enter target name in 8.3 format." return print "Uploading as ",tname print("Uploading "+self.filename) self.p.send_now("M28 "+tname) print("Press Ctrl-C to interrupt upload.") self.p.startprint(self.f) try: sys.stdout.write("Progress: 00.0%") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) while self.p.printing: time.sleep(1) sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b\b%04.1f%%" % (100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue),) ) sys.stdout.flush() self.p.send_now("M29 "+tname) self.sleep(0.2) self.p.clear=1 self.listing=0 self.sdfiles=[] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M20") time.sleep(0.5) print "\b\b\b\b\b100%. Upload completed. ",tname," should now be on the card." return except: print "...interrupted!" self.p.pause() self.p.send_now("M29 "+tname) time.sleep(0.2) self.p.clear=1 self.p.startprint([]) print "A partial file named ",tname," may have been written to the sd card." def complete_upload(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): s=line.split() if len(s)>2: return [] if (len(s)==1 and line[-1]==" ") or (len(s)==2 and line[-1]!=" "): if len(s)>1: return [i[len(s[1])-len(text):] for i in glob.glob(s[1]+"*/")+glob.glob(s[1]+"*.g*")] else: return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*") def help_upload(self): print "Uploads a gcode file to the sd card" def help_print(self): if self.f is None: print "Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. Load a file with the load command first." else: print "Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. You have "+self.filename+" loaded right now." def do_print(self, l): if self.f is None: print "No file loaded. Please use load first." return if not self.p.online: print "Not connected to printer." return print("Printing "+self.filename) print("You can monitor the print with the monitor command.") self.p.startprint(self.f) #self.p.pause() #self.paused=True #self.do_resume(None) def do_pause(self,l): if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M25") else: if(not self.p.printing): print "Not printing, cannot pause." return self.p.pause() #self.p.connect()# This seems to work, but is not a good solution. self.paused=True #self.do_resume(None) def help_pause(self): print "Pauses a running print" def do_resume(self,l): if not self.paused: print "Not paused, unable to resume. Start a print first." return self.paused=False if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M24") return else: self.p.resume() def help_resume(self): print "Resumes a paused print." def emptyline(self): pass def do_shell(self,l): exec(l) def listfiles(self,line): if "Begin file list" in line: self.listing=1 elif "End file list" in line: self.listing=0 self.recvlisteners.remove(self.listfiles) elif self.listing: self.sdfiles+=[line.replace("\n","").replace("\r","").lower()] def do_ls(self,l): if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Try connect to it first." return self.listing=2 self.sdfiles=[] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M20") time.sleep(0.5) print " ".join(self.sdfiles) def help_ls(self): print "lists files on the SD card" def waitforsdresponse(self,l): if "file.open failed" in l: print "Opening file failed." self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) return if "File opened" in l: print l if "File selected" in l: print "Starting print" self.p.send_now("M24") self.sdprinting=1 #self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) return if "Done printing file" in l: print l self.sdprinting=0 self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) return if "SD printing byte" in l: #M27 handler try: resp=l.split() vals=resp[-1].split("/") self.percentdone=100.0*int(vals[0])/int(vals[1]) except: pass def do_reset(self,l): self.p.reset() def help_reset(self): print "Resets the printer." def do_sdprint(self,l): if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Try connect to it first." return self.listing=2 self.sdfiles=[] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M20") time.sleep(0.5) if not (l.lower() in self.sdfiles): print "File is not present on card. Upload it first" return self.recvlisteners+=[self.waitforsdresponse] self.p.send_now("M23 "+l.lower()) print "Printing file: "+l.lower()+" from SD card." print "Requesting SD print..." time.sleep(1) def help_sdprint(self): print "Print a file from the SD card. Tabcompletes with available file names." print "sdprint filename.g" def complete_sdprint(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if self.sdfiles==[] and self.p.online: self.listing=2 self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M20") time.sleep(0.5) if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.sdfiles if i.startswith(text)] def recvcb(self,l): if "T:" in l: self.tempreadings=l tstring=l.rstrip() if(tstring!="ok" and not tstring.startswith("ok T") and not tstring.startswith("T:") and not self.listing and not self.monitoring): print tstring sys.stdout.write(self.prompt) sys.stdout.flush() for i in self.recvlisteners: i(l) def help_shell(self): print "Executes a python command. Example:" print "! os.listdir('.')" def default(self,l): if(l[0]=='M' or l[0]=="G"): if(self.p and self.p.online): print "SENDING:"+l self.p.send_now(l) else: print "Printer is not online." return if(l[0]=='m' or l[0]=="g"): if(self.p and self.p.online): print "SENDING:"+l.upper() self.p.send_now(l.upper()) else: print "Printer is not online." return else: cmd.Cmd.default(self,l) def help_help(self): self.do_help("") def tempcb(self,l): if "T:" in l: print l.replace("\r","").replace("T","Hotend").replace("B","Bed").replace("\n","").replace("ok ","") def do_gettemp(self,l): if self.p.online: self.recvlisteners+=[self.tempcb] self.p.send_now("M105") time.sleep(0.75) self.recvlisteners.remove(self.tempcb) def help_gettemp(self): print "Read the extruder and bed temperature." def do_settemp(self,l): try: l=l.lower().replace(",",".") for i in self.temps.keys(): l=l.replace(i,self.temps[i]) f=float(l) if f>=0: if self.p.online: self.p.send_now("M104 S"+l) print "Setting hotend temperature to ",f," degrees Celsius." else: print "Printer is not online." else: print "You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the hotend off entirely, set its temperature to 0." except: print "You must enter a temperature." def help_settemp(self): print "Sets the hotend temperature to the value entered." print "Enter either a temperature in celsius or one of the following keywords" print ", ".join([i+"("+self.temps[i]+")" for i in self.temps.keys()]) def complete_settemp(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.temps.keys() if i.startswith(text)] def do_bedtemp(self,l): try: l=l.lower().replace(",",".") for i in self.bedtemps.keys(): l=l.replace(i,self.bedtemps[i]) f=float(l) if f>=0: if self.p.online: self.p.send_now("M140 S"+l) print "Setting bed temperature to ",f," degrees Celsius." else: print "Printer is not online." else: print "You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the bed off entirely, set its temperature to 0." except: print "You must enter a temperature." def help_bedtemp(self): print "Sets the bed temperature to the value entered." print "Enter either a temperature in celsius or one of the following keywords" print ", ".join([i+"("+self.bedtemps[i]+")" for i in self.bedtemps.keys()]) def complete_bedtemp(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.bedtemps.keys() if i.startswith(text)] def do_move(self,l): if(len(l.split())<2): print "No move specified." return if self.p.printing: print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." return if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." return feed=300 axis="E" l=l.split() if(l[0].lower()=="x"): feed=3000 axis="X" elif(l[0].lower()=="y"): feed=3000 axis="Y" elif(l[0].lower()=="z"): feed=200 axis="Z" elif(l[0].lower()=="e"): feed=300 axis="E" else: print "Unknown axis." return dist=0 try: dist=float(l[1]) except: print "Invalid number" return self.p.send_now("G91") self.p.send_now("G1 "+axis+str(l[1])+" F"+str(feed)) self.p.send_now("G90") def help_move(self): print "Move an axis. Specify the name of the axis and the amount. " print "move X 10 will move the X axis forward by 10mm" print "move Z -1 will move the Z axis down by 1mm" print "Common amounts are in the tabcomplete list." def complete_move(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in ["X ","Y ","Z ","E "] if i.lower().startswith(text)] elif(len(line.split())==3 or (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1]==" ")): base=line.split()[-1] rlen=0 if base.startswith("-"): rlen=1 if line[-1]==" ": base="" return [i[rlen:] for i in ["-100","-10","-1","-0.1","100","10","1","0.1","-50","-5","-0.5","50","5","0.5","-200","-20","-2","-0.2","200","20","2","0.2"] if i.startswith(base)] else: return [] def do_extrude(self,l,override=None,overridefeed=300): length=5#default extrusion length feed=300#default speed if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." return if self.p.printing: print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." return ls=l.split() if len(ls): try: length=float(ls[0]) except: print "Invalid length given." if len(ls)>1: try: feed=int(ls[1]) except: print "Invalid speed given." if override is not None: length=override feed=overridefeed if length > 0: print "Extruding %fmm of filament."%(length,) elif length <0: print "Reversing %fmm of filament."%(-1*length,) else: "Length is 0, not doing anything." self.p.send_now("G91") self.p.send_now("G1 E"+str(length)+" F"+str(feed)) self.p.send_now("G90") def help_extrude(self): print "Extrudes a length of filament, 5mm by default, or the number of mm given as a parameter" print "extrude - extrudes 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "extrude 20 - extrudes 20mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "extrude -5 - REVERSES 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "extrude 10 210 - extrudes 10mm of filament at 210mm/min (3.5mm/s)" def do_reverse(self, l): length=5#default extrusion length feed=300#default speed if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." return if self.p.printing: print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." return ls=l.split() if len(ls): try: length=float(ls[0]) except: print "Invalid length given." if len(ls)>1: try: feed=int(ls[1]) except: print "Invalid speed given." self.do_extrude("",length*-1.0,feed) def help_reverse(self): print "Reverses the extruder, 5mm by default, or the number of mm given as a parameter" print "reverse - reverses 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "reverse 20 - reverses 20mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "reverse 10 210 - extrudes 10mm of filament at 210mm/min (3.5mm/s)" print "reverse -5 - EXTRUDES 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" def do_exit(self,l): print "Disconnecting from printer..." self.p.disconnect() print "Exiting program. Goodbye!" return True def help_exit(self): print "Disconnects from the printer and exits the program." def do_monitor(self,l): interval=5 if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Please connect first." return print "Monitoring printer, use ^C to interrupt." if len(l): try: interval=float(l) except: print "Invalid period given." print "Updating values every %f seconds."%(interval,) self.monitoring=1 try: while(1): self.p.send_now("M105") if(self.sdprinting): self.p.send_now("M27") time.sleep(interval) print (self.tempreadings.replace("\r","").replace("T","Hotend").replace("B","Bed").replace("\n","").replace("ok ","")) if(self.p.printing): print "Print progress: ", 100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue), "%" if(self.sdprinting): print "SD print progress: ", self.percentdone,"%" except: print "Done monitoring." pass self.monitoring=0 def help_monitor(self): print "Monitor a machine's temperatures and an SD print's status." print "monitor - Reports temperature and SD print status (if SD printing) every 5 seconds" print "monitor 2 - Reports temperature and SD print status (if SD printing) every 2 seconds" def do_skein(self,l): l=l.split() if len(l)==0: print "No file name given." return settings=0 if(l[0]=="set"): settings=1 else: print "Skeining file:"+l[0] if not(os.path.exists(l[0])): print "File not found!" return if not os.path.exists("skeinforge"): print "Skeinforge not found. \nPlease copy Skeinforge into a directory named \"skeinforge\" in the same directory as this file." return if not os.path.exists("skeinforge/__init__.py"): with open("skeinforge/__init__.py","w"): pass try: from skeinforge.skeinforge_application.skeinforge_utilities import skeinforge_craft from skeinforge.skeinforge_application import skeinforge if(settings): skeinforge.main() else: if(len(l)>1): if(l[1] == "view"): skeinforge_craft.writeOutput(l[0],True) else: skeinforge_craft.writeOutput(l[0],False) else: skeinforge_craft.writeOutput(l[0],False) print "Loading skeined file." self.do_load(l[0].replace(".stl","_export.gcode")) except: print "Skeinforge execution failed." def complete_skein(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): s=line.split() if len(s)>2: return [] if (len(s)==1 and line[-1]==" ") or (len(s)==2 and line[-1]!=" "): if len(s)>1: return [i[len(s[1])-len(text):] for i in glob.glob(s[1]+"*/")+glob.glob(s[1]+"*.stl")] else: return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.stl") def help_skein(self): print "Creates a gcode file from an stl model using skeinforge (with tab-completion)" print "skein filename.stl - create gcode file" print "skein filename.stl view - create gcode file and view using skeiniso" print "skein set - adjust skeinforge settings" def do_home(self,l): if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." return if self.p.printing: print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." return if "x" in l.lower(): self.do_move("X -250") self.p.send_now("G92 X0") self.do_move("X 1") self.do_move("X -1") self.p.send_now("G92 X0") if "y" in l.lower(): self.do_move("Y -250") self.p.send_now("G92 Y0") self.do_move("Y 1") self.do_move("Y -1") self.p.send_now("G92 Y0") if "z" in l.lower(): self.do_move("Z -250") send_now("G92 Z0") self.do_move("Z 1") self.do_move("Z -1") self.p.send_now("G92 Z0") if not len(l): self.p.send_now("G28") def help_home(self): print "Homes the printer" print "home - homes all axes (Using G28)" print "home xy - homes x and y axes (Using G1 and G92)" print "home z - homes z axis only (Using G1 and G92)" print "home xyz - homes all axes (Using G1 and G92)" if __name__=="__main__": interp=pronsole() try: interp.cmdloop() except: interp.p.disconnect() raise